Hello #Gladiators. #HappyFitzFriday. I finally finished this long finale chapter of this tale. I think this is JUST what we need to mend our Olitz broken hearts over this hiatus. And I must say Tony last night ruined me. He portrayed of Fitz is bittersweet and I couldn't love him more. He will forever be the President of MY heart. #Always…

Yes THIS IS THE FINAL chapter and I have no plans of doing an epilogue but I could change my mind. I am not saying an epilogue is out of the question, it could happen just no right now. You'll just have to be surprised. As this story closes you will know this story's fate and what happens to OLITZ.

To ALL of you that have read this, reviewed, and THANK YOU. I really appreciate it. Enjoy and GET YOUR TISSUES out because this is perhaps the most romantic Fitzgerald Grant III I have EVER written. This final installment of Fitz has ruined me. This man has my heart. #Always.

Have a good weekend and thanks for sticking with this story until this end.



Chapter 27: Rose Garden Love Letter…

"Love me Without Fear; Trust me without Questioning; Need me without Demanding; Want me without restrictions; Accept me without change; Desire me without inhibitions; For a love so free… Will NEVER Fly Away." – Dick Sutphen

February 13, 2015

Since their first public date, Olivia and Fitz spent most of their free time together. After she stayed the weekend with him in the White House, Olivia made it a priority to spend the weekends with him there. She would take everything she needed on Friday's, including Ruby. The staff loved Ruby in the Residence. When she dropped her off the butler was always waiting for her with a smile on his face, as well as the lead housekeeper.

As the week trolled by worn she came home at night with Ruby, she missed Fitz. He offered some nights to come over and sleep but she refused. It was crazy for them to sleep apart, knowing each was not sleeping well without the other. However they compromised, they talked on the phone until the other fell asleep; which made a big difference.

When Fitz arrived in the Oval in the morning, if Olivia did not have to stop by the newspaper first, she would be there waiting for him with coffee and something for breakfast. He did not always have breakfast in the morning before arriving in the Oval according to Cyrus, so on those mornings she took care of him. Fitz loved seeing her in his office waiting.

While visiting her parents, she discovered that he loved Dunkin Donuts. One Monday morning she convinced her detail to allow her to drive to one. They were plenty around the DC area. They chose one that her security would be easy to control. Of course when she showed up the staff was over the moon and shocked.

Patrons asked her for pictures which of course she agreed, even taking one with the staff. She picked up donuts enough donuts for her agents, Fitz's detail, and the West Wing staff. Fitz had been busy that morning that by the time she made it to the White House, it made the morning news.

When he arrived into the West Wing and entered the Oval she was standing there with his favorite large coffee with a lot of cream, sugar and favorite donut – 2 actually. He was beyond surprised that he dropped everything in his hands and made his way to her quickly. He removed the coffee from her hands and food, hauling into his arms for a massive kiss.

"God I love you," he murmured once he broke them apart.

"You're just saying that Mister because I brought you Dunkin," she teased.

"Among other things," he kissed her again, which only made her laugh as his hands creeped down resting on her bottom. Fitz grinned like a Cheshire-cat while he ate beyond grateful that he had her in his life. He couldn't believe the agents agreed, but was not surprised at her gesture to buy them all breakfast. The agents were growing to not only respect Olivia, but cared for her well-being. This put Fitz's mind at ease knowing they were protect her even though she was not the First Lady.

Olivia was still getting used to her detail, since Fitz had upped her agents. She had two agents until their first date. He had heard from the Secret Service that the Press had increased around her apartment and wherever she went since her unexpected trip to get breakfast that morning. Fitz spoke to Olivia and she agreed to only add one agent. She picked the agent herself which made the transition easier.

However as Valentine's Day approached she noticed Fitz acting a bit strange. If she was working in her office, he would come by and just stare at her. At times she was so engrossed in an assignment she'd hardly feel his presence until she glanced up and saw him in her doorway. Each time their eyes connected, he made her blush.

"What," she'd ask him but he hardly responded with words. Each time he would stroll to her, sit on her desk and then kiss her – windows open in all.

"Hi," he'd murmur against her lips, and then get down on one knee before her. He had done this every day staring the Monday morning before Valentine's Day. Every time he came to see her, even in his office he would do this. She thought nothing of it because Fitz is always romantic, sweet, and beyond tender with her.

However the day before Valentine's Day when he came to see her, he was different. "Fitz you okay," she inquired as he stood there with a dreamy look in his eyes. It made her nervous. He had been hovering all week But it seemed today every time she turned around he was there, just "watching" as if he doesn't she would disappear.

"Perfect," he edges closer, kneeling on one knee, then cupping her face.

"You sure," she ask curiously. She rubs his leg and knee as they stare at each other. There is something in his eyes she cannot place.

He nods with a stupid grin on his face. He stands up, taking her with him. He sits on her desk and pulls her between his legs. His arms snake around her body and rest on her tail bone. Her hands slide under his jacket and rest on his back. "Fitz, are you sure nothing is wrong?"

"NOTHING is wrong Livy." He answers softly kissing her plush soft lips. "I promise," doing his best to ease her fears. "What am I not allowed to come see my girlfriend whenever I want," he half-heartedly protests. Her blinds are open and he could care less. People still stop and watch but with her agents just outside her door, they do not stay long.

"Of course you can but you've been here a lot more lately." He chuckles because she knows him too well. "Don't you have to rule the country or something," she chastises.

"I do," he murmurs. She raises her eyes at his word choice. "But you are more important right now. You ready for our First Valentine's Day tomorrow," he speaks quickly. His voice creaks.

"I am. Wait, are you nervous," she inquires.

He chuckles. "Only a little. I want EVERYTHING to be perfect for us Livy. I am hoping to sweep you off your feet so I can keep you forever." He bits and licks his lips. His hands begin to feel clammy. He moves them over her back to ease his own fears.

She moves her hands from his back to hold his face. "I'll think about it," she teases. "It depends on how sexy you are in the suit I am sure you're wearing."

