HI ALL. OKay so i got an idea based on this weeks episode to do a one shot. So here I am doing it. A few of my Linstead girlies also suggested that someone do a re-write of linstead scenes that have fallen short since 2x08, so I will do that as well if you guys send me ideas of what scenes you want and what you want to happen. For those of you who read my other stuff I know it's been a long time since i've updated a few of my fics and I promise they will be coming soon, but I need to get through the end of this semester first. Next semester I will only be taking one class so it will be much easier for me to write more. Recently I wrote a 28 page paper, so i've been sort of busy. A reminder that I also suffer from a severly painful chronic illness, so i am in constant pain. I hope you all don't feel let down by my stories because I dont update as regularly as others do, I just have to take care of myself and my education before i focus on something that i do for fun, so i do apologize.

On a lighter note, I am hopeful for tonights episode but not getting my hopes too high just in case. Lord knows we've been disappointed before. Part 2 of this MIGHT be up after my class/before CPD tonight but I honestly can't make promises as I am fighting off two infections at the moment as well as my normal being in pain. It should be up by morning if it's not up tonight, I promise. I'm really excited about this one. It's not edited and not my best work but I hope you all enjoy anyways. Please follow/fav and review? You're reviews give me life. Feel free to send prompts in reviews, PM's, or on my Tumblr. Enjoy!

(P.S. I unfortunately do not own any of these characters.)

"The dead diamond dealer, Brice Wilton, and his wife have been photographed dozens of times entering this hotel which we've found out hosts an elite underground gambling club." Voight motions towards the whiteboard where pictures of Wilton and his wife hang. " On another note we obviously know that Antonio is in no way involved in Ashers death but we need to find the real suspect. Me and Olinski are going to take the lead on that." He stuffs his hands into his pockets as he continues to speak, "Antonio and Ruzek take point on the dealer, send Lindsay and Halstead in and see if they can collect some intell. You two take the rest of the day to memorize your cover stories and work with Ruzek to get you set up. Dress nice, this is a high society club; Look the part." He orders before calling out orders to the rest of the team.

Jay Halstead glances over at his partner, raising an eyebrow. Erin locks eyes with her partner, nodding in his direction.

"Hank," Erin calls out, catching his attention before he enters his office. She walks up closer to him not wanting to ask in front of the entire team. "Do we have a departmental budget for this? I don't exactly have a lot of high society clothes hanging in my closet. If we're going to sell it, we're going to be wearing name brand everything."

Voight nods, "The department will front you the cash needed for the club." He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out his personal credit card. "Put the clothes on this, buy yourself something pretty."

"Ew I hate that line." Erin says, scrunching her nose.

"Don't be so sensitive." Voight says with a laugh.

"Don't be so misogynistic." Erin quips, sticking her tongue out at him before breaking into a smile. "No, but thank you for taking care of this. Wouldn't want our cover to be blown because they figure out I'm wearing knock off Marc Jacobs."

"You'll do great." Voight says supportively, before nodding for her to leave his office. "A town car will be waiting outside the precinct at 9, don't be late."

"Yes sir!" She mock salutes him before turning on her heel and making her way over to her partner. They have some shopping to do.

"All I'm saying is that it would have been nice to get some support when I was accused of murder. Or at least benefit of the doubt. " Jay murmurs as he stands under the hot spray of one of the locker room showers. "No one believed me."

"That's bullshit." Erin says from in front of the locker room mirror where she stands in a robe, curling her hair.

"It's not, Voight and Antonio both hit me and Jin slammed a door in my face. Plus you were no where to be found, probably making out with the fireman.I had to figure it out on my own." Jay complains as he shuts off the water and begins drying off in his shower stall.

Erin rolls her eyes in the mirror. "You sound bitter about it Halstead." Erin says as she switches hands starting to curl the other side of her head.

"I am, the entire team believed I was capable of murder. No one believed in me." Jay says with a hint of vulnerability in his voice. He walks out of the shower stall, closing the door roughly behind him.

Erin switches off her curling iron and sets it down. Her eyes meet his in the mirror and she holds his gaze. "I believe in you. I always have." She says sincerely.

Jay shrugs and quickly changes the subject. Erin lets her eyes wander from his face and drift lower, to where a towel is knotted at Jay's waist. Her eyes catch the droplets of water that are still cascading down his muscular stomach and disappearing beneath the towel. The sight makes Erin bite her lip slightly.

