This story was written for the "Cold" prompt for 7 days of victorious prompts. Enjoy!

Christmas in Canada

It was an extremely cold Christmas morning in Vancouver Canada. The sun hasn't come up yet. The Snow was covering the ground outside Beck's nana's house. Jade and Beck were cuddled together in one of the guest bedrooms sleeping. Beck brought Jade to spend Christmas in Canada with him. They got there yesterday and Jade was against this trip from the start.

The fact they had to wake up early to get on a plane just to sit across from Beck's parents the whole time. Beck's father was also against Beck bringing Jade. He didn't get along with her ever since the Rottweiler incidence. This made the whole plane ride very awkward for all of them. When their plane landed Jade was surprised to see snow for the first time, in person. She of course hated it.

After they exited the airport they took a cab to Beck's Nana's house. There, Jade got to meet some of beck's family. Jade didn't have a problem with Beck's Nana. She was just like any other grandma; she was short, sweet and continually complimented Jade.

Jade thought she resembled Beck a lot. She has tanned skin and a full head of hair, just like Beck only hers being white instead of Beck's light brown.

Then Jade met Beck's overly excited aunt, along with his 20, and 11 year old cousins. The 20 year old was a young woman that shared Becks hair and tanned skin that ran in the family. Her name was Jessica. She was to bubbly for her taste, kind of like Cat, but different. The 11 year old was okay, her and Jade didn't talk much. Jade was okay with that.

The cold wind blew through the sides of the windows, straight toward the bed. Once it hit Jade's feet that were hanging out of the covers she quickly pulled them inside and cuddled closer into beck's bare chest. He wrapped his arm around her. She let herself melt into his arms.

"Beck?" Jade couldn't take the cold weather. "Ya Babe?" Beck mumbled into her neck.

"I'm cold"

Line Break

It was after Christmas dinner and the family was just about to open their gifts. Beck and Jade made a deal they would give each other their gifts alone when they got back to LA.

While everyone ripped open there gifts, she sat herself on Beck's lap. "So, have fun today?" Beck whispered into her ear. "Well, other than me falling while ice skating, and falling while tobogganing, and falling while walking up the driveway then, ya"

Beck chuckled "You were cute while falling." Jade just stared up at him. Beck took this advantage to peck her on the nose with caused Jade to smirk, the one thing Beck wanted.

After everyone was practically done opening there presents, Beck announced that he and Jade were going to go to bed early. He stood up, lifting a half sleeping Jade with him. She had her legs wrapped around his torso while sitting on his arms. She leaned forward against his chest with her head on his left shoulder so she wouldn't fall.

Once they got upstairs he placed her on the bed before getting several more blankets and covering her and himself with them. They were lying together, enjoying each other's company, when Beck whispered, "this perfect, isn't it?" Jade, confused by his sudden outburst of affection replied, "It would be if I weren't freezing."

Line break

They were back in LA. Back in the RV. "You know I hate surprises!" Jade cried out getting frustrated of covering her eyes. "I'm going to look!"

"Wait!" Beck walked over and sat next to Jade. He took the silver necklace out of the box and put it around her neck. Jade smiled and opening her eyes while admiring her necklace.