Hei, guys!I FINALLY UPDATED! It's been a while hehehehe….please don't kill me…. Anyway, it's really short since I don't exactly have enough time to write. I'm currently writing the next chapter for Fucked Up Soulmate, so no worries! Enjoy da chapter.

"That idiot...what was he thinking? Naruto's mine, how dare you even lay a finger on him! I swear, one piece of evidence to prove you're a man-whore is all I need to convince Naruto." A thin, and petite figure slowly creeped backwards from its place behind a sign to run swiftly around the corner into an alley.

"Come on, guys. We need to follow Naruto and get to an alley around his apartment. Get the equipment and move!" The figure yelled at two guys who were about a head taller than her. They were both lean and built.

One was clad in a maroon colored shirt, a dark gray leather jacket, black jeans, and combat boots. His dark red hair spiked in different directions and black thick eyeliner hid the bags under his light turquoise eyes.

The other had long dark brown hair that reached all the way down to his waist. He wore a dark green military style jacket, a light gray t-shirt, maroon colored jeans, and black hiker boots.

The pink-haired girl stomping her way to the van wore a light pink leather jacket, a frilly light green blouse, long white flowing skirt, and light pink flats.

The red-haired sighed as he picked up a box of ropes, duck tape, and a sharp kitchen knife.

"We're not going to actually hurt Naruto, right? I mean, he's a really good friend to us, Gaara. I won't continue with this...whatever this is, if it ends up with Naruto in the hospital. I'm still wondering as to why you would even agree to this, Gaara. You're a closer friend to him." The brown-haired picked up his large Nikon camera and threw the strap around his neck.

"Sakura gave me her word that she wouldn't hurt Naruto. Believe me when I say this, Neji. If she ever tried, I also wouldn't hesitate to break her neck. I'm only here because I need the money to pay the rent for my apartment. It's already a week overdue, and I can't start work until next week." The one now named Gaara, pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed as he followed Sakura to his van. Neji sighed as well.

Once they got everything into the van, they took off to the alley closest to Naruto's apartment, the two guys hoping for the best. Naruto was in a relationship with Sakura from the last year of middle to school to the second year of high school. Sakura was devastated when she found out Naruto wanted to break up with her because he realized he was gay. She stayed holed up in her room, depressed, for a month before she came around and went back to school.

She seemed okay at first, but Gaara and Neji had noticed how she instantly targeted any girl that dared to speak to Naruto when she was around. She made the girls suffer and by the end of their second year, Naruto had no girl friends.

That wasn't as bad as a problem for Naruto, though. He liked having girls around, but he didn't particularly need them. His boy friends were enough. He didn't know that Sakura was the biggest problem he would have to face. When Gaara and Neji finally confronted her, she told them her devious plan. If she was going to get Naruto back, she was going to make Naruto get sick of only hanging around guys and will come back to her for comfort and a refreshing moment in the bedroom.

To keep Sakura from doing anything rash, they decided to stick around with her and help with anything that didn't seem too harsh and to convince her to stop her plans along the way.

She's gotten better but she still vowed to herself that she would not give up on him, even after high school. Now, here they were, stalking her ex in hopes to finally get the plan over with.

"That guy Naruto was with didn't seem that bad. I kind of don't want to interfere with Naruto's love life if he doesn't want us to." Neji said. Gaara sighed as he heard Sakura yell at Neji for even thinking that they should just step off.

"No way, Neji! The fact that the other guy wasn't too bad is exactly why I shouldn't step off from something that could crash my whole plan I've worked so hard on. I will not let that man-whore steal Naruto from me at any costs!" Sakura glared ahead of her as she continued driving.

"That's right, Naruto-kun. You're mine. And mine only."