This is my first fanfic, if you see any problems or want to give me advice on how to improve that will be greatly appreciate it.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Lost Boys.

Jenna looked at herself in her mirror; her long brown hair looked dull as well did her blue eyes. She tried to brighten them with a little bit of make-up, but nothing worked. She was fed up with trying, so just placed on her work uniform, which was just a nice shirt with jeans, she works at a bookstore, and as long as you dress nice they don't care what you wear. She also works the night shifts. She could already hear the Santa Carla Boardwalk coming to life. It was always busier at night than during the day. Probably because all the crazies come out at that time, at least some of them are crazy, but they don't come near the bookstore and Jenna was completely fine with that. She left her apartment and headed towards the bookstore, the bookstore's name was Books of Wonder.

As she through the door she was greeting by the owner, Charlie. He's forty years old with a little bit of gray. He was a bit overweight, but he had a great sense of humor.

"Hey there kiddo, ready to work?" Charlie always called her kiddo for she's only twenty and therefore a child in his eyes.

"Yes I am ready to work, the question is are you?" Charlie let out a laugh at her remark.

"Of course I am, go on to the cashier center please, and wait for the customers to arrive," Charlie said with grin.

"Aye, aye, captain," Jenna said with a wave from her brow. Charlie bowled a laugh. Jenna positioned herself at the register and waited for the customers to start pouring in.

Many hours have passed and luckily nothing bad as happened, things were starting to slow down quite a bit.

"Kiddo, why don't you go ahead and take off for the night, I can handle things around here," Charlie said.

"Charlie are you sure? It's not even ten yet," she asked.

"Yes I'm sure, go ahead and enjoy the night, you're young," he said.

Jenna laughed, "Fine I'll go and enjoy the nightlife and pray I don't get robbed." She grabbed her as she was walking towards the door.

"You won't, you're too sweet to get rob," he said.

"You're kidding right? I'm the perfect target for a thief,"

"Alright, be careful out there,"

"Aye, Aye, Captain," she said with a salute from her brow.

"Will you stop doing that?" Charlie yelled as she walked out the door. She let out a big laugh. Jenna doesn't really go out at night, too weary of all the creeps that could be lurking about, however she tried to enjoy it as much as she can. She stayed around places that were crowed but not too crowded. She ended up walking near the entrance of the boardwalk, and those four beautiful bikes that Jenna wished she could ride on. She had no idea whom they belonged to, when she asked a stranger if they knew they told her the bikes belong to a group of guys whom people call the Lost Boys. She thanked the man, she was about to walk away when a group whom call themselves Surf Nazi, she thought that was an odd name, started to mess the bikes. She knew that she couldn't back them off not by herself, and she was pretty sure that no one was going to help her. So off she went to see if she could find these mysterious Lost Boys that everyone was so afraid of.

Someone gave a description of the Lost Boys and Jenna was trying to see if she could find them. She was walking along the railing; she wasn't paying attention to where she was going until she ran right into someone's chest, a hard muscled chest. She almost fell to the ground, but a pair of strong arms held her up.

"Sorry, so sorry I wasn't pay an attention to where I was going," she looked up to meet a pair of green eyes that held mischief behind them.

"It's okay," the green eyed man said helping her stand back up.

"Thanks," she said. She finally got a good look at him and he was handsome, drop dead gorgeous. He had long curly hair that fell down to his back. He had on a colorful patched jacket, which Jenna thought was awesome and unique. A wife beater was underneath the jacket, which showed off his muscles. Jenna noticed that he was not alone, she saw three other men behind him, all of them equally gorgeous. One had a rocker vibe going on with his wild hair, and washed out jeans. The other one looked more Indian; he had no shirt on underneath his leather jacket. The last one screamed leader, he had a cold stare and piercing blue eyes that felt like they were reading you.

When Jenna got a good look at all of them, she realized with a start that she was staring at the Lost Boys.

"Are you by any chance the Lost Boys?" she asked.

Blue eyes smiled at her, "Yes, what can we help you with,"

"Well actually it's me that's going to be helping you,"

Blue eyes snickered," How so?"

"The Surf Nazi were about to destroy those beautiful bikes have, I would hate for it to be mishandled by those lunatics,"

The boys looked alarmed, then blue eyes began to speak again, "How can we be sure you're not lying,"

"You won't know until you go see for yourself, and while we're standing arguing about whether or not I'm telling the truth, those jerks could be destroying masterpieces, so go along and stop them," Jenna said and began to walk off.

"Wait," Jenna turned around at the sound of the voice.

"I'm David," Blue eyes said. "And this is Dwayne, Paul, and Marko," he said pointing to them one by one.

"I'm Jenna," she said.

"Nice to meet you Jenna," David said.

"Nice to meet you too, now go on before those idiots do something to your amazing bikes," she smiled and began to walk away.