Hiccup: Maybe. But, you know, there is something out there.

Astrid: Hiccup...

"what the hel are you talking about? I think Useless finally went insane!" Snotlout said.

[He grabs Astrid's chin and points her straight ahead of them, showing her a large cloud of smoke.]

"Ya what is that, Tuffnut said, don't keep us in the dark Hiccup!" Ruffnut punched him on the shoulder making him fall onto the floor, I meat what is he thinking that Hiccup could see the future! That would be so awesome...

[They fly towards it to investigate it. They fly through the burnt forest until they reach the ocean and see a large and piercing structure of ice.]

The big chief nodded his head in approval. A good chief always goes to make sure that that nothing dangerous is happening nearby that could endanger the village. Maybe Hiccup could become a good Viking and a good chief in time, he suspected that it was the devil who helped bring out the vikingness in his son. He was starting to suspect that he had misjudged his son and the dragons.

Hiccup: Whoa. [To Astrid] Stay close.

"I'm not a baby, Astrip said indignantly to Hiccup, usually your the one in need of rescuing!"

Flushing, Hiccup replied "I was just trying to be a gentlemen!"

The Vikings looked at each other in bemusement and a bit of amusement as the two of them continued to bicker.

[They fly around the ice, looking at all the ruined things caught in it.]

"What happened? This level of destruction, not even dragons could do as they don't breathe ice!" Fishlegs said.

The dragons shifted around uneasily and looked around anxiously. It couldn't be their Kings species, the great bewilderbiest.

Hiccup: What happened here?

[Toothless makes a stressed sound, and finds an enormous footprint in the mud.]

Hiccup: Alright, easy, bud.

Astrid: Hiccup!

"HICCUP" was the general cry of the room. Hiccup was surprised, since when had anyone from Berk cared about him? Stoick was berating himself, of course Hiccup wasn't ready to be chief. Look how close he got into trouble in one morning.

Eret: FIRE!

"Wow! Look at him, he's so manly and muscular, he's just perfect!" Ruffnut said while drooling.


Now they all stared at the screen intently, while Astrids parents and her three little brothers held onto her intently. Astrid clutched their hands tightly, she didn't want to admit she was a little bit scared.

[A net its thrown at Toothless but catches Stormfly instead]

Astrid: No! Hiccup!

All was silent, except for the dragons harsh breathing.

[She slips from Stormfly and falls towards the ground. Toothless catches her]

They all sighed in relief and the Hoffersons looked at Hiccup with thankful eyes. Their family couldn't have another death in the family. Their uncles death was already hard to handle, they didn't know how they would survive the death of their only daughter Who, of course, wants to be a shield maiden.

[Dragon hunters try to trap Stormfly. She escapes the net and throws spikes.]

"Dragon trappers", Astrid growled She didn't want to admit that she already felt attached to Stormfly and Toothless.

The dragons growled and snapped.

Eret: Watch the tail! Ah! Tie those legs up!

[Toothless flies past, and Eret looks at him in wonder]

"What is he talking about?!" Stoick asked. Hiccup was very worried.

Eret: Is that what I think it is?

Hiccup: STOP!

Astrid: Stormfly!

[Toothless, Hiccup and Astrid land]

"What are you doing, leave!" Stoick said.

"Are you kidding no, you have to fight them were Vikings not wimps!" Snotlout said.

Stoick glared at Snotlout, Snotlout quickly tried to backtrack "I mean running is totally cool!"

Astrid: What are you doing?

[Hiccup opens Inferno]

"Cool! I want one!" The twins said in unison.

"How did you get something like that you would think it would go to real fighters!" Snotlout exclaimed angrily.

Hiccup shrank back into his chair just a little more.

Gobber retorted "You didn't get one becaise Hiccup invented it. I would recognize a Hiccup invention anywhere." The rest of Berk stared wide eyed at Hiccup. They thought his inventions never worked and only caused destruction, they never though they could be useful.

Hiccup gave a little smile to Gobber and said "Thanks" silently.

Dragon Trappers: Whoa!

Eret: Back again? Soil my breeches. That is a Night Fury.

