Author's note: Mosquitoes are cool. One bite and they can suck your blood and transfer diseases. Remember that. It could be on a test one day, right?

Dean dropped his bag on the floor, a loud noise occurring as he did this, and then slammed down the assorted text books he had grabbed at random. "Alright, bitch. Looks like it's you and me. Teach me."

Castiel was writing his notes, and as the textbooks hit the table, sliding everywhere, his pencil slid across the paper, scribbling along the page. He sighed, knowing exactly who it was. No way in hell would he teach a Winchester. He stood to leave, but an arm blocked his path, and he looked towards the dark and defiant green eyes.

"I need your help. Did you not here me?" He asked, with a sort of threatening vibe about his voice. "Because if I don't pass these finals, then I don't pass the grade, and I'm kicked off the team for good."

Dean was an obvious jock. He played football for the school and in his spare time, skipped classes to make out with any cheer leader he could find. He was burly, something that came from numerous fights and days upon days of exercise to become physically fit. He almost never parted with his leather jacket, and was considered the 'top guy' at the school. Castiel pushed past the leather clad arm in disgust, earning a glare from Dean as he passed.

He found his way out of the back room of the library, finding his way to the lead librarian.

" ! Did you assign me as Dean's tutor?" He said, anger clear in his voice as he looked at her hard. They had been close, a teacher and student bond clear between them, and she was far more a mother to Castiel than his own mom at home was.

She was typing away on a key board, nodding and sighing through her nose as she figured they had some sort of argument going on.

"But why? He doesn't pay attention at all, to anything I say! How am I supposed to teach him anything?" He complained. Dean had been the one to pick on him during classes, to beat him up after school and ensure he didn't tell.

The librarian, , sighed, and turned towards Castiel. "You're the only one I could think of that could ever shove a word into that boy's brain. You can do it, and that's why I chose you." She thought to herself, If I chose a girl, he surely wouldn't pay attention…

Cas shook his head. He couldn't understand her reasoning. He was about to protest when he thought about something… He could force fake information into Dean's brain, making him think he was smart and such until the big EOC came…

No. He couldn't do that. Fake knowledge was worse than anything he'd ever experienced. "I can try, but when he fails his classes, he'll come after me." He alerted her, finally giving in. He'd teach him, though if Dean tried to do anything at all- even a glare would set Castiel off- then he wouldn't teach him.

The teacher smiled lightly. "I don't think that's the way this will play out. You're too smart to let him pull you down." She reminded him, and he felt slightly proud of himself, though with Dean Winchester, he'd be in for quite the ride. He took a step back, doubt clouding his mind.

He finally smiled sadly. "Yes ma'am. Thank you." Castiel walked back towards the back room, placing his hand on the door knob that would lead to the study room. He took a deep breath, preparing himself for what was to come.

Dean Winchester… Taught by Castiel Novak? It wouldn't work unless he could convince Dean how important his studies were. How would he even begin to do that?

He shook his head. "I'm crazy." He mumbled, and entered the room.

He instantly felt regret, and full doubt of his abilities as a tutor as he watched Dean tear off pages of his notebook, using them to make baskets in the trashcan. He had thrown most of the pencils out already, including Castiel's own. He rubbed his jaw line, not sure how he'd even start. He instead allowed himself to go auto-pilot. Maybe he'd come up with a plan later.

"Stop!" Castiel commanded, grabbing Dean's hand and pulling him off of the notebook. "You'll need most of those pages you know!" He looked down at the torn book, only a few pages left in it. "You're lucky I have a spare." He scolded, reaching into his bag and handing Dean a bright red spiral. The jock hadn't complained yet, but he seemed about to.

"I don't need you to lecture me. I get enough of that every day, Novak. Sit your ass down and do whatever you're supposed to do before I kick your ass. Again." He added, with a smug smile. He crossed his arm and kicked his feet up, satisfied with how angry Castiel seemed to be.

Castiel's anger sparked after Dean's threat. His electric blue eyes flashed a shade darker. "I'm not your victim. I'm going to teach you because I want to, not because some dumb jock told me to." He pushed his feet down, slamming the notebook down. "You're going to take notes and pay attention. If you fail, then I fail. Now get out a pencil and start."

Dean stood, his own green eyes staring hard and unforgiving at Castiel Novak. "Don't ever say anything like that to me again, dick."

