DEAR READERS, I apologize for taking so long to write the Epilogue—but holy cow!—it took way longer than expected. (I actually started the Epilogue and the last two chapters during the 2016 summer), and in general this fanfic took way longer than planned. (Nearly Three Years—Sh**! Started it during the winter of 2014 I believe) But nevertheless I was happy writing this fanfic and even more happy that I did it and actually finished it! I do have more stories in mind but I don't know when I'll start writing them; it will probably be a while though.

And lastly at the end of this Epilogue if anyone is interested, there will be a section of what I like to think of as Easter eggs: it'll list all of the references I used to make this fanfic happen, (if I can remember them all) including inspirational pics from fan arts and songs; (a good large amount of my time was used for research more than anyone shall ever know), and at the very bottom I will list the other fanfic ideas I'm thinking of writing about. I'm already leaning towards one but still let me know which one you guys are interested in reading. If anyone still have some dire questions about the story since the beginning or over the course of its development, ask and I shall do my best to answer.

And now for the last time for this story: Please, As Always, ENJOY!


"Once upon a time," the father read to his three children, "there was a large town with several houses and people. There was little room for living spaces let alone to have gardens, so many of the people have to settle for flower pots. But for two very poor children, they considered themselves very lucky. The children's names were Gerda and Kay. They are not brother and sister, but they loved each other as strongly as if they were. They lived opposite to each other in two garrets with the roofs of neighboring houses projecting out towards each other and water-pipes running between them. Their garrets projected so closely towards each other that their parents had nailed down short thick boards connecting their garrets like a bridge. Acting as railings were two long wide wooden boxes; they ran across the water-pipe so that they reached from one window to the other, looking like two banks of flowers. The parents shared the boxes in which they cultivated herbs and little rose-bushes in each box; it was Kay's and Gerda's very own little garden.

"They would spend a good amount of their day out in their little garden whenever their parents allowed it. They could climb out onto their connected garret and water the flowers and herbs, and spend hours admiring the plants while talking to each other.

"One day while out on the garrets, they noticed how cold the air was becoming, and they had found faint traces of frosts on the rims of the boxes.

'Oh look Kay' said Gerda, 'look how pretty the frosts are.'

'Winter will be coming soon,' Kay replied sadly, 'and all our flowers and herbs will be gone until spring comes again.'

'But they will come again. When winter comes, the plants can have a good long sleep. So that when spring comes they can grow splendidly.'

'Speaking of growing splendidly, I grew this for you Gerda.' Kay reached through his window, and pulled out a red rose.

I grew something for you too! Gerda reached into her window, and pulled out a white rose. Let's plant them in the same pot, so that they can grow together and never be apart.'

'Just like us, friends forever.'

'Friends forever.'

"Three months has passed, and winter has come." The father read on. "Mostly on winter days, Kay would spend his evenings over at Gerda's house where her grandmother would tell them stories of the world.

'Look children,' said the grandmother, beginning her tale. 'See those snowflakes children? Do you know where they come from? Far to the north, pass the cold seas and pass the blinding fogs. Yes there, into the frozen winds that leads to the land of bitter storms and deadly blizzards. That's the home of those snowflakes; all of them servants to the Snow Queen.'

'Snow Queen?' asked Gerda.

'Yes. In the far north where the snow never melts is a magnificent palace made of the coldest ice, sparkling in the northern lights. This is where the Snow Queen lives.'

Kay gasp. 'Is she beautiful?'

'She is so beautiful, that she makes you shiver.' The Grandmother chuckled. 'She shines like a polar star hanging in deep fidget space; alone and allusive. Hurt by a burning love she became as cold as her ice that always surrounds her. Her eyes shine like a reflective pawn that returns only your image.'

"The Grandmother continues to tell the children how the Snow Queen walks the large halls of her wondrous palace alone. There were several treasures in her vast many rooms, but none as precious to her as her magic mirror. Through that mirror, Snow Queen can see into her growing winter kingdom. It is only during the time of spring and summer that her powers grow weak, and her view of the world becomes limited. Thus during winter, she must expand her kingdom as much as possible, and she does it by watching through her magic mirror; watching everyone who does not surrender to her demands.

