Author's notes: Okay so the lack of Ventress and Obi-wan fanfiction, fanart and etc. is alarming because this is an awesome ship, and they are canon! But I guess canon relationships never get that much attention :/

I always seem to like ships that no one likes…but anyways thought I would contribute to Ventrobi.

Usually, I like when the guy is the dominant one but Obi-wan being the submissive one has stuck a cord with me. I hope guys like it!


Obi-wan Kenobi let out a long groan when he regain consciousness because a.) he had a splitting headache, and b.) he was in a jail cell.

The memories of him battling General Grievous and Ventress jumping out of nowhere and hitting him in the back of the head flashed through his mind, explaining his current predicament. He had been taken prisoner by them. Where? He didn't know. Nothing in this dimmed cell room revealed anything about the location. He could be on the other side of the galaxy for all he knew.

This is not good, Obi-wan thought as he pulled at the chains that securely held him in a spread eagle position against the wall. They were tight, and he ended up just bruising his wrists and ankles when he yanked on the metal cuffs.

He closed his eyes and tried concentrating on the chains, but his splitting headache prevented him from reaching out to the force to remove them. He couldn't even meditate; the pulsing pain at the back of his head was all he could focus on.

Relax, Obi-wan tried to tell himself. Just relax…

But the thought of being tortured filled his mind and made him do the opposite of 'relax.' Ventress had tortured him before back on Rattatak, and so he knew whatever they had planned for him was not going to be pleasant.

His heart skipped a beat when he heard his cell door slide open. He took a deep breath and tried to look like he didn't have a care in the galaxy.

"Master Jedi Kenobi," Asajj Ventress purred when she entered the cell. The door closed swiftly behind her. "Comfortable?"

"Ventress," Obi-wan greeted her. He regarded her appearance, and observed she was wearing a new dark blue dress he hadn't seen before. It hugged her body tightly and made her pale breasts more prominent. He quickly looked up at her face before she could notice him was staring. "Not particularly, maybe you can help with that, my dear?"

"Oh I could," Ventress smiled. She walked up to him and got uncomfortably close. Obi-wan stiffed when she reached her hand out and touched his lips. "But only if you ask nicely." She then ran her long fingers down his lips, slowly and sensually.

Obi-wan was taken aback, but ignored what just happened and hissed, "Since you haven't killed me I suppose you'll be torturing me, but as you know your efforts will prove to be futile just like last time."

Ventress grinned and walked away from him, turning her back to him. "Grievous was most anxious to torture you."

"I'm sure."

"But I convinced him it might require a woman's touch." She cackled, darkly and looked over her shoulder at him.

Obi-wan just raised an eyebrow.

"Though, it might not be torture for you this time."

"Oh I look forward to it then, darling," Obi-wan replied, voice dripping with sarcasm.

"…or it might be, my sweet," Ventress chuckled. She got unnervingly close to him again and looked him over before smiling a little too widely for Obi-wan's taste. "Tell me Master Kenobi…" Ventress slurred, and without warning she unexpectedly touched his crotch. "Have you ever been touched down there before?"

Obi-wan's eyes widened in shock. He opened his mouth, but made no response. He had been rendered speechless.

"Jedi's are forbidden to indulge in such pleasures, no?" Ventress sniggered, savoring his stunned reaction. She then began to rub his crotch, slowly.

Obi-wan jerked at her touch and pulled against the chains, desperately trying to find a way out of this compromising position.

"But for some strange reason I get the feeling you have indulged before."

Obi-wan lowered his head and gritted his teeth. If anything he wasn't going to enlighten her with an answer to that question.

"It's all right you're only human…you get urges," Ventress breathed into his right ear, which made Obi-wan shiver. She chuckled and then traced his ear with her tongue before gently nipping on his earlobe.

Obi-wan skipped a breath, but managed to pant out, "If you think this going to make me reveal anything, you are mistaken, my dear." However, he bit back a moan when she flickered her tongue inside his ear. His concentration to resist her was waning miserably.

Ventress lifted her head and stroked his beard, tenderly. "Oh my sweet, Obi-wan, I don't want you to talk." She slipped her hand down his trousers. "I want you to beg."

