The song for this chapter is Natalie Taylor - Surrender


"Come on," Jasper nudged my shoulder for support. "It's not like this is the worst thing that's happened between you and Clarke. You can fix it." He turned his attention back on his rocky road ice cream cone.

With my hands shoved in my pockets I regretted not getting one along with him.

"It's a little hard to fix anything when she won't even see me." I huffed. "I know this is my fault, I know that. I just wished she talked to me about all of that sooner."

What had I done to make her feel uncomfortable about discussing marriage with me before my outburst about not wanting to marry her. In my defense, marriage didn't mean much up on the Ark. It wasn't what it was here. It was just a union, but here it was flashy and all this added pressure that made it harder to acclimate.

"Yeah, I wish I was there for that." Jasper spoke in between licks. "You two make me sick anyways. Too perfect." He offered a sly grin.

My eyes rolled in fake annoyance. "We're not anything anymore." I searched the crowd, hoping to find someone else I knew.

"Maybe we should just camp out on her doorstep. Or you can Finn to let you borrow his apartment so she has to talk to you."

I sighed. "Jasper, you saw that guy back there. She's moved on. Maybe I should respect that. Maybe I should, too."

I didn't expect a punch in the jaw a few seconds later. My hand went to my face as I glared at Jasper. He gave me an expectant look as he held his ice cream. A few people had stopped to look at us.

"You deserved that." He pointed his ice cream cone at me. "This is your fault and now you just want to give up on her, on your future together?"

My head shook. "What choice do I have? We want different things, which I didn't even know was a problem until a few days ago. I don't know who we are anymore. Coming here changed us. She's different now and I like it, but this isn't who we are. She wants a settled down lifestyle; maybe a family and a career. Marriage. What happens if we get that? We get the house with the fence, a chance to start a family, we get to be happy and it gets ripped from under us. It always gets ripped from under us. How are we supposed to be here and go back to living out there?"

"You're really afraid of all of that?"

I nodded. "All good things come to an end. It's only a matter of time before this places does too. And I'm scared Clarke will get caught up in all the newness of it only to have it taken away."

He blew out a breath. "You should be telling Clarke that."

He was right. If she didn't want to be with me I'd have to live with that, but I didn't want her thinking this was because of her. It was because of me.

"I'm going to take a walk." I muttered as I turned to the direction we came from. "Jasper," I looked over my shoulder.

He met my eyes.


He nodded and held up his ice cream cone. "What are friends for."

I grinned as I turned back around.

For who knew how long I walked around the city. I still wasn't much on having a cell phone, but I kept checking it for messages from Clarke. Still nothing.

It was times like these where I could really use my sister. She knew Clarke better than a lot of people and she could tell me how to fix this. I missed my sister more than anything. Not knowing how she was holding up was killing me. She was so strong willed and independent I knew she could take care of herself, but I still worried. Part of me wanted to go after her while the other half knew she'd kick my ass when I found her.

The sound of laughter broke me from my thoughts.

"It was nice to meet you Ms. Griffin. Corey talks a lot about you, the doctor in the making from the sky."

My eyes snapped to people leaving a restaurant a few feet ahead. When I saw her my feet planted themselves in the concrete as my heart skipped a beat.

She laughed. "You think I'm impressive, wait until you meet-" Her blue eyes found me. She stopped midstride. Her eyes fluttered a few times.

"Clarke," The guy from earlier put his hand on her lower back. "Do you want us to give you a minute?"

I wanted to yell for him to get his hands off of her, that he wasn't hers, but every logical thought left me as we stared at each other.

Where did I start? Surely, she'd want an apology first.

She shook her head. "No." She looked at me with cautious eyes. "I don't need anything from…" She let out a breathy sigh before she marched off away from me.

I watched the back of her head until she was out of sight, tears brimmed in my eyes. This couldn't be the end of us. Could it?


Lunch went well. Dr. Bennet offered sage advice and intellect. Besides Corey, I hadn't really met anyone else here that I could talk medicine with. Dr. Bennet was a leading surgeon at St. Wyatt's and he was Corey's advisor/mentor. With everything that's happened in the last few weeks it seemed like I'd be here a while and I needed to think of my future now that I had one to think of. A field in medicine seemed the way to go. That's what I knew, that's what I was good at. But I wasn't sure if that's what I wanted or what I should do.

Dr. Bennet smiled at me as he held out a hand. I took it. "It was nice to meet you Ms. Griffin. Corey talks a lot about you, the doctor in the making from the sky."

I laughed at how odd that sounded coming from someone in the city. Something caught my attention down the street. "You think I'm impressive, wait until you meet-" I paused, unable to move.

