It was a cold day some when in the middle of February John and Mary were working and there 12 year old child Evie had no school that day. John had already made arrangements with Sherlock that she would stay with him (much to the disgust of Mary)

John flagged down a taxi and the excited Evie jumped inside shortly followed by John

"221b backers St please" John announced to the diver. And just like that they were off.

"Dad" Evie said after a wile of the two sitting in silence "why doesn't mum like uncle Sherlock?"

John looked down at her and smiled "she does like him sweetie she just gets worried that you won't be safe"

"Oh well I am safe. Yeah uncle Sherlock is amazing!" Evie said with a beaming smile on her face

"Yeah he is" John chuckled as they pulled up outside backers St. John paid the driver and headed towards the black painted door with Evie clinging on To his hand the way she always did. Before he had a chance to knock on the door it flew open and in front of them stood Mrs. Hudson

"Whoa I'm sorry. Hello love you must be here to see Sherlock. Go on up Hun. Would love to chat but must dash off" John smiled as she rushed past him and headed up the stairs with Evie holding tight to the banister as she struggled up the steep steps. They finally reached Sherlock's flat and again before John even knocked Evie had already bounded though the unlocked door and into the room where Sherlock stood hands together pressed to his chin in the way he always did when he was trying to figure something out.

"Hiya uncle Sherlock!" Evie announced

"SHH!" Sherlock hissed

John cleared his throat "Sherlock"

"2 seconds John!" Suddenly Sherlock span round and greeted them both with a smile "hello. Why isn't it my favorite little detective and her house keeper" Evie chuckled at the complement but John barely gave a smile.

"Sorry that we are Late this one could not get sorted in time" John said as the gestured down at Evie who merely poked her tongue out at him and laughed.

"That's okay. Shouldn't you be going John" Sherlock said as he looked absently towards the door

"Yeah probably." John said as he made his way to Evie who was now perched on the edge of the sofa "right be good pumpkin and I will see you later " John planted a kiss on her head and then gestured to Sherlock to follow him as he headed to the door

"Right look after her okay Sherlock?!" A slight anger was rising in Johns voice witch puzzled Sherlock a bit because he had looked after Evie lots of times and John had never been like this

"John you know I always do" Sherlock said bluntly with a sigh

"I know you do. Just never mind" Sherlock just looked at John "fine" john preceded "I will be back at about 7 ish to get her. Byee sweetie see you later" John sang as he poked his head round the door frame towards Evie

"Byee dad. LOVE YOU!"

"Love you too. Behave" Evie gave a hurried nod and a wave as John left giving Sherlock one last stern look.

Sherlock quickly turned on the spot to face Evie who was still sitting on the edge of the sofa. He squinted at her and she did the same back before giving a small laugh at the moment he raised his eyebrow at her

"That's cheating!" She giggled

"No it's not" Sherlock said pleading all innocents. "Right now that I have won what would you like to do today? Oh I know I have this case I need a new pair of eyes on. What do you say?"

(Now I know what you're thinking 1 why the hell ask a 12 year old to help with a case and the answer to that one is she was good at it. She could see things that were to simple for Sherlock and would be an oversight by him and often would make or break the case. Of course John didn't know it was their secret. 2. Well this isn't very Sherlock he is meant to be detached from everyone and everything well with Evie it was odd, for so long John had looked after him and always made sure he was okay and after the whole being 'dead' thingy things had be odd with him and John even after all this time and now Sherlock felt it was his turn to do the looking after and along came Evie all sweet and defenseless it sort of melted him. Any way back to the story)

"Yay. Can I?" Evie replied with squeals of delight

"Sure. Come and plonk up here" Sherlock tapped the desk Evie got up and made her way over before jumping up and sitting down facing the wall where all the different parts and clues of the case were pinned to the wall.

Evie looked at them deep in thought for a while before saying

"What was in his pocket?" Welts pointing at one of the CCTV pictures from an hour before he died.

"What?" Sherlock questioned as he made his way closer to the image

"Look in his jacket pocket. There is a bulge and he has his hand slightly covering it. Must have been important that's all." Evie shrugged

"There was nothing in his pocket" Sherlock said deep in thought."grab your coat we need to pay molly a visit " Evie had barely enough time to grab her coat before Sherlock had disappeared down the stairs by the time she caught up to him he was already standing outside with his arm resting on top of a cab with the door flung open.

"My lady" Sherlock said in a fake posh voice "your chariot awaits"

Evie merrily raised her eyebrow as she clambered into the back seat

"To the morgue please"

The driver looked first at Sherlock then Evie and back to Sherlock as if to say 'you're taking a child to a morgue' but seeing as he didn't say it out loud Sherlock felt it was well within his rights to ignore it. Soon after a few hesitant moments the driver pulled away from b bakers St and of in the direction of the morgue.

Sherlock sat gazing out if the window in to the bustling streets of London. Evie sat facing him slightly twisted in her seat as she watched him in ore. She found him fascinatingly odd; everything he did had a purpose in one way or another. He was so different from her dad but so similar at the same time, the way they spoke was completely different but if you listened closely what they were saying was kind of the same in many ways. Sherlock could see her looking at him but he did nothing. After a short trip they were where they wanted to be. Sherlock paid the cabby and began to head in side leaving Evie trailing behind him as they made their way inside. Sherlock strode into where molly was working.

"Do you still have Mr. Carter?" Sherlock questioned

"What!? Oh hi Sherlock"

"Do you still have Mr. Carter?" Sherlock asks again.

"Umm...yeah. Over here I think" molly strolled over to one of the fridges in the corner and pulled out Mr. cater "what do you want with him anyway?"

"Evie spotted something" Sherlock said as he pointed at Evie who had found a chair by the door. Molly gave a small wave and smile before turning to Sherlock who was now standing over the pale body.

"Umm...Sherlock. She is a child. Why on earth did you bring her here?!" molly said in shock.

"And" Sherlock replied deep in thought.

"She is what 9" molly continued "she should not be in a mortuary"

Sherlock suddenly dashed off

"Look after her for a moment. And she is 12 by the way" before molly could even refuse he was gone.

Evie awkwardly on a chair as molly slid Mr. Carter back into the fridge and shut the door.

Sherlock was gone for a while before molly needed to get on with her work

"Right you just sit there I need to get on with stuff" Evie gave a small nod as molly wondered over to the other side of the room where her laptop was. Molly had barley been working for 15 mines before Sherlock came bursting though the door a huge smile plastered across his face

"Where is she?!" Sherlock exclaimed as the smile disappeared almost as if it was never there

"Who?" molly looked round at the empty seat "shit! Look Sherlock I'm sure she just wondered off. Kids are like that just calm down okay"

"Don't tell me to calm down molly! I promised john that I would look after her. God he is going to kill me! You have got to help me look for her molly!" Sherlock had just finished talking when the door creaked open

"Hey your back!"

"Evie!" Sherlock ran over to her and knelt down "where the fuck did you go!?" he said as he grabbed her shoulders

"Oww! Stop it!" Evie rigged agents his grasp "you're hurting me!" Sherlock suddenly looked at the terror in her eyes and backed away.

"I just went to the loo!" Evie said with tears in her eyes as she rubbed her shoulders.

"WELL DONT RUN OFF. For god's sake Evie!" Sherlock yelled as Evie ran out the open door.

"Sherlock! What did you do that for! You hurt her! That's not like you I know that. What the fuck has gotten in to you!" molly ran out the open door after Evie leaving Sherlock stood in the cold room alone staring at his hands in shock of what he had done.