Chapter Five

Author's Note: Thanks to all those who reviewed! Most people voted that Estel in the story would be good :) I think I'll have Azog in the story by chapter six, in case any of you were wondering. Or maybe a slight glimpse of him in this chapter ... I dunno. Let's see where my imagination takes us!

Disclaimer: Anything you recognize from the Hobbit/LOTR belongs mainly to J.R.R. Tolkien

Bilbo had the flu. Of course, the flu was a human disease, but as hobbits were quite similar to humans, they had a possibility of catching some kind of human illness.

Bilbo was in bed, sleeping. He was feeling groggy and unwell. His head pounded, and his throat ached as if he had yelled for hours and hours without stopping. His stomach churned, and every time he would slightly shift, he would feel some kind of nausea that welled up inside him.

I want to wake up, Bilbo thought, and as if his body had obeyed him instantly, his eyes slowly opened. It was fuzzy at first, but then it turned clearer.

There was an elf in front of him, a dark haired and pointy-eared elf. "Are you feeling better?" the elf asked as soon as he saw that Bilbo had woke.

Bilbo didn't answer. Then he said at last, in a raspy voice, "Thorin."

"Thorin shall visit you later, little one," the elf replied. He bent down and helped Bilbo sit up, causing the nausea to swell up again. He handed Bilbo a cup, murmuring, "Drink. It will help." He watch silently as Bilbo obeyed, making a face. "I am Lord Elrond," the elf said at last. "You are in Rivendell, and you shall stay here until you finish healing.

Bilbo set down the cup and Elrond took it, giving him a sympathetic smile as Bilbo grimaced from the taste. "Thorin," Bilbo repeated.

"Thorin shall visit later, penneth," Elrond replied. "We do not want him catching your flu as well."

"Young one," Bilbo muttered, falling back against the pillows and fiddling with the soft blankets.

Elrond blinked in surprise, he had clearly not expected Bilbo to understand the Elvish word he had spoken. "Ah, so you know a bit of Elvish?" he said with a smile. "You are a very unique little Halfling, tithen pen." Elrond was testing the intelligent little hobbit again.

"Little one," Bilbo murmured drowsily.

Elrond smiled. He stepped back to allow the little one some rest.

"Thorin, you need to rest."

"I can rest later."

"No, you can't."

"Yes, I can."

"Thorin!" Oin growled, glaring at the stubborn dwarf who glowered back. "Thorin, you must rest or you shall faint from hunger and exhaustion! You have been pacing for hours, and not sleeping for the past two days!" Oin lowered his voice as some of the elves glanced at them curiously as they passed. "Bilbo will be all right. Lord Elrond's healing skills will be excellent, and will have our little hobbit up in no time. But the Quest shall fail if you collapse! Go and rest!"

Thorin grumbled, but saw the sense in the healer's words. He reluctantly headed back to the temporary room he was using and drank some ale before sitting back on the silky beds. Then he leaned back and closed his eyes. The last thought he remembered was, Since when has Oin ordered me around?


Bilbo mumbled and rolled as someone, or something, poked him in his ribs.

"Wake up!"

Bilbo swatted irritably, and hit something. His eyes snapped open and he shot up, blinking nervously. Then he slowly relaxed. A young child was sitting on his bed, peering at him curiously. He had curly locks and gray eyes, and was about Bilbo's height.

"Who are you?" Bilbo asked, slightly wary as he looked the boy up and down.

The boy did the same to him, and then replied in an even tone. "Me? I'm Estel. I'm one of Elrond's sons. I know who you are. You're Bilbo, aren't you? Ada told me that you were sick and in bed. I feel sorry for you. I hate to be indoors, and I'm sure you do as well."

Bilbo hummed thoughtfully. Then both boys jumped as the door opened, and Elrond stepped in. The young human child immediately scrambled off of Bilbo's bed, looking guilty.