'Oh Grandmother,' expressed Gerda, 'does that mean the Snow Queen is watching us right now?'

'She might be so my child. But you mustn't fear. For you see, the Snow Queen's greatest threat, are those who have a warm, loving heart.'

'Don't be scared Gerda,' expressed Kay. 'If she comes and frightens you, I'll put her on a hot stove and she would melt!'

"The two children started laughing at the joke, while chanting 'Melt, melt, melt, melt away!' Little did they know though, that the Snow Queen really was watching them. Outraged by Kay's mockery, the Snow Queen smashed her mirror and sent two tiny broken shards as small as her snowflakes into her snowstorm, in which she bids them to go to the children's town.

Once there, the storm grew wilder and wilder, until it forced open Gerda's house window. The children ran to shut the window with significant difficulty against the raging wind.

'OWWWWW!" said Kay, moving away from the window and coving one eye. 'Something's in my eye! It hurts!' Kay suddenly stumbles back with his hands over his heart. 'Augh—a pain in my heart!'

Gerda had managed to lock the window and hurried over to Kay. 'Kay, Kay, what is wrong?!'

But Kay shoved Gerda away. 'Nooo! Get away from me, I'm fine!'

'But your eye and your heart—'

'They're fine!' And Kay sprinted for the door. Opened it. And left, shutting it hard and loud behind him.'

"Alright Kids," said the father quietly, "That is all for tonight."

All three of his boys were good and tired; their eyelids drooping up and down. Two of them closed their eyes and went to sleep without any protest. Meanwhile the youngest asked sleepily for his dad to continue.

"Tomorrow night JJ." And he kissed his son's brow and turned off his reading light, leaving only the nightlight on. He waited for the boy to close his eyes before he left the room, careful to shut the door quietly.


Forcing his eyes to open, JJ yawned. "Was that really you? Did you really do that to Kay, Elsa?"

Elsa crossed the room to reach the boy's bed, "No-no," she said sigh-fully, sitting at the foot of the bed. "It's just a story gone astray."

"Then do you really live in a deadly winter land far north?"

Elsa chuckled amusingly and patted JJ's back. "No. And just so you know, not every myth about winter Beings comes from the North."

"Alright…So have you really ever met a boy and girl named Kay and Gerda?" asked the boy, "Or are they just made up?"

Elsa smiled. "They were very much real…In fact…they were the very first children who ever started seeing me."

"Cooool! But how?"

"Well let's see…It was close to winter and almost everything was covered in frosts. I was just traveling through their village at the time, and I noticed a sweet little garden down on the garrets. I've never seen a garret made use in such a way. And then I saw two children coming out from their window and onto the garrets. I watched them play in their garden for a while, but when I was about to leave, the boy Kay stood up, but he stepped on a slippery spot and was about to fall. Before I knew it, I had summoned a burst of snow and shot it against his side and toppled him back onto the garret garden. I was lucky that no one else saw my snow other than the children, but Gerda had screamed when she thought Kay was going to fall. I could already hear someone rushing into the room and so I left just as they burst through the window."

"And then what?! Did you ever come back?—"

His brothers stirred, and Elsa had to hush JJ so then his voice doesn't get any louder. "—Yes-Yes I did. The next day, at the same time, I came back to check on the children…And they were already out on the garden…trying to find me, or whatever had saved Kay the other day."

"And then what? How did you get them to see you?!"

Elsa hushed him again. "Another time JJ, I'll continue to tell you bits and parts my story each night until your father finish reading you the story of The Snow Queen. Is that a deal?"

"Awww but the book is really thick."

Elsa giggled and retucks JJ in his bed. "I promise you JJ, the book is not as thick as my own story in comparison. Now time for you to go to sleep, otherwise the Sandman can't bring you your dream sands."

"But I want to see him too!" said JJ, but his eyes were already closed and Elsa could see that the boy's fight against his sleepiness was futile.

"Maybe you'll be able to see him in your dreams. It's his job to give you sweet dreams after all, so I don't see why you can't see him if that is what you want your dream to be about."

"Really? I can really see the Sandman if I just sleep and dream about him?" JJ yawns.