He laughs. "Oh don't worry. I think I've got it handled," he retorts. She rolls her eyes. As their lips touch, Cyrus appears in her door. He clears his throat to get their attention. Olivia blushes knowing her godfather caught them in a moment, but Fitz does not care. Cyrus waits outside her door so they can say goodbye. "I'll see you tonight."

"I am NOT spending the night Mister," she protests. "You are not seeing me until tomorrow night and I promise to rock your world. I have to get myself together."

"Olivia," he groans not wanting to be away from her. "We agreed that you spend the weekends here with me. It's better for us."

"Yes we did agree but tomorrow is Valentine's Day – our first. I have a lot to do before our date. Considering I know nothing accept that I am coming here," she groans. He smirks. "I can't have little hint."


"Okay what am I supposed to where?" An impish grin appears on his face. "Fitz I am not showing up to our date naked."

He cackles. "Well it would help us get to dessert faster," he moans in her ear as his hands now roam over her body. She stops him before he gets carried away.

"Fitz," she snickers. "You're insatiable." His smile grows wider. "You're really not going to tell me anything."

"No Ma'am," he answers with a sing-song voice and head tilt. "A President cannot reveal his State Secrets."

"I hate you," she pushes herself feeling her frustration level growing. She rounds the corner of her desk and he's there standing in front of her. He smile is even wider. "Stop."


"Looking at me like that," he moves away from him.

"Like what," he quips.

"Like your hoping to finally get me naked tomorrow night," placing her hands on her hips. He shrugs his shoulders not answering. She walks to her door. "Out Mr. President." He saunters over to her. Slowly he tilts his head to kiss her but she turns giving him her cheek only. He signs but complies. "No kiss till AFTER we have dinner tomorrow night."

He cackles. "We'll see about that Sweetheart," he chastises, cupping her face. "Trust me when I kiss you tomorrow night, it will rock your world."

"Ah huh," she grumbles scooting him out of her office so she can finish her work. She waits a few moments before she peeks out her door. Not seeing Fitz, she decides to head up to the Residence to see Ruby and Quincy to relax. Just as she rounds the corner, a strong hand grasps her from behind. "Fitz," she screeches.

His arms are now wrapped around her in the hallway. Cyrus rolling his eyes. "I forgot to tell you I love you Livy before I left."

She relaxes. "I love you too. Now go before you get into trouble and you're late for your meeting."

"As you wish," he murmurs. He cups her face using both hands, running his fingers over her soft plush lips. He doesn't release her face right away and stands there holding her with awe. She blushes under the intensity of it. People are whispering and the hallway grows quite as Fitz and Olivia stand there. He kisses her forehead then finally lets her go.

"Fitz," she calls out to him as he walks away. He turns. "It's a whole new world," she smiles.

He exhales deeply. "I know. For you and me…," he pauses. "Always." He winks, and then heads off to his meeting.


The Color of Roses… (February 14th)

On Valentine's Day morning, Olivia had woken up not "totally" alone in her own bed. She had a surprise sleepover guest the night before when Tom knocked on her door a tad bit after ten with Quincy. "Tom," Olivia snickered as Fitz's dog ran into her arms.

"Quincy was whimpering for you and Ruby Ma'am," Tom groans. "I guess he was driving the President crazy because he missed you both so much," he blushes. Ruby wiggles her way over to him pawing at his legs to be picked up. Tom complies and when she licks his nose, he smiles.

"You have a fan Tom," Olivia chastises as Ruby now licks Tom's ear.

Tom snickers. "It appears so Ma'am. I am sorry to disturb your evening."

He stops in his words as Olivia lightly places her hand over his. "No worries Tom. I know Fitz wanted me to be with him tonight but I came home. Quincy knows I should be there. So THIS," she bends scooping up a growing Quincy, "is fine."

"Thank you," he responds. Her agents take their places by her door, as Tom enters the elevator he whispers, "Pumpkin (Ruby), and Gourd (Quincy,) are in the Nest." This comment just made her laugh. Once she closed her door, both dogs follower her down the hall and into her bed. Quincy readily jumps up and Ruby is lifted. She phones Fitz and they talk till both fall asleep.

Now called out of her dreams by both dogs whimpering to make their morning pit stops, she gets up out of bed. Upon opening the door, there is her lead agent standing there waiting. "I got them Ma'am," he nods.

"You don't have to," she objects wanting to bring them out.

"Nope I am under orders Ma'am," he replies. She opens her mouth to protest but is stopped seeing the elevator doors open. Cyrus walks out with a single BURGUNDY rose. She examines it, and there's a burgundy ribbon. On it, written in silver lettering reads Undying Love – Unconscious Beauty. Then she sees an invitation.

"Uncle Cyrus," she utters handing the dogs over to her agent. "What's this? You are not a 'roses' kind of guy," she teases, giving him a sweet kiss on the cheek.

"Well Liv today I am," he quips with an exaggerated eye roll.

"Uncle Cy," she asks as the Rose is placed in her hand. "What's going on?"

"The President asked me to hand deliver this to you. Also he asked me to inform you that a full spa day has been scheduled. Your driver will arrive by 10 am to pick you up. Upon arrival to the spa, you will be given the Royal Presidential treatment," her mouth gapes open.

"Okay then what's this," holding the envelope. He nods and her eyes widen at the intricate calligraphy the invitation is written. Her heart flutters in her chest as she reads;

"President Fitzgerald Thomas Grant III, Requests the honor of Olivia Carolyn Pope, the First Girlfriend of the United States of America to join him tonight precisely at 7:00 pm in the Grand Ballroom in the White House. A car will arrive at 6:30 to ensure you arrive in time and in style."

Olivia eyes meets Cyrus. Her heart warms as their eyes connect. "What should I tell the Leader of the Free World? He insisted that I stay until he has an answer," Cyrus quips.

Behind the invitation is a formal RSVP card. She selects the "yes." Before she hands it to Cyrus she looks to her purse. She reaches for lipstick, and then kisses over her answer. Then she rushes to her bedroom and sprays it with her favorite perfume. It's placed back in it's tiny envelope and then handed to Cyrus.

He grumbles. "I should have taken that job at Harvard," causing her agents to snicker.

