Author's Note: Pairings are a very sensitive and subjective subject. If you do not favour this pairing, close out of this story now.

You've been warned.

Lily was currently in the process of sleeping in her bed in her dorm room. She is a sophomore student in college, taking up instrumental and vocal lessons. However, she was normally not a happy person but not depressed. She's a rather independent young woman yet caring to a select few she cares about.

However the past few weeks into the semester, she had been rather depressed. There was a boy who she happened to fall in love with. His name was Kaito. Lily fell in love with him when they were in high school. They were childhood friends and best friends as far as either of them remembered. However, to her dismay, people normally paired Kaito and Miku together since they were the best singers in their school at the time both male and female.

They had several duet performances together. They gained the admiration of other musicians and singers in their high school. Meanwhile, Lily herself was good in her own right but not boastful about it. However, she remembers that every time that she saw Miku and Kaito together on-stage, she would often wish to herself that it was her up there with him.

By the time of her graduating high school, Kaito and Miku were already dating during their freshman year in college.

Remembering all this made her extremely depressed. However, she had been remembering these same memories often. She regretted not asking him out but she didn't because she thought that Kaito only saw her as a best friend, and that saying something that like out of the blue would ruin it between them. Unrequited love- It's very bittersweet but sometimes for the best.

Suddenly, a sound representing a door opening resonated in her room. Lily happened to be facing the door from her position so she slowly opened her eyes but not enough to make it visible that she was awake. Lily saw that it was Kaito, her best friend from childhood. She felt a sense of relief when she saw him come in but...something about him was off. Lily kept her eyes slit nearly closed to conceal her cover.

Lily took a moment to observe Kaito's face but noticed that something was off with him. She noticed that he was breathing rather heavily with a stressed out face. Lily was inclined to help but she didn't want to pry; she had that much consideration for Kaito that she was willing to respect his privacy even when it came to a problem he was facing.

Then, she saw Kaito go in her direction. Lily quickly shut her eyes, worried that Kaito noticed she was awake. She heard his footsteps coming closer and closer until she felt a weight shift on the bed, Kaito must be sitting down on her bed. Then, she felt a nudge from him. "Hey...Lily...I need you...can you wake up?"

Lily became even more curious. So her cover wasn't blown yet Kaito felt the need to wake her up anyway? She gave a fake yawn to give off the impression she woke up from a deep sleep. "What's up, Kaito?"

"Um..." Kaito was looking down from her eyes, making Lily worried. She thought that she was going to be told a relative of Kaito's died or something. Regardless, she was going to be there for him since he went to her. "...Miku...we're over..."

Lily quirked her eyebrow at that. However, inside she felt a sense of an extremely heavy burden about to be lifted. Was what she was hearing real? "What? Why did you two break up?" She asked in a surprised tone to disguise the surge of jubilee she was feeling.

Kaito still had his head down. "It's not because we did something wrong...but because we both knew we had someone else in mind."

Lily gasped at that, feeling a sense of angry fury from seeing Kaito so miserable like this. She can't remember the last time she saw him so miserable. "There's someone better than you, according to her?"

Kaito only nodded with tears leaking from his eyes.

"Th-that's..." Lily took a deep breath. Her head was slightly spinning from the reality that Kaito was now a single man once again. Perhaps heaven gave her a second chance but she knew she had a lot of work ahead of her in order to gain Kaito's admiration. "That's...that's...a bunch of bullshit. What a bitch. Why would anyone want to break up with a man like you?" Lily watched herself, trying not to make it obvious she felt something more for him. Lily put her right hand on Kaito's left shoulder as any supportive person would in a time like this. "Come on, Kaito! Cheer up! That Miku is not worth it anyways! You can do way better than her!"

Kaito slightly lifted his head, his lips curved a faint smile. "Thanks, Lily...but I said we both knew we had someone else in mind. We both knew the other loved someone else and we mutually decided to break things off."

Lily gasped this time, genuinely shocked. "Wait, what? You have someone else in mind?"

Kaito lifted his head, this time making full eye contact with Lily. "Yeah, I do."

"Well, who is it?" Lily asked, genuinely curious, although she had a nagging feeling she would be getting the shaft again shortly.

Kaito shook his head at Lily. "I...can't tell you."

Lily's eyebrow rose at that. "What? Come on, we're best friends. You can tell me."

Kaito smiled while looking to the side of the bed in the opposite direction. "...I can't. I need some time to recover. I promise to tell you after I did. Maybe you can help me get a date with her?"

Lily felt her stomach turn. It was another woman...again... From the way Kaito asked her if she could help, it was clear that the girl in question wasn't her. She should have known better than to get her hopes up. Was respecting Kaito's space and feelings really hurting her more? She wondered to herself. Lily looked down a bit, trying to conceal the crushed feeling. "Oh...sure..."

Kaito kept the smile on his face. "Thanks, Lily. You were always such a good friend."

That last word of that sentence echoed in her head. 'Friend' She would only be his best friend...

By the time she had looked up, Kaito was already on the other side. Lily practically collapsed back on the bed, more depressed than she was before. She turned over, facing the wall away from Kaito, crying in silence. Just when she thought she had a chance...

Lily passed out almost immediately after she cried her eyes out. Exhaustion got the best of her.

