AN! I'll try not to do many of these :) This is my take on if the war didn't happen. One of the characters in this will be very much like myself :D I decided to do this because I often see too much of the exact same, or the quotes being the same as from the book/movie, so wanted to do my own edits (Though some bits will be familiar xD). There is minor swearing, and possibly some lemony bits, depending on how I'm feeling :3 I won't allow a chapter to be over unless there's over 1000 words too, which I know is better for most :D Most chapters are Tris's POV. There will be about 25 chapters! Most of it's already written! Enjoy :D Let me know what you think :D


All I could hear was the beeping of the alarm as I turned in my bed. I slammed my hand down on the alarm and shut my eyes again. I just wanted more sleep! But then there was a knock at my door, and a loud voice, I'm sure it was femaleā€¦ Christina, of course.

"Oi! Tris! Get up, we have to get going!" I mumbled something, but Christina clearly heard it, as she banged on the door even louder. "Choosing Ceremony!" She shouted, I jumped up.

Of course that was today, I'd forgotten. I had to go along, as I was close to becoming a Dauntless leader, but Christina had volunteered to go with me. It was her sisters choosing today too. "I'm up, I'm up!" I called to her, stumbling over to the door and letting her in. She often came to my apartment, and even sometimes stays at mine because my apartment is that much larger than hers. Christina's hands were shaking a little, and I smiled, patting her gently on the shoulder, "She'll choose what's right for her."

Christina nodded and left me to get ready. I was sleeping in loose shorts and a strap top, showing off all three of my tattoos. I went to have a quick shower, getting dressed into tight fighting, black jeans and modest top. Christina rolled her eyes at me, "You can wear something which doesn't make you look Abnegation," she said, but I shrugged my shoulders at her. I may've been Dauntless for a year, but I still had some of the aspects of an Abnegation, I always would. "You seeing Four before we go?" she asked.

"I don't know," I said, applying a little make up. It's one of the many things Christina did manage to change about me. "Depends if he's up," Christina just smiled. Tobias lived in an apartment two floors below me, the bottom floor for the apartments, though there were plenty of floors below them. We both had the biggest apartments on our floors, but that's what comes with being first in Initiation

"How many transfers do you reckon we'll get?" she asked me.

"10?" I said, posing it as a question, I honestly didn't know.

"You jumping before the initiates?" She says. So full of questions, as always.

I nod, "Have to be down here for the initiates, don't I." There were four people training initiates this year, but only because three of us were new, Christina; Uriah, a Dauntless born from last year; Tobias and I. Of course, Tobias and I would be working together. When Max, the Dauntless leader who was in charge of everyone, had asked the four of us to do the training, Tobias had immediately asked to have transfers again.

I head towards the door and Christina gets up, following me. We don't see Tobias as we leave, so I knock on his door to wake him up, knowing that he'll get annoyed, but laugh and run off before he answers, with Christina following, shaking her head. "I'm surprised he hasn't kicked you out yet, for doing that," I shrug, laughing. He'll know it was me, of course, but it'll serve him right for not being up.

We reach the train as it's already going past, and quickly break into a sprint, I'm supposed to be in the first carriage with the other leaders, and though Christina isn't meant to be, I know she will be. Eric was still a leader after all, and we both hate being in a room with him, especially when the other leaders could side with him over me.

"Let's go!" I hear a call from Max, and we all jump out of our carriages, Max first, and the rest of us following behind, laughing as we move through the air; some doing a summersault as they land, others just running to keep their balance, all the up the stairs. I hate stairs; running on flat ground is fine, but upstairsā€¦

I sit on the front row along with the other leaders and leaders in training, though there's very few of us. For a group of Dauntless, most of the initiates don't want to be a leader. Christina sits directly behind me with the other people who've come to watch families. The 16 year olds line up around the building in alphabetical order. I notice my dad with the abnegation people, and smile a little before it falls. I haven't spoken to him since I transferred; he wasn't anywhere near as supportive as I wish he had been.