"I love you Uncle Cy," she sighs.

"Ah huh. You better. The stuff I put up with for you two love birds," he groans as he kisses her cheek. He speaks to her a few more minutes and then leaves her to ready for her spa day and their Valentine's Day date.

Twenty minutes later her phone dings. She grins knowing it is Fitz. It reads, "Happy Valentine's Day Sweetheart. I love you SO MUCH. Enjoy your day and I CANNOT wait for tonight. All my love – Fitz."

She sighs dancing up and down like a high school teenager. She responds back. "Happy Valentine's Day Fitz. And I love you more. A girl can get used to this. What are you up to Mister?"

"Making all your dreams come true. See you tonight…"

"Pest…," Fitz responds with laughing with tears emoji's and winking. She grumbles in frustration but deep down she loves how he's spoiling her. Never in her wildest dreams did she think her day would have started off like this. Olivia steps in the shower, and is ready the time car arrives.

As she opens her door an agent is standing there with DEEP PINK rose. The agent smiles handing her the beautiful flower. She glances down at it's matching ribbon. It reads – Gratitude, Refinement and Appreciation.

"I don't," she murmurs as the agents hands her a card handwritten by Fitz. It reads, "Sweetheart enjoy your spa day. This is a small token of thanks for EVERYTHING you have given to me. All My love – Fitz." She swallows quickly again being left speechless. The rose is placed in water with the other and she heads out the door. Her agents inform Fitz that she is on the way.

She arrives at the spa precisely on time, and it treated like royalty. Every staff member is incredible and she walks out feeling like a new woman. The press are there of course, and she waves on her way in and out. Once her agents have her secure in the car, she is driven back home to get ready for her date with Fitz.

When she reaches her door, James is standing there waiting for her with a PALE PINK and YELLOW rose. "Uncle James she stammers. Why?"

"Under orders from The President Liv," James winks.

He hands her the flowers. Her eyes glance down at both ribbons. The pale pink reads – Grace, Admiration, and Elegance. The yellow – Joy, Happiness, Caring and True Friendship. James then hands her a card from Fitz.

"Again," she sighs. James chuckles. He motions for her to open it. It reads. "Olivia. These two roses are for all the joy and happiness you have brought into my life. Not only are you the love of my life but my best friend. The grace and elegance you have shown the world only allows me to love you more. See you soon – Fitz."

Her eyes meets James. He leans forward to kiss her cheeks. "He loves more than life itself Sweetie. Have a good time tonight."

"Uncles James this is too much," her voice creaks wondering what in the world is going on.

"Oh honey. You have no idea," he grasps her hands. "I'll see you later." Before she can protest he is on the elevator and gone. She glances at her agents standing by her door. They unlock her door and once her apartment is secure, she is allowed inside. Olivia walks to the kitchen, places the two new roses in water, and eats lunch.

As she finishes cleaning up lunch noting it's nearly 2:00 p.m. there is another knock. She opens the door to find Charlotte standing there with an orange rose and card. "Hi Miss Pope. This for you."

"Fitz," blushing after she speaks his name. "Thank you Charlotte." She nods, enters the elevator before Olivia speaks another word.

"Happy Valentine's Day Miss Pope," she speaks.

"And you," Olivia recites. She then closes her door and glances down at the Orange Rose. The matching tag reads – Passion, Desire, and Pride.

Her heart flutters as she reads Fitz's words on the card. "Livy, I never knew I could want any one woman the way I want you. I feel that when we finally make love, even then it will not be close enough. My attraction to you will never waver, as will your beauty. You are so breathtaking. I am so lucky to have found you. All my love – Fitz."

Soon tears begin to come out of her eyes. "What am I going to do with you Fitz," she utters placing the new roses with the others. Their smell engulfs her lungs and decides to relax with Ruby and Quincy. She decides to take them for a walk to clear her mind. As she opens the door her agents are waiting.

They walk her to the elevator. The doors open. Her eyes widen seeing Huck, Quinn, and Harrison are there waiting each with a rose. "What are you doing here?"

"We are serving at the pleasure of the President Ma'am," Quinn states taking both Quincy and Ruby from her. "We got them."

"But…," Olivia protests but stops when the three roses are placed in her hands.

"We got your back Liv," Harrison states.

"Put these in some water," Huck speaks as they hand her the CORAL, PEACH, and GREEN Rose, which she had never seen before. They each hug her tightly, and head back into the elevator. She glances up at her agents who only snicker, shrug their shoulders. She exhales, and enters her apartment.

"What is going on with you Mr. President," she coos deeply as she examines each rose's ribbon. The coral reads – Fascination. The Peach – Believe me, Modesty and Sweetness. The Green – Fertility, which makes her blush at the memories of them talking about having children.

She then opens the card… "My darling Livy. Ever since the day you came into my life, you continue to amaze me. I'll never tire of watching you. Your beliefs have made me into a better, kinder man. I cannot wait to see what our life together holds in store for us, (Yes that includes babies.) Two I think. Forever Yours – Fitz."

"Fitzgerald Grant," she breathes his name contently. "What has gotten into you," speaking in awe. The new additions are placed in the vase with the other six roses. Olivia runs her fingers over the delicate petals.

She hears Ruby and Quincy by the door. Quinn steps inside and releases them. They run to Olivia. She thanks them and they leave her to get ready. She glances at the time stepping into the shower. After she's finished, Olivia walks to her phone. To her surprise there is a message from Fitz on her voicemail. She dances like a school girl as she listens to his voice;

"Hi. I hope you are having the best day Sweetheart. You have been in my thoughts ALL DAY and I cannot wait to see you later. (Cyrus has had a hard time keeping me focused.) I am hoping to make all your Valentine's Day dreams come true. Your love has been the light in my life. Be ready by 6:30. Love You – Fitz."

The call disconnects and she flops down on the bed in a daze. She replays the message again, sinking into her bed missing him. She lays there a few minutes until Quincy and Ruby come, licking her feet. Quincy jumps onto the bed and she reaches for Ruby. "Your Daddy is up to no good. I know it."

