Two boys stand helpless in the center of their collapsing home. The building had caught fire and the smoke had reached them before their father could.

"Papa!" The older of the two called out into the roaring flames! his brother clutched close to his side.

"Boys!" A choked voice called back. Something was trying to come toward them. The younger boy was whimpering by now, the heat making him uncomfortable. They were both terrified. What was going on? Where was Papa?

"Boys!" The voice called again, closer now. The oldest turned to the voice, seeing a clear enough path out of this room and hopefully the house. Their father helped them through, managing somehow to get his two sons out safely. A golden pendant clutched in his one hand as he led his eldest son with the other.

His sons stood in awe of the flames engulfing their home, lingered in the doorway just a moment too long. The ceiling collapsed on the man, pinning him to the ground in that spot and earning a loud cry from his children.

"Papa!" He screamed, rushing over with his baby brother not far behind. Before saying a single word the man tossed the golden pendant toward his eldest son. The boy had always seemed interested in it. The boy's crimson eyes locked on the gold before looking up tear filled at his father. "D-does this mean..?"

"Promise me you'll keep your brother safe." The man pleaded. The boy simply nodded and backed a bit away from the burning building. His father sad no more but seemed to try giving his boys one last smile before it was all over.

By now little Yugi was crying hysterically and Atem tried desperately to calm him as his own tears fell.

Papa was gone.

They were on their own.

But what could two boys whose ages combined still didn't put them in the double digits hope to do on such a cold night?

They didn't know.

Eventually the fire burned itself out, leaving both boys in the dark of the night. Atem moved to pick up the pendant his father had tossed to him and with a determined look in his young crimson eyes he set off with his little brother to make good on his promise.

So there you have it, my first attempt at putting up some of my work. Tell me what you think and if I should continue.