Master and Servant

Tiny feet ran down the streets of London. A tiny piece of bread was clutched to his chest, his boney arms wrapping around the stolen bread. His dirty blue hair swept in his face as he ran through the crowd. Nobles and commoners looked at the young boy. The store owner followed the boy, getting closer with each stride. In his large hands was a broom. The boy tripped, his knees scraping under the hard cobblestone pathways, causing him to hiss in pain. The shop owner stopped in front of him and smacked him with his broom, before spitting on him and kicking his stomach. The nobles around the two brushed it off, knowing it was normal for this kind of thing to happen.

The boy laid there for a while, shaking and trembling. His tiny arms lifted him off, as he walked to his alleyway. He walked far into the alleyway, before sitting down and shaking. He let out a cough, and winced. His throat felt so dry, and cracked every time he coughed.

With dirty hands, he ripped off a tiny piece of bread, before putting it in his mouth and slowly eating it, shivering as the cold breeze rolled around. He huddled by the wall, trying to warm himself in any way possible.

Winter was just around the corner, and this meat it was a struggle to stay alive. The boy didn't have any kind of protection this winter- seeing as his blanket was ripped apart by stray dogs, and he only had shorts and a shirt- both of them covered with dirt and dry blood. He relished the warm bread as it ate it quickly, not wanting the rats or dogs to find it and fight for it.

The sun started to fall as noble's and commoners started heading back to their homes. Shops began to close and the once busy town was quiet. The homeless eleven year old rested his head in his arms. Pulling his knees up to his chest, he shut his eyes and fell asleep, dreaming of nothing that night.

This was the life of Ciel Phantomhive

Master and Servant

The sun rose, instead on another individual. The black haired, red eyed, eleven year old woke up, letting out a groan. His butler, Tanaka knocked on the noble boy's door.

"Come in!" The young boy chirped, with tiredness in his voice. The old man came walking in, rolling in a tray, carrying tea and other sweets.

"Good morning, Master Sebastian." The butler greeted the eleven year old. He announced the morning tea and gave the cup to the boy. He drank it slowly and watched the elderly butler pick out his outfit for the day. Putting the tea on the nightstand, he swung his legs over the bed and allowed the butler to dress him.

His outfit consisted of a white shirt with a black jacket and black shorts. Black heeled boots were put around his legs. Finally, Tanaka brushed his hair, trying to calm the wild beast.- but failing in the end.

The happy eleven year old skipped downstairs, his heels clinking against the hard wood of the manor hallways. He walked down to the dining room, where his mother and father sat, talking and waiting for their son. Sebastian smiled and sat down on the chair next to his father. As soon as Sebastian sat on the chair, the chef emerged from the kitchen and served the breakfast- salmon and tea, along with some vegetables.

"Mother, father, do you think we could go to London again today?" The youngest Michaelis asked, swinging his small legs under the table.

"Why is that, Sebastian?" Annabel asked, "We just went there yesterday, why is there a need to go again?" She took a bit of her breakfast, looking at her son.

"There is something I wanted to look for, and besides, I love the city!" Sebastian begged. Annabel looked at her husband, Charles. He let out a sigh, and nodded.

Sebastian's tiny face filled with a smile, as he jumped up and down, happy for some reason.

After breakfast, the noble family went into the carriage, and made their voyage to London. It was a silent trip. The young Michaelis heir was looking out the window, smiling.

Even though it was early December, snow started to fall down. Sebastian shivered, even though they were protected, it was still cold in the large carriage.

Soon, they arrived in the Victorian city. Sebastian and his family got out from the carriage, thanking the coachman. They began to walk around the city. Sebastian had his eye out from something, as every store or alleyway he always looked in.

The day went on, and Sebastian started to lose hope. He would never find the boy he had saw yesterday. He could tell he was poor, from his appearance and the fact that he stole from that poor man's bakery.

Sebastian and his family sat down to a restaurant right next to the bakery where the little orphan stole from. As his parents talked, Sebastian looked out the window, watching out for the boy.

After a while of looking, he saw him. He walked ot the bakery, and talked to the man. The man slapped him across the face, yelling at him.

This got the little boy fired up, as Sebastian got up and ran out of the restaurant. His parents were in shock, as they ran after him- yelling at him to come back, however, the boy annoyed him.

"Hey!" Michaelis shouted at the man. Ciel stood outside, shivering. "Don't you dare hurt that boy after what you did yesterday!"

Ciel was in shock, surprised that a noblemen would stand up for someone as low as him.

"He is as human as you, and just because he stole means he wants to survive! If you were in his place, would you want to be hurt just to get some food for once? Just because he is poor, doesn't give you the right to hurt him!"

The ship owner rolled his eyes, ignoring the ranting child. He walked back into his shop, and shut the doors. The raven haired kid sighed, and stared at the orphan.

"How would you like to work for my family?" He asked, causing Ciel to open his mouth. Sebastian beamed at the answer.

"Sebastian! What were you thinking! Don't ever run off like that ever again, you hear me?" Annabel yelled, causing Sebastian to smile.

"Meet my new butler, mom!" He smiled, pointing to Ciel. "Meet Ciel, our new butler in training!"

Hope you like my new story! Hope it will be nice!