The dogs lay all over her for a bit until she begins to get ready. She eats some fresh fruit, then heads off her room to finish getting ready. Her hair, make up are finished. Just as she is about to change into her dress, there is another knock on the door. She glances down at Ruby and Quincy. "Now who is it?"

Olivia walks to her door and is pleasantly surprised to see Abby and Stephen each standing with a rose, ribbon and note. "Again!"

"Hi Liv," Stephen coos kissing her cheek handing her his WHITE rose.

"Hi Stephen," she sighs. "Abby," opening her arms for her best friend to walk into.

"Hey Liv," she exhales handing her the BLUE rose. Abby and Stephen walk by her and notice the bouquet, and cards from Fitz already on her table. "My, the President has been a busy bee today," she chastises.

Olivia glances at them both. "You mean you two had no idea?"

Stephen wraps his arm around her. "No. He called us both and asked us to come by the White House. He asked us to bring these two flowers to you precisely at this time." She studies Stephen closely. "It's Valentine's Day Liv. Allow him to love you the best way he knows how."

Abby pulls her in for a hug. "He was glowing when saw him. The President of the United States absolutely adores you. Hell he's over the moon in love with you," causing Olivia to blush. "Have a good time tonight."

"Thanks," she grins and they leave her to finish. She walks to the table and examines both roses and their special messages. The White Rose – Innocence, Purity, and Loyalty. "Fitz," she murmurs running her fingers lightly over the words. She quickly wipes a stray tear, then glances over at the blue rose.

She releases a deep breath knowing Fitz had this made. It perfect shade of blue matches Fitz's eyes. Her fingers lightly grace the petals and then trail down the stem to the ribbon. It reads – Impossible, Unattainable, Mystery. She squints and then feels the tears forming in her eyes as she opens his card;

"My dearest Livy. When I became President I never thought I could find someone to love me for me, not for my title. It was impossible UNTIL I saw you. Each and every day we are together not only do you amaze me with your pure heart but I learn things about you and myself I never knew. I cannot wait to see what our future holds together. With you by my side ANYTHING is possible. I love you – Fitz."

She is overwhelmed as she paces the room in slow circles to calm down. She grins like the captain of the football team just asked her to the Prom times ten. She smells the two roses in the hopes to relax but of course it's not working. Her eyes keep darting to the clock quickly wishing the time would go by faster.

She places the roses in the vase, and does her best not to mess up her fresh make up. Only a few tears slide down her face. In a few more moments, she is in her room getting into her very special dress for the evening. Fitz insisted on not telling her anything so she picked something truly special.


Love, Passion, Courage…

A time later her dress is on, make-up, hair are done, and the final pieces of her jewelry are placed on her body. She walks over to her dresser, locates Doux Bebe. She clutches the ring to her chest, over her heart, placing it on her right index finger. Normally it is worn differently but tonight she wanted to be different.

Everything feels different and she has Fitz to thank for that. God she loves him – so very much beyond anything she'd ever dreamt possible. Her phone dings. She glances down noting it the Secret Service informing her that her ride is on the way. The Reporters are still camped outside her apartment but she hopes they will allow her to leave in peace.

Thirty minutes later, precisely at 6:30 there is a knock. She wraps herself in her jacket to hide her dress. Only a hint of color hangs beneath the bottom hem of her jacket. She picks up her clutch, opening the door. She gasps seeing Fitz himself standing there with a SINGLE RED rose and of course its matching ribbon.

He's impeccably dressed in a black suit, red tie, and white dress shirt. His curls are slicked back, with the one stray leaning over to the side. Slowly his breathing calms just taking her in. A soft smile emerges on his face as she looks him up and down.

"Hi," he murmurs taking her in. He cannot see her dress but from her hair and make-up alone, he's fallen in love with her at first sight all over again. Her hair is in LONG luxurious curls with hints of red through-out. Her smoky eyes, red lips, and pink cheeks only entice him to close the distance between them. His heart warms as Doux Bebe glows under the lights.

He walks forward, leans on her door, RED rose in his hands. His eyes fall to her lips. "Hi," she whispers feeling her face fluster.

Fitz waltzes forward, using the rose to lift her face. "Gosh you're incredible."

She smirks. "As are you," moving to the side. He chuckles as his eyes focus on the bouquet of roses. "Nice roses. Who's the lucky guy," he quips.

"My boyfriend," she plays along. "One rose has been delivered to my door ALL day. I'd say he's quite the charmer," rolling her eyes. He shrugs his shoulders. "Is that RED rose for me?"

"It is," he exhales.

"Can I have it?"

"Nope," he teases.

"Mr. President," she dips her voice dangerously low. Her lips are less than an inch from his. "Am I going to have to earn it?" His hand coils around her body, pulling her closer. His breathing increases. "Tell me how?"

"Kiss me," he pleads.

"Ah uh. Not till later," she sighs. "You are going to have to do better than that. I just don't make out with World Leaders at my door."

"Olivia," he growls with an evil grin. "I am the President." He turns them and soon she's pressed up against the frame of her door. "I always get what I want." He bends his knees, sinking his pelvis into hers. Her breath hitches feeling how much he wants her. He leans down placing his lips on her neck. Lightly he begins to kiss her, leaving wet marks behind. "I know you want me."

"Fitz," she begs.

"I've missed you today. You are ALL I have thought about," he admits, now inches from her face. "All I want. No more sleeping apart after tonight. I won't have it." She raises her eyes at his commanding tone.

Cupping his face, she looks softly into his eyes. "I don't want to either. I missed you too. But we need to come up with a plan."

"Already done," he admits then hands her the single RED rose. She shakes her head as they step inside. Fitz then reads – "I LOVE YOU, Passion, Respect, and Courage," to her. His arms wrap around her waist, holding her from behind. He leans his lips close to her ear, "You are all this to me and more. Every single rose has its own unique meaning. I see you in every shade; every petal. They are one of the most delicate flowers – as you are to me."

"Fitz," she whimpers.

He turns her around. "I don't want you to ever doubt how incredible you are." He bends his knees to gaze deeply into her eyes. "I be lost without the different colors of YOUR love in my life. Not only did you bring joy into my life, you brought light."

