Hey everyone. This is my first story that's outside the Master universe, so Lars and all that won't be in it. It's a completely new series that I'm doing with new OCs and also look forward for future stories like this. The font thing I had in my other stories won't appear here, as all the characters will be speaking their own languages.

Chapter 1: A Shade Of Blue

One year had passed since Drago Bludvist and his Bewilderbeast had been defeated, and had disappeared. The new Alpha Dragon, Toothless, flew over a large island covered in a forest. This island wasn't his home, as he was scouting islands nearby for any sign of danger… or Drago. Toothless flew with the help of his locked up tail fin and his extended spines that allowed him to fly solo with greater ease.

The Alpha flew down to the forest to investigate. He landed and started to walk and look around. He probably wasn't going to find anything new, as all his other searches were failures. A rustling was heard in the bushes nearby, and Toothless growled as he assumed a defensive stance.

"Come out," He said. The rustling stopped and Toothless saw a blue, Dragon shaped blur dash away from the area, quickly going out of sight. "Hey!" Toothless yelled out. He chased the Dragon but it kept jumping behind trees, making Toothless lose sight of it but then finding it again and continue chasing it.

After a few more seconds the Dragon went out of view again and Toothless heard a splash. He ran towards the noise and saw a pond that had ripples, obviously where the Dragon dived in. He walked up to the water's edge and looked into it. After a few seconds the blue Dragon jumped out of the water, to Toothless' surprise, and tackled the Night Fury onto his back, causing him to close his eyes. He felt the Dragon's claws pressed to his neck as it pinned him down.

"Why are you following me?" The Dragon asked in a feminine voice. Toothless slowly opened his eyes, but then shot them open in shock when he realised what the female was. It was a dark blue Night Fury. Her eyes were a shining blue. She was the most beautiful Night Fury Toothless had ever seen, then again, she was the ONLY other Night Fury he ever met. The female's eyes widened.

"Wait a minute… you're a Night Fury too aren't you?" The female asked, getting off of Toothless. Toothless got back up on his feet.

"You mean you've never seen another one either?" Toothless asked. The female shook her head. A few seconds passed as the two stared at each other in shock. "Wh-Who are you?" Toothless asked. The female blinked as she snapped out of her trance.

"I'm Blushade," She said. Her name suited her.

"Well, I'm Toothless," He said. Blushade looked at Toothless with a disapproving look.

"You've got to be kidding me," Blushade said scornfully.

"It's a sort of nickname," Toothless said. Blushade huffed.

"Then what's your real name?" She said. Toothless turned his back to Blushade.

"I refuse to tell you. The last Dragon to call me by my real name was the Red Death, before I killed her," Toothless said.

"The Red Death..? You mean the Queen?" Blushade asked in surprise.

"That's right," Toothless said. Blushade noticed the brown saddle of Toothless' back and became confused.

"What is that thing on your back?" She asked. Toothless turned halfway around so his left side was facing Blushade.

"It's a saddle," He answered. Blushade looked down his body and caught sight of his prosthetic tail fin. She walked over to his tail and studied it.

"Wh-what happened?" Blushade asked. Toothless sighed.

"Six years ago, a human shot me down, severing my left tail fin and rendering me flightless." Blushade looked up at Toothless in sorrow. "But soon after that human found me, he gained my trust and we became friends. He then made me a new tail to let me fly, but he had to control it, so I wasn't able to fly without him."

"Then how are you here now? Or is this human near…" Blushade trailed off as she froze in realisation. "Wait. You became friends with a human?" She asked in shock. Toothless smiled.

"That's right. But to answer your previous question, the tail is locked in place and I extend my spines so I don't have much trouble flying," Toothless explained. Blushade looked at Toothless with surprise.

"You've unlocked your spines?" She asked. Toothless showed her by extending his spines. Blushade marvelled as Toothless opened and closed his spines. "Just out of curiosity, why won't you tell me your name?" Blushade asked. Toothless looked at Blushade angrily.

"You must earn the right to know my real name," He said. Blushade gave Toothless the same look that he was.

"Earn it? Do you think you're the Alpha or something?" Blushade asked. Toothless smiled smugly.

"It's funny that you should ask that, because I AM the Alpha," He said. Blushade jolted back in surprise, her expression turning from serious to shocked.

"Y-You're bluffing," Blushade hesitated.

"Am I? Am I really?" Toothless asked. The two stared at each other for a few seconds, then Blushade's eyes widened in realization.

"He's not joking," She thought. Blushade bowed in respect. "Forgive for talking back to you Alpha Toothless. I promise it won't happen again," Blushade apologised. Toothless gritted his teeth. He didn't like other Dragons addressing him as 'Alpha Toothless', but he let it slide that time.