When Lily woke up, she looked at the calendar and saw that it was one week later. Lily found out that she had dreamed of that night again when Kaito said that he couldn't tell her what other woman he was feeling more for. Lily turned towards Kaito's bed to see a sign of him. Kaito wasn't there anymore. She concluded that it must have been time for his classes and she woke up too late to greet him a good morning. She briefly thought about what had happened last night when Kaito announced that he wanted to date someone different and that she was right for him.

"You can do way better than her!" The thought echoed in her mind.

Lily slowly shook her head when what she really meant was, "I can do better than Miku! Let me be your girlfriend!" But she respected his space too much that she allowed him to make his own decisions and not make him having to love again so quickly.

She had loved him since high school and perhaps even when they were kids. However, remembering her own words, the optimist inside of her interjected that perhaps maybe Lily would find someone better than Kaito and maybe her and Kaito were just not meant to be? No, it couldn't be. She has met no man better than Kaito. But...he seems to not like her in the way she liked him and there would be a first time for everything. Maybe hanging out with other boys would help Lily take her mind off of Kaito for a while. She had been thinking about him a lot lately.

Lily didn't have any morning classes today but she felt too depressed to move from her dorm. Lily wasn't normally a depressed person but she could really use some company right now. As her eyes scanned to the door of their dorm room, she saw a letter near the base of the door.

This was...odd. Someone had some mail for them? But it's early in the morning and someone usually knocks on the door to deliver the goods. Lily shrugged her shoulder. Who knows? Maybe it was supposed to arrive yesterday and it didn't so someone volunteered to slip it underneath the door.

Lily slowly made her way to the door and then carefully picked up a letter. She noticed that the letter had a faint smell of cologne on it. A few more sniffs and she noticed that it was a familiar cologne. Didn't Kaito usually wear this? Yeah, she remembered. Lily shook her head to get Kaito out of her head once she realized she was thinking about him again.

She looked a the front of the letter. It read, "Not a conventional love letter"

This was...strange, to say the least. Who the hell would spray cologne on a letter and then say something like that on the front? Lily told herself to be skeptical and suspicious since this was a rather shady letter. She slowly opened the letter to find a card inside. Then, she nearly dropped the card in shock once she realized what was on the front of the card.

It was an old high school photo of her during her freshmen year in high school. Lily's eyebrows quirked upward and her mouth gaped slightly. Again, she nearly dropped it out of shock. ...Who was this? She hadn't thought about high school for a long while but...whoever sent this clearly knew her in high school and she didn't remember giving her freshmen photo to anyone as she remembers feeling so embarrassed with her photo.

Very curious now, she opened the letter and then saw that there was a very long body within the letter. But it was typed and it was clearly literally cut and pasted onto the letter. Lily became even more suspicious of this but she acknowledged the cleverness of the sender. Lily was a rather observant person and because it's typed, she can't have a shot at recognizing the sender via handwriting.

Lily began to read the letter slowly,

"Hello, Lily. I am your secret admirer. I understand you're suspicions in regards to me and the letter you're reading right now but hear me out. To help you ease your fears, I put a photo of your freshmen year on the front of the card, which you should have noticed by now so that you know it's not a total stranger. You may think of me as some flirtatious asshole but believe me, that's not the case. I've been admiring you from afar for too long, Lily. It's about time we talked but I'm very nervous of meeting you personally so I want to get acquainted with you first via online. I feel more comfortable there. I had your feelings in mind as I wrote this letter as I had when I looked at you throughout our years in high school. I'm not going to say all the flirty crap and how beautiful you look and whatnot. I'm just going to say right now that I really do admire you and we need to talk. I noticed you were depressed lately and I really want to help you out, so I took this opportunity to write this letter and maybe for the meantime, give you someone to talk to. Anyway, I can't say much in this letter due to...circumstances. But please, give me a chance and I promise you won't regret it. I'll be waiting for you on Skype at 10:30 AM. My Skype name is at the closing of the letter. I hope you will give me a chance and at least give talking to me a shot. Just know that I'm not trying to ask you out right off the bat. I just want to talk to you. I know how sharp of a person you can be so I typed this letter instead of hand-writing it so that you couldn't tell who sent it via handwriting. Oh yeah, and make sure nobody sees that letter. I can't bear to be the laughing stock of the campus... I'll be sending you an invite on Skype at 10:30 AM today. I hope to see you then.

Love, Pronger617"

While holding the letter, Lily looked up at the clock that was hanging over the door. It was 9:57 AM. It's just over half an hour after. Lily didn't know what to think about this. A part of her wants to ignore it but another part of her would feel really bad if she did. She just doesn't know how to put it in words. From the way the letter was written, it sounds as if this man really did his homework on her and that last part that declared this mystery man didn't ask her out right off the bat made her intrigued. Letters to her were usually short and flirty but not this one. This was something different. She had no idea if it's a good thing or a bad thing.

Lily just stood there, reading that letter again. She was suspicious the same time, she could sense honesty within that letter. The more she thought about it, the more unsure she became. Although, she remembers she could use a diversion from Kaito so maybe she can use this opportunity to humor herself by taking up this mysterious admirer's request.

This would be the longest thirty minutes of waiting in her life. Lily just wanted to get to the bottom of this so that she can shrug off a potentially another asshole that probably only loved her for her body.

To be continued...