The tears begin to pool in her eyes. He wipes them away before they have a chance to fall with his special handkerchief. He kisses her forehead, allowing his lips to linger on her soft skin for a long as possible. She melts into him as he pulls away.

"Come…," he urges placing the red rose in the vase. She smiles as he escorts her into the waiting motorcade. She pries him for information but he still will not tell her anything. Finally she gives up and decides to wait it out, as the White House appears in the distance. As they enter, he stops her.


"I'll be right back. I have to check on something," he explains. She squints. Cupping her face he utters, "Trust me Sweetheart."

She exhales. "Fine."

"That's my girl," he murmurs kissing her cheek then open palm. He walks away leaving her standing in the foyer of the White House. Fifteen minutes later, a member of the staff is there before her.

"Miss Pope. May I take your jacket, purse and any other belongs you do not need," Olivia hands everything over. "Follow me Ma'am," she is then instructed. Olivia squints but does as she is told.

"Where is the President," she asks.

"He asked me to escort you to where you are having dinner. I guess he's having an issue with the chef," the member of his staff explains.

"Oh Lord. I hope he doesn't freak out…," but she stops in her words as the next hallway they enter is only lite with candles. Her eyes widen. As soon as the door closes behind her, the instrumental version of "Believe" from Josh Groban is heard. She looks around her but cannot tell where the music is coming from.

Then a familiar face appears in the distance. "Tom?"

"Follow me Ma'am," he instructs. She squints and on each side of the hallway there are the same color of roses. Each with a card written what they mean. As Tom reaches the Grand Ballroom doors, he stops as does the music. "Wait here Miss Pope."


"One minute," he listens into his headpiece. "Roger that," he answers then glances over at the double doors to Olivia. "You can go ahead from here Miss Pope. The President is waiting for you at the bottom of the stairs."

"Thank you," she replies. "Tom what's…,"

"All will be revealed in there Miss Pope." She nods. Just as her hand reaches the knob to turn the handle, "For the record Miss Pope you look beautiful. President Grant is a lucky man."

She stops at his words as she cheeks flush. Tom blushes hoping his boss won't throw him in the brig for complimenting her. But tonight it's the truth. Olivia is a vision and when his boss sees her, he'll be left utterly speechless.

"Miss Pope," Tom calls to her. She turns to face him. "Remember all you have to do his believe."

She smiles. Slowly she opens the door. The top of the stairs is ONLY lite with candles. A piano and violin are playing softly in the background. The door closes behind her and she gradually makes her way to the top of the stairs. "Fitz," calling out too him.

Footsteps are then heard and her eyes widen as he appears in a black Brooks Brothers tux carrying a single PURPLE rose. Off to his side is a dozen of purple roses. Tears begin to form in his eyes glancing at Olivia on the stairs. The long purple floor-length gown hangs off her body perfectly. The V-neck shape exposes her bare shoulders allowing the silver necklace "shimmer" off her chest. The trumpet waist displays her hips in a manner enticing Fitz to make is way up the stairs.

"Allow her to come to you," he whispers to himself.

"Fitz," she murmurs, but it stops. He nods motioning for her to make her way to him. She shakes her head then begins her decent. About half way down the lights on the edges of the room illuminate twelve bougets of roses, matching the ones at her apartment. Each arrangement is on its own table around the room.

As she reaches the bottom step he is too her, taking her hand in his. "Hi," he murmurs pressing her hand to his cheek.

"Hi," she softly replies in awe. He pulls her close aching to kiss her. "What's all this?"

"Our date," he answers without a care in the world.

"Where'd all these roses come from," she asks in disbelief. "Did you buy out all the florist shops in DC or something?" She had never seen so many roses. "I feel like this is the Tournament of Roses Parade or something."

He chuckles. "No Sweetheart," leaning in to kiss her cheek. "I have a Rose Garden remember." She stares at him. "Actually I had planned for our date to happen there but it snowed the other day. Luckily I was prepared and had a back-plan."

"Afraid we'll have another snow ball fight Mr. President," she quips.

His face spreads into a wide grin. "No. But then I couldn't have had the pleasure of seeing you in this gorgeous dress." She blushes. "It matches this purple rose, which means love at first sight," handing to her. She lifts the flower to her nose to smell its aroma. She bits her bottom lip to hide her nervousness. Slowly he runs his finger over her nose. "Fitz…,"

"Shh…," he places the rose in the vase. He walks her over to the first bouquet.


Rose Garden Love Letter

She squints to question him but he points for her to look at the card. He places his hand on her back as the card is opened. "This is…," she utters.

"The first time I saw you in the Rose Garden. You were playing with Quincy," now holding the picture of her and Quincy. Her face is covered with the scarf. "I knew it that moment I had to find out who you were Livy." She bits her lips, placing the card down on the table.

She opens the next one by the Orange roses. "It's our picture when I gave you the Pumpkin cupcake. I can see it in your hands."

"It is," he smiles. "You touched me deeply Livy when I heard you talk to Quincy. How lucky he was to have someone who loved and took care of him. Your voice was the sweetest sound I ever heard. Then you turned, looked at me and I was a goner." She sniffles. "You told me your name was LIV and I made it my mission to find you after that."

She whimpers. "The cupcake," seeing it in his hands.

"It was the best I EVER tasted," she scoffs meeting his eyes. He escorts her to the next set of roses. Her eyes widen seeing a wide shot of her and Fitz in the Press Room – the day he learned who she was. "This was the day I found you and who you were. I was hoping OP would be there and she was. I don't regret my choice Livy. I will always chose you."

"Fitz," she sniffles. "I…," she stammers.

"Come…," he brings her to the next flowers. The next photo is of her and Fitz in Cyrus's office. He's pulling the scarf off her neck. She squints unsure of this photo. "I chose this moment for us because it was the day we became a team – you and me Livy. I finally had a partner. I wasn't alone anymore. That was because of you."

She turns to him. "You were never alone Fitz," glancing around the room.