He yawns again. "Ok then. I'll give it a try." And he instantly fell asleep.

Elsa lightly brushed JJ's hair out of his face and pull the blanket up to cover over his shoulders. "He's a cute kid," she said quietly to herself.

She then left JJ and went over to the window. Elsa waved a hand sending a snowflake up on over the roof, and a second later, a horse can be heard from above and the beast came trotting down pulling along a single sleigh. The snow horse stops just at the right spot so that the sleigh could be right beside the window.

In the last hundred years, Elsa has gotten better at traveling by herself, but she has never gotten around to changing the sleigh. Every chance Merida gets, she always pressure Elsa to make it bigger and add in a few more horses. That way, the sleigh can be in competition to North's own sleigh. In a way, Elsa was sure North would enjoy a bit of competition. But then again, Elsa had always thought that no one can ever truly beat his sleigh.

Still playing with the idea, Elsa carefully makes a small stepping stool connecting from the window to the vehicle. Once inside Elsa shut the window behind her with a snap of her fingers and the latch fell back to its place. In the distance, she can see a horizon of sparkling gold and little thin streams going into the houses. Elsa urged her stead to go in that direction.

Sandy was a hundred feet above her as she flew blow. He waved to her and she waved back.

"There's a child named JJ who really wants to see you in his dreams!" Elsa shouted to Sandy, "Don't skip out on his dream alright?!"

In response, Sandy raised both of his hands giving thumbs up with a large happy smile.

For a couple of minutes as Elsa passed out of Sandy's rang of dream sands, she thought in silence if there was anything else she needed to do. "There are no other necessary visits I need to make tonight…" Elsa then pulls on the reign to urge her stead to go higher into the sky. "Now that I think about it, it's been a while since I had time to relax." Elsa smiled at the thought of relaxing. "And it has been two days since I last checked up with home…" What she didn't say aloud was also the guilt she always feels whenever she has to leave Olaf and the others alone at the palace.

With a whip of the reigns, her horse took off with unnatural speed, flowing with the wind as naturally as a leaf. Her speed and fluidity was in no comparison Jack. If he was there with her, she knew he would naturally be able to keep up with her sleigh, and could easily more pass them several times to show off.

After thirty minutes she reached the European continent. It felt so strange to Elsa: no matter how many times she pass the Nordson sea, which was now split into what is now called the North sea, and further Northwest: the Norwegian Sea. Elsa remembers very memorably how the coast was once open for the wide vast ocean, but over time, the broken pieces of other land had moved: plate tectonic shift Hiccup had explained. Those pieces have moved, and even crush into each other until it enclosed Arendelle into a small narrow pool of sea water, although the land itself had also bend itself slowly.

There were other changes as well. Arendelle's territory was once stretched further pass its peninsula and onto a bigger part of Europe, but it was now reduced to a small country call Norway, with even its territory on the peninsula split to Sweden and Finland. Arendelle overall wasn't conquered, but after a few centuries with the changing of power and country relations, the Arendelle name faded, and the branch of Elsa and Anna's royal family names were lost…As for the Southern Isle Kingdom…It wasn't so lucky either. Elsa was sad to see it go considering how far the friendship between it and Arendelle had come. But over the years as Arendelle disappeared so did their signed allied contract was forgotten. For a time The Southern Isle, now called Iceland, fell under subjugation from one country after the next. The last who had control was Denmark after their union aligned with Sweden and Norway fell. The country eventually managed to break free around the 1900s, and declared itself independent some time after World War 2…

Another thirty minutes had passed before she reached the border of Norway, having been flying from the direction of Southeast. Elsa pulled down slightly on the reign as the sleigh near towards the highest mountains fill with snow of Norway. On the side of one of the mountains lies a large crevasse, its depths was so deep, that the humans couldn't even measure how far the drop is. They tried using sound waves to get a measure of its depth but the best they could measure was one-thousand feet. Scientist believed the crevasse could be even longer, but some sort of other vibration was interfering with the measuring equipment whenever they tried.

Tracing the crevasse toward its center, there, the opening was large enough for a small size sleigh to fall right through.

