Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or places in this story. I am merely borrowing them for some nonprofit entertainment. Anything recognizable belongs to J.K. Rowling. Has male/male intentions and mpreg.

Rated M for a reason, folks.


Happy reading!

Chapter Three

Harry had been pacing for maybe an hour after the twins had gone home. He wasn't normally so needy. But their presence had always had a calming or happier effect on him. Suddenly his flat felt too big and empty for comfort.

He didn't think about it. One moment he was pacing, the next he was climbing out of their fireplace. He looked around their flat to see Fred standing in their hall, and George peeking out of their room, both in pajamas. He watched as their faces went from surprise to glee and they both came rushing towards him.

"Harry!" George hugged Harry and buried his face into the raven's neck. Fred wrapped them both in his arms with a smile. He suddenly looked seriously at Harry.

"Are you alright?"

Harry nodded. "Yeah. The flat felt… too empty. It was suffocating." he murmured. Fred just nodded.

"C'mon, then. Let's go get some shut eye." he smiled, and led them both back to the bedroom. When they got there, Harry just stared at the bed. It was huge. George grinned.

"They call it a California King size." he told him.

"Ah." Harry squeaked. Fred slid past them and settled himself into the middle before beckoning for the other two to join him. Harry chewed his lip and fiddled with his pants as George settled into place on Fred's left. Fred watched him for a moment.

"Left hand, middle drawer. Sorry I wasn't really thinking, Harry." Harry smiled shyly and got out so pajamas before turning his back to them and changing pants. He took off his shirt, but chose to keep his undershirt on. He then took his place on Fred's right and snuggled into Fred's side. George reached across Fred and took Harry's hand in his.

When Harry woke up, he laid in place for a bit. He couldn't help the heavy weight in his heart as he looked at them. At some point in their sleep, they had rearranged. Fred was curled around George, and both were facing away from Harry. Harry stared silently at the space between him and them. He couldn't help it, he felt stung. The despair really welled as he thought of how unfair he was being. They were together long before him, what right did he have to feel as he did when he was the one intruding on a settled, unconscious, routine?

His eyes burned and watered with shame and aching loneliness. He breathed slowly, trying to stay calm. It proved futile. He sighed, frustrated with himself. He carefully got out of the bed, not wishing to disturb them. And though the sight hurt, as he felt he wasn't truly part of the picture, he had to smile as well. They looked so sweet together. Right.

He sneaked out of the bedroom carefully and made his way to the kitchen. To occupy his, in his opinion, silly, mind, he started a pot of coffee and began cooking dinner. Cooking helped him calm and become focused. He made stacks and stacks of pancakes, enough for Deadpool he mused, a Weasley family portioned amount of scrambled eggs, a whole hog's worth of bacon, and he was putting the finishing touched on the third batch of cookies when he looked up to see Fred standing in the door of the kitchen, looking gobsmacked.

"G' morning Freddie." Harry smiled sheepishly.

"Blimey, Harry. You realize we can't eat all that…?" Freddie asked hoarsely. Harry wasn't sure if the scratchiness in Fred's voice was sleep or astonishment. He made Fred a cup of coffee and handed it to him as he answered.

"That's fine. I'll just have Kreacher take the excess it to the shelter again." Harry shrugged and turned to pick up the remainder of the cookie dough.

"Again?" Fred leaned on the wall inside the kitchen entrance.

Harry carried the dough to the fridge and replied nonchalantly as he put the dough up properly. "Cooking helps me think when I get upset. It's one of the ways I deal with things."

While he was in the fridge, he grabbed the orange juice on a whim, deciding he wanted some with breakfast. As he shut the door he jumped. Fred had moved and was standing behind the door. Fred was frowning, concerned.

"What's wrong?" he whispered. He wanted to reach out to Harry, but he was worried that he had hurt him somehow. How could he have though? Harry set the orange juice on the counter slowly without answering. Fred waited, nervously.

Harry really didn't want to talk about it. After thinking about it, he had decided that the fault was no one's. He had felt hurt because he had not felt included. The picture the two had made had made it clear to Harry that they could very easily be fine without him there. However, that didn't mean that they didn't want him there. In fact, being unwanted for so much of his life made it hard for him to accept the idea that he was indeed desired.

He looked down and took Fred's hand.

"Harry, please, talk to me…" there was a pleading in Fred's voice.

Harry nodded slowly. "Can we go into the sitting room?" Fred nodded as well, and Harry cast a warming spell on the food.

Once in the living room, Harry sat Fred down and started pacing.

"I, uhm. Honestly, I feel really stupid about the whole thing, Freddie. I woke up… and you guys were… so far away. And you looked so perfect together. I don't know. I guess I felt like I didn't really belong in the picture, and that you guys would be fine, maybe even better off, without me there. I felt alone, and there was about a foot of space between us. And then I kept thinking that it wasn't fair to you both that I felt like that because, for starters, you can't really help how you turn in your sleep. For two, I'm new in this relationship and you guys are already well established, and are likely far more comfortable together." Harry kept going, pacing back and forth.

"Harry." Fred interrupted. Harry froze and looked at Fred sorrowfully. He felt really bad about what had happened.