"Earth to Erin," Jay says, grabbing her attention and dragging her eyes back to his face.

Erin's face is painted with perplexity, "Yeah, sorry." She says, her mouth suddenly dry. "What?" She cocks her head slightly to the side, trying to pass of that she was paying attention.

"I was talking about our cover, asking if you had our story down. Remember? The details sell it." He leans back against the wall and crosses his arms over his chest. "But i think the better question here is are you enjoying the view?" He says in a confident tone, his lips curving into a knowing smile.

Erin pushes away from the counter and spins to face him. "Actually," she says as she walks over to him, leaving only mere inches between them, "I am enjoying the view." She licks her lip as she runs the tips of her fingers down his bare torso and can't help but notice when his muscles jump beneath her touch.

"Oh really?" Jay asks, his voice huskier than it was a moment ago.

Erin rolls onto her tip toes bringing her face closer to his. Her hand sneaks up and cradles his cheek. She draws out the moment as long as possible, letting their lips almost meet before letting her face fall serious. "Nope." She says, lightly smacking his cheek and throwing her head back with a laugh.

Jay groans and leans his head back against the wall. "You need to watch that smart mouth of yours Lindsay." He says through clenched teeth.

"Whatcha gonna do about it Halstead?" She taunts, poking him in the shoulder. He takes the opportunity and grabs her wrist, intending to spin her around, pin her against the wall, and kiss her until neither of them could think. Instead Ruzek walks into the locker room, so they are caught in an awkward position with Jay gripping her wrist.

"Whoa, am I interrupting something?" Adam Ruzek asks curiously as he walks towards the pair. Erin and Jay both lock eyes with each other and he releases his hold on her wrist.

"Not at all," Erin says enthusiastically. She sneaks her devilish hands down to Jays waist and pulls the knot out of his towel before spinning on her heel and sauntering over to her locker, making Jay scramble to cover himself.

"Jay is just walking around naked." She says matter of factly. "Which is pretty brave if you ask me considering how cold it is outside."

Ruzek just about dies of laughter. "Jesus, Erin that's just cruel." He manages between laughs.

Jay sets his jaw and glares over at Erin, who sends him an overly sweet smile. She fights back the urge to blow him a kiss, knowing that it would be pushing him a bit too far.

"What's up?" She asks in Ruzek's direction as she fiddles with the bags of clothes they had bought earlier.

"Well I have your Alias ID's here, credit cards, and some cash for gambling." He says setting the items on the counter. "And apparently Atwater got you the hook up with a hella fine Audi 3000." Adam says with groan, clearly jealous by the situation. "Hey Lindsay, you wanna take me undercover instead?" He asks, and he earns a laugh from Erin.

Jay finishes buttoning up his pants and walks over to the counter with his brand new leather Calvin Klein wallet in his hand.

He picks up their ID's and lets out a snort. "Steele, really?" Jay asks, amusement lacing his voice.

"You've gotta be kidding," Erin says as she makes her way over to Jay, snatching her ID from his fingers. She gives Ruzek an annoyed glare.

"What is this Ruzek, Fifty Shades of Grey?" Jay asks mockingly.

"Pfft, You wish." Erin laughs hitting Jay on his still bare chest.

"No, you wish." Jay retorts, which only earns him an eye roll from her.

"Watch it Halstead, or Ill have to take a belt to your ass." Erin quips, sending him a heated look.

"Speaking of belts," Ruzek comments, "Halstead here is yours, there's a mic in the buckle."

"Sweet," He says, taking it from his friend and threading it through his belt loops.

"Just don't go ripping your belt off and throwing it across the room, that thing is like 2K." Adam says, chewing the toothpick resting between his lip. We'll be rolling out in the next half hour. Before you go, just come see me so I can make sure the mic is calibrated."

Jay glances to his left as Erin turns away from them and shimmies into her dress, which just happens to hug every one of her curves perfectly. "Sure thing," Jay replies distractedly.

Adam raises an eyebrow and claps him on the shoulder before making his way out of the locker room.

"Hey," Erin says motioning to the zipper of her dress. "can you help?"

Jay makes his way over to Erin, his shirt still unbuttoned. He stands close to her, closer than she'd expect. One of his hands rests on her hip and the other takes hold of her zipper. He pulls up the zipper painfully slow. Erin can feel his breath tease the hairs on the back of her neck. His fingers trace the line of her zipper and then he steps back turning to walk back to his own locker.