Bellamy stood not fifteen feet in front of me with his eyes focused on me. All the air left me. How could he just stand there looking so handsome like he didn't end my world? How could he look at me with those sad brown eyes when he broke my heart?

Corey leaned forward. "Clarke, do you want us to give you a minute?"

Give me a minute? What was I going to do with a minute? Talk about how Bellamy and I had no future and I was stupid and naïve to ever think we would?

My head shook. "No." I spoke with a shaky voice. "I don't need anything from…" My throat closed up as tears brimmed in my eyes. I couldn't be here any longer.

I took off down the street, not bothering with a formal goodbye to Dr. Bennet. He'd probably think I was an impolite and lovesick teenager. I wouldn't blame him. I just couldn't stand there any longer with Bellamy looking at me.

So I went to Raven's.

She immediately supplied me with ice cream. "I hoped you be the one to talked to him first."

I gave her a look. "Me?"

She took a spoonful of the rocky road ice cream Jasper had gotten her hooked to. "Yes, you." She looked at me. "You were the one that broke it off with him."

My head shook. "That's not fair. He broke my heart." I pouted.

"You broke his, too. Trust me, it's all over him."

My eyes went to my lap. "I don't know what to do. Do I talk to him? Keep ignoring him? I don't even know what to say to him."

She pulled me to her side as we laid on the couch. "Look, what you and Bellamy have is enviable. I would hate to see your love waste away because of a misunderstanding."

"This wasn't a misunderstanding, Raven. He announced to the world that he doesn't want a progressive future with me. There's not a lot of room to be misled."

She huffed. "To be fair, you hadn't even discussed any of that with him and from what I understand James was pressuring him into organizing a union. I just think you caught the end of the conversation without fully knowing what happened."

I pulled away from her. "Wait, what? James was pressuring Bellamy to marry me?"

She looked surprised. "I figured you knew that from like Bellamy's voicemails and stuff."

"No." I rose. "He didn't say anything about that." A panic rose in my chest. "I have to go find him."

"Finally." She muttered.

After many attempts of knocking on the door I paced the hallway countless times. My stomach was in knots. This was Bellamy, everything I wanted in guy. He was my other half and lately that half was missing. Out of self-respect I ignored him, I ignored that gut wrenching feeling of emptiness. Now it was time to grow a pair and-

The front door opened.

He stood in the doorway, frozen when he saw me. He looked at me with wide eyes.

All I could do was stare at him. I didn't know if I wanted to slap him or hug him.

He moved aside and held the door open, leaving the door open for me to come in.

It was my turn to take the step forward. Our place looked about the same, but oddly different. There were still unpacked boxes that littered the apartment. I wanted to stay focused on the apartment so I wouldn't have to look at him. God, he looked so unfairly hot. I wanted to punch him.

He turned his eyes on me, his arms folded across his chest as he stood by the fridge.

I did the same, not sure what to do with my body. I kept my distance as I leaned against the counter. Was it hot in here?

"Clarke," He growled my name in that deep gravelly voice of his. "Did you want to talk or did you just come here to glare at me?"

My eyes narrowed. "Hold the attitude. I'm the one that's mad at you. You can't be mad me."

His brow rose. "And why can't I be mad at you?" He took a step forward. "You wouldn't return my calls. You wouldn't let me see you or try to explain myself." His focused his pain me with his eyes. "You left me."

"Bellamy, I didn-"

"You ran out of my life, Clarke!"

I shrank back from his bark, mostly because I was guilty.

"I'm sorry."

He gave me a wry grin. "You're sorry?"

I took a step towards him. "Yes, I'm sorry. But I had a right to be upset. You shouted to the rooftops that you didn't want to marry me, that you didn't see any happy future for us. How else was I supposed to feel?"

He nodded in understanding. "I get that and I never wanted you to hear that, Clarke. That was to get everyone off our backs. We move here and it all of a sudden we have wedding proposals shoved down our throats. It was way too fast."

My head hung. "Even if you James hadn't made you say those things you still feel that way." I looked up at him. "Don't you?"

He blew out a breath. His hand reached out to touch me, but I moved away. "It's not that simple."

I shrugged. "Then make it simple, Bellamy. You don't ever see yourself marrying me or have kids, do you?"

His hand ran down his exhausted face. "Clarke, why is this such a big deal all of a sudden? Look, I'm so sorry for how all of this happened, but you never even told me you were thinking about marriage. We're still kids. You're not even eighteen yet."

"Since when has that mattered?"

"It doesn't." He sighed. "It's just, I don't know why you want to get married."