Obi-wan's knees buckled and felt his skin prickle with pleasure as she began to tease his inner thighs. She avoided his privates on purpose and fully relished Obi-wan's of struggle and yearning.

"It's perfectly natural to enjoy this, Obi-wan," Ventress commented, clenching his face in her other hand and making him look at her. "Just say the magic word, and I'll make you feel things you have not felt before…"

"Thisss will not work—

Obi-wan tried to stutter out, but Ventress kissed him before he could finish his sentence. She also seized his hair in a painfully grip and forced him into a long hard kiss. Obi-wan tried pulling back and thrashed against her but he couldn't escape her grip or her lips.

Though, after a few seconds went by, he suddenly gave in and kissed her back when he slipped his tongue into her mouth. He kissed a bit incoherently and frantically like he was afraid this would be the last kiss he would ever receive, but he did eventually get into the pace and wasn't half bad.

However, Ventress abruptly stopped him, and took her hand out from his trousers as well. She grinned when she saw Obi-wan was left pucker faced.

Obi-wan flushed red, looking dumbfounded.

"Tell me you want it," Ventress demanded, outlining his lips when the tip of her middle and index fingers. "I'll even leave you tied up, so it looks like you were unwilling. Just tell me you want this. Admit you relish and yearn for this, Kenobi."

Obi-wan opened his mouth, but no words came out again. He was clearly in conflict with himself.

"Tell me now!" Ventress ordered, impatiently. She pushed his face away in frustration and crossed her arms.

"Asajj…" Obi-wan whimpered low. He took a deep breath and looked her right in her icy blue eyes. "I'll admit…it would be a lie that I haven't thought about this…about you."


Obi-wan shook his head like he was coming out of a trance. "But…I-I can't. I'm sorry I can't do this…Not willingly..." He looked like he was going to say more but didn't.

Ventress frowned and backed away from him. She turned her back to him and eventually said, "I have to admit I find your commitment to the Jedi code, somewhat moving…" She unhooked her lighsabers from her belt and twirled them in her hands.

Obi-wan sighed in relief, thinking this alluring interaction was over. Regular torture would be welcomed right now.

That was one close…I almost gave in.

"You have never been an easy one to sway, Kenobi…but maybe this will change your mind?"

Obi-wan gulped and felt the color leave his face when Ventress unexpectedly turned around and dropped all her clothes on the ground. He didn't seem to blink as he gawked at her naked body.

"So are you certain you don't want to indulge, Kenobi?" Ventress inquired, walking slowly towards him. "Your friend seems to be saying yes." She made a noise of approval at Obi-wan's growing erection.

If it was possibly for Obi-wan to turn any redder, he did. His confident and smug demeanor from earlier had vanished along with his pride.

"Well if you don't want it," Ventress exhaled in fake disappointment. "I certainty do." She squeezed her own breast as she snaked her other hand down her stomach towards her opening.

"No!" Obi-wan cried out, pulling against his chains. He honestly couldn't take it anymore. "Please Asajj, yes alright I want you. I have never desired anyone so badly before in my life!"

"Better," Ventress smirked. She wasted no time when she roughly heaved his trousers down to his ankles and ripping his tabards and tunic open. She could have pulled his clothes off with the force but it was so much more satisfying to rip them off his body.

Ventress took in the sight of Obi-wan's half-naked body. She had to admit it was strange seeing his body since he was always covered up in loose robes or armor. He was very slender, but did have some muscle in his arms and chest, nothing overly muscularly though. He did have some hair on his chest and stomach, but what surprised her most about his body was the amount of scars he had. They littered his body ranging from blaster wounds, knife wounds, lightsaber wounds, all from previous fights throughout his life. Ventress couldn't help but wondered if any of these scars were from her.

She certainty hoped so.

Obi-wan groaned, loudly when Ventress used the chains to hoist herself up and sink her awaiting vagina onto his throbbing cock. She wrapped her legs around his waist and continued to use the chains to hold to before banging him repeatedly against the wall.

Obi-wan eyelids fluttered as he arched his bead back in unadulterated pleasure. He let more moans and groans out while she wildly bounced up and down on him. He honestly hadn't felt this good in a very long time, even if Ventress had humiliated and humbled him.