"I'm sorry, Freddie…"

Fred blinked then just shook his head slightly. He opened his arms. Before he could ask, Harry was in his arms, perched daintily in his lap. He rubbed Harry's back slowly. Harry buried his face in Fred's neck and relaxed as he breathed in the prankster's scent. They sat in silence for a little while.



At some point, Harry had started nuzzling Fred neck. He nipped a place under Fred's ear. Fred sucked in a breath. Harry grinned wickedly against Fred's neck.

He really hadn't meant to start anything. At first.

Then he had started thinking of his birthday party. Vivid flashes of memories would interrupt his attempts at not thinking.

Fred leaned and whispered hotly in Harry's ear, almost as though he was reading Harry's mind.

"Even drunk, you knew who was who, did we tell you that?" He ground up into Harry a bit, making Harry whine. "You said my name. Over and over. In a position very similar to this." He clearly remembered the raven pushing him up against the bathroom door.

"You were so very pushy," he purred in Harry's ear. "You pinned me into the door and insisted you wanted something to drink. Do you remember what you did?"

The flash of memory was strong. Harry had indeed done as Fred had said. He's not sure where the confidence came from. He had pinned Fred to the door, and asked him for a drink. Fred had made a comment that he'd get him whatever he wanted from the bar.

Harry nuzzled Fred's neck lost in the memory, "Not that kind of drink, Freddie." He said in unison with the memory. He had rubbed Fred through his trousers. Present Fred grinded into Harry again, starting up a gentle rhythm.

In the memory, Harry had rubbed Freddie until he was aching, pinned speechlessly to the door. Harry then sunk before him and released him from the offending trousers. He just licked at first, causing Fred's eyes to roll as the licks sent spasms of pleasure through him. Harry had purred at the taste, before taking the head of Fred's cock into his mouth. He wasn't sure when he had buried his hands in Harry's hair. Nor when he had started thrusting into Harry's mouth.

Present Harry groaned, and started rubbing himself down on Fred in time to Fred's gentle grinds.

"You gave me exactly what I wanted." Harry admitted.

"Then what?" Fred asked, moving his hands down to Harry's hips and gripped them hard as he intensified his movements. Harry's head fell back, his mouth moving silently.

Fred answered for him, "You pushed me down to sit on the floor. Then you took off your pants, and climbed into my lap, much like you are now. Then…?"

But Harry was already there. He didn't answer Fred. He didn't need to.

He had ridden Fred hard. And Fred had given back every bit what Harry had given him, slamming his hips up to meet Harry's intense bouncing. And Harry had begged for more, before coming hard enough to see stars with Fred's name falling from his lips.

In the present, Harry was quivering on Fred's lap. His confidence was gone though. He wanted more, his cock aching with the need.

Fred eased his hand between them and fisted Harry's cock. Harry was beyond words at this point. As he pumped Harry slowly, he whispered, "How about a repeat, and then we go wake Georgie up so he can join the fun?"

Harry nodded, unable to answer.

Fred lifted Harry and pushed his loaned pajamas down, until Harry could kick them off. He released himself from his own pajamas, then frowned.

"Usually, I hate doing this, but… the lube's elsewhere." He picked up his wand and flicked it at Harry. Harry's eyes grew wide and he arched as he felt himself be stretched and be made wet with something. Fred also flicked it at himself, his cock becoming slick and glossy with lube from the spell. He pulled Harry to him and Harry obediently eased back into his lap. Fred gripped Harry's ass, pulling his cheeks apart slightly as he leaned up and took Harry's mouth. The kiss was a repeat of the previous night. Heat seared between them, as Fred claimed Harry's mouth roughly. He rubbed Harry's entrance with a finger as he kissed him, Harry responding eagerly, pushing against the finger, trying to get more. Fred moved his finger away, and kissed Harry harder before he pulled him hard, right onto his cock. If his mouth hadn't been occupied, Harry would've screamed. Stars danced across his vision. Fred had held Harry still for a few seconds, before he gently thrusted in and out of Harry. Harry sat up a bit more and buried his hands in Fred's hair, using the leverage to lead away from slow and gentle, to ruthless and rough. Following Harry's example, Fred let go. They went from that position, to on the floor, Fred over Harry and ruthlessly pounding into him. Harry came several times, and kept asking for more.

When Fred finally came, filling Harry to the brink, Harry arched with a soundless scream, his eyes falling onto the hallway, excited to go and wake the other twin, plans already forming. Then he saw George frozen, wide-eyed, in the hallway. Fred followed Harry's gaze.

Pain flashed across George's face before he turned and bolted down the hall. They heard a door slam and a lock click.


I already feel the mob forming… I'm sorry!

In my experience, this was an eventual event that must be overcame at some point It's not all roses and happiness. There are certain points where the threesome will be three twosomes as well. It's a part of the emotional experience, to need to overcome certain feelings for the better of the whole. These feelings include things like jealousy, possessiveness, self-esteem issues, etc. Not one, but all in the relationship will deal with these issues at some point.

This was another that wrote itself.

Sorry it's been so long.

Love you guys! Happy reading!