"I was until you came into my life," holding both her hands. "You have been by my side since that day Olivia. You have believed in me like no other. I can never repay for it but I am going to try." She sniffles. He cups both her cheeks, then their standing before the next set of flowers.

"Oh Fitz," she gasps. "That's the day…"

"I asked you out," running his fingers over them in the Oval Office. The picture is clear enough so they can read the words on the 13 notecards. Fitz is crouched behind her, holding her in his arms. "I prayed you would say yes and give me a chance. I also asked you to call me Fitz."

"I remember. If I recall I did." He sighs placing a kiss on her brow. Then he brings them over to the next arrangement. He grins at her reaction to the next photo. "Yes that's you and I at Cyrus's house on Thanksgiving right after I got there. James took this cozy picture of us when we were snuggled up in the kitchen."

"I see that," she chastises.

"This is the night I found out who you were…,"

"And you still wanted me," she states in disbelief. He nods. "That night with you there was the best Thanksgiving I ever had Livy." She exhales and kisses his cheek. This time she walks him over to the table. She readily picks up the card and holds her heart as her eyes take in the picture. "This is of us…"

"And Quincy," finishing for him. "Our first date. On the blanket. I have this photo too," she explains with a gleam in her eyes.

He takes her hands. "This was the day you found out Ginny was the one who wrote to me." She begins to speak but he stops her. "Yes I know Livy you ran from me but I get why. You would never use me and I love you for that. This night you became MINE. You made the happiest man in the world. I was the best first date and the start of us…," he murmurs through his own emotions.

She holds his face in her hands. "And I'd said yes to you all over again if you asked." Eager to find out the next bouquet, Olivia guides him over. Her pace quickens along with her heart beat. She opens the next envelope and finds a new picture. "That's the day Ginny learned it was her," Olivia replies seeing a photo Ginny, Tom, Mo, Fitz and herself from the Press Conference.

"That letter I read to the press Livy it wasn't just meant for Ginny. It was for you," he admits. "I always believed in Santa Claus. I had just forgotten the true meaning of Christmas until her letter. Ginny's letter brought us together."

"It did," she croaks.

"Follow me," he urges bringing her to the next set of roses. This next photo he chose surprises Olivia. Her watches her squint then glance up at him. He runs his fingers over them talking to his mother and father in the Oval office after Ginny had gone home. She didn't back down and earned his mother's respect the following morning but staying true to herself standing up for them.

"I don't understand," Olivia speaks. "Why this one?"

"Because you stood up for ME. You told my mother, that you weren't going anywhere. That you are in MY life to stay. I don't know what you told her in the Residence but…"

"I am staying in your life Fitz. She can't send me away from you, us without a fight. I'd fight anyone to keep you. I love you too much to give you up," she admits feeling a lump grow in her thought. Her eyes meet his. "I wouldn't be able to…"

He places his fingers over her lips to stop her from speaking. "I'm not going anywhere Livy. Not without you. Ever. Okay?" She nods. "No more tears," he smirks. He then takes her hand bringing to the next bouquet of roses. She opens the card and finds the photo her singing "Believe" with Straight No Chaser. He is by her side.

"You have everything you need if you believe," she murmurs.

"In that moment Livy I knew I had everything in my life I NEEDED to believe," she sniffles.

"You did?"

"Yes. I had you," he sighs kissing her hand. "And I knew from that moment on I'd could do anything because you taught me to believe in myself in a way I never thought possible. You changed me Livy. Because of your love, I am a better man."

"You always were Fitz," she exhales. "I just showed you the way." He draws her closer aching to kiss her. His eyes fall to her lips but he refrains. If he kisses her now they'll never make it through the rest of the roses. She nestles into his chest as they walk over to the final bouquets. She opens the next card. "Fitz," she chastises. "This is you standing in front of me on The Polar Express when I was staying believe, before you kissed me."

"Yup," he shrugs. She feels another photo behind it and it is the exact moment their lips touch for the first time, and she realizes it's him. "I started walking out the moment your eyes closed. I couldn't wait any longer to see you. Hold you. Kiss you. I missed you so much. I waited so long to kiss you but I wanted to be the…,"

"Last first kiss WE ever had," completing his sentence for him. "It was perfect Fitz. As are you," raising herself to her tip-toes to look into his eyes. She leans in to kiss him but to her surprise he stops her. "Really!"

"Not yet. Follow me," he urges. The 12th arrangement the picture is already there in a small frame. It's one of his time in Vermont with her family Christmas morning. It's everyone. Next to it is another with both their families together. She lifts them both up, bringing them to her chest over her heart. Her eyes meet his just before she snuggles into his chest. "This is OUR family Livy."

"I know."

"Our love brought two different families together. We changed so much for everyone all because we believed in each other and that we can do this….,"

"Together," she glances up meeting his warm blue eyes. "Always."

"Always," he whimpers. He releases a deep breath. "Now the last bouquet." He slowly walks her over. She opens the envelope. Her breath hitches. Inside is a photo of them kissing in front of Marine One with their parents, and of course Ruby and Quincy.

"I love it," she sniffles. "You picked this one because I chose to stand by your side. It was time to start the New Year out in the open. You told the world about us, me and haven't looked back." He nods. "I couldn't have done this with anyone else Fitz. Through your eyes I became more than just a reporter. I became everything I needed to be – for you," she meets his eyes and sees tears.

"No Livy. All I ever wanted was a woman who loves me for me. You are that and so much more. When you stepped off Marine One with me you understood that we would be tied together for ever. And now we are," he voices softly.

"I know. So where's the string Mister," she teases. He kisses her lips giving her a playful wink. She sees a hidden twinkle in his eyes. "Fitz…,"


Strings Attached…

"Shhh…" he walks her to the center of the room. He retrieves a remote from his pocket, and the lights slowly brighten. She attempts to speak but is silenced when she hears the opening chords of John Legend's All Of Me being played on the piano and violin. Her mouth falls open seeing John Legend himself playing and Lindsey Stirling on the violin.

