Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

A/N: I wrote it for Sasusaku month 2012(or 2013, I'm not sure). Had it here with a bunch of other stuff which I deleted because I was feeling stupid. And I've been meaning to reupload the stuff I deleted(well atleast the stories which I did back up).

This takes place during Sakura's pregnancy.

Summary: In which Sakura is mad, Sasuke is confused and Naruto is the ultimate wise guy.
Rating: K
Prompt: Conversation



"My arm is bleeding."






"You threw the bandage roll at me."


"Is something wrong?"


"Did something happen at the hospital?"


"On your mission then?"






"Are you saying yes or no?"




"Was it something I did?"


"What did I do?"




"Say something, dammit!"


"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"You're annoying."


"Hello! The Most Glorious Hokage to ever grace Konoha is currently unavailable to take your call. Please schedule an appointment with his secretary and his grace might just get back to you!"


"Hello! The Most Glorious Hokage to ever grace Konoha is currently unavailable to take your call. Please schedule an appointment with his secretary and his grace might just get back to you!"


"Hello! The Most Glorious Hokage –"



"Sasuke! Why the hell are you calling me at this time of the freaking night?"

"It's morning, dobe."

"It is two a.m you bastard!"

"Sakura is acting... weird."

"Go to bed, Sasuke."

"She won't talk to me."

"Maybe she's asleep, like every other normal human being!"

"She just slammed the bedroom door in my face."


"She called me annoying."


"And she kept hn-ing me."


"She's acting like me."



"She didn't hit you?"


"Shit, Sasuke, that's bad! What did you do to her?"


"Think, you idiot. Was today your anniversary? Anything that you forgot?"


"Keep thinking, bastard. Did she go anywhere today?"

"Just a D-rank mission with some of the academy brats. And the hospital for her scan."


"She said something about it this morning."

"Hang on. The scan, for the baby?"


"Sasuke, did you go to the hospital with her?"


"You didn't?"


"Dammit, you bastard! You were supposed to go with her for the scan!"

"The scan was for her."

"You are so dense sometimes."


"She obviously told you about it because she wanted you to go with her."



"She never asked me to come."

"Of course she didn't!"

"Then why would I go?"

"It's your baby."


"So she expected you to come! Women like men to participate in things like that, idiot."


"You know, this is as bad a screw up as forgetting her birthday."


"Women logic, teme, women logic."


"You had better start thinking of something fast."

