The wind blows as she goes to cross the border and cannot, "oh that's great a anti magic spell" she mutters and pulls her hair back into a pony tail. Her smoky grey eyes look up as it starts to rain, she groans and goes in her bag digging out an umbrella before walking away from Mystic Falls. She approaches a little town not far from it and she sees a man walking towards her, "hello love" he says with an English accent. "I don't have time for friendly hellos I have someone to see" she says trying to walk away but he appears in front of her, "in a rush. Well I'll make this short I'm Enzo and I'm hungry" he says, "well go to a diner" she says and rolls her eyes. "Your sarcastic and sass reminds me of my best friend" he says when his phone rings, she walks away from him until she hears his conversation. "Yes Damon" he groans, she looks back behind her to see the guy is gone.

She closes her eyes making sure nobody is around and throws her head our muttering words, she open her eyes and see a trail of leaves leading her towards the woods. "I love this" she says before following them which leads her to a group of people with the English fellow, they must have heard her coming and he looks at her. "Oh hello beautiful couldn't stay away from long" the British says smirking, "I don't do Brits. Do I Damon" she asks? "Damon you know her" a brunette asks, "yeah we have a history but I thought she was dead" he says. She walks over placing her hand on his chest, "well I'm not now where is my best friend Stefan" she asks. "Zaviah" she hears and turns to see Stefan before pulling him in a hug, "hey buddy" she says. "How are you alive we heard your heart stop" Stefan says, "that's a completely complicated story but I shall tell you over a bottle or Bourbon or Scotch" she says bouncing around before hopping on his back.

Stefan laughs but runs them out of the woods while everyone follows, they stop at bar and walk in. She orders a glass of Scotch and tells the bartender to keep them coming before crossing her legs, "so who are you" a blonde girl asks. "Care calm down" Stefan says, "aw that's cute you finally for over that Katherine bitch" Zaviah growls. "She's dead" Damon says, "well I can't say I'm sad about that but cheers to Katherine" Zaviah says taking a sip of her drink. "Well back to my story when I died I had Damon's blood in my system and wake up boom vampire with witch powers also" Zaviah says, "what are you saying" Stefan asks. "Damon is my sire" she says.