I wish to extend all of my apologies for the brutal long wait that you've all experienced. No excuse that I can give will EVER make up for the time you all have waited. As of this moment I'm in a better place. I'm in an absolutely wonderful place in my life. I'm happy. I'm feeling like myself. It's been a very long and hard road to get here. Thank you all for sticking with me.

I am beginning my start into fanfiction again by making chapters for Rekindled Soul. Shortly after that I'll be jumping into OSADT as well. Others will be put on hold until I can find the inspiration for them. I am not dropping them but I need to take it slow or else I'll overwhelm myself.

As I write this, I am working on chapter 11 of Rekindled, though it is still a struggle as I am fighting through the desire to skip that episode in the serious. Episode eight is not my favorite in the first season of that show, and I'll be honest, I have no idea how to put Evoleht into it. BUT! I am not going to. I will find a way and I will find my muse.

Thank you again. So much everyone.

Kitten L