A/N: Welp, anothwer oneshot! I promise to veer the focus away from Greg and Rose in some of these eventually, but seriously, after the new episode, how can you not want Greg and Rose?

I am on a trip to London right now, which I guess pretty much explains why I couldn't sit down and write. I eventually have to write a chapter for that other multichapter fanfic I was making...

So excuse if chapters are slow. I write these in my free time.

Also please, if there are things you would like to see in oneshots, please drop them in a review! I need ideas to keep the train rollin', you know.

Deep, black eyes met directly with an amber eye and an eye that was a gemstone. The massive feline-like gem was hissing, stiff, yet delicate fibers of stone in its back making it alike to the hair that stood up on end on a cat's back. The odd resemblance to an actual, living animal on Earth was strange to her, especially considering how fond she was of cats. Lions, tigers, all big cats, little house cats, you name it, she loved them all.

Too bad this was no actual cat, but a corrupted Cat's Eye.

They were too close, perhaps, or so Pearl's yells of warning seemed to imply. The muscles of her legs were tense. The muscles of her back were stiff. The muscles of her arms, rock hard. There was not a single millimeter of her that wasn't ready to pounce on the gem that had ruined her date.

If only they had been able to subvert it before returning from that mission. If only they had known that Cymophane knew how to use a warp pad.

While the beast growled and hissed, she jumped. The ground trembled when she left the floor, a loud thunder accompanying the motion. She landed straight atop the huge feline beast, right behind its head, and she lifted her sword, ready to impale it in its skull. The giant cat was shaking, and her power thighs were in pain because of the strength it took to not be thrown across twenty feet by its powerful muscles.

She didn't even know when the words left her mouth. "You piece of shit!"

And, when she wasn't consumed by anger and regained her consciousness, the pink sword was encrusted in the beast's head. Crunching, fleshy noises reached her ears as the sword trailed down, though those sounds were deafened by the loud screeching of the monster as it reached its final moments.

Her curls were flung back by the air and sparkly smoke that came with the explosion of the beast, the Cymophane in its eye socket popping and landing with a thud in the sand below.

"Yeah!" She celebrated, lifting the sword, ignoring the throbbing pain in her thighs, the sweat stuck in her forehead. "We did it!"

She lifted the Cymophane. The stone fit snugly in the palms of her hands. With one swift motion, it was in a pastel pink bubble.

The other members of the Crystal Gems had reached her. Garnet had sand stuck in her 'fro. Pearl had a few bruises and burns from sand friction. She tried to wipe the sand off Garnet's hair. Amethyst was limping, wincing with each step.

"Oh, Cymophane." Rose said to the bubbled gem. "How could I know you'd end up like this?" She shook her head in sadness, the thrill dying down as she realized who this used to be.

Garnet put a hand in her shoulder, a hilarious gesture, bearing in mind she was shorter than Rose. The gem with the pink mane turned to look at her companion. All Rose saw was the impenetrable shades, but she understood. She nodded just slightly, and swishing her hands, the bubble was gone in a flash of sparkles, teleported to its safe haven in the temple.

Rose turned around, and it was then that realization hit.

Still in the beachside restaurant, Greg stood, mouth wide open, eyes huge, limbs limp.

Oh, shit, Rose thought.

She took a few tentative steps towards the man, her eyes filling with fear and sorrow. The man gave a few steps back, his forearms lifting to the front of his face in a defensive maneuver.

She smiled, uneasily as could be. Her right hand lifted to her wild pink curls. She was sweating cold.

"Um, Greg… I think we need to talk."

"I'm sorry," she pleaded, crouching so he was taller than her. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

Greg looked around the room. There were pink clouds everywhere. A serene aura filled the air.

But Rose knew it wouldn't help his anger.

"No. No. You fucked up real bad," he said, staring at her with a mix of fear and anger. "I want an explanation right now, man. Who the hell are you? What the hell happened? Who the hell am I dating?"

The gem breathed. She didn't know she could feel this nervous about a feeble human… She did not know the prospect of losing him to who she was could hurt so bad.

She had forgotten what it was to fall over a human, but most importantly—She had never fallen for a human this hard.

She licked her lips. "I… I don't know where to start, Greg," she mumbled, overwhelmed by her fifteen thousand years of history, by the different culture she initially belonged to, by her travels around space.

"Well you better damn find a place to start, because I'm not saying another word to you until I get a goddamn explanation," he said, looking down in what Rose guessed was disappointment and mistrust. Her heart ached… Or, more accurately to her anatomy, her gemstone felt a twinge of pain.

She gulped. "Well, I, um…"

She bit her lower lip. She avoided eye contact at all costs.

"I'm not human, Greg."

He lifted his gaze to look at her. "Yeah, I can pretty damn well realize that," he said, but his sarcasm fell flat. He sighed. "Humans don't get swords out of nowhere. Humans can't make fucking bubbles or shit with their hands, or whatever."

Rose twiddled her index fingers, looking down at the fluffy clouds below her bare feet. She knew the potty mouth only emphasized how cross he was with her.

