So guess who finally found inspiration for writing another chapter for this fic? That's right, 'tis I, BeyondTheClouds777. As I mentioned in previous A/Ns, this story is updated at RANDOM. Entirely at random, since I'm trying to figure out what to do with it. *shrugs* If anyone else is wondering, I'm continuing this story to the end of HTTYD2, so you all know. :) Aaaaanywaaaays, enjoy chapter 14, I'll try to update sooner than later! BYE! :D

Valka hadn't been expecting company.

The first day she found Hiccup and Astrid, she hadn't been expecting them. And now having Stoick and Gobber show up was even more of a surprise.

Astrid and Hiccup sat side by side, watching as Valka, Stoick and Gobber tried to work in the makeshift kitchen. Of course, none of them were very good. Hiccup winced when one of them dropped a platter on the ground, leaving Cloudjumper and Toothless to share what it had once carried.

He looked at Astrid and shrugged. She smiled back. She was utterly relieved that he had more color in his face, and all around looked better than he had the first day they had met Valka. Of course, he still wasn't completely well, but at least he wasn't in a life threatening situation anymore.

"I'm a..." Valka started, and then laughed nervously. "A-a little out of practice."

"Ah, well, you know," said Stoick, "I didn't marry you for you cooking."

"I would think not," said Gobber. "Her cooking could kill more dragons than a battle axe."

Astrid couldn't help but laugh.

"But Dad," said Hiccup, "what about Drago? And the trappers? They're...building a dragon army. Is there something we can do?"

"Not yet, Hiccup," said Valka. She sighed and rolled her eyes. "Ah, that Drago has been trying to hunt this nest ever since I got here, and quite possibly before that. But I don't think he's found it quite yet...or, at least I hope he hasn't. And Hiccup, we can't really do anything until you've gained some more strength."

"I'm fine," said Hiccup.

"Nah, you still look rather pale, lad," said Gobber offhandedly. "If I were you, I'd try to relax for at least a few minutes without worrying about the future. That's what you should be doing, Hiccup, instead of worrying."

"He's right, Hiccup," said Astrid. "You lost a lot of blood."

"Now's not the time to fight Drago, son," said Stoick. "But when it is, I promise you all this; I will make him pay for what he did to you. No one gets to just strike an arrow into my son without facing the consequences."

"You bet they don't," said Gobber. "I have a fair few things to say to those trappers, should I ever meet them. I might not be your father, Hiccup, but I am your mentor. I know you quite possibly better than you know yourself, you know."

"And then there's me," said Valka. "And you know what, if ever I find that trapper who gave you that wound, I will-"

Hiccup threw his hands up in surrender and laughed. He actually laughed. "Thanks, guys, you're the best," he said. He was so relieved he had so many people caring about him and for him, he couldn't help but release the giddy laughs he had held in since the conversation started. "But like you said," he went on, "now's not the time to be worrying about war."

"That much is right," said Astrid.

"Although I do think you're recovering very well, Hiccup," said Valka. "It'll probably be a few more days until you're completely back to your old self, but by how fast you're recovering already, I'd say it might not even be that long. But I do have a question; on a scale of one to ten, what is the urge to pass out?"

"Um...four?" said Hiccup. "Maaaaybe five? I can't exactly put my finger on it."

"Uh-huh," said Valka. "And what was the number yesterday?"

"Probably a nine," said Hiccup. "Somethin' like that, I don't know exactly. I wasn't conscious for a lot of it. But yeah, we shouldn't worry anymore, because when you move into Berk with all of your dragons...Drago won't even think about attacking!"

Valka winced.

"Slow down, son," said Stoick gently. "It's a lot to take in."

"Oh, gotcha," said Hiccup, sounding slightly disappointed.

The others turned to Valka as she turned away, setting a vase of water underneath a small, trickling stream pouring from the ice that made up the cave.

He hesitated, and then started whistling.

"Ooh, I love this one," Gobber breathed. Hiccup and Astrid both stared at him for a moment, before returning their focus to Stoick as he approached Valka. Valka remained with his back to him, and if he would have seen her face, he would have seen shock, yet at the same time, relief.

"Do you remember our song, Val?" said Stoick. And then he sang. "I'll swim and sail on savage seas," he said. "With ne'er a fear of drowning. And gladly ride the waves of life, if you will marry me."

There was a slight moment of hesitation. Astrid turned to Hiccup, and he looked back at her. He was grinning like crazy.

"No scorching sun," said Stoick, "not freezing cold, will-"

"Will stop me on my jour..." Gobber butted in, and then trailed off when he caught everyone glaring at him. "-ney," he finished lamely. "Sorry."

Hiccup looked at him, and Astrid punched Gobber's forearm.

Stoick sighed, and then adverted his gaze back to Valka. "If you will promise me your heart," he sang softly, taking her hand in his own. He paused, waiting for her to react in some way. "And love..." he tried, and then still received no response. He turned his head, staring down at his feet, giving up, until he heard Valka sing back to him.

"And love me for eternity," she said softly. Then, taking a shuddering breath, she continued, "My dearest one, my darling dear, your mighty works astound me. But I've no need of mighty deeds when I feel your arms around me."

"But I will bring you rings of gold and even sing you poetry," Stoick went on.

"Oh would you?" Valka laughed.

"..,and I would keep you from all harm! If you would stay beside me!" said Stoick.

"I'll have no use for rings of gold, I care not for your poetry!" Valka sang, a smile forming on her face. "I only want your hand to hold..."

"...I only want you near me," said Stoick.

Then, the duo began singing in perfect unison, "To love and kiss to sweetly hold for the dancing and the dreaming." Behind them, Hiccup was tapping his foot to the rhythm of the music while Astrid was clapping her hands together with the same consistency.

"Through all life's sorrows and delights I'll keep your love inside me!" Valka and Stoick sang together.

Gobber stood up, grabbed Astrid's arm, and then yanked her into a short, ten second dance. Hiccup laughed as Astrid was swung around awkwardly for a few moments before Gobber finally released her, sending her tumbling back towards Hiccup, who couldn't control his laughter.

"I'll swim and sail on savage seas, with ne'er a few of drowning," said Stoick and Valka, still in sync and perfect tune, "and gladly ride the waves of life, if you will marry me!"

They both broke out laughing, followed shortly by Hiccup, Astrid and Gobber.

"I thought I'd have to die before we had that dance again," said Stoick, breathless.

"No need for drastic measures," said Valka.

"For you, my dear, anything," said Stoick. "Will you come home, Val? Be my wife again?"

Hiccup and Astrid exchanged glances before they looked back at the two people before them.

It only took a moment's hesitation before Valka smiled and said one simple word that meant more than any other word could have expressed.
