A/N I totally spaced on this one and started writing in several competitions(I dropped out of one because we lost too many team members to keep going). I'm so sorry!

Several things explained and only a few more chapters after this one...

Reminder: italics =Japanese

Chapter 5

Luna cringed when she felt the raw anger through her wards. "I really shouldn't have added the malicious intent ward. That hurts." She rubbed the center of her chest, trying to relieve the burn.

"Moonbeam," Kaoru said softly, "Why would you allow someone with bad intentions to be keyed into your wards?"

Luna smiled ruefully, "Because it would be worse for me it they breached wards that were to specifically key them out." She switched to Japanese and whispered in Kaoru's ear, "If I keyed the wards to keep Draco out, Aunt Narcissa would be upset with me. If I keyed Pansy out, I'd have howlers everyday."

Kaoru looked at the girl and shook his head before whispering in her ear, "And Blaise?"

Luna froze and laughed nervously, "It doesn't matter. He's already allowed. It's too much hassle to change the wards now."

Everyone turned to the door as a group when the proximity alarms went off.

Harry groaned and stood in front of Kyoya. "Bloody hell."

Hermione kept her perch on the bar, Fred pulled the bar stool away and stood in front of her. Hermione took the opportunity to lean on his shoulder and wind her arms around his neck. "Do we really have to put up with your siblings today?" She whined, as she buried her face in his neck.

Fred snorted, "It's not like I gave them the address. Mum was probably behind it."

George and Kaoru formed a united front as guard to Luna who sat on the back of the couch holding Fritters in his cage. "This is going to get ugly. All three groups of interlopers will converge before coming in. Shield charms in place everyone. Three...Two...One." Everyone cast the Protego charm as Luna said 'one' and the front door blew off its hinges. Two red heads, three blondes and three brunettes of varying shades stood on the other side.

"Luna!" "Hermione!" "Haruhi!" Several voices rang out at once as the new group surged into the apartment.

"STOP." Kyoya barked out, as he glared at the invasion. "Who the hell do you think you are? Barging into my apartment?"

Harry looked up over his shoulder to see his boyfriend visibly seething at the destruction of his door.

"Who the bloody hell are you?" Ron sneered as he advanced.

"Harry!" Ginny bounced forward, all grins. Kyoya stepped in front of Harry to block him from Ginny's view.

Draco and Blaise looked at the tall male as he moved to protect Harry and dismissed him. Pansy arched an eyebrow at the male. "Ootori. My dad wanted an alliance between our families. I told him to sod off and let me do what I want. Thank Merlin for that." She turned up her nose and huffed.

Kyoya bristled, "What's wrong with my family, Parkinson?"

"Oh, nothing. I just knew from looking at your photos that you would prefer the company of men. I don't particularly care since I prefer women myself." Pansy turned away and walked toward the two man guard in front of Luna. "Let me see my sister."

Kaoru snorted, "Sister? You look nothing alike!"

Luna set Fritters on the couch and patted Kaoru and George on the shoulder. "It's fine. After the War, dad wasn't really fit to be a parent. The Parkinsons helped us. Pansy is as much my sister as someone can be without being blood related. Hello Pans." Luna hopped off the back of the couch and looked at her feet as she continued, "I'm sorry I didn't write, but I only got here last night."

Pansy shook her head and opened her arms. "Come on then."

Luna looked up, and wrapped her arms around Pansy. "You're not mad?"

Pansy shook her head. "I'm not, but..." She trailed off and released Luna. "Draco was upset you left early. He was supposed to come with you to verify your wards were done properly."

Draco stepped forward and looked down at his cousin, "Really, Lu? You just had to leave me behind." He sighed dramatically, and held his hand out to the seer.

Luna grinned, grabbed his hand and pulled him into a hug. "I told Aunty that I was leaving early to get warning to some friends. She said she'd let you know so you could come with me. When you weren't there at the portkey, I came on my own. Why did you bring him with you?" She looked fearfully at the Italian standing near the door.

Blaise leaned against the wall and watched the proceedings with a slight sneer. "Are all Japanese like these weirdos?"

Kaoru bristled at the insult, and Kyoya glared.

"Shut up Zabini," Hermione said clearly in a bored tone, even though her face still buried in Fred's shoulder.

Haruhi watched the exuberant blondes try to run to her and snorted in amusement when Hikaru was successful in a wandless, non-verbal impedimenta spell. "Go home, Tamaki. I still don't want to be with you. I expected better from you Mitsukuni. At least Takashi knows better." She looked at the only one to have not spoken yet from her trio of unwelcome guests. "I guess you tried to prevent this but the combined excitement from them overwhelmed you."

Takashi glared at the blondes in question and nodded silently.

Ginny was still trying to get Harry to talk to her, but he kept himself firmly planted at Kyoya's side. "Harry, why didn't you come home for Christmas?" Ginny asked, suger practically dripping from her words.

Ron stood to the side of her, glaring down his older brother as Hermione leaned on him. "Hermione. Why are you-"

"Come off it Ron. I was never interested in you!" Hermione snapped, finally raising her head from Fred's shoulder.

"I'm gay, Ginny! Nothing you say or do will make me be with you!" Harry yelled.

George kept a wary eye on the lounging Italian, "Zabini, why are you here? I understand the familial ties to Luna for Malfoy and Parkinson. I get the idiot blonde, the tyke and the hulk are here for the Japanese brunette. I even get why my moronic siblings are here. Explain yourself."

Blaise arched an eyebrow and turned pointedly toward the only blonde female in the room. "Luna...you didn't tell me you were leaving." His eyes flashed before he grinned. "I hope you have a good explanation."

Luna whimpered and stepped behind Draco and Pansy. George and Kaoru pulled her so she was behind them as well.

"Now would be a good time to explain," Kaoru snapped as he saw how fearful Luna really was.

Blaise smiled and took a step forward.

Everyone stopped their arguments to watch the interaction between the seer and the Italian.