"Estel! Did you wake him? I told you not to!" Elrond scolded as he swept Estel into his arms, but his scolding tone disappeared as he gave the young child a kiss on his curly locks.

"Sorry, ada," Estel chirped, and Bilbo watched silently. "It was just so boring."

Elrond sighed and set Estel down on another bed. He smiled at Bilbo, and said, "How are you feeling, little one?"

"Much better," Bilbo replied. He gave a shy grin back, and Elrond chuckled. Then he paused, and said, "There is someone who wishes to see you."

The door opened just as Elrond finished speaking, and Bilbo squealed with delight. "Thorin!"

"Bilbo," the dwarf breathed, and Bilbo leaped into his arms, hugging him tightly.

"Thorin, I missed you so much! Where were you? I'm not sick anymore. I feel better now, and you don't have to worry."

"Oh, my little hobbit, I shall always worry over you," Thorin murmured, but almost to himself. He drew his head up to Elrond, where he was holding Estel, who wriggled in his grasp. "I must thank you for your hospitality," Thorin said, though his pride stung as he spoke. "However, it does not mean that we owe you."

Elrond merely gazed back for a few moments, and Estel finally broke the silence. "Why is that man so short, ada?" he chirped.

Thorin directed a glare toward him, as Elrond quickly hushed him. Bilbo wriggled uncomfortably as Thorin's grasp on him tightened as he and Elrond held gazes. Elrond spoke in Elvish quickly and quietly, though he clamped his hands over a protesting Estel's ears.

Thorin, though he could not understand what Elrond had said, figured that it was an insult toward him and his kin, as well as Bilbo, and growled, "Ishkh khakfe andu null, elf!"

Elrond frowned deeply, and then released his grip on Estel's ears. Thorin ignored the elf and the young child, and growled, "Bilbo, we are leaving."

"Leaving?" Bilbo frowned.

"Aye." Thorin stared down at the young Halfling in his arms. "Do you not understand? We are leaving this place. We must continue our journey."

"But, Thorin, it's nice here," Bilbo said timidly. "I ... I would like to stay for a bit more."

Thorin's eyes flared in disbelief. "What?" he said in a hushed voice. "Bilbo, you belong with us, not these elves! You belong ... you belong with me."

"You belong with me," Thorin said quietly. He could not believe what Bilbo was saying.

Bilbo bit his bottom lip, and anger and bitterness flared in Thorin. But not at Bilbo. No. It was directed at himself. He had failed his hobbit. He had failed to show what fondness he had for the little one. He had failed to show how much ... how much he loved him. He had been the new joy of the Company, making even the grumpy dwarves smile at his antics. What was he saying?

"Do you no longer wish to be with us?" Thorin demanded, his fury rising. "Do you no longer wish to travel with us? Have you chosen the elves over us? We have taken care of you from the moment we found you! Is this how you repay us? With betrayal?"

Thorin hoped that the hobbit would cry, Nay, Thorin! I wish to travel with you, not stay with the elves! Please forgive me!

But Bilbo stood there, unsure of what to say. Thorin placed Bilbo on his bed, and shot back, "Very well! Stay with your elf-friends in this land. Do not bother following!" He turned and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him and leaving a cold silence behind.

"Thorin, wait! I'm sorry, please! Wait, Thorin! Please, wait!" he cried.

"Nay, do not follow!" Thorin snarled, whipping around to face him. "You have betrayed us! You betrayed us all, staying with your elf-friends. You are not a part of the Company. You don't deserve it." And he turned away.

Bilbo stared for a few moments in shock. This wasn't Thorin. This wasn't his Thorin. No. It couldn't be happening. "Thorin, please! Please, forgive me!"

"Wake up!"

"But, Thorin!"

"Bilbo! Wake up!"

Bilbo's eyes snapped open. Estel was looming over him, biting his lip and looking worried. "Mellon nin, you were scaring me. Were you having a nightmare?"

