Ladonia was bored like really; he couldn't do anything thanks to the grounding he got by his parents. Thank you, idiot Sealand. He walked into the living room where Iceland was sleeping on the couch and Sealand was drawing something of a tiger and a bear. Ladonia crossed his arms at how unfair this situation was, it wasn't his fault that they sneaked into the meeting room without permission. Well technically speaking it was, but it was Sealand's fault for getting him into this mess in the first place. He sighed as he plopped on the cozy chair and resorted to glaring daggers for the rest of the time being. However, his glares were cut short once Iceland woke up and asked if the two were hungry, which was a resounding yes from the both of them, as they hadn't eaten since the other Nordics left for the meeting and Finland promising them that Iceland would feed them once he woke up. That was at 10:00 AM and the current time was 2:00 PM. Iceland had been asleep for 4 hours. 4 hours. That was a long time of not knowing what to do or eat, not being able to use the microwave or stove (because Finland thought it was too dangerous after an episode with Sealand being left alone with no rules to follow), and NO INTERNET OR TV, Ladonia couldn't stand another minute of this. Iceland stretched before going into the kitchen and finding out what kind of foods they normally ate, which was hash brown casserole, Finnish pancakes, and eggs. Today the trio had cereal and toast because Iceland couldn't cook to save his life.

Sealand sighed at the brunch on his plate and wondered how Iceland survived when he was at his own home. "Hey Emil, how do you manage to stay alive when you're home alone in your own country?" Sealand decided to ask. Ladonia chuckled and Iceland raised his brow.

"What do you mean? I can cook perfectly fine on my own, I just didn't know how to cook what you liked that's all," Iceland explained as he sent a death glare to Ladonia.

"Oh yeah? What kind of things do you cook?" Sealand asked not believing his story.

"Does it matter? Just eat your food and stop asking such childish questions."

"Of course it matters, Jerk. I want to see what you can make so when you 'babysit' us again I'll know what to look forward to." Iceland sighed and cleaned off his plate before walking to the coat rack and getting his coat.

"Come on you two, since Peter wants to know what I cook we need to get some special ingredients for it and we need more food," Iceland said as he grabbed the keys to his car. Sealand gave a smile and ran off to go get his coat, leaving Ladonia the only one at the table.

"Aren't you coming, Ladonia?" Sealand asked. However, before Ladonia could respond, Iceland threw his coat to him.

"You're not staying, end of story. Let's go guys," Iceland said bluntly. Ladonia sighed and put on his coat, following the two young nations outside.

Sealand looked at the large amounts of chocolate in front of him. The shelves were stacked to the brim with sweets and goodies that Sweden would never let him have, even if Finland and he begged him together. Sweden as stated says that 'eating too many sweets would rot your teeth.' Sealand begged to differ, I mean has anyone seen America's teeth, they were bleach white and he ate chocolate 24/7. America also had an emergency chocolate closet in his house, that's how much of an chocolate addict he was.

Sealand picked up two candy bars (one for him and one for Ladonia) and smiled. Since Sweden and Finland weren't there, and Iceland didn't really care about much, he was sure he could get it. He gave himself a pat on the back for being so clever. 'For the first time in forever, I finally have a chance to eat this delicious chocolate without Sweden sending me glares,' he thought as he walked to Iceland and slyly put the chocolates into the cart.

"Peter, what did you just put into the cart?" Iceland asked, grazing through the boxes of cereal they had on the shelf. Sealand started to panic, was his plan falling part already? Maybe it was just time to confess, this was too much pressure to put on a twelve year-old boy.

"Chocolate," he said, beads of sweat were starting to form on his head.

"Oh, ok. Just make sure to get some for Erland," he said as he picked up a box of Cheerios. Sealand smiled and wiped the beads of sweat off his forehead before going on a hunt to find his brother/friend.

Ladonia stood there with his hands clutching the grocery list, he could barely read the Icelandic's handwriting, and the frozen food section was getting really cold. He sighed as he picked up the fish that was listed and then another frozen food item that was listed as well. He walked back to the cart and put the objects in.

"I think that's it," Ladonia said as he handed the list back to the teen.

"Alright, you guys go wait in the car and I'll be back in a few." Iceland handed his car keys to Ladonia and walked to the long line of customers waiting in line. Ladonia sighed and began his search for the missing Sealand, 'he might be in the toy section,' he thought as he made his way to the section to begin his section.