Ventress yanked on his hair and forced him into another rough kiss. Though, this time he didn't resist and kissed her, hungrily. She slowed down the rhythm and become gentler as she rode his cock.

"I never imagine this would happen…" Obi-wan mumbled into her mouth. He began to kiss her neck. "A Sith and a Jedi?"

"Stranger things have happened, my sweet," Ventress quivered, wrapping her arms behind his head. They pressed their foreheads together and Ventress found herself gazing into Obi-wan's blue eyes and almost forgot that they were sworn enemies. It was a nice moment; even Ventress had to admit that.

Obi-wan seemed to be thinking the same thing and looked like he was going to say something endearing, but instead he let a low grunt and made a pained expression since he was about to reach orgasm.

Ventress snapped out of her trance before abruptly clutching his throat and hissing, "No! You don't cum until I tell you to."

Obi-wan squirmed, uncomfortably but obliged and let Ventress finish first. She continued to clutch his throat and fiercely grind against him until she finally let out an orgasmic-filled screech, sending shockwaves throughout her body.

"Go ahead, my dear," Ventress panted out. She went limp, but managed to hold onto him as she nestled her head into his chest.

Obi-wan coughed and gasped for air since she had squeezed his throat so hard it had made him see spots. But he quickly recovered, shaking his head before thrusting up inside her, making her cry out at the same time he let out a satisfied gasp. He lurched forward in a pleasure-filled hazed, feeling like a tightly wounded coil spring inside of him had been finally been released.

Neither Ventress or Obi-wan moved or say anything for a while. Ventress continued to hold onto him as Obi-wan nuzzled his head onto her shoulder.

The Clone Wars seemed so far for the moment.

"Darling…you are too much for me," Obi-wan finally huffed out.

"Yet you want more, my sweet." Ventress then kissed his neck where she saw bruises forming.

Obi-wan's eyes twinkled with lust. Yes, he wanted more. His headache was completely gone and was able to call on the force now if he desired, but he didn't want to. He wanted more

"Unchain me," Obi-wan pleaded, trying to go in kiss, but Ventress turned her head. "I assure you I won't try to escape."

"I believe you," Ventress hummed, caressing his beard. "But why would I unchain you? I can do whatever I like to you, whether you like it or not." She then painfully grabbed him, making him grunt and wrench against the chains. "But I think you like being my plaything, you like being humiliated…maybe I should get a collar for my Jedi dog?"

Before Obi-wan could make a response, the cell door suddenly swooshed open.

Ventress instinctively pulled herself away from him, while Obi-wan sucked in a breath of utter embarrassment as they both looked at the person who opened the door.

It was Anakin.

He looked horrified at the scene he saw laid out before him. The doors closed behind him, entrapping them in this awkward situation.

"Anakin!" Obi-wan cried out. He wasn't really sure why he called out his name, because there was no way he could explain this.

Ventress didn't waste any time and used the force to catch her fallen lightsabers before activating them. She jumped towards Anakin, totally naked.

Anakin pulled his lightsaber out and clashed against her. He quickly recovered from his shock and pushed her back.

Obi-wan tried using the force to pull his clothes on, but he was little too dazed and unfocused to do so.

Anakin also seemed unfocused as he battled Ventress. He tried to ignore the fact she was naked, but was finding it was hard to.

"Only you would stoop this low, Ventress!" Anakin snarled at her, trying to focus his anger on what she did to Obi-wan, hoping that would give him an edge. "I knew how evil you were, but I didn't know how perverted!"

Ventress swung her lightsabers towards Anakin's throat, but he blocked it. Though, the force of her swing pushed him up against the wall.

"Oh Skywalker, you act as though this was done against Kenobi's will," she jeered, backing away to take a new fighting stance. "Obi-wan, why don't you tell him how you begged for me to fuck you like the pathetic Jedi dog you are?"

Obi-wan offered no response and averted his eyes down when Anakin shot him a confused glance for an explanation.

"Liar!" Anakin yelled, before shoving her hard with a force push as well. She stumbled backwards, but she was suddenly collapsed on the ground when she was knocked unconscious from metal chain that hit her in the back of the head.

