"Excuse me!" I yelled as I sprinted passed the people in the hallway who stared at me, whispering to each other why a small red headed girl would be running down the hallways like a mad man. Well, if you must know, I'm meeting my best friend in the courtyard where she will confess to her crush that she likes him. But before I go into detail of the topic, let me introduce myself to you. My name is Clary Fray and I go to Alicante Academy. My best friend, Isabelle Lightwood, has been crushing on the school's heartthrob and has the need to tell him, in front of everyone, her feelings. While we're on the topic of the heartthrob… his name is Jace Herondale. He's popular among his grade and makes girls swoon over him, well except me. But the thing about Jace is even though he is good looking, I have to admit, he turns down every girl that confesses to him.

It's really strange but I don't care until now. If he breaks Isabelle's heart I will destroy him.

As of now, I'm running down the stairs and into the courtyard, I slowed down to a light jog and scanned the area for her and found her leaning against a pillar. I jogged over to Isabelle and put my hands on the pillar for support. I gasped for air but I looked at her and gave a nod. She gave one sharp nod back, meaning that she was ready. We looked out into the courtyard and spotted him entering, making his way to the other side to get into the hallway where his class was.

Isabelle walked ahead of me, making her way to him. I stopped short and watched as she stood right across from him, where he was still walking away. I clasped my hands in front of me, praying that everything would go well.

"I like you!" Isabelle's voice yelled out. It seemed like everything had stopped. Everyone who was in the courtyard looked at Isabelle and then Jace, who had stopped midstride but did not turn around. "I like you," she repeated to him.

Finally Jace turned a bit to look at her. I held my breath.

"Good for you but sadly I don't return your feelings. You're quite annoying to be honest," Jace responded to Isabelle. Her face dropped at his words and I saw the look in her eyes, the one that was so rare that it filled me with rage. She was going to cry. Everyone watched as she looked down and started to shake as Jace turned away and left.

Then, everyone erupted into chaos. Some were laughing at Isabelle for being turned down or pitying her for having her heart broken. My hands clenched into fists, my finger nails cutting into my palms.

I heard footsteps behind me.

"What happened? What did we miss?" Simon's voice rang behind me.

"Yeah, did everything go okay?" Jordan added in. If only they knew. Being a good friend, I should've went to Isabelle to cheer her up and explained what happened to Jordan and Simon, but my stubbornness took a hold of me and I ran after Jace. I could hear Simon calling my name but I didn't stop running.

I knew where Jace's class was. It's not like I stalk him or anything but his class is right across from mine. It was a good thing it was upstairs too because I knew a shortcut to get to the top of the stairs before he could. When I made it, I leaned against a cubed pillar and waited for him with my arms crossed.

That bastard. Who does he think he is just saying that to a girl with no emotions, my brows furrowed.

I waited for him for a few minutes until I heard someone coming up from the stairs and a flash of blonde hair started to makes its way up. I immediately put a leg up, resting the bottom of my foot on the rail across from me to prevent him to move past me.

Jace looked at my leg that was blocking his way to me.

"Are you gonna move your leg?" he asked in a monotonous voice, as if he was bored.

"How dare you do that to Isabelle," I said sternly.


"The girl that just confessed to you!" I exclaimed. Is he serious?

"Oh, her," he said back with a sigh. He looked me up and down and then asked, "Who are you exactly?"

"I'm her friend. Her best friend," I stated and he nodded slowly. Then, all of a sudden he grabbed my leg that was blocking him with one hand and then other was at the side of my head, balancing his weight as he leaned close to me.

"You want me too, don't you?" he questioned.

My brows rose, "huh?"

"Since I rejected your friend you think you have a chance with me?" there was a playful smirk on his face. I could feel my heart beat faster and a blush rose on my cheeks. He started to lean closer to me, his face only inches from mine.

"NO!" I yelled and put my hands on his chest and pushed. I saw his eyes widened as he fell backwards and down the stairs.

Realization hit me at what I had just done and I screamed.

"The light's gonna be red," Jace said. I glanced up at the sign and saw the yellow walking light start to blink. I gasped and hurried us over to the other side of the road. When we made it, Jace leaned against a stone pillar as I collapsed to the ground, huffing for air.

I had taken Jace to the nurse after the little incident and have been waiting outside the door to see if he was okay.

"Just some minor sprains but he'll be alright," the nurse had said and gave my shoulders a bit of relief but when I entered the room to apologize, he had bandages wrapped all around him. One on his arm, one around his hand and wrist, another around his head, and then one on his ankle.

"Now how am I going to go home in this condition," was the first thing he said to me.

"I'm sorry, um, I can call you a cab?" I had suggested in a small voice. But he simply shook his head.

"No, you can help me get home," he had told me and I had been lost at what he meant till now. I carried him by my side for the past thirty minutes and he was heavy. No boy should be of that weight but the reason he was so freaking heavy was that he worked out and had big muscles.

"You need to turn right here," he said and pointed to the direction. I glared at him but got up and put his arm around my shoulder. We walked for a while until he stopped limping and pivoted his feet towards some steep stairs.

"U-up there?" I asked him, my mouth open. He nodded. "How the hell are you supposed to get up there?!" I yelled at him.

