Goodbye Old Friend

This is a one chapter tribute to the gone but never forgotten Nicholas Courtney, a great man and great actor. I'm billing it as a chance for two old friends to see each other one last time, please rate and review.

Standing there, watching the Doctor point that device at Missy, Clara was shocked that he was actually going to go through with it, but just as he was going to press the button Missy was killed by a beam that came from the opposite direction. The two of them looked and saw a Cyberman standing there amongst the graves, then said Cyberman pointed to the ground a short distance away.

Both the Doctor and Clara ran to where it was pointing and saw Kate lying there on the ground, they both knelt down beside her.

"Kate" said the Doctor, "She's breathing, she's alive, she can't be here"

"She is"

"She felt out of a plane"

The Doctor then stands up and looks over at the Cyberman, which is just staring back at him. "The Cyberman, it must've caught her"

Then, hearing Kate mumble, Clara leaned in closer to her so that she could hear what Kate was saying, and when she had, she looked up at the Doctor and said "Doctor, she's talking about her dad"

"Of course, Clara, stay with her, I'll be back in a few minutes.

The Doctor then walked over to the Cyberman, only stopping when he was a metre away from it.

"Earth's darkest hour, and mine, where else would you be?"

The Cyberman then reached up and took off its mask, to reveal the face of the Brigadier.

"Hello old friend"

"Brigadier Sir Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart"

"Thank you"

"For what?"

"For everything" answered the Brigadier.

"I'm sorry"

"Don't be, I'm not, it's because of my, ... current condition shall we say that I get to see you and my daughter one last time"

"You raised a good one there"

"I know"

"Time travel is a bit strange, so this may or may not be the last time I see you, so I wanted to say thank you, thank you for all of those times you've helped me save Planet Earth, thank you for being with me through it all"

"You are most welcome Doctor, I want you to promise me something"


"Whenever you can, if you get spare time, check on Kate, make sure she's ok, she's my daughter Doctor, it would mean a lot to me"

"I will"

"I should go now"

"One last thing Brigadier"

The Doctor then stood to attention and saluted one of his oldest and greatest friends.

"Goodbye Doctor"

"Goodbye old friend"

And with that, the Doctor watched as the Brigadier zoomed off into the sky, before heading back to Kate and Clara.

End of Story