The man had curled into a ball, arms crossed above his knees, his chin resting in his forearms. "What are you, Rose?" He asked.

"I'm a Crystal Gem," she answered. It was surprisingly easy to say.

"Okay. And what in the hell is a Crystal Gem?"

She took a minute to try and compose a concrete answer, but there was such an extensive history, such a difference in biology, such a distinctive breach between species that she couldn't compact it in a simple sentence.

"I… My body is not real. I am…" she tried to phrase it as best as she could. "I truly am the gemstone you see in my abdomen. My body is just a vehicle to traverse this Earth and other planets… I used the…" she could explain what it was later. "The Galaxy Warp to move through many planets owned by my kind.

"My default form just seems to be really similar to the form of human females. The real me is just my gem… I haven't always been on this Earth, nor have my friends. We have only been here… for about…"

Greg was looking at her. She could read the How long? Written in his gaze, aside of pent up anger and fear.

She squeezed her eyes shut. "for about a thousand years or so."

Greg groaned. His face was buried in his palms. "So what you're telling me is that I'm dating an old-ass rock alien thing." He ran his hands through his hair. "Do you… honestly expect me to believe all this bullshit, Rose? I just…"

She waited while he absorbed the shock. Humans were way easier to convince back before science existed, but it was always new… to every partner she had.

Except for some reason, Greg's look of mad disbelief seemed to hurt more.

"I did see you summon a huge-ass sword and a bubble thing…"

There were a few seconds of silence.

"How old are you, Rose?" he asked, resigning himself to this bizarre fate.

The gem avoided eye contact as she shot the answer. "Around fifteen thousand years or so."

"Just the age gap," Greg said, and he laughed bitterly. "I really don't want to believe this, but…" He seemed in such distress his sorrow poured straight out of his heart and into Rose's gemstone. "I mean, I don't know what to believe anymore, man."

"Greg, I…" She needed a way to phrase it delicately. "I'm sorry I couldn't tell you this earlier, but I mean, how could you… How did you expect me to tell it to you… And for you to believe me?"

"Rose," he retorted. Heartbreak doused that single word. "I think if you're gonna date someone, the first thing you gotta tell them is you're a goddamn alien."

They both giggled, though it was an empty laugh.

"There are… A lot of things for me to explain to you," she said. The least she could do now was give him proper information. "I don't think I can cover it all up in one day, but I mean… I can tell you the basics."

Greg shrugged. "How weirder can it get?"

"What happened to him?" Pearl asked, staring at the human standing on the beach. The sun was setting, and the view of his silhouette against the pinks and reds of the sunset was actually quite artistic.

Garnet looked at the man, then turned back to Pearl. "Rose gave him the talk."

Pearl shook her head. "Rose should give up on humans already. She can save herself all this trouble." She sat next to Garnet, imitating the taller gem's lotus sitting position. She must have recently meditating or something alike. She said she found the beach and its sounds soothing, and who was Pearl to contradict her?

Garnet noticed the pastel gem was wearing jean shorts, and the orange light of the sunset reflected from her legs in a beautiful way. Her shoulders did the slightest shrug. "We have no power over what Rose decides." She flashed a tiny smile towards Pearl, one of those microscopic smirks she did just for her. "And sometimes, it's fun to see her get in weird human trouble."

The blonde turned to face her. Garnet's grin was widening. "You mean like, that one time at the bar?" She covered her mouth with a slender hand. "You know, the day she met the human? Garnet! I had no idea you were like that!"

The rouge gem was trying to force her smile out of the way, but it was impossible. Her hand grabbed Pearl's, the other, free hand pressing an index finger to the pale lips of her gemfriend. "But don't ever tell Rose that." There was a bit of silence. "Or Amethyst. I have to be the serious leader."

Pearl laughed. "Why do you have to be the serious leader?" she asked, her lips brushing against the long finger.

The one hand pressing against her mouth moved to Garnet's waist. "I am the only sane one among us four," she said. She balled her hand into a fist and pressed it against the palm of her other hand. "I have to keep you in line."

Pearl cackled. Garnet turned to look at the human again, blushing. "I have spoken enough today."

Just then, the temple door opened behind them, and Rose walked out, visibly distressed, wearing jean shorts not unlike Pearl's and a white tank top. She leaped off the temple entrance and walked to the beach, towards the human.

"They've had a rough day," Pearl said, her hand landing in Garnet's arm.

The rouge gem just nodded.

Rose stood next to Greg in awkward silence. This was something she didn't want to have to tell him. "Greg," she called, her eyes finding a sudden spectacular engagement in the waves crashing against her feet and how they ruffled the sand.

The man just hummed, but that was enough of a sign for the rosy gem. "Listen… I know today was rough. I just have to tell you…"

The man turned to face her. His eyes sparkled orange from the light of the setting sun, and Rose felt something surge deep from her gem and spread around her body, that one special warmth she knew she felt whenever he was around.

And feeling it right now, when she was intending to say goodbye, it hurt.