Castiel turned back to him, and for a moment, Dean could have sworn he sensed a fear in the pit of his stomach. "I'm not male genitalia, dumb ass." He said to Dean, who took a step towards him as he said this, lifting him up by the collar of his shirt, his other hand clenched in a fist.

"Listen Novak." He said, a trickle of fear curling across Cas, but his eyes met the green ones on even ground, even as he was being held up by the boy before him. "If you say one more thing, I'll kill you." Cas didn't doubt him. "Now teach me something." He set Castiel down, pushing him into a seat and sitting beside him. He had, at some point, retrieved two pencils for the both of them.

Cas didn't say a word as he opened up one of the textbooks in front of him. Geometry. Easy. He took that in freshman year. He pointed towards the words on the page, still not speaking, and looking up to Dean expectantly.

Dean rolled his eyes. "Smart ass." The corner of his lips turned up in a smile. Maybe they could at least get along for a few minutes.

He told Dean all about the different proofs, reflexive property, Angle-Side-Angle, and congruency of sides and angles. Dean tried to listen, and Castiel helped him to take notes on the measuring and lengths of the arcs of a circle.

"This doesn't make any sense at all." Dean sighed, placing his head in his hands. He had dropped his pencil, and it rolled onto the floor. "I'm going to fail, aren't I?"

Castiel awkwardly placed a hand on the football player's shoulder after having retrieved his pencil from the carpeted floor. "No. I'll make sure you get to play next year. I told you I'd teach you." Dean. The jock looked up, and scooted back a little as their faces almost touched. So did Cas. "I promise." He handed Dean his pencil and pushed his notebook to the front of him. Dean nodded, and started to doodle on the side of his notes as he listened to the voice of the boy beside him, now talking about the area and segments and sectors of a circle. At least he'd be able to name the vocabulary.

Castiel cast him a sideways glance after a while. He knew Dean had been listening, but with football plays and positions on his mind, would he really remember? "We'll do more tomorrow." He looked up at the clock next to the window. 2:48 Tutoring sessions had ended at 2:30.

He couldn't help but be reminded of a famous movie quote. People will talk. He could certainly relate it to right now. The only people that spent time here after tutoring were the couples who wanted a private place to spend a few hours until 5:00, when the school closed itself off to the students. He blushed as he thought about this, though Dean didn't seem to notice or mind as he packed up his things.

The jock stood after his bag was filled. "I got to get to practice. See ya, Novak."

"S-see ya." He said casually, surprised that he found himself to be accepting of the nickname for once.

He knew he and Dean could never be friends, or anything more than bully and victim, but he could try to be a tutor, too. Castiel and Dean went opposite ways outside of the library. One to the sidewalk to walk home, the other to the football field.

"Hey Dean! Thought you'd be late!" A few of his teammates were laughing and rough housing as he walked on to the field.



A few of them called out.

Nicholas, or 'nick', looked around the field. "Now we're just waiting on coach." He said as Dean came to stand beside him.

"So... Is your tutor a babe, or what?" He asked jokingly.

"Uh, yeah. Super hot, like model hot, man." Dean laughed along with them, and they patted him on the back, congratulating him.

"Man, put me with another guy. How am I supposed to learn with a guy?" Nick complained.

Dean laughed. "Nick, don't go gay on me, alright?"

A few of the players had been speaking in low voices to each other, and then passed it on to Nicholas, who smirked, as if it was funny.

"The entire team thinks you should date your tutor." He said, and the other players laughed, giving a thumbs up.

Dean laughed. "I don't think she's interested." He couldn't let them know he had a guy for a tutor, much less Castiel Novak, their main target.

"Then make her interested." Nick laughed, and shoved Dean's shoulder. "Bring her out to practice on valentine's day. We'll see how hot she really is."

Dean smiled, and shoved him back playfully.

What am I going to do?

He had already asked the librarian to switch him. She said no, that it wasn't possible. He couldn't bring any girl he'd made out with; she'd just deny being his tutor.

Greg was talking to Nicholas now, something about coach being late, but Dean could care less.

Valentine's day is under a month away, Dean thought.

He played through the rest of practice, but he felt a deep clench in his gut as he tackled and passed the ball to the lines men. He planned out possibilities. Getting Cas to dress as a girl on a dare or something, bringing him down to the field, ask him to stay away from the team...

No... He decided, shuddering. He couldn't kiss Novak. There was nothing for him to do except bring Castiel on Valentine's day. Maybe he could say his tutor was swapped last minute. He hoped it would play out fine.

