I do not own any rights to this television show nor do I own any of the characters. More elements of the story will be posted in the coming days and weeks. Enjoy and please review.

It was the day Deanna had looked forward to ever since she had started college. It was finally her graduation day. Deanna had achieved her lifelong dream of getting a degree in broadcast journalism, even though she knew that her dad would more than likely find her a job within his department. It was finally time, time to walk up onto the stage and receive that a piece of paper she had worked so hard for. Giving up time with friends for, not having a social life because she wanted to strive and be the best and prove to her father she didn't want to be like him. A man in a black graduation robe announced her name over the loud speaker.

"Deanna Elaine Walker."

A small roar from the crowd was heard. She knew she only had a small cheering crowd, most of them being her dad's collages and of course her sister. When the ceremony was over the small group came over to Deanna. Deanna was talking to one of the girls she knew when she heard a voice say,

"I am so proud of you sweetheart."

She turned around to find her dad standing behind her, Ranger Cordell Walker. Giving her dad a hug she said

"Thank you daddy!"

"Your mother would have been so proud of you."

A small women said reaching to give Deanna a hug. Ranger Sidney Cooke was with Deanna's mother the day she had gotten killed. From that day on Sidney had stepped up to be a motherly role model for Deanna and her younger sister Angela. Sidney was married to another Ranger, Ranger Francis Gage. The two of them had started out as partners hitting the streets, but the feelings the two of them started feeling for each other went much stronger than just work partners. Even though they had been married for a few years now, they didn't have any kids. They claimed Deanna and Angela as theirs and was their God parents. A few minutes later another ranger walked up. This one had been Ranger Walkers work partner for many years. Ranger James Trivette walked up with a dozen red roses.

"I had lost ya'll in this huge crowd. I never realized there was this many graduates."

Jimmy said trying to get closer to Deanna.

"Congratulations, you know you have worked so hard." Jimmy said.

Deanna smiled at the ranger and gave him a hug. "Thank you so much Jimmy."

That night Deanna was fixing dinner at the ranch house that belonged to her father. She so desperately wanted to talk to her father about wanting to go to work at NBC 5 Dallas/Fort Worth, but wasn't sure of how to put it. She figured if she brought it up over dinner, he couldn't say no. Could he? Their small family sat down for dinner. After the prayer was said, it seemed as no one really wanted to talk. Deanna thought now would be my chance. If I catch my dad with his mouth full of mashed potatoes, he will listen to me and I might be able to talk some reasoning into him. She finally mustard up the courage to ask.

"Daddy, I have something that I needed to talk to you about." Deanna said.

"Hold that thought," Walker said. "I actually need to talk to you first. We are opening up a new position down at ranger headquarters just for you. It would be a media correspondent job that way you could still be in the news and yet still get to work with me. Wouldn't that be fun!"

Angela looked at her big sister and rolled her eyes. Deanna began to laugh and Cordell turned real quick to see what exactly she was laughing at. Deanna finally let out a sigh and said

"Ok dad, I wound be more than happy to work under you."

Cordell shook his head. "Not under me Dee, but beside me. In fact I already got you a desk set up. You start Monday."

Cordell said with much excitement.

"Can't wait!" Deanna said quickly taking a drink of her sweet tea.

This was one thing she would for sure be dreading. Goodbye dreams of working at NBC 5, she thought.