I am so so sorry for taking forever to update! Life has been crazy and I just didn't have time to do this. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Disclaimer: I do not own VA

Chapter 11

Adrian's POV

"Hurry and don't make any noise. I don't want to wake him up." I head Abe's voice outside my door and I can't say that I wasn't expecting this. The man caught me with his daughter in a somewhat compromising position. I just hoped that he would let me tell Rose goodbye and that I love her before the scary mobster did what he did best. Man what was I thinking? I should have checked to make sure the door was locked. I love Rose so much and don't use my brain like I should when I am around her. The door slowly opens and I see Abe's guardians creeping in the room. They do not know that I am awake yet.

"I'm not going to like this am I?" I asked startling them. They just looked at each other and grinned. That can't be a good sign. They grabbed me out of bed and lead me out of my room and down the hall to a door I had not entered yet. They pushed the door open and the room had barely any furniture in it and it had a lot of odd things hanging on the walls. This would be my definition of a torture room and I am not ashamed to admit I had never been so scared in my life. Abe was standing in the middle of the room next to an empty chair. "Please Adrian come in and have a seat." He gestured to the empty chair. I slowly made my way to the chair and when I got half way there the door slammed shut. I internally jumped at the noise but I think I was doing a good job keeping my cool on the outside. As I sat down in the chair Abe pulled up another chair and sat right in front of me not leaving very much room between the two of us. He was just staring at me and I swear he hadn't blinked once since sitting down. It was very uncomfortable.

"So Adrian are you enjoying your stay here? Making yourself at home?" I didn't understand how he could be so calm. He had to know how he was making me feel; then again he was probably in his element right now and enjoying this too much.

"Yes sir I am enjoying my stay. Your hospitality is greatly appreciated." I was proud of myself that I got that all out without shuddering. He just looked at me and smirked before getting up and walking to the wall where a bunch of different instruments were hanging on the wall. He picked up something off the way and I gulped. I couldn't really see what it was because his body was blocking it from my view. I looked around the room trying to find another way out since the door I came in was being blocked by one of his guardians. I tried to make eye contact with him but he would not look at me. Abe walked back towards me but instead of sitting back down in front of me he stood behind me and pressed something sharp to my neck. I inhaled sharply. Was this it was he really going to jeopardize his relationship with his daughter by doing this.

"Mr. Mazur please we were just kissing. I would never make Rose do something that she didn't want to do. I love her so much and would never do anything to hurt her. Please don't do this."

"You really think you are good enough for my daughter? I think you are just using her vulnerability to your advantage. I think you are just a spoiled rich royal using her for your own pleasure until you are done with her. I will not allow that to happen to my daughter. "Wow was he serious? He obviously didn't think highly of me if that is what he thought I was doing with his daughter.

"Sir I can guarantee you that I am not using her."

"Like I am just going to believe what you say. Do you think I was born yesterday? I have seen the way your royals treat dhampir's and that will not happen here." His voice was still so calm. I was still frightened but I was starting to get mad as well. How dare he tell me how I treat women? I don't care if they are moroi, dhampir or human I have always treated the women I was involved with with nothing but respect. No none of the relationships lasted but not because I was using them.

"With all due respect sir you do not know me and you have no right to judge me."

"I have no right? She is my daughter and I have heard all about your reputation boy."

That's it I am not going to just sit here and listen to this. I stood up and whipped my body around so that I was facing him. "How dare you! You cannot believe everything you hear because most of the time what you are hearing is petty jealously." A couple things happened at the same time after that. First I looked at the sharp thing he had been pointing into my neck and realized it was a plastic knife like you give young children to play with and second I saw the look on his face. He started laughing out loud and dropped the fake knife.

"You should have seen your face! It was priceless!" The all the sudden the door flew open and in stormed a very pissed off looking Rose.

"What the hell are you doing Old Man! I warned you not to do anything to him. It was just a damn kiss. My god I am a grown woman and if I want to kiss my boyfriend or do anything, and I mean ANYTHING, else with him I will damn well do it!" I haven't seen her this mad before. I looked at her aura and noticed it was getting darker by the second. I stepped in between her and her father and slowly put my hands on her shoulders.

"Rose baby it's okay. He was just messing around with me. He didn't even use a real knife it was plastic. It is fine I swear." I tried to get her attention and it wasn't working so I took my hands and placed them on her face and turned her head to look at me. "Rose please you took too much darkness this time please stop." She blinked and started looking between me and her father. I turned around to look at Abe and I had never seen the big bad mobster look so unsure of himself.

"Kizim he is telling the truth I just wanted to mess with him. I know that you are an adult and that you didn't do anything wrong. I just wanted to have a little fun with him and honestly right before you came in her I thought he was about the knock me out. You have a good one here Kizim and I am sorry I upset you." I let out a slow breath as you could see Rose's facial features relax. She blinked and shook her head a little.

"I'm sorry Baba. I didn't mean to get so upset. Please forgive me." She walked up to him and surprised him by pulling him into a hug and stayed that way for several seconds. It took a few heartbeats for Abe to recover from the shock and hug her back. He was rubbing circles onto her back and telling her it was okay. "Shh shh you have nothing to be sorry for. Is that what you were talking about earlier when you were talking about taking the Princess's darkness? Is that what it does to you?" Rose shook her head not letting go of her father. "I almost pity the person who is on the receiving end of your wrath when that happens. It's getting late I think everyone should head to bed."

"Okay baba but I am going to tell you something and you are not going to overreact okay." She waited for his answer and all he did was shake his head slightly. "Adrian is staying in my room tonight and I will not hear any arguing over it do you understand?"

Abe blinked a few times probably not used to anyone talking to him like that. "Well it doesn't seem like I have a choice now do I."

Did he really just say I could stay with Rose? How does she get people to agree to what she wants like that? If she were a Moroi I would have sworn she compelled people to do it. I was at a loss for words but started walking towards the door after Rose grabbed my hand and started leading me out.

"Oh and Adrian thanks for the interesting chat tonight." Abe told me as I was exiting the room.

"Rose are you okay?" She just held my hand tighter and took me to her room and shut the door. She also made sure it was locked this time.

"Yes I am okay I just got so mad when I thought he was hurting you. I didn't mean to scare him; although it is slightly funny to think that little old me can scare the great Abe Mazur." She walked over to the bed and pushed me down onto it. Let me make up for it okay." She looked so uncertain of herself like there was a chance I wouldn't want her.

"Rose you have nothing to make up for. I love you and would go through any kind of torture Abe dishes out to be with you. You do not have to do this to make me feel better. I love you and that will not change. I know you are not ready for this step and I am okay with that. I would wait forever for you I need to you know that. Please let's just sleep tonight." She gave me an uncertain smile and crawled into bed next to me.

"I really am a lucky woman. I know I'm not ready for that yet but I am ready for other things. Things that I want to do with you, to you, and I can tell from your reaction that you want me to do this. She looked down at my pants and there was the obvious sign that she was affecting me. She slowly put her hands on my lower stomach and started going lower. She got to the top of my pants and grabbed the elastic. "Please Adrian I want to do this." I nod my head and she gets on her hands and knees between my legs and slowly pulls my pants down. As I am set free she grins when she see me. "Oh I'm going to enjoy this." She said as she began.

Well there it was. What did you think about it? Please read and review!