


"Telepathy and Blood view"

Overview and Selene Narration


It came down to this. Voldemort, some fifty odd Death Eaters and various assorted creatures poured onto Hogwarts Grounds. In counter to this upstart of darkness on such light property. Dumbledore and Arszlan sent out calls to allies and in droves they came.

The Vampire Mobs from as far as Glasgow and Manchester appeared at the school, if only for on the promise on the likelihood of a fight against Lycans.

"I'm surprised at how many Vampires are here." Hermione said. She had eventually got the courage to chat to the person who had once been her best male friend.

"You'd be surprised. Why now? Why after nearly six months of avoiding me that you're now talking to me?" Arszlan asked as they walked down the corridor. Hermione was slightly disturbed at the nonchalance of Arszlan locking and loading three shotguns with silver nitrate.

"Scared, a coward. I'm not inherently brave like you." Said Hermione weakly. She reached out with her arm and she hoisted a twitching Eve towards her. "She yours?"

"My little sister who is surprisingly more psychopathic than I am."

"Am not!"

"Eve, you split a hybrids head clean open and ate its brains when you were but six…"

"Yeah and you crispy fried a dude with your bare hands at eleven, stabbed a snake bigger than daddy when transformed when you were twelve."

"Yeah and nearly DIED!"

"You never told me that!" Screeched both Eve and Hermione as one.

"Runt you're too young to know about that and Hermione we needed you to recuperate after being petrified for the school year. Hell I was going to tell you when Ron was being a twat to you about your cat. How is Crookshanks anyways? Then I never did because I thought it'd be something you didn't need to know about as I learnt about the Timeturner."

Hermione nodded "What happens now?"

"I kill Voldemort, anyone who stops me from leaving and spend the rest of my days in the Bahama's with Katie and everyone else."

Hermione deadpanned him "Seriously?"

Michael who had been listening let a barking laugh "Sounds good but in all seriousness we're probably going to be running from a some squads of military that unfortunately know what is going on."

Arszlan shrugged "We can't win 'em all but we have each other but it'll be fine…Hermione, stay safe and be well okay." Hermione grinned and her eyes began to glass over and she hurled herself around Arszlan.

"I will. It's more likely going to be you who needs that."

"He probably doesn't. Stupidity seems to keep people alive more than most and my son seems to be immortal because of it." Another voice said and they all turned to see Selene walking towards them guns on her hips and various other things in her arms and Illumination on her back.

Harry grinned and attached the sword to his hip and then placed his pistols on leg holsters and his shotguns across his chest "Death comes for you." Arszlan rasped.

Hermione shook her head "You sound like someone from my little brothers video game he plays."

The Wards suddenly shrieked and Klaxons blared, it seemed Voldemort's forces were on the move.

The forces of the light ran to the battlements. Vampire's eyes turned various shades of blue across the spectrum from bright turquoise all the way to dark blue almost black.

The Vampires had also come equipped for war, the main load out it appeared to be compact SMG's, Machine Pistols with extended ammo.

In short the fight was an utter rout for the dark side. That tends to happen when your leader leads from the front solo, stands a good four inch taller than the most of his lackey's and was ghostly white amongst the sea of black. It doesn't help matters when a now near 7' Lycan/Vampire/Corvinus Hybrid wielding a colossal sword effortlessly parts the head from the shoulders and the waist from the legs.

Voldemort couldn't do a thing as his life or rather unlife left him. The forces of darkness were cut down. Remus Lupin was seen personally dispatching the remaining fragments of Fenrir Greyback's werewolves with the help of Fenrir's brother and his Lycans.

It wasn't until the last body had hit the deck when the Ministry ran into the school, sunlight charms and blasting every thing in their path. Thankfully the majority of the Vampires were already evacuating the school and the grounds followed by the Lycans.

Harry grabbed Eve, slung her onto his shoulder and with Katie grabbing his hand the Corvin family took off running, melting into the crowd of fleeing vampires and vanished.