Elsa directed her horse to dive down the opening, and with mastery control over speed they managed to reach around five-hundred feet within a few minutes. Soon, the crevasse opened up to a wider space, offering some wiggle room. Elsa pulled the sleigh to level it up and then turned it towards an opening of an ice tunnel. The horse proceeded in with a relaxing trot. The further they went the wider the tunnel became until it opened up to large passages of caves.

Reaching the first cave, it was dome shaped with a stable towards the left, a staircase further back, and everywhere was filled with piles of soft snow stacked like cones. Elsa was immediately greeted by several of her snow minions popping out of the soft cones. The little snowmen ran, slip and slide towards the sleigh and started jumping up and down with excitement.

Elsa giggled at the sight of them and halted her sleigh. "I'm back everyone," she greeted them.

Quickly, the gathered minions stood in formations of letters, shaping the words Welcome Back!

Elsa left her sleigh and the little snow minions started happily leading the horse away over to its stable.

She continued on back climbing the staircase. At the top there was a big heavy double door, but with an easy push from Elsa, the doors slid open. On the other side, it opened to an even larger cave, massive enough to hold Elsa's ice palace within like a neat snow globe. In which it did.

Her palace no longer has a its original bridge; the palace has been situated firmly leveled with the ground, and the front door entrance was also gone as well, allowing a straight full view inside her home. All along the walls of the cave were doors leading to hundreds of chambers, with long lines of stairways connecting each level of doors, making the walls looking like an illusion picture of a well organize ant farm.

There was plenty of light to illuminate the cave as though as it was all up above surface. It was all made possible due to the twinkling snowflakes Elsa has covering the ceiling and some along the walls, and the light crystals she'd received as gifts from some light fairies she befriended in Sandy's domain.

The crystal lights are stored energy of sunlight that never runs out. It's also self-efficient, able to adjust its brightness throughout the day following the actual timeline of Norway. The crystals are as big as an average size child; some of them were suspended in the air like chandeliers, while the rest are iced along the bottom line of the walls. The lights emanating from the crystals are reflected in every single one of the twinkling snowflakes Elsa has covering the cave. They were absolutely clear—better so then a perfectly new stainless mirror, which helps to reflect the lights better and thus shining the cave as if a small sun was in there.

Also, along with walls by the bottom and middle levels of the cave, there were several doors—hundreds of doors, but four types of doors when categorize. The first type leads to storage spaces, which was the second to top floor. Elsa often did favors for other Beings that needed a special place to hold certain items outside their realm for a time period. Like treasury, relics, magical items and such until they're ready to be used. But most of the time, Elsa usually stores more practical items for a month or so. Like the snow fairies from Pixie Hollow, they would often ask Elsa if they can store some of hier extra made snowflakes and icicles until it came time to use them for winter seasons. Even Mother Nature had once asked her to store special seedlings that needed to be in kept in cold temperature for a long hibernation. Her ice chamber made a perfect ice box for the seeds.

The second types were just regular chambers for guests, and those doors lay at the very top level. For those rooms though, Elsa had to thaw the ice and excavated part of the actual mountain in order to convert the spaces into livable rooms. It was possible and simple enough if she had just left the ice and only inserts a fireplace to keep the guests warm, the ice would have been too cold for the fire to actually melt it, and still be firm to contain the heat within the room. As for the smokes from the fire, those would have been easily absorbed by the moister from the ice, nearly canceling all the smoke out. However, it would still be a bit much to have guests stay in a completely ice made chamber with ice furniture and beds to rest on. No. It was more practical to create a comfy room with actual woods and fabrics, and have the structure the room be of smoothed out rocks.

As for the remaining two types, they were a sort of combination. Both the bottom and second level consisted of regular passage doors leading to even more doors. And those doors are portals, leading in and out to different parts of the Realm of Beings, as well as different parts of Earth. What made Elsa's underground cave palace special was that it lies on the border between Earth and the Realm of Beings. Elsa doesn't use those doors herself anymore; once she discovered she could ride the wind in her own fashion, Elsa only ever use them if she ever have to get to a location on Erath fast for emergencies, and of course, if she ever have need to enter the Realm of Beings…And in truth, Elsa has yet to figure out with her own powers how to go back and forth between realms without the assistance of the door portals. For the last few centuries, it was only her snow minions who have been using them, constantly going in and out between both Earth and the Light Realm. The little snow men help to store and return items from Beings, and so they would use the portals to the Being Realms to return or retrieve the requested stored items.