After practice, he walked toward the parking lot, opening the door to his '67 impala. He started the engine, twisting the keys in the ignition, and began to drive home. Halfway to his neighborhood, he pulled over, spotting someone he thought he recognized.

"Hey Novak! Need a ride?" He called out, spotting the messy brown hair of Castiel Novak. He seemed to be weighed down by the large back slung across his shoulder. What was he carrying in there? A dead body?

Castiel looked towards the black car and driver with a hesitance. Was this going to be some sort of prank? He took slow and careful steps to the impala, surprised that Dean hadn't driven off, shouting "Psyche!" as he passed. He slid into the leather interior, glad for the warmth.

"Where to?" Dean asked, tapping his hand against the steering wheel nervously. He knew if he wanted to get Castiel to help him with this valentine's day thing, he'd have to be at least somewhat nicer. A ride home was good, right? Did Cas like this type of music? Did he think it was too cold or too warm in the car? Did it smell bad? He spotted a few trash items on the floor and felt embarrassed, but he sucked it up.

Why do I care so much?

Cas looked over to Dean, surprised, and Dean remembered that he had asked a question. "I live right next door to you..." He said, seemingly disappointed that Dean hadn't ever noticed him.

Dean's memory sparked, seeing Castiel in the summer, and all throughout the year. He had never paid attention… He probably almost never saw him because he was afraid to walk outside with Dean Winchester there, ready to kick his ass in a split second.

"Sorry..." He mumbled, focusing back on the road.

"It's alright..." Cas said, feeling awkwardly out of place in Dean Winchester's car. He faintly heard the sound of a guitar solo finishing up from the stereos.

"D-dean?" Castiel muttered, somewhat embarrassed and scared to ask. Dean hadn't been this nice in the past.

"Hmm?" Dean looked over to the passenger, his eyes still somewhat on the road.

"Why did you...?" He began, and Dean finished.

"Offer you a ride?" He completed the question.

"Umm... Yeah. Why are you being nice to me?" Castiel blushed, surprised and scared to be someone like himself in Dean Winchester's 'Baby'. "I just don't get it. You were upset earlier, weren't you?" He was in dean Winchester's car. Not even Tori, Dean's ex had been in his car, or even seen the inside of it. As far as he knew, Dean didn't let anyone but Sam, his younger brother, into his car.

Dean sighed as he turned into their neighborhood.

"I guess so, yeah. But why can't I be nice now? Is it a crime to offer people a ride, now?" He parked in the fifth house down's driveway, and they both got out. Dean was watching Castiel across the hood of his car with curious eyes, but turned away when Novak looked towards him.

Cas's eyebrows raised and he looked away. "Thanks I guess..."

Dean looked over to Castiel's house, then back to his. "Well, see you tomorrow, Cas."

Dean walked up to his house, leaving Castiel to walk back to his own. He glanced over, and Castiel quickly closed the door when he saw Dean's gaze

Damn it!

Instead of being nice, he had scared him. How?

He opened the door to his house, tossing his book bag to the side. He was about to head to the couch for TV, when he saw something bright red out of the corner of his eye. The notebook Cas gave him had slid out of the open pocket. He walked over to it, about to slide it back in with his foot, when he instead bent down and picked it up. He allowed his feet to wander over to the dining room table, pushing aside old dishes and junk mail so he could place his spiral down, reading over his messy hand writing and Castiel's almost perfect script.

He, Dean Winchester, Line-backer for the football team at Freewill High school, studied his notes.

He felt something inside him as he thought about Castiel. Something in his stomach. He joked to himself about it being disgust, him wanting to throw up every time he saw his face, but he knew it wasn't that. Castiel was attractive- NO! He corrected himself, that Castiel was good-looking to females. He didn't find Castiel Novak attractive; he was just saying that he wasn't ugly, and…he... He didn't know anymore.

The next day, Castiel woke up, got dressed and combed through his messy hair. He grabbed a bagel while packing his bag, and opened the front door, ready to walk out and to the bus stop. Instead he stared at Dean, who stood on his front porch, seeming like he was just about to knock. Castiel slammed the door shut, but just before it closed, something caught it and Dean yelped out. Cas looked down to see tan boots sticking through the door, catching it before it closed.

"Novak, I'm not here to hurt you." He looked down at his foot in disbelief. "Damn, you're stronger than you look. Can you stop crushing my foot now?"

Cas stared at his hand against the door, holding it shut, and he released it, but only ever so slightly. "W-why are you here?" He asked, opening the door so that a single blue eye stared out at the 6 am sky.

