A/N: A teeny-tiny drabble because I have fallen into the Frozen Wolf vortex.

As always, I don't own anything. Please enjoy and review.

They are like fire and ice.

She is ice. She is precision and elegance and careful destruction.

But she is fire. She is rage and gore and fury.

Elsa has been in this realm long enough to know the mythology surrounding the end of days, to know the peril of fire and ice finally meeting. But with Ruby, there is suddenly something more.

Their powers may be opposing, forever battling but at their cores there is an understanding, a label they have both shied away from.


"You're not a monster," she says firmly and Ruby shakes her hair (another opposition, loose and free while Elsa must have hers bound and tamed).

"I am, Elsa, but I accept that label. If my experiences have taught me anything, it's that not evil doesn't always take the appearance of monsters and not all monsters are evil."

They hold hands to watch the moon rise, a time they both enjoy, Ruby's warm in her own.

Ruby shows her the cloak one day, the thing that defined her, kept her safe but also restricted her. Elsa brings out her gloves and they gaze over these objects from their families, tokens that stopped them from being complete. They lock them away, resolute that they will never be anything less than whole again.

They both know the pain of hurting someone they love - the fear - but unlike Anna, Ruby's love did not come back to her and she has to live with that until her end of days. Elsa can only stroke her head as she cries on the days the pain is too much.

They find peace together, the raging storms - icy fury and animalistic wrath - are calmed.

Sometimes during the full moon, Elsa follows Ruby's adventures, creating snow for her to nip at and play in and falls asleep curled into her fur, only to wake up in her arms.

They are ice and fire but for once in her life, Elsa can see the allure of burning.