Disclaimer: I don't own the TMNT

This arc is based off of the Original TMNT comics by Laird and Eastman, the 2k3 Cartoon series, and the 2k7 CGI movie.


Five years ago Mutants were recognized as US citizens, to say it went over well with the majority of the masses would be a lie of epic proportions. The riots alone were terrifying enough; mutants were lynched and shot in the streets, at work, or sometimes even in their homes. Even so the government struggled to make at least some good for those who weren't born human. Full Ride Grants were given out to mutants who passed tests with high enough scores to attend colleges; those that didn't test high enough, were given marginal Grants so they could at least get GEDs or attempt college. The unrest and hostility towards mutants continued various Anti-Mutant Groups rose and began what could only be described as a hate campaign while various support groups struggled to keep the peace and provide safe places for Mutants to work or live. The two main hate groups that rose to power coalesced into a single movement three years after what became known as the Desecration of America to the Anti-Mutant movement. This group took the name The Humanistic Alliance or THA.

Things only got worse for Mutants from then on. Most who had managed to get themselves into colleges due to their IQs or test results were marginally protected but walked a fine line. Those who hadn't, teetered on the edge of desperation, one eye always open for danger. Laws did not benefit them in most places. More Mutants were thrown in Jail for "Anti-Human" acts because of trying to defend themselves than humans who attacked mutants intentionally. Perhaps due to this something new rose up beginning in New York not a movement per say but a fighting force of Mutants lashing out at any human that dared look at them wrong. The group responsible became known as The Brotherhood or TB and its leader a mysterious mutant that never showed his face; known simply as Shade had declared war on all of Humanity.

It seemed things were about to only get worse.

A/N: I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaackkk. This just exploded into my Muse and is demanding to be written so I shall be working on this once it is finished I shall work on a few of my other unfinished stories. Cover Art by gryen on Deviantart. Rating might go up.