"I don't know." Dean craned his neck upwards and around Cas, trying to get a peek inside his house but Cas quickly stepped out of the door and shut it behind him. Dean and Castiel were touching, Cas being pressed against the door. Neither of them moved for a moment, their eyes locked, and breath mixing.

Dean took a quick step back, stumbling. What the hell was that? Why hadn't he moved sooner?

"S-sorry!" Cas held his backpack tighter, and ran past Dean, almost tripping over the back pack that lay by Dean's feet.

Dean ran a hand through his spiked hair, confused as hell. What did he just do? When he and Cas were that close... And why was Castiel acting strange?

He thought about things as he walked back to his house, his mind flooded with embarrassment, and climbed back into his impala. He shook off the feeling, and put his car into reverse, and then into drive as he set off for school.

He slammed on his brakes when he saw Castiel, almost not stopping, completely embarrassed with the earlier events.

After Dean had pulled over, he looked up, eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights. Castiel shifted his weight to his other foot, as if unsure what to do. He took slow steps to the waiting impala, not being able to see the driver's face in the darkened windows. He threw his bag in the back seat, climbing into the passenger side.

"Cas... What happened to you?" He asked as Castiel almost fell after he moved his leg the wrong way. He had been limping, Dean noticed, and he finally noticed the bruise on his jaw.

Castiel had looked away, but Dean grabbed his shoulder, shaking it a little. "Novak. What the hell, man?"

Cas didn't say anything, looking down at his feet, as if unsure if there was anything he could say.

Dean drove off again, looking over to Castiel every now and then, surprised when he actually spoke.

"Dean... Have you ever made a mistake?" He asked carefully.

"Too many to count." He admitted. "Most of them were girls." He laughed, trying to lighten the mood. Apparently it didn't work.

"I… made a big one. And now I'm being punished for it." He was silent after that, and though Dean sensed he didn't want to talk about it more, he asked anyway.

"Cas. Tell me what happened."

He breathed in deep, and exhaled, all the while staring straight ahead down the road.

"Do you remember 2 years ago when Joey Lucifer got thrown in jail?" He was tapping the car door with his fingers, where his arm rested, his eyes stuck on a single drop of condensation that traveled down the window.

"Yeah. He was selling drugs and beer. Busted and sent to prison, right?"

Castiel went silent, watching the drop of water disappear down the side of the window.

"Cas. Tell me you didn't..." Dean began, wondering if Castiel had been the one to do what even the bravest hero would never have done. Joey was dangerous.

"Didn't what? Do what's right?" He protested, crossing his arms. "No one else was going to turn him in! So I did!"

"I understand what's right and what's wrong, but you put Joey Lucifer in jail. He never forgets-"

Dean stomped on the brakes, as someone pulled out in front of them, shouting "Asshole!' Out the window, and earning a middle finger from the driver of that car.

He turned to Cas. The whole almost rear ending gave him time to consider.

"I'm going to kick Joey's ass."

Castiel looked away. "Don't. He'll come after me again."

"He'll come after you either way. Novak. Let me help."

"Why the hell do you even care?" Castiel asked, crossing his arms and grabbing his bag out of the back as they approached the school. The car that had pulled out in front of them had pulled into the school as well, and was parking next to them.

How would he answer something like that? Why did he care?

"Because I…" He wasn't sure what to say. Because he felt like they should be friends?

"Exactly." Castiel said as he opened the car door, walking away, even as Dean called out his name.

Dean sighed, getting out of the car and preparing himself to argue with this jack ass in the red convertible. This bitch was lucky the convertible's cover was up, or he'd have yanked him out already.

The first period bell rang just as Dean entered the room. He watched Ms. Ruby's angry glare strike him.

"Mr. Winchester. Thank you for volunteering. You can start by explaining what CPCTC stands for." She said, smiling as a look of surprise and confusion crossed his face.

Dean looked to the side, seeing Castiel's expectant face. He had told him yesterday.

Dean struggled to remember. He remembered seeing this… "Congruent Parts… of Congruent Triangles… are Congruent." He finished, and the class was stuck in a silent awe as he finished.

"Please take a seat, Dean." The teacher pointed to the back of the class, seemingly upset that he had gotten it right.

Dean ripped a small corner from his notebook, writing a message on it.

Castiel felt a small tap on his shoulder. He looked back to see Dean handing him a piece of paper. Castiel opened it.