They continue to play the music without any singing. "Oh my God," she whimpers. "I don't understand. How did you…,"

"I'm the President remember," he quips. "Now may I have this dance?" She sniffles as he pulls her into his arms. He nods to John Legend. Fitz lifts her face, cradles it while their eyes stay lock on each other, as the opening verse is song;

"What would I do without your smart mouth?
Drawing me in, and you kicking me out
You've got my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you down
What's going on in that beautiful mind
I'm on your magical mystery ride
And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright

My head's under water
But I'm breathing fine
You're crazy and I'm out of my mind

'Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I'm winning
'Cause I give you all of me
And you give me all of you, oh oh

Fitz waltzes her around the room as the song is being sung. He glides her perfectly across the floor in a way she's never experienced. It amazes her. She feels as if she is flying. This man astonishes her in every way, and dancing with him, like this is everything.

As next section begins Fitz stops her in the middle of the room. She squints unsure of what he's doing. Lindsey Stirling walks towards them and plays her section close to Olivia. Tears begin to pool in Olivia's eyes as he takes both her hands and sings the next verse to her himself.

How many times do I have to tell you
Even when you're crying you're beautiful too
The world is beating you down, I'm around through every mood
You're my downfall, you're my muse
My worst distraction, my rhythm and blues
I can't stop singing, it's ringing, in my head for you

My head's under water
But I'm breathing fine
You're crazy and I'm out of my mind

'Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I'm winning
'Cause I give you all of me
And you give me all of you, oh oh

Give me all of you
Cards on the table, we're both showing hearts
Risking it all, though it's hard

Now Olivia the tears begin to come down Olivia's cheeks. Fitz kisses her soft skin wiping them away. He presses his forehead to hers as Lindsey circles them playing her sections of the song. Olivia buries her face in his chest, as the words from the song make her melt in the man she loves arms.

Fitz kisses her hands, before he walks her to the piano to hear the final section. He keeps his arm wrapped around her, with his head leaned against hers as it's sung.

'Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I'm winning
'Cause I give you all of me
And you give me all of you

I give you all of me
And you give me all of you, oh oh

As the last section of the song is finished, Fitz gathers Olivia to stand in the center of the room. "Fitz what's going on?"

"Watch," he answers is a crooked smile. Soon she hears a buzzy sound from the top of the room. She snickers seeing a toy helicopter begin it's decent to in her direction. She looks to Fitz giggles seeing that he is the one piloting it.

"Did you practice this," she asks.

"I did," he answers proudly. "I am a pilot you know," he jests. Her eyes widen seeing the scarf she wore all the times she saw Fitz before he knew her identity. The helicopter is carrying it. Slowly Fitz hovers it above her hands. The scarf is then dropped in her open palms. She furrows her brows as he places the remote down, then walks to her.

He unwraps the scarf. "Um…," she gulps seeing a long string.

He places is fingers over her lips to quite her. Taking the string from her hands he places the scarf down beside her. "We won't be needing that anymore," he speaks reminding her of the day he took it from her in Cy's office. She meets his gaze and sees tears begin to form in his eyes.

"Fitz," she murmurs as he holds the string sensing a change in his mood. "What's wrong?" He inhales and exhales a labored breath looking into her beautiful eyes.

"Livy, my whole life I've felt as if I've been pulled by an imaginary string. This string, piece of yarn, dictated where my course in life has lead me. From my birth, schooling, the Navy, becoming Governor of California and now the President of the United States. This string is tied to who I am, most of all being a Grant. I am Grant, born and raised. With that came responsibilities I never asked to be put upon me. But yet I took them on with great pride because of the values my parents instilled in my upbringing.

"This string," showing it to her "has bound me to a life a never asked for but yet destined. Through-out my life until the moment I met you, this string dangled behind me frayed, partially broken, in the dark. One end, the piece that was tied to me, brought me the many milestones in my life including winning this office. But even while I stood in the Oval Office my string still had an end, untied, and loose; waiting for something special to pick it up, hold it – never letting it go," he gulps feeling his emotions brimming to the surface.

He closes the string in her hands, then encases her hands in his. "You were never alone Fitz. You had people by your side this whole time loving, believing in you." She squeezes his hands. "You just didn't see it."

"No Livy. Those people were not there for me. They were here for the President. Those individuals except for my family and a few close others, wanted to be at the end of my string to pull me in their direction. They wanted me for their puppet, nothing else. I never fully believed, even though I won this office, that I could do this." She walks into his space and touches his cheek. "But all that changed do you know when…,"

"The day you saw me in the Rose Garden. Then when we talked," she whimpers.

"Yes Livy. That day I saw you, without even realizing it, this string," he picks it up, then ties it to one of her fingers, "finally found it's something special. It went from being frayed, and broken from years of neglect, to whole, healed, finding its way home. With one look from eyes into mine, this string coiled itself around your little finger, into my heart," he croaks.

"Fitz," she sniffles never seeing him this way before.

"You made me believe in so many things life. I never thought this late in my life I'd find you. I didn't believe someone like you existed, or would want me for me, not for my title. Because of you, and your love I am just not accountable for myself or this country anymore, I am accountable to us. Today Livy our life begins," he stammers. He hands begin to shake.

"Fitz," she exhales. "What's…," he kisses the string he attached to her finger. He bends down to pick up the helicopter, tying the string inside its doors. She snickers not sure what he's going. "Really," she asks.

"Just watch," motioning for her to look up to the second floor. Tom emerges and the helicopter that dropped her scarf with the string attached rises into the air. It hovers off the ground then glides to Tom. Once it's in front of him, Tom opens the doors and then something begins to descend down its length.

"What is that," Olivia asks with her eyes focused on a tiny object coming towards her. She raises her hand with the other end of the string and gasps. "Fitz," she squeals as the engagement ring stops at the top of her ring finger on her left hand. She turns to face him and he's on bended knee before her. "Oh my god," she whimpers.

"Olivia," he whimpers. "This ring has been in my family for generations. It's old-very rare. Every GRANT man has given to his bride, the woman of his choosing. My Great Grandfather, had it made from the highest quality pink diamonds. He gave it to my Great-Grandmother; the very same who wore Doux Bebe." He picks up her hand, kissing the ring. Her eyes brim with tears.