"Silence please!" is the call from the front, and slowly the room falls quiet. Johanna Reyes, the Amity spokesperson, since they don't have a leader, speaks from the front of the room. Behind are the five bowls which the initiates have to put a drop of their blood into. Amity, the peaceful, have earth; Candor, the honest, have glass; Erudite, the intelligent, have water; Dauntless, the brave, have burning coals; and Abnegation, the selfless, have grey stone.

I tuned out as Johanna was explaining this, but returned to myself as the name "Daniel Willis" was called out, and a young man in red, with dark hair walked up to the bowls. A minute later, Johanna called out "Dauntless." We all cheer, and someone stands up to offer him a seat. I notice how much like Abnegation that is, thinking about someone else.

"Kira Tyler" One of the girls shuffled out from behind me up to the stones. She looked a little nervous as she slit her hand, drawing the blood out, "Amity." Dauntless were silent. I glance back to her parents, but they aren't looking at her. Kira won't be getting a visit from them on visiting day.

I realise I've zoned out Christina's hand on my shoulder, and we watch her sister go up to choose. I cover it with my own hand, and smile. "Candor!" Is called out a minute later. I look round at Christina, and see a sad smile. She'd been hoping that her sister would pick Dauntless.

There are about 100 people picking today, but Dauntless always seems to have a lower number than others. Drifting in and out of my thoughts I heard people's names being called out, and where they were going, cheering when I needed to.

"Rebecca Evans" She's abnegation, but her build suggests otherwise, as does her mind seem to.

"Dauntless." We all cheer. We've cheered through at least 20 initiates. Not bad, but at least 10 of them are going to end up Factionless.

"Odelia Davis, Erudite!" Johanna shouted, and there was a controlled clap. "James Daly, Abnegation!" The names kept rolling, I forgot how long the ceremony took.

"Hunter Bates," The last person walked to the front, she was in the black and white of Candor. She wasn't thin, but reasonable, and slightly taller than me. "Dauntless!" We cheer for the last time. We stand as soon as Athena has joined our ranks, and all move towards the door. I feel a hand on my shoulder, and Christina smiles at me.

As we get out of the doors, we start running, straight towards the trains. There's a whoop as we sprint down flights of stairs and through the villages, past the Abnegation settlements, and start climbing. Christina and I race each other to the top. She beats me, but only by a fraction, and we laugh.

The leaders all watch the track as the train turns round the bend, "Get Ready!" Eric calls. We get on easily, and hold onto the side as we watch the rest of the group get onto the train. There were two people who didn't make the train though, an Amity and an Erudite. I looked like I didn't care, but inside I felt sorry for them. Christina just smiled at me,

"It'll happen to more, you just have to get used to it." I nod at her and she grips my shoulder. "Once you've jumped, I'll give you 20 seconds, and then I'm following." I nod again, and then smile.

"Looking forward to this?" I ask, giving her a short grin. She nods.

"Can't wait."

Christina and I stood at the edge of the train, edging back a tiny bit as we watched the building come closer. Max smiled and waved bye to us quickly, before going back to his conversation.

"Ready?" I asked, she nodded and we both jumped, noticing the initiates look out the window a minute later. I head straight to the edge and, without thinking, I jump. The fall is quicker than I last remember it to be, and I let the net let me bounce before a strong arm pulls the net down.

"Hey," Tobias said in his deep voice, pulling me into a hug once he'd helped me off the net.

"Hi," I replied, hugging him back as Christina landed on the net. "Ready?" I ask him, and he nods.

"Are you?" I nod and stand near the net, Christina is helping them off, I'm lowering the net. He keeps a grip on her arm, and we both look at him, "Remember; don't let them know we're together, it'll make us look soft, and exploit ways for them to hurt us." Christina and I nod, and I give Tobias a quick kiss, before he speaks again, "Max is talking to them now." I look up and see him watching the top group before he jumps off. "Quiet guys! They're about to jump!" Tobias shouts through the crowd. I think it's one of the only times that I hear the crowd go completely silent on request.