This is my first attempt at a fanfiction, so I hope it's good. I think I chose the right rating, if I didn't please let me know. I'm kinda new to this. :3

disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars Rebels. They belong to Disney.

'They left me…'

Silence filled the small windowless room. Nothing but subtle rasped breathing could be heard from one of the dark corners.

'They haven't come…'

The small figure in the corner remained motionless. In all accounts he would appear dead, except for the faint rise and fall of his sides, as he tried to breathe normally. The tiny form was covered in wounds. Some seemed minor, but painful, while others appeared to be on the edge of being called serious. A crimson substance still ebbed from the injuries and covered the tiny figure, giving the evidence that they were still fresh. Though under the new ones one could see the half healed and scarred wounds that the boy had probably gotten during his long time within the small room.

'They aren't coming…'

Tiny fingers curled into tight fists as what felt like realization and anger came over the young boy. Curling up into a tighter ball the boy tried to find some comfort in his own little corner but only found himself being jabbed by the pain in his sides. Soon pain was followed by coughing and wheezing from the movement forced on the weakened body.

'Shouldn't have trusted them…'

A flinched came from the curled up form as the sound of the door sliding open reached his ears, soon followed by the all to failure thump of boots on the metal floor. A Pau'an male wearing darkly colored armor stood in the center of the room, staring down at the battered figure before him.

"Hello my dear boy. Enjoying your stay, are we?" He spoke in such sly voice that it was evident to the young boy that the guy was smirking at him, but he made no move to respond. Instead he just let out a grunt, which didn't seem to please the Pau'an that much.

Reaching down the darkly clothed man roughly grabbed the boy by his raven and pulled him up to about eye-level, forcing a hiss of pain to escape the boy's parched lips. Bright blue eyes snapped open, only to shoot glares at the man responsible for his pain.

"You better show more respect boy. You're going to meet someone very important tomorrow." They Pau'an held his own amber glare onto that of the boy's. They remained that way for a moment more before the Pau'an dropped, or rather threw, the boy back onto the floor before turning around to head out the door. But then he stopped just at the entrance and causal looked over his shoulder at the crumpled form of the raven haired boy.

"Enjoy your last night here, boy. It will be your last night of peace and quiet you'll have." And with that the man walked out, door sliding shot behind him, but not before shooting one last smirk at the boy.

Once the door, the young boy sluggishly got to his wobbly feet. He managed to stand for a few moments before falling back to the cold floor, but it was enough time for him to get back to his 'safe' corner. There he curled back into the same position as earlier, sapphire eyes closing shut.

'I'm alone…'

The boy had not known how long he had been in this place. He had only gotten barely any sleep and without any way of telling time it made it harder for him to tell. But if he had to guess it may have been several weeks maybe a few months at most.

At first he figured his friends would come and save him, like they had done before, but as the days past, he slowly began to lose that hope of getting out of here. And now, now it had been too long in this room. He had lost in any hope of them coming. Who would come for a street-rat anyway? He had stuck with them for a while but it seems they gave up on him. Why else would they not come?

Slowly the boy soon drifted off into some much needed sleep as faint streams of tears slipped down his bruised up cheeks.

'I can't trust them… I can't trust anyone…'