"Yes." Bilbo nodded.

"I have nightmares too, Bilbo," Estel said to him with a gentle smile on his lips. His gray eyes glinted in the darkness. A shred of moonlight shone between them. "But when I have bad dreams, ada always comforts me. So do my brothers, Elladan and Elrohir."

"Thorin would always comfort me," Bilbo whispered shakily. He looked down. He was pale, trembling, and sweaty. The blankets were tangled around his feet and he shakily freed them, biting his lip.

"Shhh," Estel said softly, putting a finger on Bilbo's lips. "We do not want to wake ada or anyone else." He smiled at Bilbo. "Lie down, and I'll lie down next to you and protect you from the bad dreams. I'll fight them away for you."

Bilbo slumped back, exhausted, and muttered, "Hannon le, mellon nin."


It was morning. Bilbo opened his eyes drowsily. Estel was still beside him, snoring softly. Bilbo poked Estel and the young human child woke up with a yawn. "Good morning, ada," he mumbled as Elrond handed both of them trays of breakfast.

"Estel, do not yawn so loudly," Elrond scolded. "It is rude."

"Sorry, ada."

Bilbo stared down at his food, having no appetite. He felt hollow and empty inside. Thorin was gone. He had left him. Bilbo had had several more nightmares, and had not been able to sleep probably. "Bilbo, you must eat," Elrond said gently, cupping his face. "You will faint from hunger and exhaustion."

"I am not hungry," Bilbo muttered lifelessly.

Elrond looked as if he was about to say something, but a knock on the door interrupted him. "Come in," Elrond called, and the door opened.

"Hello, Mithrandir," Estel chirped and beamed at the wizard.

"Gandalf?" Bilbo was puzzled. "Didn't you leave with Thorin?"

Gandalf didn't answer. His eyes merely swept over Bilbo's tired frame and slumped shoulders, and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Bilbo, would you like to see Thorin again?"

Bilbo looked up immediately. "Yes," he replied without hesitation. "I ... I miss him. But I do not know if he misses me ..." He trailed off, unsure of what to say next.

"I could take you to him," Gandalf offered. He gave the little hobbit a smile. "I know where he is. And he misses you very much, little hobbit."

Bilbo swallowed. He glanced at Elrond, who was busying himself with a cup of tea, and Estel, who watched wide-eyed. "You are leaving?" Estel asked, sounding disappointed. "I thought we were friends."

"We are," Bilbo answered simply. "But I want to go with Thorin." He gave Estel a quick hug. "I'm sorry, mellon nin. But I cannot stay here."

Estel nodded sadly, though he accepted it. "I know," he admitted. He smiled at Bilbo. "Be careful. You must visit again."

"I will. I promise."

Thorin was shocked when a fast blur barged into him, crying and hugging him hard. "Bilbo? What are you doing here?" He stared down at the hobbit in his arms. They had been traveling across the mountains, and was about to enter a deep cave.

"Missed you," Bilbo sniffled. He buried his face in his chest. "I missed you. I was scared you would leave me."

A lump appeared on Thorin's throat, and he managed to say, "I would never leave you, little one. Never."

"I won't leave you either, Thorin," Bilbo murmured sleepily, before falling asleep. He had gotten no rest during the night and was exhausted.

"How I've missed you, little one," Thorin murmured, and hugged him tightly, not caring if someone was watching. "How I've missed you."

And Bilbo fell into a peaceful slumber. Ones of happiness.

End of Chapter Five

Author's Note: How was it? Did you like it? I'm sorry there wasn't too much Estel, but any more and I think it would have gotten boring. Next chapter I'm going to introduce Azog, a bit differently than it did in the movie. Hope you like it! Please review!

In case you wanted to know, here's Thorin's and Elrond's conversation:

Elrond: "I did not expect anything else from Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror. A debt would be too much to ask of him."

Thorin: "I defecate on the heads of your ancestors, elf!"