Hi! I'm FrostofVrayhia, but you can call me Frost. I'm new to FanFiction! :D I've been inspired by the amazing works of literature on here, and decided to make one of my own.

Wish me luck! I would greatly appreciate some reviews consisting of story ideas and some constructive criticism. Thanks!

Frost trot carefully on a molding log, her tail lay gently on her temporarily blind brother Flame.

There was no scent of anyone or anything, only theirs. It had been about a moon since they'd been abandoned, only a day or two after they didn't require milk. Flame didn't want to go, so he clung on to their mother. But, sadly, their mother hated them almost as much as they now hated her, and scratched down his face, catching his eyes. Since then, Flame had been blind, and Frost, being the only person in the group with sight, had to take care of him.

But, he had repeatedly told her if she kept on babying him he would never be able to fend for himself, which was what he was trying to do. He'd sometimes claw her tail to shoo her away, but she wouldn't. She cared too deeply for his safety, sometimes not feeding herself making sure he was strong enough to do whatever he needed. He was now big and muscly, and Frost was smaller and swifter.

"C'mon," Frost's voice pulled him out of his thoughts.

"Alright, alright, just get your tail off of me. Like I've been saying, I need to fend for himself! Sometimes Flame had gone out at night, and trained himself. He had practiced stalking and making his own hunting crouch, for when they find some Celandine to help his eyes heal. They've scented faint traces, but everything had been gone, most likely taken by the clan cats. Flame absolutely dreaded them, for they had stole their prey multiple times when it was left buried while they hunted more.

"Flame!" He growled at her, she was being awfully pesky today.

"We need to hunt, and find a place to sleep, but if you want to sleep under a log with flies again, that's fine with me!" Just chill, Frost! My gosh! He obliged, and followed her scent trail, pushing away her tail.

Suddenly, Frost stopped abruptly, meaning there was a scent of prey. He stayed still and let Frost get this one.

Frost stalked forward, in the best hunting crouch she could muster without any training, and took slow steps toward the scent. To be honest, she was doing great. Perhaps better than he, and Flame had been going out for about a half moon.

Frost had sighted the mouse, and lifted her tail, to avoid it from swishing the leaves around. She was scanning the ground, looking for sticks not to step on, and the mouse was now about a tail-length away, ignorantly pulling through leaves scouring the ground for nuts. It was leaf-fall, when all the prey was flourishing about, searching for its leaf-bare stores.

Now she was just behind it, baring her small fangs.

With a quick movement, Frost snatched it between her paws and killed it with a swift bite to its throat. Frost rumbled out a purr. "I caught us a mouse, Flame! Come over here!"

Flame nodded and followed her scent. He sat down, following the usual routine.

He listened as Frost tore the bones out, and gave half the meat to him. He ate it quite quickly, this was the first piece of prey they managed to catch in two sunrises. But, they'd spent the whole day traveling, and now their main focus was a place to stay, which was usually difficult.

They were trying to get away from the clans, but it was a tough process with them not knowing the territories, and with hostile clans all around them.

There was a sudden rusting in the bushes a few tail lengths behind them. "Flame?" Frost had turned around, almost colliding with Flame. "No..."

"Who was that?" Flame muttered, but continued trotting forward with Frost.

"I don't know, maybe the wind, maybe some prey passing by..."

"But... what if it was a Clan cat."

Frost had turned around.

"Don't speak of them! They blinded you and threw us out. They are nothing to us!" Her fur was spiking with an intense rage he'd never seen before. He thought Frost was calm and collected, not a ball of fury.

"Alright, alright! You didn't need to hiss in my face!"

"Yes I did! If it is a Clan cat, we're doomed!"

A sudden, unfamiliar voice echoed a few tail-lengths behind them.

"So, what if it is a Clan cat?"

Frost's and Flame's pelt began bristling, and they turned around, backs arched. Frost slid her claws out, and stalked forward. "Show yourself!" She yowled dangerously.

"Aha, if you were skilled you could scent me. Don't act all high and mighty when you can't even scent an enemy cat." Frost hissed loudly at the snarky remark.

"Show yourself!" She repeated. Flame stalked up to her, and slid his claws out.

"Oh, looks like your little buddy is blind. I might have to take him down first. But, he'd be fun to torture."

Fear spiked through Flame's pelt, but he straightened and let out a throaty hiss.

"Show yourself!" Frost and Flame growled in sync.

"Alright, alright!" A midnight black tom hopped out of the bush, bigger than the both of them put together.

"Kits, kits, what are you doing out? I might have to take you back to your clan after you catch us another mouse for the one you ate. Oh boy, you smell like ShadowClan!"

"Clan?!" Frost exclaimed, her eyes filled with hatred. "Never! That's how my brother was blinded, our evil mother scratched his eyes because we wouldn't LEAVE the Clan!"

"Oh, that's horrible. Do you expect me to feel pity toward you? That makes you even more of an enemy! We dread rouges!" He chuckled when Frost hissed. "Just come with me, let's let Riverstar decide what to do with you, little kits."

"No!" Frost squealed, loosing her cool. "He'd kill us! It's a leader, Flame, run!" The kits turned on their heels, but the big tom picked them up by their scruffs.

"No one," The night-black tom said around the fur in his jaws, "gets away from Nightpelt."

How was it? I one-shotted it! Please review! Can someone tell me how to add chapters? I tried already, and it didn't work! :( Constructive criticism is ALWAYS accepted and greatly appreciated! Please, give me some ideas and cat names or this'll take so long to update! :C