AN: This chapter is far from perfect. I tried to include more on the family Mary was working with but it just wouldn't work. As a result, it's taken me about three weeks to post this blasted thing, and it's possibly one of the shortest chapters i have ever posted. It's mostly a filler chapter and I'm already working on the next one, so hopefully that one will be up soon, but don't count on it.

Thank you to BrittanyLS, Marilyn and ClassicAll for reviewing. Thanks you guys, reviews make me feel like I'm not so mad after all. And if i am mad, at least I'm in happy company :)

"But I don't want you to go!" Beatrice cried, tears streaming down her face.

"I'll only be gone for a little while," Mary promised. "Just until the wind changes." Beatrice sniffed and wiped her eyes.

"How long will that be?"

"I don't know Beatrice, but I will come back, and I'll still be in London, so I can visit you on my day off." Mary looked at Bert for help, but he only shrugged. It had been almost a year since they'd found Beatrice, which was the longest Mary had ever had between assignments, but unfortunately the little eight year old had grown very attached to Mary and Bert in that time.

"Tell y' wot," Bert said. "We'll visit Uncle Albert while Mary's gone an' I'll int-ro-duce you to some o' me mates 'oo are sweeps an' when Mary 'as 'er day off we'll all go on a jolly 'oliday... 'ow 'bout that, 'ey?" Beatrice sniffed again.

"Okay," she said softly. Mary smiled and gave the girl one last hug before stepping back and opening her umbrella. Bert wrapped and arm around Beatrice and they waved as Mary flew away on the wind.

Mary was escorted into the parlour by one of the house maids and she was met by the mother of the family, Natalya Larkin. From what she already knew about the family, she knew that Natalya's husband had divorced her, leaving her with several children to look after and that she was struggling to look after them and get enough money for the family, as it was hard for a woman to find a job, although she had managed to find one as a nurse at the local clinic. Mary surveyed the woman briefly; she was of about medium height with short black hair and dark eyes. Her skin was pale and she looked tired. Mary pulled out the advertisement and looked at it. "You are Natalya Larkin, are you not?"

"Yes I am, Miss..?"

"I'm Mrs Alfred, Mary Alfred."

"Well, Mrs Alfred, I'm afraid your wage won't be very much..."

"The amount stated in the advertisement will be enough," Mary assured her. "But I will require every second Tuesday off."

"Of course," Natalya agreed.

"But if that is all we need to discuss, I would like to see the children now."

"I think that's everything," Natalya agreed. As Mary turned towards the stairs, she felt the older woman's hand on her arm. "Take every second Wednesday as well," she said softly to a surprised Mary. "You deserve to spend the time with your family."

Mary struggled with this new family. Not because they were particularly naughty or troublesome, but simply because she missed her own family. It felt strange to be climbing into an empty bed when it was time to sleep, and in the morning she always woke up expecting to see Beatrice's head poke round the door to look into their room. Even after two years Beatrice could still barely believe her miracle of a family, and most mornings when she woke up she liked to check that they were still there, and that they hadn't miraculously disappeared during the night. The hardest thing though, Mary decided, was going on outings to the park and seeing Bert doing his screeving or playing his music, normally with Beatrice hanging round somewhere in the background and having to pretend that she didn't know him. While her charges knew that she was married, it would have been most improper to talk with Bert while she was looking after them, and as a consequence Mary missed them dreadfully. She was only glad that her placement this time was in London, and not in somewhere like Russia or Australia, where she would have no chance of seeing Bert and Beatrice.

As far as Mary was concerned, her Day Off couldn't come soon enough.

I am aware that my attempts at Bert's accent are far from perfect, it all sounded so much better in my head, but I am trying.

Here's to hoping that the next chapter comes out soon.

Catkin Thief