Hey guys! I really want to take the time to thank you guys for voting. The poll ends Saturday at 12:00 PM. So if you haven't voted, please do so. And also, thanks for the support! It is really helping me write this story. I got some good ideas from one of the readers and I'm loving the support. Thanks guys and please keep it up!

Chapter 2

Piper and I were both in the Big House, chained from the neck down, hearing a lecture from Chiron. Over to my left, Annabeth and Jason were being healed by some Apollo campers.

At my right, Piper sat with a bored, yet satisfied look as she heard Annabeth yelping as the Apollo camper set her leg in place.

I turned to Chiron who had a look of disgust yet sympathy on his face as he lectured us.

After he finished his rant, he then said to us. "What do you have to say for yourselves?"

I spoke. "That this isn't all our fault. They broke our hearts, they deserved the beating they got, if not more. If they hadn't of been such cheating bitches, they would have never gotten beaten and never would have gotten in the situation."

Chiron nodded before he looked at Piper expectantly. She looked up and said. "What he says is what I say."

Chiron nodded again before sighing "As much I agree with you two, the Council declared a trial against you two."

"What are our charges!" Piper exclaimed.

"Assault with a deadly weapon against a demigod. Even though that doesn't sound like much, it is a serious crime in the Olympians eyes, no matter who is wrong."

Thunder then rumbled in the background. Chiron sighed and said grimly. "Lord Zeus is impatient. It's time for your trial."

As on que, Hermes appeared behind Chiron. Hermes nodded at Chiron before he gave us a look of pity and flashed us up to Olympus.

We appeared in the middle of the Council, still in chains and on our knees. Zeus sat before us in all his glory, rage etched on his face.

Beside him, Poseidon sat, grief on his face. Poseidon looked at me and I saw something flash in his eyes. I quickly realized that they were tears.

I felt butterflies in my stomach as I realized that something bad was about to happen.

"Perseus Jackson and Piper Mclean, you are charged with Assault with a deadly weapon against a demigod. And not just any demigods, but the Architect of Olympus and the Prince of the skies! What do you plead?" Zeus boomed.

I spoke before Piper could speak. "Half-Guilty!"

Everybody was confused. Even Athena. "Explain yourself boy!" Athena said coldly.

I gulped and said. "It's partially our fault and their fault. It's partially their fault because they cheated on us, causing us pain that we felt they should feel too. It's partially our fault because we went a little overboard with punishing them."

Silence filled the throne room, before Zeus said. "A fair point he states. Yet we still must vote. Who says he's innocent?"

Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, Apollo, and Hermes raised their hands.

"And who believes he's guilty?"

Zeus, Athena, Ares, Demeter, Dionysus, and shockingly Aphrodite.

Piper looked at Aphrodite with tears in her eyes. "Mother?"

Aphrodite refused to look Piper in the eyes. Zeus had a look of triumph on his face. "It is said! For breaking one of the oldest laws in Greek History, Zeus, the king of the gods, sends you to Tartarus!"

It's been ten years since Piper and I been in Tartarus. Not soon after Zeus sent us to this pit of hell, Kronos, somehow fully formed, found us and started torturing us.

Piper and I were in different cells each sound proof. I personally got Kronos and Hyperion, each bent for revenge. Who Piper got, I don't know, but I feared for her safety.

My eyes shot open as I heard my cell doors open. I weakly lifted my head up to see Kronos walking towards me with a maniacal expression on his face.

I let my head drop down again and closed my eyes. I was so tired of getting tortured. Tears sprang from my eyes unwillingly and I prayed to whoever was in Tartarus.

Someone please help me. I can't take much more.

My thoughts were broken up as Kronos pulled my head up by my hair. He still had that maniacal grin as he punched me in my face with a pair of brass knuckles. Blood spurted out of my nose as pain shot through my face. I had a feeling that my nose was broken, again.

He let my head drop down as he took a step back, as if he was observing me. Suddenly he whistled and I thought, Oh oh.

I looked up with difficulty and saw that a Cyclops had brought in a sword still in his sheath. Kronos took the sword and unsheathed it.

"Do you know what this sword is Perseus Jackson?" He said in that creepy voice.

I said nothing. He suddenly got angry and kicked my in the ribs. I cried out in pain.

"I said, Do you know what this sword is?" Kronos repeated.

I shook my head no, as I struggled to stay awake.

He laughed with cold glee. "This is the sword made by the same creatures that made my original scythe. This sword was blessed by Nyx and Erebus themselves. And you know what it does if you are cut by it?"

I shook my head, afraid of the answer.

He unsheathed it and pointed it at me. "It makes your blood boil, and your head feel like it's about to burst. The good thing about it though is that, it only lasts ten minutes. So I can stab you all I want, watch you in tremendous pain, then when it is over, I just stab you again! Isn't that exciting?"

I looked up with fear in my eyes. He laughed and brought his sword up as if he was about to slice something off of my body. I closed my eyes bracing myself when nothing happened.

I waited for a minute then I opened my eyes to see Kronos trying to hold in his laughter.

He took a deep breath with a smirk on his face. "I got you didn't I?" He laughs out loud. "You were so scared! I love it! But Tartarus told me not to kill you yet, because he wanted to talk to you. The catch is that if you can find your friend's cell, he will teleport you and your friend to his mansion for free." He cut off my chains and I slumped on the floor. "But I would be careful. There is A LOT of monsters that want you dead. So good luck!"

With that note, he sheathed the sword and walked out of the cell. A few seconds later, he came back with the same crazy look. "I would hurry up if I were you. A couple of Titans want to do some business with your friend before she leaves."

That got me started and I struggled to get up. Kronos laughed and muttered to himself before leaving again. I finally got on my feet and started to walk forward.

As I took my first step, I fell straight on my face. But I tried again and started to get the hang of it. By time I got to the cell door, I was drenched in sweat and blood and wanted to collapse.

But I thought about what was going to happen to Piper and strength filled me and I started to limp in a random direction.

Five minutes later, I heard a girl scream No! My eyes widened and I tried to run in the direction of the scream, but my legs and ribs were hurting too bad and I fell down again.

As I started to black out, I heard one word. PERCY! My eyes snapped open and felt no more pain. I got to my feet and actually started running. I saw a cell in a distance and heard a girl crying and saying stop.

Anger filled my body and I ran to the cell and burst open the doors. I saw Hyperion and Krios, both standing over Piper who was half naked, with her top half off.

Normally, I would have blushed and walked away, but I was so angry I hardly noticed her.

Hyperion sneered. "Well well well. Look who decided to join us."

I growled and let out a yell of raw anger and power. Both Krios and Hyperion flew back and landed in heaps against the wall. But I wasn't finished.

I grabbed a random sword from the floor and ran towards Hyperion. Hyperion looked up with fear in his eyes and the last thing he saw were my fire filled eyes.

I turned towards Krios and saw that he awake and started to get up. I ran towards him and swung my sword down on him. Lightning fast, Krios unsheathed his sword and blocked the attack.

Since I haven't fought with a sword in over ten years, I was very rusty and out of my league. Krios stood up and kicked me in my chest. I slammed into a brick wall ten feet away from him and everything became hazy.

When I found my bearings, Krios was pulling down his pants and caressing Piper's breast. I was so pissed I instantly got up and threw the sword like a javelin, right into his head.

I fell down and everything started turning black. The last thing I saw was a bright flash and a man with pitch black eyes staring at me before I fell unconscious.

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating in forever. Life is tough and I am a very busy person since my brothers moved out. So I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the next should be posted by this month. Happy Valentines in advance!

Star J