AN: I own nothing, this characters belong to the evil genious Shonda Rhimes and abc. Carlo's bakery stuff belong to Buddy Valastro.

So I got this idea for a Holiday fic about these two and I couldn't help myself, even though I should be updating another story. This is completely AU, she didn't work on his campaign, he divorced Mellie a few months after he was elected and she recently moved back to DC and started her firm, and destiny brought them together over baked goods.

Olivia Pope was walking out from a meeting with one of her clients who had just moved from DC to Manhattan, she had only started her crisis management firm earlier that year so she was doing everything in her power to make sure she made a great impression on all of her clients, even if it meant traveling on thanksgiving and risking not making it to dinner at her sister's house back in Washington. She had a flight at 5 pm and it was only 2:30 pm at the moment so she figured out she had time to go to Carlo's bakery for one of his famous crumb cakes, which her pregnant sister had a wild craving for.

There was plenty of traffic but she managed to get there, she walked in and surprisingly it was kind of empty, she was about to ask why but she quickly figured it out, the store had barely anything left on it's shelves.

"Excuse me" she approached the person behind the counter, she feared it was a lost cause but wanted to ask anyway, before she continued talking she saw one of the chefs coming in with a freshly baked crumb cake. "Oh, look at that, just what I came in here for"

The employee saw what she was looking at and looked at Olivia apologetically.

"Miss, I'm sorry, but that crumb cake is already sold, it's a special order, we don't have any to sell right now, we got pretty much wiped out earlier, but we are already working on re stocking ourselves for later" she explained to Olivia.

"Seriously! I can't come back later I have a flight at 5, I'm actually taking a pretty big risk being here now, are you sure this person is coming?"

"I'm sorry but we can't sell you that cake, there are other delicious treats you can buy though" She told Olivia.

"No I can't" she paused to look at her name tag "Jane, my sister is pregnant and she's craving crumb cake form here"

"Well you can make an order and it can be shipped to your home, it only takes a couple of days" Jane suggested.

"She's pregnant Jane, you can't tell a pregnant woman to delay her cravings" she insisted and she leaned on the counter to take a look at the ticket placed on the box of the neatly packed cake. "It says there it was supposed to be picked up an hour ago, don't like they loose their reservation?" she said exasperated.

"Well yeah, but it's a very important costumer and they called saying they'll be here soon, I really can't sell it" Jane replied nervously. "Maybe I can see if we could get one shipped to you tomorrow"

"Come on Jane, it's thanksgiving and my sister is expecting me to show up to dinner with her crumb cake, if your client is late anyway why don't you sell me that one and give him one of the new ones you are baking when they finally show up" Olivia was not used to being told no and she was not backing down.

"I'm sorry, but we can't do that with this client, it has to be ready when they come" Jane was really intimidated by Olivia. "Actually…" Jane saw the SUVs pulling up outside and thanked god it would be over, but Olivia interrupted her before she finished her sentence.

"Look Jane, I don't care if it's the President of the United States, they are not here and I am, and I will not fly back to DC empty handed to tell my pregnant sister I couldn't get her crumb cake from Carlo's" Olivia was so wrapped up in her rant that she didn't realize the agents coming in to clear the place, Fitzgerald Thomas Grant III, the POTUS himself, was right outside, he was on New York city for a meeting and since he was there already he had decided to get a crumb cake from Carlo's because it was his kids favorite. He had decided to go in to see what else he could get, and he found himself deeply puzzled by the woman trying to take his cake.

Jane had gone awfully quiet, she hadn't expected for the President to actually go into the bakery, Olivia looked at her wondering why she wasn't saying anything, and right before she asked, she heard someone clearing his throat behind her.

"Well I usually wouldn't do this, but if it's that important to you I'm sure we can work something out" Fitz said with a smirk. Olivia froze on the spot, she knew that voice, she'd heard it on TV a million times, that was indeed the POTUS. She stood there looking at Jane, for a sign that she had mistaken that voice, but the look on the woman's face told her she was right. She realized she had been quiet for too long and finally gathered the courage to turn around.

"Mr. President, I'm sorry, I had no idea this was yours, I just wanted to exhaust all options to not leave empty handed, I'll just place an order to get one delivered" She said with a smile, trying hard to compose herself, the man was even more handsome than he looked on TV and after she saw him she had a hard time thinking straight.

Fitz had been taken aback by the mysterious woman since he walked inside, her voice, the way she talked and what he was able to see from her backside, but the moment she turned around he was astonished, he thought that was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He locked eyes with her and he could see her blushing, one of his agents, Tom, cleared his throat and he was reminded it was his turn to speak.

"I did hear you saying, you didn't care care if it was mine" he made a quick decision to tease her about her rant. She felt her cheeks get even warmer, and struggled to find the right words.

"That was just the heat of the moment, right Jane" she turned to the young woman again "Could you please place me an order so I can get one delivered" Jane was brought of the shock of the scene she had just witnessed and busied herself finding the papers for the order.

"No I insist Miss…" he waited to know her name.

