Chapter 6:

Sebastian smiled as he slid down the mountain unnoticed by Martin, making sure not to drop the remote. Suddenly an engine was heard; both Martin and Sebastian turned to the noise and off to the right on the same ledge, but out of the snow's path a lone snowmobile pulled up. The driver stopped and took off his helmet; neither Martin nor Sebastian could believe Chris was there! It didn't matter to Sebastian, this would work even better, he'd get rid of both brothers with the avalanche! Thinking of his revenge and believing he'd get to the sleds before the avalanche reached him, he held up the remote; Chris saw him and tried to warn Martin. It was too late, Sebastian pushed the button and the black box sent off a vibration causing the snow to come loose. Chris could only watch helplessly as the avalanche tore down the hill catching first Martin, than Sebastian in its path of destruction! As it tore down the hill Chris lost sight of Sebastian, but saw Martin halfway down the mountain, when he suddenly disappeared. Chris' radio came to life as he watched; he took it out of his pack and answered as he looked around for Martin.

"CK, we're on our way to Sky Peak, we didn't find Martin, but we did free the animals."

"There's been an avalanche!" Chris yelled scared.

"What? Where?" Aviva asked hearing the panic in his voice.

"Sky Peak! Martin and Sebastian were caught in it!" Chris answered.

"We'll be there in five minutes! Do…do you see either of them?"

"No, I lost sight of both of them, but I think I have an idea where they ended up! Hurry we need to get them out, they're hurt they were pushed into rocks and trees on the way down!"

"We're almost there, be careful Chris there could be another avalanche!" Koki said.

"I'm going after them, just hurry please!" Chris said dropping the radio as he began sliding down the snow. "Hang on Martin, I'm coming!"

Chris remembering where both men were when he last saw them stopped at a section of snow he hoped they had ended up at! He quickly began to dig with his hands, he was so scared knowing that even if they hadn't gotten hurt; which he knew they had, they only had a small timeframe to get them out or they'd suffocate! Suddenly he heard Aviva's voice, he kept digging as he called back letting them know where he was. They soon found him; Jimmy gave him a shovel as Chris told them his theory on where they might be now. All four quickly began digging, time wasn't on their side as they continued to dig, fear and panic took over Chris, but he refused to give up. As Chris dug deeper he suddenly spotted an arm, he couldn't tell whose it was, but it didn't matter he was going to save both men! He dug faster, telling the others he found one, soon he uncovered a head and knelt wiping the snow off their face to reveal Sebastian! Chris told the others as he checked for a pulse; he hung his head again in sadness realizing he was gone. He looked at his friends and shook his head, they felt bad, but couldn't give up Martin was still trapped! Suddenly Jimmy called out telling them he found Martin; everyone begins to dig faster, until Jimmy and Chris were able to pull him out. He's so cold, he's hurt and unconscious, Chris feels for a pulse and let's out his breath he didn't even know he was holding when he felt one. It was weak, but it was there and he told the others who were all relieved. Jimmy and Chris carefully carried Martin to the Tortuga, once on board they lay him on his bed quickly getting him out of his outdoor gear. Then they begin to try and get him warm, by putting heated blankets on him, Aviva noticed Chris shaking slightly from the cold, she touched his arm gently and spoke.

"Chris, go for a hot shower and get warm. Koki will fix you up when you're done." She said gently.

"No, I can't leave Martin!" Chris answered; his eyes never left his brothers face.

"Chris, he'll be okay, he's already warming up. Once he's warm enough, I'm going to clean and fix him up too. There's nothing more you can do for him right now."

"He's going to be okay?" Chris asked still starring at Martin.

"I promise!" She answered touching his shoulder.

"Okay, come and get me if something happens?"

"I will."