As Elsa walks further towards the center of the cave where her palace is, she looks around in search of her friend. "Olaf…? Marshmallow…? Where are you?"

As that moment, Olaf wondered in through one of the bottom level door, decorated in several layers of flower necklaces and crowns while bubbling with laughs. He wobbled side to side having difficulty seeing through the blinds of flowers, managing miraculously to avoid his little brothers, and yet accidently mange's to walk into Elsa.

Olaf pushes the flowers up from his eyes. "Oh—hiiii, you're back!" And he gives Elsa leg a quick. She giggled and kneels down to return the hug as well.

Smiling, Elsa asked, "Where did you go this time Olaf? And where did the flowers come from?" It wasn't the first time Olaf has come back wearing flowers, but it was always interesting to hear where, or even how he came to get them.

"Well originally I was with Frosty—no not with Jack, but you know, FROSTY the snowman, who's a jolly happy soul, with a corncob pipe and a button nose—"

"And with two eyes made out of coal," Elsa finished. "Yes I remember him. How has he been doing?"

"Fan-tastic. He—or we, were playing with some of the children until it came time for us to leave. So we left, and then I left frosty but took a wrong turn through the portal and ended up at Bunny's warren! Oh and Rapunzel was there too! She was trying to get Bunny to do something with flowers and I accidently landed in her huge pile of flowers! I surprised them pretty bad. Bunny almost thought I was a human kid who wondered into his warren again."

"Rapunzel!" Elsa exclaimed with excitement. "So she was the one who gave you the flowers?"

"Ah-huh. Oh!-and-and-she wants me to remind you not to forget about the celebration next week."

"Of course," said Elsa as she patted his back.

Olaf chucked with excitement. "Ooooh I just can't wait! I bet there'll be lots of balloons, muffins and cookies, ribbons, and—"

"Flowers?" and Elsa touched one of the flower crowns.

"And Flowers! Would you expect anything less from Rapunzel?"

Elsa giggled again. "No-no, if it's Rapunzel planning than I expect nothing less." She then straightens herself up. "By the way, do you know where Marshmallow is? I haven't seen him since I've gotten back."

"Oh, he may be over at North's place again. He and the Yetis are really getting into snowball fights this year. I should go and join them."

"—Now-now wait Olaf, remember the last time you joined in on a snowball fight with them?"

"Awww but Elsaaa, I told Marshmallow that he could use me as ammo."

"Yes, and it took us hours to find all your pieces and put you back together."

"I am sorry Elsa. If I promise not to use myself as ammo again, can I then play with them in snowball fight?"

Elsa hesitated to answer, unable to stop herself from imagining what other accidents might befall Olaf if he plays with them again. It may not just be parts going missing, but there's a scary chance that he may break into powdery snow. Elsa was actually surprise though was glad it didn't happen the first time around.

"Please Elsa? Pleeeeaaaase?" Olaf begs.

"…Promise me that you will play safely—"

"I will!" And Olaf started walking away but then stops. "I Know! Why don't you come and join us Elsa?! It'll be fun! If you play, we can finally break away from the tie."

"Not today Olaf. I want to go up and rest for a while." Olaf looks a little disappointed, but asked one more time, "Another day Olaf. I promise." At her word, Olaf perked-up and went on towards one of the door. Elsa watched until he was gone, and started making her way into the palace.

She climbed the staircase until she reached the very top room. Over the years, Elsa had made some additions to the room, like some furniture one can expect to see in a bedroom, along with several bookshelves, a few paintings, three fainting chairs, and a medium round table in the center of it all. All of course, made from her ice, save for the paintings and books she have. Over to the side where the panpipes are, Elsa had rearranged them so that they'll be neater, and took up less space. She knew that it would've been better if she would just remove them completely, hardly any wind ever makes it way down into her cave; the occasional draft are never strong enough to sound the pipes. The best chance for ever the pipes to sound is during a storm. The wind blows stronger then, and a larger mass of it can make its way down the crevasse and in.