He was glad that Dean had remembered what it stood for. But did he remember what it meant? Hopefully. He was about to write something back, when the teacher's voice struck out like a whip.

"Mr. Novak. Pay attention."

His head shot up and he glanced over to Dean, who had the faintest laugh on his lips. Was he trying to get him in trouble?

Cas paid attention for the rest of class, trying not to be distracted by the jock that attempted to talk to him and passed him even more notes. By the end of class, instead of writing notes, he had accidentally written most of Dean's words instead of the teacher's. His desk was piled high with small scarps of notebook paper that Dean had passed him and his paper was littered with different random topics Dean had gone on about.

He rolled his eyes. He'd just get the real notes out of the textbook tonight.

Dean came up behind Cas. "Hey later can you give me the notes?" He said, laughter hidden behind his words. He knew very well what had happened.

"Yeah, sure. All the notes I took about you and Sam going on a hunting trip last summer and something about you sneaking into a strip club and your dad not caring when he found out."

They split up, Dean heading to his Team Sport class and Castiel heading to Psychology II.

They didn't say goodbye and dint wave. Neither of them looked back. In these hallways, they were enemies. They could laugh and joke all they wanted to in private, but in public, it was all about image.

Cas felt slight sadness at this, but he paid it no mind. Dean was with the 'in' crowd, popular, being able to use anyone and stab them in the back after they were through their usefulness. Novak wasn't stupid. He wouldn't expect Dean to invite him over to his house or anything, and he certainly wasn't planning on becoming friends with Dean Winchester anyways.

The next period went fine for both, except for the constant winking from Dean's football buddies, who constantly teased him about his relationship with his tutor. Something about it sounding like a bad porno.

And Dean began to think more and more about Castiel Novak. People continued to tell him that he was dating his tutor, and so human nature dictated that he thought about it every single time they mentioned it. He thought about it more and more, and with all these people telling him it was the truth, it didn't sound so ridiculous or fake after all, though he knew Castiel was a guy, and he was a guy, and Dean Winchester certainly wasn't gay. He couldn't help but wonder… was Castiel into guys?

The lunch bell rang, and the students seemed to rush for the cafeteria. Dean and Castiel had both gotten their lunches, and took their meals to the school library, meeting up in front of the back room, number 7.

"Okay we have 30 minutes to get you prepared for the test next period." Cas plopped down his lunch tray and textbooks. "Ready?"

Dean nodded. He couldn't stop thinking about last periods taunting about him being gay with Cas. Castiel wasn't in the least bit feeling awkward, starting up his teachings on the 1700's almost immediately.

Castiel spoke vividly, pointing at the paper multiple times, and Dean continued to think about the boy before him. Castiel Novak.

Castiel Novak had bright blue eyes, messy brown hair, and was the smartest person he'd ever spoken to. Castiel's voice began to be drowned out behind Dean's thoughts.

If I was gay I wouldn't be on the football team. If I was gay, I wouldn't have made out with Tori Langdon 2 days ago in the janitors closet. If I was gay... I'd want to go out with Castiel Novak. No! What did I just say?! No, that was just that subconscious thingy, where you can't control your thoughts, and it just says whatever it wants to and-

"Are you even listening?" Castiel was frowning, his brow furrowed in frustration.

Dean was staring at him intently, but it didn't look like he was catching a word.

"Dean!" He waved a hand in front of his face.

"Huh?" Dean shook his head, clearing his thoughts.

His sexuality was straight as a pole, true. But Castiel was the car that bent that pole; that crashed into it and sent it into a beat-up spiral.

"Sorry..." Dean mumbled. Dean Winchester is straight as a slinky. He thought, then completely abandoned his thought process as he realized what he just said.

"Don't be." Cas smiled. "You'll learn this, I promise."

The bell rang after he said "I", signaling them to leave lunch and get back to class in the next six minutes. Castiel packed up his books and threw away his empty tray. "Let's get to history class. We went over all the main topics, so we should do great… That is, if you actually paid attention."

Dean followed him to class silently.

Their last period, English, had come quickly. Dean had failed his history test, since he hadn't heard anything Castiel had said. He was too worried about his sexual orientation.

"Hello class. If you saw our agenda, I asked you to get out a piece of paper. I want you all to write a story about your opposite side… This will help us with argumentative essays. I want everything about you to be the opposite, besides your gender." He wrote out a sample story on the board quickly, where he was a student instead of a teacher.

A girl raised her hand. "Mister, can we make ourselves anything we want?"