Anakin looked over and saw Obi-wan had managed to use the force to get one of his cuffs off to hit her with.

"Anakin…" Obi-wan rasped, not sure what to say.

"Are you okay, Master?" Anakin asked, using his lightsaber to cut through the rest of Obi-wan's restraints. He then turned around and let him get dressed. He had seen Obi-wan naked before, but not like this. Not like this.

Obi-wan didn't say anything as he quickly put on his clothes or what was left of them. He honestly didn't know what to say. He was beyond embarrassed.

"She's gone too far," Anakin declared, walking up to Ventress' unconscious form. "She needs to be put down."

"No!" Obi-wan exclaimed, going to her side. He force picked up her clothes and started to put them on her. He glimpsed back at Anakin, who was giving him a flabbergasted look.

"It was not untrue what she had revealed," Obi-wan affirmed, quietly.

Anakin said nothing as he continued to stare at Obi-wan. He wasn't sure what to say either now.

"Where are the others?" Obi-wan asked when Anakin didn't say anything. "How did you get in here?"

"At the ship," Anakin answered in a monotone voice. "Ahsoka and I snuck in here. I guess they still don't know we broke in, so we better move out before they do" He paused. "…Though, I'm glad I found you first instead of Ahsoka."

Obi-wan nodded, agreeing wholeheartedly. He couldn't imagine what would have happened if she had walked in on them, but he still wasn't thrill Anakin had found them either.

Anakin rubbed his head, still trying to justify what he had just saw. "I always thought you two were mocking each other when you called each other 'dear' and 'sweet.' I didn't think—

"Now's not the time to talk about this, Anakin," Obi-wan dismissed. He stood up and went towards the door. "We better go like you said."


Anakin, Obi-wan, and Ahsoka escaped without much conflict, and Obi-wan discovered he had been held on a Recusant-class light destroyer in the outer rim. But the only thing that currently occupied Obi-wan's mind was Anakin.

Anakin hadn't said anything to him since they got back on Republic attack cruiser, and it worried Obi-wan. He wasn't sure what Anakin was thinking, or what he was going to do.

Obi-wan was dreading this talk with Anakin, but he knew it had to be done. He took a deep breath before entering their shared sleeping quarters where found Anakin lying on his cot, messing with some device.

"Anakin…" Obi-wan slurred, sitting down on his sleeping cot across from him.

"Yes, Master?" Anakin answered, sitting up on his bed. He didn't seem to have a worry in the world. He was acting like nothing had happened.

"I just want to address what transpired earlier…with Ventress," Obi-wan slurred, averting his eyes down before glancing back up at Anakin to see his reaction.

Anakin shifted uncomfortably, but yet curiosity filled his eyes.

"I broke my vow of celibacy…my vow to the Jedi code."

Anakin only blinked.

"I feel so ashamed, " Obi-wan stated, rubbing his forehead. He honestly did, he had lost control of his emotions and gave into his urges. It was like years of training had gone to waste. "I don't deserve to be a Master or even a Jedi…so what I'm saying is I completely understand if you report me to the council."

"Oh Master," Anakin chuckled, slightly. He shook his head like that was the most ridiculous thing he had ever heard and lay back down. "I'm not going to report you."

Obi-wan was somewhat relieved, but at the same time he didn't like how Anakin was treating this lightly. He had committed a serious offense against the Jedi order.

"I am grateful," Obi-wan responded, nodding his head. "But you do understand what I did was wrong and completely unacceptable?"

"Master, I think you're being a little dramatic," Anakin told him in matter-of-fact tone.


"I mean…" Anakin sat up again. "Yes, what you did goes against our beliefs as Jedi's but we are human, Master. We long for companionship ever so often. Many people do, I mean look at Master Mundi. He has five wives—

"You know that's because of his species' low birth rate," Obi-wan snapped, furiously. Master Ki-Adi-Mundi was a respected member of the Jedi High Council, but was granted rare permission to marry so he could help populate his home world. "That is not the same thing, and you will not talk about Master Mundi with such disrespect."

"Forgive me, Master I meant no disrespect," Anakin apologized, putting his hands up. "I just meant it's natural…even for us Jedi's."

"That might be true," Obi-wan agreed. "But that is no excuse. We aren't animals, Anakin, we can control ourselves."

