Author's Note: I've finally finished this collection. It took far too long. I only was working two jobs for a while and it took over my life. But good news is, I've only got one now, so more writing time! My plan is to focus on stories I haven't finished and then move over to a few I've got in the works! "Capes" and "The Farm" are due for some love. Thanks for reading and all your patience!

Disclaimer: "1989" is owned by Taylor Swift.


Driving back she could still smell him on her seats. Windows down, breeze blowing by. He'd settled into every part of her. And for a long time, it was all she'd wished for.

But together, they were this long draught that never seemed to end. Everything about standing under the sun made her thirsty. She wanted warm light, cool wind and rain on Sundays.

Looking ahead the skies were dark, the blue disappearing behind the murky clouds. She had the top down, thought it might blow away every part of him. Help her forget.

It's when she's passing the small diner where she met him that the rain starts.

And as it pours into every crevice, wetting her seats and making her mascara run, she finally feels free.

When it becomes too much she turns around back to the diner. Because she knows there isn't somewhere dry for miles.

The bell dings when she comes inside, dripping wet and sliding into the nearest booth. She's so busy watching the rain, the waiter has to tap her on the shoulder.

"Oh. Hello. I'm so sorry, I was distracted."

"Not a problem, I'm Finn, what can I get you?"

She takes a full glance at his brown eyes, and perfect half grin.

Finally, she feels clean.