I obviously don't own American Horror Story, Ryan wishes he had my imagination.

Jupiter Florida, 1952

Jimmy was beside himself that day, he looked defeated…lost. They had to bury one of their own, Meep. Meep was the more simpler of performers, biting the heads off of chickens for sport. Sure he was weird, but he was loved among the freaks. So when he was framed of murdering a detective, Jimmy tried everything he could to get him out…turn himself in even. It was a stupid plan; he thought if he planted the badge in Dell's trailer when the cops came he would kill two birds with one stone. Get them off their backs and get rid of the strong man for good. But he didn't expect Dell to watch him, and he couldn't stop them pulling Meep away. It was his fault…all his fault. They needed a leader, and he failed them all.

Just as when he was burring his grave he heard something, a car driving up. But when he looked up, thinking it was the cops again or some customers…he didn't expect what really drove up. It was a pick-up truck, carrying a trailer behind it with the words "The Inked Woman" over on the side. It couldn't be…could it be?

"The prodigal daughter returns," Eve commented, placing the shovel down and walked closer as the truck came to a stop. Elsa came out too, a bemused look across her aging features. Out came a girl, roughly in her early 20's. Wearing a matted down fur coat and leather gloves. The ends of the coat dragged along the dirt as she walked closer to their leader, her honey hues looking straight at her.

"My, my," Elsa spoke, crossing her arms. "Are you not a sight for sore eyes."

"I wish I could say the same," came the girl's rough reply.

Jimmy stood close to the truck, still in shock at what he was seeing. He thought she left for good; she never left a trace where she could be found. He was conflicted, a part of him was still sore about how things ended between them. But the other part, the part that always betrayed him, wanted to pull her close and never let her go.

"Hello," a small girl's voice popped up from the truck, causing Jimmy to turn to look. There was a little girl in the car, she looked around 3. Long, wavy blonde hair with porcelain skin. It was her eyes that caught him, the left eye honey…the right a dark brown.

"Well hey there pretty girl," Jimmy smiled, stepping closer to the small girl. "What's your name?"

"Hope," the small girl replied.

"Well I'm Jimmy, it's nice to meet you." He smiled, just then the covered girl stood in between them. A look of sheer hatred over her face.

"Don't you dare talk to her," she sneered at him. Jimmy sighed, looking back at her.

"It's nice to see you too Violet," he replied, getting a scoff in reply.

"Don't give me that bullshit," she muttered, turning back to Elsa. "Where do I park?"

"Your spot is still vacant dear," Elsa shrugged. "Unless you wish to relocate, then the only place is close to the lake."

"The first spot is fine I guess," Violet went back into the truck and drove more into the grounds. Jimmy watched, clearly confused as to what had just happened. Who was the kid?

"Okay sweetie," Violet smiled at her daughter who was brushing her baby doll's hair. "You just stay in here okay? Mommy's gotta talk with the boss around here okay?" She hunched down, making sure she was looking at her. "And what did I tell you?"

"Don't talk to the lobster man," Hope replied.

"Good, I'll be right back." She kissed her on her forehead before stepping out of the trailer. She had removed her coat and gloves, now walking into the three tents in her shorts and blouse. Her oddity, on full display. Tattooed, from chin to toe. Her chin had Native American markings; the rest of her was more modernize. Various images that had no real pattern, hummingbirds…flowers…anchors and mermaids. A black panther, the American eagle. She was a walking canvas, possibly the last of her kind.

"So tell me, now that you wish to return here," Elsa lit up her cigarette. "What is it that you really want; it's just you and me now."

"I told you outside, my old boss croaked and his brats sold his shit so I have nowhere else to go." Violet replied, crossing her arms. "But now that you said that, I do have one request."

"Name it, but I can't guarantee you will get it," Elsa smirked.

"I want to do a new act, I've been doing something different lately and I want to continue. You ain't going to have me shake my ass for the public anymore." Violet sneered; Elsa looked at her slightly amused.

"And what my dear, is your new act?" She asked.

"Fighting," Violet said. "I rough some guys up and they get a weird kink out of it. You can even call me 'The Fighting Canvas'. You let me do it, I'll stay. But if you don't, I can find something else."

"I do not run a fight club Violet," Elsa argued. "I run real art, what you want to do is trash."

"And me being a stripper was art?" Violet shot back. "I fight…or I'm gone." Elsa smoke her cigarette, a curl of her lip appeared. "And I tell the small folks of Jupiter what really boils down here. I hate to imagine how businesses would be, if they found out you run a drug fueled brothel."

Elsa sighed, flicking the ashes away from her cigarette. "I suppose a sort of slapstick fighting routine wouldn't hurt." She shrugged. "But I will not have the likes of you blackmail me." Violet just smirked, turning back to walk out.

"Nice doing business with you Elsa," Violet called. As she did she spotted someone, Ethel. Violet groaned, walking back to her trailer but the bearded lady was hot on her trail.

"You got some nerve coming back here!" Ethel called.

"I'm not looking for some warm family welcome back Ethel. I'm here for the money that's all. She stopped as soon as Ethel stepped in front of her, causing her to roll her eyes and cross her arms.

"I outta whip you to next week," she pointed a finger. "After what you put poor Jimmy though…"

"Oh please don't give me that shit!" Violet spoke up. "You and I both know he wasn't that roughed up about me." They stood in silence, as if having a stare down.

"Who's the father?" Ethel asked, obviously referring to Hope.

"It's none of your business, I hardly know," Violet replied. "Now will you kindly move aside?" Ethel stood there for a while, studying her. She did end up stepping over to the side, Violet walking past her.

"Despite what you think…Jimmy was heartbroken when you left." Ethel spoke her peace, causing Violet to stop and looked back at her. "We both were."

Violet just rolled her eyes and stormed off.

Yeah this is kinda bad, but please stay with me!