"No." He stated. "I don't want to see who you want to date. I want to see who you wouldn't date. I want to see people you hate become your friends. The opposite side of you. That's what I want on this paper. Not your dreams, not your plans or secret wishes. This story should be something you'd never see happening."

Cas glanced over to Dean, who was actually paying attention for once.

He planned out his story quickly and quietly, though everyone else in the classroom was discussing it. He was on a sports team, failing all his classes and going out and getting drunk often. He… He realized that he was describing Dean when he was so carefully describing everything he had learned about the boy that sat two seats behind him.

The teacher peeked over Castiel's shoulder, nodding as he read over the paper. He spoke to Castiel in a low voice. "You put 'he' in several places. It sounds like you're describing someone other than yourself. Try again. Write about Mr. Winchester, not as yourself, but as your friend or something. In your opposite self, you'd be most like him, correct?"

Castiel stared down at the white lined paper with wide eyes. How had he guessed it was Dean?

As if curious about Dean's story now, the teacher moved back a few seats to spot Dean's paper. "Mr. Winchester, you aren't describing someone else, are you?"

Dean looked up at the teacher and down at his paper. "Should I write about me being friends with this kind of person?"

The teacher sighed. "No. I want you to have a relationship with a person like that. Create yourself as an opposite and do something with that person that you'd want to do as the opposite of yourself. Do what you can't do in this world." This was what Castiel heard from the teacher, and he sighed, glad that he hadn't mentioned any names. Looks like Dean was just writing randomly.

After the teacher had moved away, Dean realized that the problem was that the thing he wanted to do with Cas was very possible for him to do, even without an opposite life. But why would he want to do this? He ignored the teacher's advice, simply making them friends in the narrative.

Dean scratched out his previous story, and the teacher walked by Castiel's desk again, pleasantly finding that they were uncomfortably writing about each other.

After the class ended, the last period of the day, both students left with empty papers, heading to the library in an uncomfortable silence, neither wanting to initiate conversation, though they knew the other didn't know about the teacher's words

After they left, the teacher sighed. "It's cute that they think they're straight." He muttered to himself, giving them each a full score for today, though they hadn't handed in anything for the day.

Dean stared out the window while Castiel talked on and on about the revolutionary war, and the spread of language relative to distance and blah blah blah... Dean couldn't pay attention. A question was burning his mind. He could hear the faint ticking of the clock above the door way, and he knew Castiel had stopped talking, probably upset that he wasn't listening for the second time that day.

"What'd you write about?"

"Huh?" Cas looked up from his work. "In English?" He looked down at his backpack in doubt. "I trashed most of my ideas. I couldn't… I don't know…"

"Same. I don't know if I… I mean, you… N-never mind."

Castiel looked up to Dean in shock. Was his face… was he blushing? Did Dean Winchester just… stutter? He realized the warmth in his face was most likely a reflection of Dean's color. "I...I... I just... I don't know... The teacher..." He stammered, blabbering on about how the teacher had influenced him and told him what to write about, and how he felt he wouldn't have had any good ideas anyways.

Dean looked over, interested now. What did he have to hide? "What'd you write?" He asked curiously. Whatever he was hiding must have been pretty damn good. Usually Castiel was open with his work in class.

He felt slightly annoyed that he knew that much about this boy in only two days.

"Nothing..." Cas went back to his work, and Dean had crossed the room, both hands on the wooden desk, leaning against it.

"C'mon. Tell me." He demanded, violently wondering now. This was something he couldn't leave up to his imagination, whatever it was that Castiel had written about. He seemed almost embarrassed…

"No!" He said defiantly, pulling his back pack closer to him with his foot.

Dean's eyes shifted to Castiel's backpack. He sat down across from him. "Fine." He concluded, allowing Castiel to work in silence. He leaned back in his chair, stretching his feet out as far as he could until he felt his left foot touch the bag. He pulled it ever so slowly towards himself, trying to be as quiet as he could. "Hold on, my pencil broke." He said, though he held no pencil as he leaned down, pretending to dig around in his own bag.

Castiel seemed not to notice that he had no pencil in the first place, and no need for one in general, as he certainly wasn't writing notes at the moment. Dean leaned under the table, still pretending to rummage through his own bag, though he was looking through the many labeled folders.

He searched through the various notebooks and folders until he found the green one marked for English IV. He carefully and quietly out the latest paper and noticed his own name written multiple times across the page, though almost all the words were scribbled out furiously or erased completely, only the small smudges of graphite or lead left behind on the paper.