She looked down, trying to avoid his beautiful dark eyes. "Listen, if you don't want to see me anymore after all of this… I get it." She felt her throat tie into knots "I get it. The age gap, and how we're different, and all that. I have lost many humans to that explanation. I won't make you stay with me.

"I'll find another human… Maybe then they'll leave me. And if we're together enough, they'll die." She saw him cringe slightly. "The point is, it's okay. You can leave me."

That said, she turned around and walked slowly to the temple, ready to face the impending sadness of lost romance. And oh, how she knew she would mourn this man.

She heard him scream from the beach, "Let me think about all this."

But she knew she couldn't bring her hopes up.

Greg didn't return for a week.

They were all together in Rose's room. Garnet and Pearl were just resting after a heavy, if fun, session of training; and they awaited their turn to be pampered by Rose's hands, who were currently busy trying the newest hairdo of the hair magazine on a lazy Amethyst… Who, obviously, complained about the lengthy process.

Rose had isolated herself the day after the incident, but she soon enough opened herself to the other gems and had invited them to spend some time with her, if only to ease her nagging thoughts a bit. She had found a nice enough consolation in the company of her life partners, her best friends.

That was, when the familiar echo of someone banging the entrance to the temple boomed all over the room.

"Who do you think that is? No other human would have to come here ever since…" Rose said. She didn't complete the sentence, but her gem was already pulsing with heat at the prospect of it being him.

"Oh boy," Amethyst said. "I think it might be your man, Rose." She poked the tallest gem with her elbow. She winked. Go check the door was written all over that wink.

The rosy gem turned to her other two companions. They were both smiling.

She summoned the temple door, tensing up with expectation. Her gem glowed, matching her tip in the door's star. The door opened…

And there he was.

Rose felt herself choking, even if choking wasn't really a thing in her species.

Warmth still wrapped her like a blanket— She definitely wasn't over him, she could still feel love radiate from her every pore.

"Hello," she said. Her voice was throaty and soft, almost caught up on its way out.

"Hey, Rose," he said, scratching the back of his head and kicking the floor just slightly. "I guess… You don't mind me going in for a sec'? I kinda need to tell you something… About that thing, last week." He was as bashful as she was. They were both adults, and here they were, acting like shy children. It marveled her.

"Come in," she droned, her feet feeling like they floated on the floor of the temple.

The man stepped in nervously, noticing the three other aliens in the room, who stared at him in a mix of curiosity and expectation.

The door vanished, and here they were, avoiding eye contact and fiddling bashfully.

He cleared his throat. "Listen, Rose, I've been thinking a lot since last week," he started formally, finally looking at her. "And…"

There were a few seconds of silence. Expectation heaved in the atmosphere.

"Oh, screw this crap," Greg groaned, breaking all formality. "Rose, I've been really freaking sad since that day. I've talked to a lot of my friends of the band and I've been drinking like there's no tomorrow. I realized…"

He blinked slowly. His hands gestured like crazy, dotting and exaggerating all his words. "Rose, I don't give a single shit if you're an actual gemstone or if you came from outer space or if you're eons old… Or if you can't die unless your gem is cracked, et cetera, et cetera." His words were rushing, coming out of his mouth without order, without revision. "I like you, man. I like you a lot. I like you more than any girl I've dated, and you're not even technically a girl,…" he took a deep breath.

"The point is, I don't care, Rose." His hands were sweating cold as they wrapped those of a shocked Rose Quartz. "It was a shock and I'm still surprised, but man, I like you more than that, than anyone else. You're the coolest gem alien genderless thing I have ever met. Please don't leave me." He pressed the delicate, if big, hands even further. His eyes dug into Rose's. "I know we haven't known each other for that long but… Do you ever just know when you've met someone really special?"

Rose nodded. Her eyes were watered up. She leaned down, just a little, and he stood on tippy toes, and Rose savored the strange, alive warmth of his lips again, joy exploding inside her.

Amethyst chimed in, breaking the emotional moment. "So, does this mean you will date the alien?" she screamed, making her hands into a megaphone.

Garnet and Pearl shushed her angrily. Greg laughed. "Sure thing, I'm totally dating the alien."

Rose screamed in joy, lifting him and spinning him around, to which he yelped in surprise. She was laughing, and he laughed too.

"Don't worry, man," Amethyst said. Her hairdo had been neglected by Rose among her joy, and her mane was back to its usual, wild form. They were now sitting in the beach, taking a few celebratory drinks. "We're the cool brand of alien. We won't abduct you to experiment with you or that stuff."

"Or maybe we will," Pearl added, flashing him a grin.

"Yes," Garnet said, perfectly serious. "We do not know much about the human race, after all."

Greg's eyes widened in fear. Rose interrupted, flailing her arms towards the other gems. "Don't be jerks, guys! Don't scare the nice human!" she yelled. "Don't mind them, Greg, they're just messing around."

He laughed, though, unbeknownst to the gems, he was in fact secretly relieved.

Final A/N: This is THE cheesiest thing I have written in my entire life, but the new episode messed with my mind. Enjoy your corniness. This is cornier than actual corn.

Don't forget to drop a review! Fanfickers live of those, you know.