"It was passed to the first Fitzgerald Grant, my Grandfather. My Grandmother wore it, as did my mother. She saved this and the wedding band for me in the hopes that one day I would find the woman worthy to wear it. A woman who became the love of my life and so much more." He slides the string off, and the ring half way on her finger. The tears now are coming down her cheeks.

"Oh my God," she whimpers not believing he is actually proposing. Her left hand begins to tremble. He presses it to his face, nestling his cheek against it. "Fitz," she mouths in an audible whisper.

"I know a life by my side will not be easy. I understand it will be difficult, and anything but normal. But that is what I want. I want to share the remainder of my days with you by my side. I want wake up every morning and go to sleep every single night with you by my side. Your face is the first I want to see when I open and close my eyes."

She swallows the lump in her throat. Her bottom lip begins to tremble. "Do you know what living in this White House before you came into my life taught me?" She shakes her head 'no'. "That a life without love, YOUR LOVE is not life at all. I was living Livy but not truly alive. My life here without you was nothing. I cannot breathe without you. I cannot sleep. You are everything and without you I am alone."

Now the tears begin to fall out of her eyes. She waves her other hand in front of her face to calm down. It does nothing. "Can we just," she squeaks. She glances at the engagement again. More tears come down her face. Fitz inches closer fearing she may collapse.

"So Olivia Carolyn Pope it would make me the happiest man on earth if you would do the honor of marrying me," he asks in a voice filled with hope. He then slips his grandmother's priceless Rose colored three stone ring onto Olivia's finger. "Will you be my wife?"

Her free hand muffles her mouth. She is stunned not believing he just proposed. Her legs give out, and he stands quickly to catch her. She closes her eyes not believing this is real. It can't be. "Liv," he lifts her face. "Look at me," he begs.

"I can't," she whines. "If I do I will have imagined all this."

He bends his knees and draws her body closer to his. "Oh Livy," he coos. "Open your eyes and look at me." Finally her eyes open and she's lost in his sparkling blues. A soft smile emerges on his face. "Yes this is all real. This entire day I haven proposing to you – asking you to be my wife. I cannot live without you any longer. I do not want to. I love you so much." She is now shaking.

"Are you sure," she asks. "Cuz if you're not we can go back and pretend this didn't happen."

He snickers the nods slowly to assure her. His lips touch her ever so gently. He gently whispers, "Yes THIS is real. Marry me Livy," he sighs holding her face. "I…,"

Soon she's nodding. Fitz eye's widen as the realization hits him. Finally she utters, "Yes. Yes. Yes Fitz I will…" but she's cut off abruptly when his lips fall on hers. His kisses are soft and sensual, but soon his tongue inside her mouth. She lifted into the air, as his arms wrap around her small body, kissing her deeply.

Her feet curl in her shoes. Soon he's spinning her in circles as his lips never leave hers. They are smiling as their lips part but it's only for a few seconds, millimeters. Finally her feet are planted down on the floor and he dips her over. He continues to kiss her with everything in him. Finally they break apart breathless, with pouty bruised lips but wide-smiled faces.

"Marry me," he utters as cradles her in his arms.

"Yah," she answers meekly. "Yes I will marry you. I love you Mr. President."

"And I love you Madame First Lady," he utters in a tone causing her to sigh in his arms.

"First Lady," she gasps. He smirks then chuckles as the realization washes over her.

"Ah huh," Fitz sighs loving to her say those words.

"This country is going to have a First Lady…," trailing off meeting his sparkling blue eyes.

"Yes. And it's going to be you," he murmurs just before their lips touch.

"And it's going to be me," she squeals. "That's just…"

"Everything," he replies softly holding her face then rubbing his nose next to hers. Fitz exhales drawing her closer. He wraps his arms around her standing up her straight. Her arms drape across his shoulders. He kisses her softly, tasting the sweetness in her mouth. As he pulls away he presses his forehead to her voices in a tone only meant for her.

"So there's a First Lady…," she stammers.

"Yes Olivia. There Is a First Lady (and she's you…)"


The End….(Ugly cries)

And that my #PreciousPumpkins is the title of the…(wait for it)….SEQUEL! (Listens for the happy tears, squeals and high pitched screams).

YES OLIVIA, THERE IS A FIRST LADY is the title for the SEQUEL to Yes Mr. President There's A Santa Claus. Yes I planned the very last line of this fic for the BIG REVEAL. But you are going to have to wait till the fall (Sept-Oct) for me to post. I have 9 others stories to work on and I CANNOT add another.

When I get ready to post the first chapter, I'll let you all know. This will give us something good to look forward to. Also that story there will be NO TIME JUMP and pick up right where OLITZ is now. There is more coming….now that they are GETTING MARRIED! Their engagement announcement, wedding planning, THE DATE, and course their "I Do's" will happen in "Yes Olivia There Is A First Lady," among other milestones. (Sorry not dropping those crumbs.)

I am going to ask if you have not reviewed to please do so now. I really want to know what you all loved the most (or in general) who has read this story from beginning to end thinks. I believe in my heart I did Fitz and Olivia justice, portraying them in a manner I feel is right. I ONLY know how to write Olivia and especially Fitz one way, my way.

Also I realize there was NO love scene in this fic at all. I fully intended on writing one but it never "felt" right. To me Olitz is about more than just their hot moments. This story was all about "believing" in one self and in turn changing the life of another because it. I know many read fics for the host sex but that is not how I roll. If I do an Epilogue, it will be in there, but most definitely I'll make up for it in the sequel. Please keep that in mind.

(Please, no burnt #Crumbs about no #MratedHotSugars. I will fix it and give you their epic 1st time later on.)

So, thank you to ALL who have stuck with me and this Xmas Fic since I started it in 2014. It was a pleasure to be on this #HallmarkOlitz adventure with you all. I have enjoyed writing this touching version of Olivia and Fitz. And this story will always hold a special place in my heart. It taught me not only to "believe" but to keep believing that #ThereIsHope.

Thank you for reading and #Always sticking by my side.

Da Princes and Me's ( ScandalMistress)