"Wh-what are you doing?" Castiel had looked up now, and he saw Dean's hands on the paper he recognized as his own. He grabbed for the paper, but Dean held it away from him, holding back the weaker and shorter boy. He stood when Cas did, and having a few inches on him, was able to hold it above his head while his eyes skimmed the paper.

He read through as much as he could before Cas had jumped up and tore the paper from his grasp. He was laughing by the time he got through it. "This looks like the exact thing the teacher told me to write."

He watched Castiel stuff it back into his bag, not bothered by organization as he hurried to hide the evidence. His face was a bright shade of pink as he stood and faced the green eyes, full of amusement.

Dean sat back down in his chair, trying to hold back his laugh, while Cas blushed profusely. He went back to his notes, completely ignoring Dean, though his hand was moving a little too fast, and he still felt the warmth in his cheeks and neck as Dean studied him with careful eyes.

Dean pulled out his books, trying to study along with Cas.

"Can you please stop?" Castiel asked, slamming down his pencil and looking up at Dean angrily. "I don't want to teach you anymore." He said, picking up his pencil and turning his book and notes away from Dean.

"Come on, Novak. I'm sorry. I just wanted to know." He watched Castiel continue through his notes, writing down the most random facts Dean had ever heard. Who was ever going to need to know who invented the cotton mill or whatever? "Come on, let me see." He complained, moving to turn the notes towards himself so he could at least get a few notes down, before Castiel swung out his hand. Dean jerked back his hand as he realized it had laid on top of Castiel's, and the tutor's face became pink once more. Was it healthy to blush that much in under five minutes?

He had felt his heart pounding faster and his breathing quicken after he had jerked away his hand, and Dean couldn't help but wonder what was happening to himself.

What the hell? He asked himself. He'd only felt this way during sports. His heart rushed faster the longer he stressed about it. He thought he had taken away his hand, but there it was, still over Novak's. He glanced down at it, then up to Castiel, then back down to it, then up to Cas again.

"Er… Dean, could you…?" Castiel implied, his eyes on the hands that overlapped.

Dean felt himself leaning forward. No, stop, what the hell are you doing, Winchester? He asked himself, though he didn't fight it. Castiel looked alarmed, his eyes wide, and when Dean's lips came in contact with his own, he froze, eyes wide open. Dean had begun to pull away, but felt Castiel push his own mouth back onto Dean's with the same amount of force, and his hand slid up Dean's arm, coming to rest on the back of his neck.

I'm gay. They both thought this at the same time, realizing that it had made sense for a while now.

Dean's hand ran through Castiel's mess of hair, his fingertips pushing through the brown strands slowly. He felt his hand fall to Castiel's hip, and all he could think about was his sexuality and the person before him. Both of their chairs had been extremely close to begin with, but now they both sat on the edge of it, together.

Their lips broke apart, both of them leaning forward in the slightest to allow their foreheads to rest against one another. Their hearts were pounding in sync, and their breathing came unevenly as they thought about what they had done, and who they had done it with.

"D-dean? Did that… You just… why…?" He couldn't even properly form a coherent question. He was overwhelmed. Did Dean Winchester, one of the top players for the team free will high school football team just…?

"I don't know."

Both of them smiled, laughing slightly, and Dean pulled away just slightly, as if to make sure those bright blue eyes were still there.

"You know, I always thought I would end up with a chick." Dean mumbled, womdering what the hell sort of trouble he had gotten himself into.

"I didn't even know I was… or you, I thought that you were…" They both knew that the unspoken word was straight. Dean Winchester had always been straight.

Then Castiel pulled away even further, and rather quickly. "But what about... The football team?"

Dean knew that if anyone found out that him and Cas were like... This... He'd be kicked off the team for sure.

Cas fidgeted awkwardly under the sensitive topic that hung in the air.. "I don't want to take that away from you."

"It's fine. No one is going to know, alright?"

He kissed Cas again, this time softer and sweeter.

Cas smiled gladly. "Good."

Dean glanced up at the clock. 2:57. "Shit." Practice started in three minutes.

Cas looked up at the clock as well, nodding firmly. "I'll pack your bag and meet you at the Impala. Go."

"Thanks, Novak!" Dean called out as he rushed out the door. It seemed like any other day. It's something Castiel would have done either way. So then… why did it feel different? Why was Dean able to run faster than he ever had before, with less of a strain on his lungs? It probably had something to do with adrenaline… after all, he was full of it after he and Cas had kissed.

