
"Konoha? Now why would you want to move there?" a blonde woman who was in her mid-forties asked her packing daughter.

"...well... in order to pursue my career as a doctor, Konoha is one of the best places for that right? the pinkette said as she ceased what she was doing to look at her mother.

"...ah...yes... I remembered we talked about this..." the pinkette's mother exclaimed recalling the memory. "When does the moving truck come?"

"In three days." the pinkette said, not taking her eyes of her mother. Something was a bit off. Her mother looked worried. She was sure her mother looked worried when they were discussing about this not to long ago too. was it not safe there? But she was sure Konoha was a safe place, it was even safer than where she currently lived. Strange. she was also certain that she had assured her parents about visiting regularly. May be it was the fact that they're daughter who hasn't even reached the age of 16 is off to live on her own. Then again, if she doesn't move to Konoha now she won't make it to the entrance exam in her new school. And they even went through the trouble of signing her up. So why the worried look?

"Mebuki dear, Sakura, I'm home!" a voice interrupted her train of though. Her father must be home.

"Coming dear!" Mebuki, her mother shouted in reply. "Come Sakura, dinner's almost about done, help set the table please."

"So you movin' out in three days ey kiddo?" Kizashi, her father stated, eyeing his daughter. He got a nod in response to the question. Chuckling a little he said "Time sure flies huh? I still remember the times when you were still in your diaper -"

"Dad!" Sakura cut him off, her cheeks rosy red as she playfully glared at her joking father. She could never really get mad at her parents.

In response to her little outburst both her parents started laughing. "I'm hurt kiddo, you used to call me 'papa' not 'dad' *sigh~*" her father said as he put on a fake hurt face while his hand was clutching where his heart supposedly was. This lead his wife to roll her eyes as his daughter only giggled. Her father always kew how to lighten the mood.

"Well, since your moving away and all. I'm giving you this..." he said as he removed the necklace around his neck, only to put it on his daughter's neck. "Now listen, never take this off, no matter what." his tone was not as cheerful as before but serious. Strange. It was just a cherry blossom shaped neck piece. Although her father himself never takes it off, that is until today...

"But why give it to me? I mean you don't even buy mom any jewelry." Sakura said as the mood lightens back up.


That all happened a year ago, as promised Sakura never took of the necklace. Though she still wonders why her father gave it to her in the first place. But she lost the chance of properly asking why.

The wind blows as a girl no older than 17 stood at the graves of her parents. Question after question flooded her mind. But the question that makes her most curious was 'Why'.

Disclaimer:I do not own Naruto