…There was one other addition she made to her palace…Walking over to the doors of her balcony she opens them, inwardly. Before her was a tall three way mirror, perfectly spotless and clear. The balcony still exists. Whenever she wants to be out on it, she can easily have the mirrors fold against each other, and then slide them into a slit in the wall out of the way. But at the moment, she wanted to look at something else. With a snap of her finger, a brush of snowflakes leap from her fingers and went straight into the mirrors. Nearly instantly, the mirror was cover in a sheet of frost, but was quickly melted away, reflecting a whole other view.

It was a reflection of outside somewhere: a backyard covered in snow, littered with children toys, a half destroyed snow fort, and a misshaped snowman missing two arms. It was still day in the reflection. Somewhere off the mirror to the right, Elsa could hear some children faintly shrieking delightedly. "Little one," Elsa said out loud, "Can you turn to the right please?" The view turned as instructed with a slight wobbly shift. The image blink for a second before it opened up back to full view again. The mirror now reflects two little girls playing with each other, both sitting on plastic toy buckets while pretending to be drinking tea.

At least the book got my mirror part right…sort of. Elsa thought. In truth, other than her little snowmen being tasked with the duty of storing and returning stored items, they were also her eyes. Tooth came up with the solution to use the minions as her eyes on earth wherever and whenever there were snow. The little snow men can easily make themselves look like regular clomps of snowballs once they remained still and slightly closed their eyes and mouth. That way, they can help keep a close eye over the children and report back to Elsa if they ever spot any danger that would require the Beings' help. It took her several years to develop the ability of seeing through the eyes of her minions, and a hundred more before finally having mastery over the ability completely.

Elsa smiled at the sight. Good job Katie. She thought to herself. Katie has always been a shy girl and so finds it hard to get up the courage to talk to anyone. But one day—not so long ago, a girl named Mira had bluntly asked Katie if she wanted to play with her. Katie was hesitant to accept at first, but said yes anyway because she was intimidated. And now a month later, here she is with her first new friend.

"Have they been getting along well?" Elsa asked. The image was shaken enthusiastically up and down for a second. "That's good to hear…Can you watch Katie a litter longer? Just for another week, and then you can come home." Another enthusiastic answered, but it came with a delighted tiny squeal. "—Careful!" cried Elsa. But it was too late; the girls heard the squeal and looked around in confusion. The image stiffened, and Elsa held her breath. The girls started to search for the source of the sound and were getting very close. Elsa had hidden the little one snug underneath the bushes, but there was still a chance the girls will find him and may use him as a snowball. "Run if you have to; don't worry if they see you running." Elsa told it quietly, as though the children can hear her. The little snowman starts to gently push itself deeper into the bushes, while still keeping its eyes open and facing forward.

Mira was getting closer, and Elsa was about to yell for it to run, but then a woman off screen called for the girls to come in for coco. The children quickly abandon their search for the chocolate drink.

Once gone, the little snowman sighed with a woooh, before toppling over onto its side. "Are you alight?" The little snowman blinked and nodded its head. "I'm going to leave you now, but I'll check up on you again in a few days before the end of the week." The snowman blinked with a giggle. Elsa snapped her fingers and the image changed. She continues to check several other snowmen she has station before finally snapping the mirror to return to its ordinary reflection.

Elsa then heard some sort of commotion happening outside, so she folded the mirror and slid it out of the way. She walks out onto the balcony to look down, and saw that both Olaf and Marshmallow has return; Olaf is standing on his brother's left shoulder waving happily at their little brothers, while in Marshmallow's right hand, he's holding an ice sculpture of what looks to be a yeti holding above him a large snowball.

Olaf spotted Elsa. "Elsa! We won! We get to keep the trophy until the next game!"

"Congratulation boys!" she calls down to them.

Marshmallow has the most triumphant smile Elsa has ever seen from him, and he hardly ever smile in general. Marshmallow was so happy that he started jumping, shaking the whole ground. Elsa was high enough to only have felt the vibration of Marshmallow's jumping, but it was still strong enough to shake some of the books off her bookshelves, as well as knocking many of the little ones off their feet. Olaf was somehow managing to maintain his balance on his brother, while also happily jumping along with him.