Sealand smiled at all the toys in front of him. The toys were beckoning him to just let Iceland buy them all for him and maybe he would, he was pretty scared of Sweden and Finland and would do anything he would ask him to do if they agreed not to kill him. He grabbed a blue Power Ranger from the shelves and gave it a curious glance, he could use his 'my daddies will kill you if you don't buy me this' bit to the teen, or 'Finland will shoot with you one of his guns if you don't do what I command, PEASANT!' he really liked the second one best. He grabbed the red power ranger and turned to meet an annoyed redhead tapping his foot.

"We're about to leave so grab whatever you want and lets book it," the annoyed one said as he turned around and started to walk away.

Sealand caught up with the boy and gave him a confused look. "What does 'book it' mean?" he asked.

Ladonia held back the urge to strike the boy down with his paintbrush; he was too ignorant for his own good.

"It means leave, we're leaving!" Ladonia yelled, flailing his arms around like a mad man.

"Erland, you're making quite a scene I'm gonna have to ask you to bring your volume down," Sealand said. Ladonia face palmed and grabbed the boys arm, leading him through the crowd of people, if Ladonia didn't leave soon he would explode, and if Iceland found out he would explode, literally.

They made it out of the store just before Ladonia thought he was going to bite someone and he let out a relaxed sigh. Sealand was on his side, playing with the red power ranger he stole. Ladonia's eyes widened at the realization that the toy was never paid for and the sound of an alarming sound had not come from the tiny little toy. Ladonia quickly grabbed Sealand's arm once again and ran to Iceland's car. He placed his back on the side of the car trying to catch his breath.

"Why do you keep pulling me?" Sealand asked, rubbing his sore arm from the boy's tight grip.

"You didn't put that in the cart, so it wasn't checked out, so now it's stolen, and Iceland is going to kill you," Ladonia explained. Sealand's eyebrows furrowed at his brother's run on sentence, but quickly put the pieces all together.

"He's going to kill you too," Sealand added.

"Why me?" Ladonia asked panicking.

"Because you were the one who dragged me out before I even knew what was happening. Actually this is all your fault," Sealand said, forcefully handing the power ranger over to Ladonia who pushed it back.

"It's yours!" he said forcefully.



"Yo…" Sealand trailed off as he saw Iceland with a confused look on his face and paper bags in both arms.

"What are you two yelling about?" he asked. The two boys looked at each other, hid the red toy under the car, and gave him a smile.

"Um… who has the key," Ladonia said, but his sentence sounded more like a question. Iceland held up the keys and pressed the unlock button of the car.

"I do. You guys just go in the car and I'll put the bags in the trunk," he disappeared behind the truck and Sealand quickly grabbed the toy from under the car.

"We have to hide this!" he whispered in a panicked voice.

"Let's just ditch it and say we don't know if someone asks us about it," Ladonia suggested.

"Ditch what?" Iceland said, magically appearing in front of the boys. The boys weren't suspecting him and he found out what they were trying to hide from him. He gave the boys a confused look and looked at the toy curiously.

"I don't remember buying this," he said.

"Someone bought it for us," Ladonia said quickly.

"Who?" Iceland asked, trying to find out why in the heck the kids had a $15.00 toy.

"That guy who's walking towards us," Sealand answered. Iceland looked behind him to find the store's security guards were running towards him at full speed, before he knew it he was on the ground.

"I knew I suspected you the moment you walked into the store," the security guy said, "Do you know that stealing property from store's is a federal offense." Iceland looked at the toy and wiggled one hand free from the security man's grip, took the toy from Sealand's hands and tried to hand it to the man.

"What if I… give it bac- Ow my arm, my arm," Iceland said as the man grabbed Iceland's arm with the toy a tight grip.

"I'm gonna have to ask you some questions," the security man said, standing up and yanking Iceland up. "What's your name?" he asked.

"Uh…. Um… Emil," the Icelandic teen answered, trying hard not to stutter when answering the man.

"Don't worry children, we won't be long. You'll have your brother back as soon as we get the full story," the security man said calmly to the guilty boys as he guided Iceland back inside the store.

"We are so dead," Sealand said as he got in the car. Ladonia knew that Sealand was right, when Iceland got out of the store they were going to be in so much trouble.

In the end, Iceland was left with community service with an ankle bracelet that he had to wear for three weeks and the two boys were never allowed in the store ever again.

Hahahahahaha! I admit, this wasn't the best chapter, but I tried so A for effort right. Anyway I'm really glad a lot of you like my story so far and there will be more Micronation adventures coming your way!