"If you are going to lecture me on this topic again, Master then I might turn you in," Anakin snorted, sarcastically.

"Please tell me you understand this, Anakin?"

"Of course, Master, I'm only trying to lightened up the mood."

Obi-wan rubbed his chin, and gave Anakin a long stare. He felt great disturbance within Anakin like he was hiding a secret and asked, "Anakin, have you been with someone before?"

Anakin's eyes flickered, surprised by the question. "Of course not," he answered, a little too causally. He picked up the device that he had been messing with before.

Obi-wan could sense he was lying. There was no denying the waves of anxiety coming off him.

"Was it with Padme?"

Anakin's eyes this time flickered in anger. He stood up abruptly, towering over Obi-wan and barked, "I told you! We are friends! When will you drop this?! Don't put your guilt on me just because you feel bad about sleeping with that witch—

However, Anakin stopped himself in mid-sentence and sat back down, realized he was making himself look bad and whispered, "Forgive me, Master. I didn't mean to snap."

Obi-wan narrowed his eyes at him. The way Anakin reacted made Obi-wan even more suspicious of their relationship. He had always found Anakin's and Padme's relationship a little too friendly for his taste.

"Though…" Anakin murmured, eying Obi-wan. He knew he had messed up with that reaction, so he tried to salvage it. "…I am not a virgin."

Obi-wan raised an eyebrow, waiting for explanation.

"It only happened once…maybe two years ago on an uncover mission," Anakin told him, fidgeting with the device in his hands. "I got carried away with it. It was a moment of weakness. I'm sorry, Master, I never told you. I was embarrassed and scared of what you would do if I told you."

Obi-wan wanted press him for more details, since they had been on a lot of uncover missions and couldn't pinpoint the one he was talking about, but decided not to. He knew Anakin was popular with the opposite sex, so this information wasn't really surprising, but it still was strange to hear nevertheless. He still viewed Anakin as a little boy sometimes, but recognized he needed to view Anakin as a man, a fellow Jedi knight.

"Well…I probably wouldn't have told you either if you didn't walk in," Obi-wan admitted.

Anakin grinned.

"I'm not going to lecture you," Obi-wan reassured him. "But we do live by a code and we cannot forsaken it as we please."

"I completely agree, Master."

"But like you said we are human and these feelings do come naturally…just don't let them control you."

"I will try my best."

"And I will try to do the same."

They smiled at each other, knowing their relationship was forever changed with this new found information, but it was a good thing.

"But…Master I have to know," Anakin retorted. "Ventress wasn't your first, was she?"

"Anakin, I don't see how that—

"Was it Satine?"

Obi-wan hesitated.

"I knew it!"

"Anakin!" Obi-wan reddened. He shut his mouth, deciding he was not going to entertain that question anymore. "I haven't eaten yet," he finally mumbled really low before he stood up and left the room.

Anakin laughed and fell back into his bed. He was glad to know Obi-wan wasn't the perfect Jedi, but it was also reassuring to know Obi-wan had a relationship to hide too from the Jedi order. It made Anakin feel not as isolated and alone anymore.


Obi-wan did not end up going to the mess hall to get food. Instead, he snuck inside a small storage room. He looked around the hall of the cruiser, and when he saw no one was nearby he went inside and the locked the door behind him.

He then took out his hologram communicator from his robes and turned it on. A pre-recorded message from Asajj Ventress appeared in front of him.

Obi-wan wasn't sure how she was able to reach his communicator, but he didn't care at the moment. He had received it a few hours ago and had been dying to play it.

"I'm sorry you couldn't stay longer, my dear Obi-wan," Ventress cooed. "I had so much more planned for you…"

Obi-wan felt a shiver go down his back as he thought back to their recent encounter.

"I hope we meet again soon..." Ventress purred, eyes glimmering with lust through the hologram. "I'd love to hear you begging again, but until we meet again here's something to remember me by..." She then slipped her dress off, and began to touch herself.

Obi-wan's blushed deeply, not expecting that. He turned the communicator off and looked around, even though he was completely alone in small storage room.

When he felt secure, Obi-wan grinned and clicked the message back on, so he could watch the rest of it…