"I'll allow you to address me as Alpha Toothless, but please don't bow," Toothless said. Blushade stood back up.

"Why don't… I mean. If you don't mind me asking Alpha Toothless, why don't you want me bowing?" Blubell asked.

"Even though I appreciate other Dragons bowing in respect, I don't like the fact that they're basically grovelling at my feet," Toothless explained. Blushade drooped her head down.

"I sorta know how you feel," Blushade said. Toothless looked at the female in utter confusion.

"Excuse me?" He asked. Blushade perked her head back up.

"It's nothing important." Toothless looked up and noticed that the sun was starting to set. He wanted to head back to Berk, but he then remembered that he told Cloudjumper that he would be back the next day, so he didn't have to worry about heading back.

"It's already sunset," Toothless said.

"Should you head back to your Dragons?" Blushade asked. Toothless looked the female and smiled.

"It's alright. I have someone to take care of things while I'm gone. I don't have to head back 'till tomorrow," Toothless explained. "So I'll just rest somewhere around here for the night."

"Well, if it's okay with you, could I stay with you for the night?" Blushade asked. She felt awkward for asking that, but if she wanted to know more about this Night Fury, she had no choice.

"Of course it is," Toothless started, "You're the only Night Fury I've ever met." Blushade felt very reassured as she smiled, and she walked beside Toothless.

They walked in silence for a few minutes, until Toothless finally spoke up.

"So Blushade, care to tell me about yourself?" Toothless asked. Blushade opened her mouth to speak, but then quickly closed it, thinking twice about what she would say.

"I was… well for as long as I could remember, I lived on an island full of all sorts of different Dragons," Blushade explained, "I was raised by practically all of them, since I was the only Night Fury. But recently I left my home in hope of a better life," She finished.

"Well, I hope you find that life," Toothless said. His expression lit up as he saw a cave in the side of a plateau. "Look, there's a cave," He exclaimed. The two Night Furies ran into the cave and made themselves comfortable. Blushade lied down on the stone floor while Toothless sat down.

"I guess this cave will do for now," Blushade said. Toothless seemingly raised an eyebrow, confused as to why she said that in such a classy way. He didn't question it though, as it didn't matter at the time.

"How long have you been away from home for?" Toothless asked. Blushade tilted her head in thought.

"Hmmm… A few days, I'm not sure," She said, unsure of herself. Toothless then gave a smile as he had an idea.

"I've got it!" He shouted. Blushade jumped up, startled by Toothless' sudden burst.

"Ahh! What?!" She yelled. Toothless walked up to the female.

"You can come with me back too Berk," Toothless stated. Blushade was taken aback by the request.

"You mean… with the all the Dragons, and Vikings?" She asked. Toothless huffed out a laugh.

"What's wrong Bluey? Are you scared?" Toothless asked mockingly. Blushade's expression turned serious.

"No! And don't call me that," Blushade ordered. Toothless expression also changed. It looked like he was about to scold the female.

"Are you telling me what to do?" He asked menacingly. Blushade became scared of Toothless for that moment, and she fumbled on her words.

"Um… no I was…" She hesitated. Toothless then gave a toothless smile towards Blushade, confusing her.

"I was joking, don't take things so seriously," Toothless said. Blushade sighed in relief as she calmed down.

"Please don't do that again," She requested. Toothless took a step back away from Blushade.

"Sorry about that. But I'm still going to call you Bluey," Toothless said. Blushade knew that there was no changing his mind, so she decided to change the subject.

"What would the Dragons and Vikings think about me?" She asked.

"Don't worry. The worst they could do is be intimidated by you," Toothless reassured with a smile. Blushade lied back down.

"And the best?" She asked. Toothless lied down and shrugged his shoulders.

"I have no idea," He said. Blushade smiled, finding Toothless' answer amusing. Toothless noticed this. "Is that a smile I see?" He asked. Blushade didn't answer; instead she reared her head back and yawned.

"It's getting late. I'm getting some sleep," Blushade said, lying her head down on her front paws and looking away from Toothless.

"What? No kiss goodnight?" Toothless asked. Blushade responded with a huff.

"Goodnight Toothless," She said in an unamused tone. Toothless laid his head on his paws and closed his eyes.

"Goodnight Bluey."

Ahh the freshness. By which I mean the new story. But yeah, I like where this is going, but it means I have 3 stories to work on. I'll try to right 1 chapter for 1 story every week or so.

Please favourite and review.

See you all next time, XenoX out.