Hey guys here we are again a new story. This is Willifer based but will have the team included. Hope you like it

Love can be a torturous game

Chapter 1.

He closed his eyes, trying to look away from the scene in front of him. Trying to pull out of his chains he looked her right in the eyes, seeing the tears roll down her cheeks as the shock went through her body, her screams ripping through his ears. As he stopped he tried to pull forward. "Baby"

"Your turn"

Feeling the shock go through his body, she couldn't look knowing the pain he was feeling, turning her head slightly she saw the shock in his body, all his muscles tensed up.


Hearing the door creek open, the girl took a deep breath looking round at her partner.

"Tony wake up"

"He's not waking up"

Taking a deep breath, she felt the guy grab her jaw. "What do you want?"

"He doesn't love you"


"If he loved you he'd be saving you right now"

Opening his eye's all he could do was watch as his girlfriend was beaten repeatedly. "STOP"

Seeing everything go dark and hearing her cries he knew it would all be over soon.

Wrapping the bodies into the rug, he tied both ends letting the blood spread through the fabric, throwing it into the truck he drove out of the yard. Tipping the rug out of the truck. He watched as it rolled down into the woods into the river. Smiling he closed the back of the truck.

"It's Done"

"Good" she smiled turning to him.

"You can chose the next ones"

He smiled. "Can we go finishing tonight?"

"No we need to clean up ready for our next guests"


Opening the door, Will locked it behind him, walking down the hall, Will stopped seeing a unfamiliar bag dropped by the door. Smiling, Will walked towards the living room, turning on the lamp, Will smiled seeing JJ fast asleep on the sofa. Walking towards her, Will sat down on the edge of the sofa.


"Mmmm" JJ said opening her eyes.


"Hi" JJ said smiling.

"How long you been here?"

JJ sighed sitting up. "A few hours"

"Ya should of called me"

"I wanted to surprise you, and I got an extra couple days off so"

Will smiled, kissing her. "You eaten?"

JJ shook her head. "No I was waiting for you"

"Go get changed, I'll order some food"

JJ nodded, getting up off the sofa, grabbing her bag before heading up to the bedroom.

Putting the phone down, Will walked upstairs, standing in the doorway he watched as JJ changed. "I've missed that"

Pulling down her top, JJ turned round seeing Will leaning on the door frame.

"Hmm, I bet you have"

Will smiled walking towards her pulling her into his hold. "Foods on its way"

JJ nodded. "Change, shower I'll be downstairs"

Will nodded giving her a quick kiss"


Walking downstairs Will smiled, seeing JJ putting the food out on the table.

"Starting without me?"

Sipping her beer, JJ turned to look at him. "Nope you're just in time"

Sitting back down on the sofa, JJ handed Will another beer. "So you have a new case?"

Will nodded, wrapping his arm around her, as JJ laid her head on his chest "Id say"

"That bad?"

Will nodded. "Lets say I've not seen anything this bad since the case we met on"

"Wow" JJ said looking at him

"You need any help?"

"No, no not yet, if I get anymore bodies, I'll speak to the caption"

"Okay, just know I'll look at it"


Waking up Sunday morning, Will looked round at his phone buzzing on the bed side table, looking down he saw JJ fast asleep on is chest, slowly moving his arm Will reached for his phone. Reading the text, Will let out a breath kissing JJ's forehead.

"What's wrong?"

"What makes you think something is wrong?"

"You always kiss my head and hold me tight when your worried."

Will smiled. "Have I told you I love you lately?"

"No" JJ smiled kissing him.

"So what's wrong?"

"Found more bodies, Me and Charlie are leading the case"

JJ sighed. "Go, I'll just get an earlier flight"

"You sure?"

JJ nodded. "I got some reports to do anyway"

"Okay but quick breakfast before you go?"

"Go get ready. I'll make breakfast"

"Thank you"


So that was chapter 1 good start? Make you review and follow/favourite this story lots more coming soon. And the team will also be included.