"Pope, Olivia Pope" She told him coyly.

"I wouldn't want your pregnant sister to be upset Miss Pope, I can share" he smiled at her and she could feel her knees going weak.

"That's not necessary, she'll be fine" Olivia was beyond embarrassed that he had heard her outburst, and even more that he was trying to comply to her wishes.

"Jane right" the young woman was startled, after all it was the President calling her by her first name, she couldn't find her words so she just nodded. "Could you please split that cake in half so Miss Pope doesn't leave this place empty handed" She nodded again and went to find a knife and a couple of new boxes.

"No, Jane just place my order, actually, I can do that online, I should get going I'm going to miss my flight" Olivia started moving but Fitz was right in her way.

"Please, Miss Pope I insist, I can also place an order to get more cake delivered tomorrow and this way neither of us goes home tonihgt without cake" The way he was looking at her, she found her resolve disappearing, and she wasn't about to keep arguing with him so she finally agreed and Jane hurried to pack the two smaller cakes and place both orders, she handed them the boxes and their receipts and they prepared to leave.

"Thank you, Mr. President, you really didn't have to" she smiled at him and he nearly lost it.

"It was my pleasure" he extended his hand and she hesitantly took it, the moment their hands touched, it was like a bolt of electricity passed them through, neither wanted to let go but after a while they both knew they had to. However Fitz wasn't ready to let her go so soon without trying anything.

"Hmm, I heard you are flying back to DC, I could give you a lift to the airport" he offered.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea, I'll just take a cab" she was tempted to say yes, just to spend a little more time with him, but she thought it would be i inappropriate and also wanted to put the whole thing behind her and stop thinking about him the way she was at the moment.

"Are you sure? it's thanksgiving, it might be hard to get one, and also I can bypass traffic, I'm guessing your flight is soon" he was not giving up so easily. She thought about it and realized he had a point, the whole ordeal had taken a considerable amount of time, it was past 3:30 and she was in serious risk of missing the flight. She told herself it was rude to decline an offer from the President and told him yes before she had time to change her mind.

She was quiet for most of the ride to the airport, even though the motorcade could ignore traffic rules it was still taking them too long to get there, she was worried she might not make it there. He figured what she was thinking, since she had told him the flight was at 5, at first he felt bad for her missing her flight, but then he saw an opportunity, if they didn't make it he had an excuse to offer her a spot on AF1, after all he was going to DC too.

It was past five when they finally made it to the airport, he could see how anxious she was, she said it was fine and that she was going to find another flight so she could get there even if she was a little late, but she had been trying to get a new reservation for a while and they kept telling her all flights were completely booked.
"Olivia, can I call you that?" he wasn't sure if he could start using her first name yet

"Yeah it's ok" she replied

"Hmm, you know I'm going to DC too, and I mean I got plenty of space on my plane" She couldn't believe her ears, the President of the United States was offering her a ride on Air Force One. She was speechless for a moment.

"Mr. President, are you… you mean…" she stuttered

"Yes Olivia I am asking you to fly home with me on Air Force One" he said with a smirk.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea, I'll just go now and try to get a new flight" She was freaking out.

"It's thanksgiving, everything is booked, and it would be a shame if you didn't make it there after all the trouble you went through to get that cake" She blushed at the mention of the cake, but again he had a point, however she still thought it was inappropriate to offer an almost complete stranger a ride on AF1.

"Yeah, but sir, you don't even know me, like I don't think you are supposed to bring random people aboard Air Force One, what if I was dangerous" she tried to make her point.

"I'm sure you are not, maybe Jane would say otherwise, but I think you are harmless" he said with a chuckle. "Besides I racked my brain figuring out why your name sounded familiar, you do crisis management in DC, you have made quite an impression on some folks, I've heard your firm being mentioned a few times you are quite outstanding, oh and please call me Fitz, or at least don't call me sir, it makes me feel old" Olivia couldn't believe the President had heard of her and her work and even called her outstanding, she blushed ten shades of red.

"I don't think either of those is appropriate" she said to him, she wouldn't even consider using his first name

"Well it's my plane and I am free to bring anyone along with me, and if you think I should make sure you are not a threat I can fix that real fast right Tom" he said the last part a little louder for Tom to hear, and dropped the subject of his first name for the moment.

"Yes sir" the agent replied

"Could you get our boys to run a quick background check on Miss Pope" He asked

"Right away sir" Tom got his phone and made a quick call

"You are free to do as you please, but I insist you accept my offer, it would make my trip home way more pleasant and you would make it to your sister's dinner" They had been at the airport for a few minutes and he could see she was eager to get out of the SUV.

"Sir, she's good to go, not even a speeding ticket" Tom said out loud

"So?" Fitz was looking at her, his bright blue eyes boring right through her, a playful smirk on his face, and she just couldn't say no.

"Ok Mr. President, I will accept your offer, thank you" she finally said

"It's settled then, let get going guys" the agents nodded and the motorcade started moving to go to the hangar.