"What Hiccup is riding a nightfury!" Everybody (well all the humans) exclamed. Stoick protectively brought his son closer to him. Hiccup blushed and looked worriedly at Toothless, he would have gotten teased by the other teens about his dad if they werent still in shock and amazement that Hiccup, Hiccup Horendous Haddock, hiccup the useless, Accident prone Hiccup, Hiccup the destructive force of nature and I could go on like this forever but I wont was riding a nightfury.

I thought they were all gone for good. Looks like our luck's turn for the better, lads. Don't think Drago has one of those in his dragon army.

"Drago! Hiccup leave now! It's very dangerous and now he has a dragon army." Stoick said.

Altough Hiccup was touched to see his dad care about him he didn't want to be thought of a wimp.

Astrid: Dragon army?

Hiccup: Look we don't want any trouble.

Eret: Ha! You should have thought of that before you stole all of our dragons and blasted our fort to bits.

" Yea, you really should have thought that through hiccup, I mean blasting their Fort would make anyone pissed!" Tuffnut said.

He received plenty of weird looks.

Astrid said "Tuffnut we didn't blast their Fort."

Tuffnut then yelled " don't lie to me!"

Ruffnut punched him in the face.

Astrid: What are you... talking about?

Hiccup: You think we did this?

Eret: Ha. Dragon trapping is hard enough work as it is without do-gooder Dragon Riders sneaking in to rescue them.

"Do-gooders! You did not just called us do-gooders!" Snotlout lout exclamed angrily.

Hiccup: What do-gooder- There are other Dragon Riders?

"There is?" Stoick said interested. Maybe if the dragon riders had thought them how to become friends with dragons earlier, they would have peace with dragons earlier and then Valka would be alive.

Eret: You mean, other than your thieving friend from last night? You tell me. You may have an ice-spitting dragon on your side but I still have a quoter to fill. How'd you suppose we explain this to Drago Bludvist?

Stoick came out of his thoughts and supressed a shiver. At least now they new, five years in advance, they had five years to prepare. He nodded his head decidedly.

Hiccup: Drago What-vist? Does anything you say make sense?

Snotlout and Tuffnut snickered while Ruffnut glared at them.

Dragon trapper: He's expecting a new shipment of dragons for his army by tomorrow.

Dragon trapper: And Drago don't take well to excuses.

Eret: This is what he gave me last time I showed up empty handed.

[Shows a scar on his shoulder from under his shirt]

"Oh, no! You pour baby!"Ruffnut cooed. The teens looked at her weirdly and tuff said" Sis, are you okay?" She didn't even realize that her twin was poking her in the shoulder.

the adults chuckled seeing the crush for what it was.

Eret: He promised to be far less understanding in the future.

Hiccup: Alright, we don't know anything about a dragon thief or an ice-spitting dragon...

[Eret nods to his men hidden behind Hiccup and Astrid]

Hiccup: Or your lunatic boss and his dragon army,

The teens and children snickered. Stoick scooted closer to Hiccup protectively, Drago Bloodvist does not like to be made fun of.

okay? Just give us back our dragon and we'll go, strange, hostile person whom we've never met.

The teens and children were full out laughing, like laughing sigh tears in their eyes, even the adults let out a laugh, even Hiccup laughed.

Stoick wondered 'why, oh why does Hiccup make fun of everything in dangerous situations, did he not have any self-preservation'.

Eret: Oh, where are my manners? Ha, I'm Eret, son of Eret. Finest dragon trapper alive, after all it's not just anyone who can capture a Night Fury.

[Toothless growls]

Hiccup: And this is Toothless, he says we're going. Now.

Eret: [Laughs] They all say that. Rush 'em, lads!

[The hidden dragon trappers attack. Toothless fires at a large icicle that falls on the dragon trappers and keeps them back. They shout and jump away. Hiccup pulls out Inferno and cuts the net off of Stormfly.]

The vikings and the dragons let out the breath their holding. What, surprised about the dragons? Of course, their worried their fellow dragons and the nightfury were in danger, plus Stormfly was worried that she would get hurt and she got a little attached to her rider, just a LITTLE. Toothless was just a given.

Astrid: Stormfly, come on! Go! Go!

Eret: You will never hold onto those dragons! You hear me?! Drago is coming for them all!