The moon reflected off the snow, the night silent as he stood looking out the window, a blanket wrapped around his shoulders. It had been a few hours since they returned to the Tortuga, and Martin was still not awake! Both brothers injuries had been tended to; nothing too serious for either; cuts and bruises all over their bodies for both. Martin though also received a broken right hand, Aviva couldn't figure out how he did it, it wasn't from the avalanche, but Chris knew he must have punched something prior to the avalanche out of anger. Martin also received two broken ribs, and a broken left leg. Despite being taken care of and warm again, he still hadn't woken and Chris was scared, he trusted Aviva and wanted to believe her when she told him Martin was okay, but the longer he was unconscious the harder it was to believe! He went to Martin and sat beside him taking his hand, he couldn't lose his brother he needed Martin to be okay! His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door, Chris quickly wiped away his tears as it opened and Aviva came in, she touched Chris' shoulder.

"Why aren't you sleeping? It's 3AM." She asked gently as she checked Martin, Chris was trying to hide that he had been crying, but she knew and said nothing.

"I…I can't sleep! I keep picturing the avalanche every time I close my eyes!" Chris said before he yawned, he was exhausted.

"Any change?" She asked.

"No, he's still out. I'm scared Aviva, what if he doesn't…"

"Chris, stop." Aviva said gently cutting him off as she looked at him. "He's going to be okay, he just needs time to heal."

"I…I just feel so helpless you know?" Chris said sadly his voice breaking.

"We all do, but we need to be strong for Martin." She said taking Chris' hand.

"You're right, thanks Aviva!" Chris said.

Pain…that's all he felt! His whole body hurt, and he was cold. He lay still with his eyes closed as he tried to remember what happened, but his head was foggy and he couldn't think clearly. He then realized he was in his bed, he didn't know when or how he got there, or how long he'd been sleeping and that made him even more confused. He tried to clear his head, but the fog remained and it was frustrating him, so he took a deep breath to calm down. The breath hurt his ribs and he clenched his teeth working through the pain, once it went away he was even more determined to remember what happened, he squeezed his eyes shut tighter and tried again. After trying for a few seconds he finally began to remember bits and pieces, he remembered going with Sebastian the psycho to Sky Peak, he remembered climbing to the ledge and he remembered…Chris! Suddenly everything rushed back to him, including Chris arriving just before the avalanche! In his panic of not knowing what happened to Chris, he opened his eyes and sat up quickly calling Chris' name.

"CHRIS!" Martin yelled as he grabbed his ribs the pain intense, he lay back down taking little breath's trying to get through the pain.

"Martin!" Chris said as he came into the room followed by Aviva, Koki and Jimmy. "It's okay, I'm right here!"

"You're safe!" Martin said hugging Chris tightly, ignoring the pain. "Are you hurt?" He asked pulling away and looked at Chris.

"Just a little beat up, but I'll be fine! How are you feeling?"

"Sore, but I'll live! I'm just glad you're okay! What happened to Thomas and Sebastian?"

"Umm…they're both…"

"Gone? They escaped again?" Martin asked when Chris trailed off.

"No, Martin they didn't escape." Chris answered quietly.

"Then where are they?" Martin asked as he looked at the four of them. "Dead?" He asked confused, Chris nodded sadly. "Oh."

"I escaped from Thomas on a sled, he chased me for awhile trying to make me crash. We came to some trees, and he crashed after he tried to make me." Chris explained.


"The avalanche."

"Are you okay Martin?" Aviva asked gently noticing how quiet both brothers got now that what happened was known. "Chris?"

"I…I don't know Aviva. I hated Sebastian and Thomas, I wanted them to pay, but I never wanted either of them dead." Martin answered.

"Me too." Chris added.

"None of us did, but we're just glad you two are going to be okay." Aviva said gently.

"Aviva, I…I want to apologize for what I said to you and how I acted after Chris went missing!" Martin said sadly.

"You don't have to Martin, its okay." Aviva said gently taking his hand.

"Yes I do, and it's not okay! You guys were just trying to help and I shouldn't have treated you like that I'm sorry!"

"Like I said MK, it's alright! I forgive you, and understand. I'm sorry too for arguing with you, I should have at least listened!" Aviva replied squeezing his hand gently.

"All's forgiven!" Martin said as they hugged, as they pulled away both brothers yawned.

"We should go and let the Kratt bro's get some sleep." Koki said smiling.

"Okay, night guys!" Jimmy said as they all hugged before Aviva, Koki and Jimmy left.