They got there quite fast, when they came to a stop at the tarmac, the agents got out and opened the doors on both sides of the SUV so they could get out. She was on the opposite side of the plane so when she walked around and finally saw it she nearly fainted. Fitz turned to her extending his arm.

"Ladies first" he motioned for her to walk ahead of him. She wasn't sure she could make a full sentence so she started walking, she reached the stairs and stopped for a moment to take it all in. When she finally made it up to the door she froze, her brain finally catching up with the situation, she stumbled back a little bit and crashed against his chest, Olivia hadn't realized how close he was. He put his hands on the sides of her arms to help her regain her balance, but the contact only made it worse.

"Are you ok?" concern clear in his voice

"Yeah, it's just that this is amazing, I was just a bit shocked that's all" she tried to hide her nervousness, he didn't let go of her arms until she started moving again.

After they had taken their seats, Fitz asked for drinks and snacks to be brought to them. She was quiet just looking at everything, trying to commit to memory every detail of the plane, she was even tempted to take a selfie so her sister would believe her. On the other hand Fitz was doing the same with her, he just couldn't take his eyes off of her, he just wanted to memorize all of her features, to freeze the moment in his head for the inevitable moment in which they would part ways. Eventually she got that very distinct feeling of being watched and turned her face to him, he blushed and looked away, Olivia noticed his reaction and suppressed a smile.

"So… Olivia, hmm… have you been on the crisis management business for long?" he decided to start up conversation, he wanted desperately to know more about her.

"Kind of yeah, I mean I've been in that line of work for a while but I started my own firm this year"

"Well you have made quite an impression in a short time, what made you start you own firm?" he asked her.

"It's a long story" she replied with a small laugh

"Which I will be pleased to hear" she blushed, Fitz smiled at her to encourage her to talk.

"I worked for a big company in the United Kingdom, I lived in London, I was doing really well until they started asking me to cover up for some questionable things, then questionable turned into completely illegal and I refused to do their dirty work, they told me I had to if I wanted to keep my job so naturally I resigned" She took a deep breath, her mind getting a little lost in memory "I missed my family and my home so I figured I might as well move back here, a good friend from the company who also left his job, suggested I start my own business and offered to move here too, I contacted a few old friends from college, and here we are" she had been looking at her hands almost the whole time, when she was done she looked up to find a pair of blue eyes looking at her like she was the most interesting person it the world.

"Wow, you really are impressive" that was all he managed to get out, and this time he didn't stop looking at her even after she noticed him. She was getting uncomfortable with the silence, and the fact that it was The President looking at her like that, so she figured it was her turn to make him talk.

"So, Mr. President, are you also a fan of Carlo's bakery?" she went for the most unimportant topic she could think of.

"My kids are, my parents took them to Carlo's a couple of years ago and they love everything, but their favorite is the crumb cake" a big smile appeared on his lips as he thought about his children, she found it endearing.

They continued the conversation mostly talking about food, she told him about her favorite places in DC and he talked about a few places he missed from California. The conversation flowed easily, and for a moment there it wasn't The President talking to someone he just met, they just felt like two normal people who had known each other for a while just hanging out and enjoying the moment.

Their flight was coming to and end, the captain made the announcement they would be landing soon, he knew he wanted to see her again but wasn't sure how to go about it.

"Can I have your number?" he blurted out without thinking. She panicked a little bit and went onto fixer mode.

"Do you have a crisis that needs fixing?" he was caught off guard by her response, but he played along with it.

"Hmm, yeah I am, you know, I got divorced a few months ago and my image took a huge hit and it seems like my boys at the white house could take some lessons from you" he figured that as long as he kept seeing her it didn't matter if it was for work, it was a start.

She dug inside her purse searching for her business cards, when she found them, she took one out and handed it to him, he took it grazing her fingers in the process and placed it inside his wallet to avoid losing it.

A few minutes later they were descending into the tarmac, Fitz' motorcade was already waiting for him there, and it was then that it hit her, she was not sure how could she get a ride from there to her sister's and she would not allow for him to take her there, after all he had done already, and knowing his kids were waiting for him at the White House. Just as if he could read her thoughts he spoke up.

"I have arranged for a car to take you wherever you need to go" he told her with a smile. The plane had come to a complete stop and she could hear the agents opening the door already, she jus sat there unable to wrap her head around how incredible that man was.

"Thank you, again, you really didn't have to" she finally said. They both got up and went for the exit, they got down and it was moment to say goodbye. He walked her to the car and they stood there quietly for a moment.

"I guess this was my lucky day" she was the one who broke the silence.

"No Miss Pope, it was mine" he opened the door for her, and before she had a chance to move he leaned in and kissed her cheek "Happy Thanksgiving" he said to her and took a step back. Her mind went blank for a moment but then she reminded herself she had to do something so she got in the car.

"Happy Thanksgiving Mr. President" she managed to get out right before he closed the door and walked away.

They parted ways, both unable to stop smiling and looking forward to seeing each other again.

AN2: I hope you guys enjoyed, please review, let me know what you think! :)