Hi! Its a new story! Hope you like it. :))

Elsword: Lord Knight
Aisha: Elemental Master
Rena: Wind Sneaker
Raven: Reckless Fist
Eve: Code Empress
Chung: Deadly Chaser
Ara: Yama Raja
Add: MasterMind
Elesis: Grand Master

I Don't Own.

"Just give me the cake, and no one gets hurt."

"Ridiculous! It's mine!"

"As if! I touched it first."

"So what? Be a gentleman and just give it to the lady."

Elesis sighed. She never did understand the two. Always bickering about the smallest things. When she returned from her journey, they were exactly like this! She was getting annoyed with them.

It all started when Chung invited them to Hamel for dinner. Well, Rena was cooking so its pretty much heaven. Everyone came and everything went on smoothly. Well, except the dessert part.

"You could have my piece since I'm really full, and I could just share with Elsword." Aisha said, trying to lessen the bad mood.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. Ara, can have your piece while I take the one on the plate!" Add said.

"No. Its fine." Ara said sweetly, "Everyone must have a piece of cake. I don't want your piece."

"Oh please! Just accept the freaking slice already so I could have another piece!" Add shouted. Quite desparately so he could get and finish another piece of the cake.

"That is it! You know what, Add? Let's just duel. It's pretty much easier if we did. Last one who stands gets the piece."


They both quickly stood up. Ara unleashed her dark orbs while Add summoned Apocalypse.

But before they could attack, Elesis and Chung intervened.

"There will be no fighting in my castle! You guys are acting like idiots!"

"For Pete's sake! It's just cake!"

"It is not just a cake, Elesis." Ara said, "It's Rena's Chocolate cake."

"So?" Elesis replied.

"Fine! I'm going back to my room!" Ara shouted while exiting the Dining room.

"She's so... Ugh! I'm going to my room as well." Add said. He walked towards the exit and disappeared from the room.

Chung and Elesis went back to the table and sat again in their respective seats. There was a pause. Rena sighed making everyone looked at her.

"You do know that was just sexual tension, right?" She asked.

"Affirmative." Eve said while drinking her tea which Ophelia have prepared for her.

"They just can't get together and not fight. They would have been a good couple." Aisha said. She sighed as well.

There was another pause when Elsword broke the silence.

"So, who's gonna eat the cake?"


Hey guys! So I just had to post this since the plot bunny visited me. It's going to be a AraxAdd fanfic since they need more of it. They might be a bit OOC, then I AM

Other couples will be included so don't worry.

I know that I still have to finish my other stories, but meh.

Wait for my next update! :))