My eyes rolled. "The more we argue about it the less I know myself." I turned my back to him. I swallowed the lump in my throat. "When you got here it was the happiest I'd ever been. Suddenly, this place wasn't so bad. Suddenly, I didn't have to think of ways to escape. I saw what other people had because I had it." I turned back to him with a hopeful grin. "People here have more than one kid, Bell. They argue about where they're going for lunch or what they're going to do for their anniversary. They get to be happy. Why can we?"

His eyes softened as he searched my face. "I thought we were happy with the way things were. Why do we have to get married to be like them?" He was trying hard to understand.

My mind went back to the wedding magazine with all the smiling couples, the perfect beginnings. Why did marriage have to be this big thing guys were afraid of? All it really meant was I found someone worth committing to, someone worth building with. What was so hard about that?

He took another step. "Is this really about you not being able to talk to me about this stuff before?"

I shrugged.

"Clarke," He lifted my chin up with his finger. "Why didn't you tell me you were thinking about all of this?"

I gave a wry chuckle. "Given your reaction can you blame me? Either way you still don't want to marry me or have kids with me."

"Hey," His brown eyes searched mine. "This isn't because of you, alright. It's this crazy world we live in."

My forehead creased. "What does that mean?"

"It means that you're counting on us staying here for the rest of our lives. You're trying to build a career and put down roots, but we don't even know if we can trust these people."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "Not this again." I pulled away from him. "Why don't you trust the city? Has anything bad happened to us so far? No. They gave us a place to exist. They gave us freewill. They're letting us leave if we want to. Why can't you see that?"

He shrugged. "Both of us can't be optimistic."

I gave him a look.

"What do you want me to do? Tell me because I have no idea how it got his complicated."

My lips pursed. "You could take your foot out of your ass for one."

A speck of a grin graced his mouth. "We need to fix this." He insisted. "We need to fix us…if there's still even an us to fix."

"What are you talking about?" My hand slapped his chest. "There better be an us to fix."

He grabbed my hand and held it to his hard chest. His brown eyes gazed into mine. "That guy you were with earlier. It kind of seemed like you were on a date with him."

"What?" I grinned. "With Corey?"

His brow furrowed. "When I stopped by Finn's earlier he answered the door all shirtless. He said you had a lunch date. What do you have to say for yourself, Princess?"

Aww. He was jealous.

A grin fell on my lips. "That you were jealous over Finn's boyfriend."

He relaxed, his eyes left mine as he put the pieces together. "Oh."

I laughed. "Yeah. We had a lunch date with his advisor who's a leading surgeon at the hospital."

He looked surprised. "Wow, that's great."

"You don't sound too excited about it."

He shrugged. "I mean, like you said you can be anything here. Are you sure that's the path you want to follow?"

I let out a sigh. How did he know me so well?

I shrugged. "I don't know. I don't know about any of this."

He nodded. "How about you stay for dinner and we talk about it?"

"I'd like that." I grinned.

He gestured towards the door. "Well since you abandoned me there's no groceries in the fridge so we have to go get them."

A laugh bubbled from me. "Wow, you really went to pieces without me."

He nodded. "Tell me about it."


A week ago

My head dropped forward as I came out of my sleep. Everything hurt. I was tied to a chair. Where was I? By the looks of it an old barn. Why was I in a barn?

I tried to remember the events that led up to by arrival and my head ached. "Hello?" I tried to speak but my voice cracked and I let out a wheezing cough.


I sat up straighter. "Lexa?" I tried to turn around but my neck hurt so bad. "What happ-"

The car accident. But it wasn't an accident. Someone ran us off the road. But why?

"Are you okay?" I asked. "Are you hurt? Did they do something to you?"

"My leg is broken. I'll live. What about you?"

Worry ebbed in me.

How were we in this mess?

"I'm going to get us out of here, Lex. I promise." I turned my head a little, but all I could see was the back of her head. "Hey, look at me."

She turned her head towards me.

"Don't think this means you're getting out of driving lessons."

She let out a breathless laugh. "Sadly, I don't think that's up to you."

As if on cue, the door creaked open, but it was too bright to make out the person.

Then the sound of a chainsaw filled the room along with Lexa's screams.

OMG yall! Seeing Clarke in CoL was like so crazy for me, especially when she stopped in front of the crosswalk and all that! And when Octavia stabbed Pike with the sword I was couldn't help but think of when I made her stab Jaha on the beach…So basically I freaked out and thought about my fic and got inspired to write at this late ass hour lol. What did yall think of the finale? I thought it was lacking tbh. There was no cliffhanger it just sort of ended…but it did end with Bellarke staring at each other so I'm not too mad. Please leave a review.

ALSO: The Bellarke fanvid that went with this song was: Bellamy & Clarke || Whenever you're ready Check it out on YouTube cuz it hit me in the feels big time!