"You find a way, you're the one who did this to me in the first place," he snapped back. I looked away and glared at the ground. I threw his arm away from my shoulder and got in front of him.

"Get on," I demanded.

"Are you serious? This is your grand idea, to carry me up these stairs? I hate to break it to you but I don't think you have the strength to carry me," he commented.

"You don't have any clue what I can and can't do, so it's either get on or I'll leave you here," I snapped. He just stood there for a second and then scoffed, shaking his head but got on.

"If you throw out your back it's not my fault, okay," Jace said.

"Whatever," I mumbled and grunted when I picked him up. It felt like I was picking up a damn elephant but it didn't stop me from going up the steps, one by one. "You're stronger than you look," Jace told me.

"You don't say?" I didn't stop. When I reached the middle part of the stairs, I gasped a bit and stood there.

"Why'd you stop?"

"Give me a break," I growled.

"I wanna get home," he complained. I wish that I could've dropped him here. I tightened my grip on him and continued up the stairs. When I finally made it to the top, I put his arm back around my neck and walked in the direction he needed me to walk.

This looks awfully familiar, I thought as I looked at the surroundings. I just couldn't put my finger on it.

"There," Jace's voice snapped me out of my reverie. I looked at where he told me to drop him off and my jaw dropped.

"Wait, there?" I asked, pointing at the small apartments. He nodded. "I-I live there, too," I told him.

"What? You live here?" he asked me

"Apartment 5-A," I answered him.

"5-B," he was my damn neighbor and I didn't even know about it! "I just moved in last week, crazy we didn't bump into each other," he said thoughtfully. "Now, why are you just standing there, aren't you going to help me to my apartment, neighbor?"

I glared at him but dragged him up the steps to his apartment.

I stopped at the front of his door and he looked at me.


"Can you get my key from my pocket?" he asked me.

"What, why can't you do it?" I asked him. He eyed his right arm, the one that had the bandages wrapped around it, and his other hand that was completely wrapped. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Where are they?"

"Back left pocket," he answered and I reached behind him and reached for the pocket. I really didn't want to get it out of his pocket, why couldn't he have his key in his breast pocket like a normal person or at least in his bag. "Don't be shy, just reach in the pocket and get the damn key," Jace said a bit impatiently. I nudged him and quickly took the key out of his pocket and put it into the lock.

We went inside the apartment, which was a mess, and I lay him down on his couch. He let out a sigh of relief and closed his eyes.

"You're welcome," I said and started to leave but Jace's voice rang out before I reached the door.

"You think that's all I wanted from you?" I turned to face him.

"You want more from me after I carried you from school?" I scolded.

"In my condition, I possibly can't clean the rest of my stuff up and cook something for me to eat, so if you can be a darling and do those stuff for me?" his voice was way too innocent for my liking.

I looked at him again and thought back when I had pushed him. I let my head fall and my shoulders slump. "Fine."

I spent the last fifteen minutes getting his food ready and went to go clean up some of his stuff as the stove heated. Jace was sitting on his couch reading a book. For a person who was injured, he seemed calm. I shook my head and got back to what I was doing. In the background, I heard Jace laugh at something in his book. It was dark and rich and made me shudder.

No Clary, I thought sternly, you do not like his laugh.

I shook my head and made my way towards the stove. I measured out how much vinegar I needed and put it aside. Then something pressed against behind me that me jump.

"Watcha cooking?" Jace's voice was close to my ear.

"What're you doing?" I asked him, giving him a nudge with my shoulder.

"I just wanted to see what you were doing," he answered and leaned back.

"You didn't have to get close to me to see," I said and grabbed at the vinegar blindly and threw the contents into the hot pan. Then all of a sudden, fire rose from the pan which made Jace and I back up against the wall. I looked at what I grabbed and saw that I had taken the bigger glass of vinegar than the one I measured out.

I groaned to myself and looked at Jace who was wide eyed and still looking at the fire on the pan. This cannot get any worse for me.

The sprinklers came on. Great.

"It's gonna take weeks, maybe months to get everything back in order," Catarina, the woman who ran the place said to us. She stood in the middle of Jace's living room, inspecting the place.

"Really," Jace said as he looked out a window. I stood in the corner, looking down. First you push him and then ruin his apartment. Nice, real nice, Clary, I scolded myself. Catarina looked back at Jace.

"There aren't any more apartments available here, do you have a place to stay?" she asked.

"Yeah, I do. I can stay with a friend for now," Jace answered, still looking out the window.

"Oh, what friend?" Catarina asked, curious. I looked up, curious, too. Then, Jace finally turned around, a hand in his pocket and the other pointed at me.

"That friend."

I looked around, then back at him. "Me?" I pointed to myself. He walked up to me and stared me down.

"Don't act stupid. You made the mess in the first place, may as well let me stay with you," he said and then smiled.

"Why're you smiling?"

"Now, we can get to know each other more. Right, roomie?" he had a full grin displayed now.

What did I just get myself into?

Hello! If you guys didn't know, L-DK is a manga by Ayu Watanabe and if you haven't read it then you're missing out. But I'm actually using references from the live action since the manga isn't complete... I think. But the live action is just as wonderful as the manga. If you're a follower to my other stories, sorry that I haven't updated but I'll try updating when winter break comes along but as for this story, I'll try to update once a week.

Thanks for reading :D