"Alright Marshmallow, alright!" she shouted down to him. He soon stops and looks embarrassingly at Elsa. Olaf stops jumping a few seconds later after Marshmallow. "Alright boys…where do you want to keep the trophy now that you have it?"

Olaf thought quickly. "We need a display stand! And it can be right in front of the Palace." Marshmallow and the little ones gave a cheer.

Elsa smiled and chuckled. "Simple enough." She waves her hand in preparation to create the stand.

"No wait Elsa. We should to make it ourselves."

Elsa raised a brow. "Are you sure?"

"Of course! Right Marshmallow?" His brother gave him a happy nod.

"Well then, at least you well still need a block of ice to carve your stand out of. Or would you prefer wood or stone?"

The little snowmen quickly formed themselves into the word "ICE!"

"Agreed." said Olaf, and Marshmallow nodded in agreement as well.

Waving her hands again, she created a large block of ice in front of the palace. "Have fun boys." She turns to go back inside, but then stops after a thought. "And the tools should be in the stable."

"Thank-you Elsa!" and they started moving to the stable. Elsa moved towards the fallen books to pick them up.


Just as she started placing the books back, when faintly, the panpipes started sounding…It was her favorite song…Home Sweet Home…Elsa could feel that the winds blowing the pips were not normal, but there was no need to turn around. Instead, she continues on with the task leisurely, while humming the lyrics of the song. Elsa came to one book where its place was right at the top half of the shelfs; she was going to have to make a step ladder in order to reach the shelf she wanted. But before she could, the book was gently taken from her hand and placed back in its place.

Without any word, Elsa just smiled, and Jack smiled back while admiring down at her. She resumes her humming and her task, and Jack joined her in both work and song.

"Hello Jack," Elsa finally said as the last book was put away, and the song came to an end.

"Hello Snow Queen," replied Jack as he floated back down.

When his feet touched the ground, Elsa wrapped her arms around him, and he did the same.

"Now how has your day been?" Elsa asked, kissing Jack on the cheek.

Jack rubbed both of her cheeks with his thumb, in which Elsa brought up her own hands to feel his. "Mmmm well…nothing much really. I visited Alice's kids earlier this morning."

"Alice, you mentioned her before…isn't she a descendent of Jaime Bennet?"

"Yeah, that's her. Her kids have been down lately so I thought I could do something for them."

"A snowflake to the nose?" Elsa lightly brought her nose to his and they both chuckled.

"No-no. You know that wouldn't be right, to make the kids have fun and feel happy when they're not ready. It's going to take some time but, I'll get them wanting to have fun again." Smoothly, Jack swept Elsa off her feet and into his arms, carrying her across the room and over onto the bed."

Elsa chuckled. "Jack, what do you think you're doing?"

"I want to lie down. With you next to me of course."

Reaching the bed, Jack carefully leans his staff against the night stand and climbed onto bed before laying Elsa down. He then lays himself next to her.

"Now tell me about your day. You visited a kid named JJ right. How was he?"

Elsa proceeded to tell Jack about how she was visiting JJ at night, out of the request of the child himself. He wanted her to be there when his father reads to him and his brothers about The Snow Queen.

"Oooh? Was it the traditional tale written by Hans Christian Andersen?"

"It was."

"Hmmm. I can't remember. Did you ever like his version of you?"

"I do in sort. I only wish he hadn't made me seem so cold."

"The truth tends to stray," Jack reminded her gently, and he squeezes her hand in his. Jack also felt around the ring she has on her finger, and brought her hand forward for the both of them to look at.

"Just one week away," said Elsa quietly. "One week away, and then I can take off the ring…"

Elsa remembers quite well, the day Jack gave her the ring. "…Forever?" He had asked her.

"And ever more," she had answered.

"…Keep that ring with you at all times from now on then…It's a Moon Ring, specially made by Manny himself... If you still feel the same way as you do after several years, you will see me again…and we may possibly be together."