Dean rushed out of the media center, a new happiness driving him forward. He had kissed Castiel. He was gay. He passed by Tori, but didn't wink at her like he usually would. He kept on towards the football field, and she looked back to him with questioning and expectant eyes. She may have been his ex, but that didn't mean she wanted to be on his bad side. She wanted the chance to be with hottest guy in school. "Fucker…" She muttered as she continued towards her religious club.

Nick and the other guys teased him for being late. "Lost track of time?" Nicholas laughed, winking. "You must have got it good."

Dean laughed, scratching the back of his head. "Yeah. Guess we lost track of time, you know?"

Nick patted him on the back. "Yeah, we know alright. Hope you didn't get stuff all over your uniform."

Dean shook his head, laughing along with the other team members. "It's not like that, man." He said, and the coach blew his whistle, not allowing Nicholas time to consider being suspicious.

He practiced football, and they played pretty well. He played far better than he would on a normal day, with the motivation of Castiel watching from the parking lot. He had spotted him a few times, and he couldn't help but smile underneath his helmet. Cas probably had no idea which one he was, with all the helmets and similar builds of the guys on the team, but he didn't care.

After practice had ended, he couldn't wait to get to the impala to meet Cs, but Tori interrupted him.

"Hey, Dean." She said, leaning against the side of the wall of the locker room. She had obviously tugged down the front of her shirt, allowing mass cleavage to fall out, but Dean restrained himself from looking. Isn't that what guys did in a relationship?

Tori was slightly ignored by the fact that he hadn't looked down at her yet, so she huffed. "Dean, we've been apart for too long. We should get back together." She waited for a response, but he seemed to be hesitant about what he said.

"I don't know. You might want to get in line." He said, trying to act like he normally would, but he really would have jumped at the chance to get under her skirt again, and even she knew this.

"What do you mean 'get in line'. I don't wait in lines." She said, guessing it was some sort of game. Dean took a step back as she approached, and Tori looked at him with a small sort of disbelief. Maybe he had found someone better than her? No… There was no one as great as Tori!

She chewed the inside of her bottom lip, smiling. "Okay." She said, smiling a fake smile, her lip still tucked between her teeth. "I'll win you back then."

Castiel turned his head at Dean's approach, a small and careful smile on his face. He had been sitting on the hood of the impala, watching the football field. "I used to never watch football. But it looks fun."

Dean sat next to him, their shoulders touching, and they allowed the silence fill the gap between them.

Dean scratched the back of his neck as he considered what to say, not wanting to ruin everything. He had just become gay as hell in under two days… was that a record? Usually it took time for people to figure out they were gay, but he found it out with the touch of a hand. "Hey so, Cas, do you… wanna come over tomorrow?"

"Saturday?" Castiel threw away his plan to study for his fast approaching exams. "S-sure!" He stuttered, grinning. Did this mean it was… Official?

"Great." Dean laughed, then looked over to Cas, smiling jokingly. "Need a ride?"

"I don't need one... But I would like one." He said, a small smile on his face. He was hanging out with Dean Winchester tomorrow… That had to be something no one has ever done before. As far as he knew, no one had been over to his house, no one had been in his car, and he had never blushed or stuttered for someone. Did this make Castiel special in a way?

"Shut up and get in the car, nerd." He said, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.

"Fine, jock." He retorted with a silly grin.

Dean had just asked Castiel in a date. Not a real date, more like a hangout, but they were both new to being in relationship with a guy... What would be considered a date? Castiel laughed internally, thinking this. A candle lit dinner didn't seem appropriate, somehow. He'd much prefer unwrapping fast food in the back seat of the impala.

Dean and Castiel were now in a sort of weird and complex relationship, even if not publicly. It wasn't like they were going to change their relationship status on social media to anything, and they certainly weren't going to tell potential dating material that they were taken… It was just that sort of relationship that you don't want anyone to know about; their own private life. He had no idea how it happened. But now they were together, and Cas couldn't help but smile along with Dean.

Classic rock poured from the radio, and Dean sang along, but no matter how obnoxious it got, Castiel hummed along. He enjoyed the feel of the small wind from the slightly opened window, and squinted as the sun blinded him. When he turned away, he opened his eyes to see the driver, and couldn't help but feel rushed and happy as he saw Dean beside him.

They were a match made in Heaven; Castiel the angel, and Dean the demon.

But they were both heading to hell.