Chapter 1

"Hey guys have you considered joining a fraternity?" asks Stiles enthusiastically whilst handing the freshman a leaflet. They continue talking amongst themselves without answering, one of them taking the leaflet on offer but not even bothering to look at it.

Stiles sighs, it was super hot for a late summers day and standing under the battered home-made 'Beta Beacons' sign offered no shade whatsoever. He watched as the freshman made their way further down the path, they stop at the next stall down with interest, under the burnt red 'Alpha Luna' sign stood several of the hottest guys the university had to offer. Naturally they all had the sexiest girlfriends hanging off their bulging muscles, wearing very little in the sunshine.

No wonder they were attracting all the attention, with only himself and Greenburg on their stall what competition was there?

Where the hell are Scott and Isaac, Stiles thought to himself, they went off to buy party supplies nearly two hours ago, chatting up the freshman girls Stiles supposed.

As the scantily clad girls crowd round the freshman, Stiles hears Jackson, one of the douches from the Lacrosse team, shouting clearly for Stiles benefit, "You should come to our rush party tonight if you're interested, Lydia's bringing her entire sorority and there's beer on tap it's the only Frat house worth visiting." As the freshman walk away clearly impressed Jackson turns to Stiles' stall "And that's how you do it Stilinski! Are there even going to be any pledges for the Betas this year? Why did they put you in charge anyway?"

"Jackson!" snapped another of the Alphas before Stiles had a chance for a witty comeback "we're definitely going to need more beer take Peter to the store, five more cases should do it."

Jackson sprang into action immediately, goading Stiles forgotten. The person barking the orders was Derek Hale, Alpha of the Alphas, looking effortlessly cool in aviator sunglasses. His tight white t-shirt barely concealing his bulging abs and leather jacket casually thrown over his shoulder.

Stiles had a massive crush on Derek Hale from the minute he laid eyes on him. It was his freshman year; he and Scott were walking round the quad a shortcut to their next class, Derek was playing football, shirts versus skins. Shirtless, sweaty and panting for breath, Stiles couldn't tear his eyes away from Derek.

"Dude you're staring!" said Scott.

"Sorry," said Stiles forcing himself to look away, "who is that guy?"

"Dunno," said Scott "I've seen him with Isaac, ask him."

Stiles later found out from Isaac the shirtless god was in fact Derek Hale, Captain of the Lacrosse team. Stiles had immediately fired up Facebook for a bit of harmless stalking and was beyond disappointed to find he was 'in a relationship with Kate Argent' oh well thought Stiles he would never even look at me anyway but still nice to have some eye candy on campus.

Stiles had become incredibly supportive of Isaac's Lacrosse career going to every match and even some team practices just so he could have a legitimate reason to watch Derek.

Snapping out of his Derek induced daydream Stiles decides it's time to play the Alphas at their own game, flicking through his phone book he hits call on Erica's number.

"Hey Stiles" answers Erica after only a couple of rings.

"I need help!"

Sighing she replies "Who do you need me to out this time?"

"Not this time, the Alphas are stealing all the freshmen, there is going to be nobody at this party tonight!"

"And where do I come into this?" Erica replies in a bored tone.

"Look Lydia Martin is here dressed up all slutty seducing the freshmen, I need you down here, please." Stiles said in his best pleading tone.

"Make it worth my while" Erica's interest clearly peaked.

"Isaac is here" Stiles replied.

"Be there in five" Erica hangs up abruptly.

Stiles greets Erica ten minutes later with a huge grin, her long legs look amazing in a tiny mini skirt and her boobs are falling out of her tight top, she attracts a crowd in minutes, shooting Lydia a dirty look over her shoulder. When Scott and Isaac return shortly after they are seriously impressed not only by Erica's outfit but by the number of freshman agreeing to visit the Beta house tonight.

"Hold the fort guys" Stiles asks Scott and Isaac "I have the first society meeting with all the other houses in half an hour."

Stiles felt a bit nervous as he saw all the other house presidents sitting around a large table. He had an unfortunate habit of having verbal diarrhoea in formal environments and wanted to create a good impression for the Betas. Sitting down at the table he realises he has chosen the seat right opposite Derek Hale. Blushing slightly as Derek catches him staring. Fortunately at that moment Deaton head of all fraternities and sororities makes his entrance.

"Welcome all to the first meeting this year, this is just an informal brainstorming session for social events, this year the university want to promote a harmonious relationship between all the houses. So we would like each house to host an event for all the houses, so any ideas guys?"

Deaton looks around the room expectantly while Stiles mind starts to race with ideas.

One of the Omega sorority sisters pipes up immediately "How about a slave auction? We could give the proceeds to charity?"

"Excellent idea, Malia" replies Deaton with a smile. "Anyone else? Derek?"

Derek appears as though he hasn't been listening "Umm... a sports thing?" he mumbles, clearly uncomfortable.

Stiles verbal diarrhoea kicks in and he chirps excitedly, "Yes and we could barbeque!"

Derek gives Stiles a grateful look.

"Great idea Stiles, got any more?" asks Deaton.

"Well how about a pair party?" Stiles notes the puzzled look on everyone's faces and decides to elaborate, "Its fancy dress, everyone is given a theme for a costume and you have to find the person whose costume matches doctor/nurse, cop/robber, anyway you get the idea." Stiles looked around at the others hopefully. All the girls seem excited; Derek seems horrified at the idea of forced fancy dress.

After each of the other houses have their turn they have a full social calendar and Stiles leaves with a spring in his step, he hasn't embarrassed himself for once and it's party time back at the Beta house.