"Thanks," Erin murmurs over her shoulder, slightly bewildered. The heat of his touch still lingering down her spine.

He finishes buttoning up his shirt and nods in recognition, a slight smile tugging at his lips. He likes that he can have the same effect on her that she does on him. He slips his arms into his brand new Armani jacket and buttons it at his waist. He walks over to the mirror to examine his look and he's got to admit, he looks pretty damn good.

Jay grabs his wallet and slides it into his coat pocket. He grabs the rest of the items on the counter and turns to Erin, whose back is still to him.

"I'm going to go grab the car keys from Atwater and do a final check with Voight and Ruzek." Jay says to her, "See you down in the Lot?"

"Sounds good." Erin says, pretending to be distracted by the bags in front of her. She waits until she hears Jays footsteps exit the locker room before she lets out the breath she didn't realize she had been holding. She tries to gather herself and she wills the inappropriate thoughts to stop racing through her head. She has a job to do and she can't be distracted by the thought of Jay Halsteads hands all over her body.

She pulls up her dress and slides a thigh holster up her leg before sliding her small .22 caliber into place and smoothing out her dress. The top of her dress is skin tight with a deep v in between her breasts but she's thankful for the billowy bottom. She hates when she can't conceal her gun and is left unarmed. That was not the case tonight.

She slips on her designer heels and takes one last look in the mirror. Satisfied with her appearance she grabs her clutch and makes her way out of the locker room in search of her partner.

Ruzek lets out a long whistle as Erin walks out into the back entrance of the precinct. She makes her way over to Adam, Antonio, and Jay. She feels her body heat as Jay's eyes travel her body, lingering a bit longer than usual.

"Where's Voight?" She asks hoping that her cheeks aren't flushing under Jay's gaze.

"He's in with Layla, trying to get her to flip on someone for Ashers murder but she's not budging." Antonio mutters.

"You guys ready?" Jay asks his coworkers. They all nod and head to their respective cars.

"We'll hang back and park across the street from the hotel." Antonio says. "Code word is Jackpot."

"Original." Jay comments and Erin's hand slaps him on the shoulder.

Erin walks over to the passenger's side of the sleek black car in front of them. She runs a hand over the sleek shiny surface before reaching for the handle.

"Whoa," Ruzek gasps, "Lindsay, are you going to let Jay drive for once?"

"Yeah," she replies easily, making eye contact with her partner, who is wearing a slight smirk. "Yeah i think I am."

"You look fantastic by the way," Jay mentions easily as they exit the car and looks over to Erin, who gives him a smug look.

She saunters over to his side. "Yeah I know." She says with a shrug, as if to say 'duh'.

He smirks as he tosses the Valet the key's to 'his' car, "Careful with it, the gas pedal is a little sensitive," He pulls Erin into his side, " just like my woman here."

She plasters a smile on her face and manages to discreetly elbow Jay in the ribs. "Watch it, I can still kick your ass." She whispers through smiling teeth

"I'd like to see you try sweetcheeks." He retorts before releasing her.

They walk side by side down the long sidewalk into the hotel. They watch as several couples enter ahead of them, followed by another group of couples all dressed to the nines.

"Okay something is weird here." Erin says, conveying what they were both thinking aloud.

"When's the last time you saw a guy bring his wife to gamble?" Jay comments aloud, the gears turning in his head. He stops in his tracks, his fingers reach out to grip Erin's arm, stopping her stride. He takes in his surroundings and it takes him a minute to add everything together. High-end hotel, couples, loud music.

He almost chuckles before the words form in his mouth. "Uhhh, this is a sex club." He states.

"What?" Erin asks, clearly confused. She takes a moment herself to observe what Jay had pieced together and then she throws a hand over her mouth as recognition hits her. "Oh my god." She gasps, suppressing the need to laugh. "This really is going to be like 50 Shades of Grey."

Jay snorts, "Apparently." He clears his throat, "You think we can handle it?" He asks seriously, making eye contact with his partner. Their was a chance they would have to push some boundaries tonight. The shared thought causes excitement between the two, sparking like electricity.

"Oh definitely." Erin answers automatically, a smile forming on her lips. "Let's do this."

So okay…. part 2? It will be up when i get a few hours of sleep and finish with class. It SHOULD be up before the episode tonight, and if it can't get it up in time it WILL be done by tomorrow morning. So don't hate me for not finishing it, i just wanted to get what i had done and out there so i could focus on the next part which will prove to be quite interesting. ;)