Once alone Chris stayed in his chair by Martin's bed, Martin got comfortable as Chris yawned again before he spoke.

"You sure you're okay?"

"Chris, stop I'm fine!" Martin said smiling. "You need to get some sleep though, you're exhausted!"

"I'm not tired." Chris answered avoiding Martin's eyes.

"Chris, you're exhausted! Get some sleep!" Martin said.

"I…I can't okay? I can't sleep!" Chris said quietly.


"Can we just drop it please?" Chris asked.


"Fine! Every time I close my eyes, I picture the avalanche! I keep replaying how I almost lost you again and again! I can't make it stop!" Chris answered tears in his eyes.

"You didn't though! I'm here and I'm going to be okay." Martin said gently grabbing Chris' hand; he knew something else was bothering Chris, Martin could feel it. "Chris, I know you too well and there's something you aren't telling me."

"No, there's not." Chris said avoiding Martin's eyes again.

"Chris?" Martin said not believing him, he crossed his arms.

"Alright, fine! You got hurt again because of me, Martin!" Chris finally admitted.

"Now we finally get to the truth." Martin said gently.

"Martin, I can't stop feeling guilty! This is the third time you risked your life for me, you're hurt because of me! I blame myself for all of this, if it wasn't for me you wouldn't have been up on Sky Peak!" Chris said as he got up and began pacing, his tears falling silently, Martin watched him for a few seconds before he finally spoke.

"Chris, you're right! I was out there because of you!" Martin agreed.

"See, even you blame me!" Chris said upset as he continued pacing.

"Now you're wrong!"

"What?" Chris asked confused as he stopped pacing and looked at Martin.

"Chris, I don't blame you for any of this, I never have! I did what I did because you're my brother and I love you! Nothing comes before you to me! I know you would have done the same for me!"

"In a second, no hesitation!" Chris confirmed.

"Chris, look what happened was because of Sebastian and his sick need for revenge! He was insane, and nothing, but getting revenge would stop him! Martin said.

"I…I know, and I'm trying real hard here to think like that!" Chris said as he began pacing again.

"Chris, stop pacing you're making me dizzy." Martin said smiling sadly. "Come here."

"Sorry." Chris said quietly as he sat beside Martin again.

"Chris, I did what I did because I love you! I'd do it again in an instant if it meant you'd be safe!" Martin said as he put his hand around the back of Chris' neck and squeezed gently.

"I know, I would for you too!" Chris agreed sighing. "I love you Martin."

"I love you too Chris!" Martin said hugging him.

"Do you think we'll run into anymore psycho villains like Sebastian in the future?" Chris asked when they pulled away.

"I don't know, no one's like Sebastian though…he was special kind of crazy!" Martin answered making both of them laugh. "Even if we did, it changes nothing! I meant what I said."

"I know, just don't be so quick to save me from monsters okay; I'm not ready to lose you…I'll never be!" Chris said sadly.

"Don't worry bro, you can't get rid of me that easily!" Martin answered.

"I'm serious Martin!"

"I know, so am I! No one will tear us apart Chris, I promise!" Martin said.

"I love you Martin! Thanks for always having my back!"

"I love you too Chris!" Martin said hugging him again. "It's what brothers do! Now get some sleep."

"I'll try, night Martin." Chris said as he stood and went to the light turning it off before he got into bed.

"Night Chris." Martin said smiling.

As he listened to the quiet snores coming from Chris, Martin lay on his back starring at the ceiling as he sighed. He thought back on everything that happened, and wished things had ended differently; he didn't want either Sebastian or Thomas dead! He had meant what he said to Chris, he didn't blame him and the more he thought about it Martin knew he needed to take his own advice and let the guilt of Chris being hurt and their death's go! It wouldn't be easy, but he'd do it for Chris' sake! He also knew that they'd face many more villains, some more dangerous than others, and they'd get hurt sometimes. But like he told Chris, he'd never let anyone get away with hurting him; as long as he had breath in his lungs he'd do whatever it took to keep Chris safe! They were family, they were brothers, and to him there was no greater bond! His eyes slowly drifted close, a smile on his lips as he fell asleep knowing that no matter what happened, as long as they had each other…they had everything!