Apolo touch achilles bum

with his finger made of sun

he look at odyseus hot and heavy

like when there is a tax levy

he look at odysous fragrant rump

with godly schween he start to hump

Odyseus moan in mortal pleasure

but there was consequence he could no measure

apolo came inside his but

groan echo through tiny hut

but ody was quite far from pleasant

his hero butt was very pregnant

with apolo son or daughter

who trojan many they would slaughter

odyseus tummy start to grow

apolo and achilles watch the show

with a couple minutes later

he was butt pregnant, don't question me h8rs

apolo was a very pleased

but achilles schween wouldnt be appeased

he fuck apolo in the butt

with the vigor of a mutt

and then apolo pregnet 2

his magic body start to grew

odysseus take a giant shit

there was baby inside it

"I will name you alexander

u will b rlly cool and like adam sandler"

alexander say "thank u bid daddy odyseus

but the achaens really miss us

in there battle long and hard

trojans wont let down there gard"

(it's alexand3r tha great btw lol :3 )

"Ok" said oduseus

then apololo tummy grumble

and his butwhole start to fumble

with a giant army of mans

wearing togas and black vans

it was alexanders army

from the gut of a god so hot and smarmy

then they wood go off to battle

but there many legs 3 straddle…