"Is that even possible?" Elsa said with hesitation and doubt. "How? I thought—"

"I found a solution, but it's a slim chance…"

"…But what's the price?"

Jack didn't answer.

"If that's the case then how long exactly is several years—and why so long—and-and—"

"That's just how it has to be Snow Queen…It's a test set by Manny…You won't be able to hide your true feelings or lie to yourself, the ring won't let you. After several years and if your feelings for me has change, then the ring will become dimmer and dimmer until eventually it'll disappear, like it was never there. But if your feelings remain unchanged…then maybe…"

"…This is an unfair test…Before this, I was fully prepared. Perhaps not ready, but I was resolved to hold my feelings towards you, even though I knew I was never going to see you ever again…or even if it means I was going to love someone else one day you would always be my first love…But now you're telling me to—you're making me…Now that I know there's a chance for us to be together, how do you expect my feelings for you not to change if you're not there to help me maintain them for several years?!" Elsa then laughed a breathless laugh. "Damn it Jack! I didn't want this to turn into a waiting game with a possible fruitless ending—I wasn't even given this option to prepare for until now!"

"You are right, this test is unfair. This test will hurt your heart more than mine…But I want you to understand: that the ring isn't there to burden you; it isn't there as a reminder, a force for you to keep your commitment to me. It is there to let you know the truth about your feelings, and to accept them, and for me to accept them…If the both of us truly wish to be together again someday, then the test must be a fair gamble on chances of time, and people changing our feelings. After all, I'm not just asking you to go through heartaches over a patient test...I'm asking you to be with me forever."

Elsa smile solemnly. "And how long is forever by your definition?" Jack didn't answer. "…Jack?"

Jack never answered. After a few minutes, there was a strong wind that blew against the branches of the frozen dew, sounding many of them at the same time wildly.

Elsa knew Jack had left.


After she'd died, Elsa woke up to find Jack in her room waiting for her. But when she reached out to touch him, Elsa found her body to be transparent, something like that of a ghost. Jack then explained everything to her. He explained to Elsa that there are two ways spirits and Beings are born: there are those who are born from legends, myths, and stories, if enough people believe in them strongly, then life can be born from their beliefs. Meanwhile there were spirits and Beings like Jack himself, who were given a new life through the powers of another Being—but very few has that sort of power.

So Jack came up with a plan. If he can get enough people to believe in 'The Snow Queen,' then there's a chance Elsa can become a spirit or Being through the power of belief. Jack was aware that for a brand new life to be born from legends, it may take centuries to accumulate enough believers, but that wasn't a problem. Jack would wait as long as it would take for Elsa to be born once again from stories and such by the natural course of time…However…Jack was unsure about the manifestation of Beings and spirits born from human's own beliefs alone. He has only ever seen and heard of people starting out alive before becoming Beings and Spirits: like Mother Nature, Father Time, and so forth. Their identity and their true self remain unchanged as they go through their transformation from human to Beings. But what happens if they are already dead? Without the assistance of a powerful Being, the new Being, would then be sole born from human's own beliefs alone. And of course…the truth always strays. Would the new born Being or Spirit still managed to retain their identity from the past life or no?

So Jack searched far and wide for a year as fast as he could, to learn what happens to the Beings who are born purely from beliefs. His research has led him to mainly focus on the Japanese's myths and legends, mostly urban legends. Those were easy to produce and easy to spread, as well as can easily accumulate hundreds of believers. The first example he came upon was the one called Kuchisake-onna—The Slit Mouth Woman. Jack has never heard of this Sprit nor has he ever even seen her during his first four hundred years of life whenever he travels to Japan. But his research has shown she started appearing in the last hundred years of his five. So he goes over to Japan—just to try to learn more about her…He did had…unfortunate encounters of her but what he learned was more valuable. It was true that one day, a man had caught his wife cheating and slit her mouth open ear to ear, but what brought her to life—transforming her to a Spirit, were the rumors that spread about her. Jack couldn't find who originally spread the rumors nor who had set the conditions of what would happen if any human children should meet her. But, she came to life in the exact manifestation that the rumors and conditions had set her in. There were other examples that Jack had found to follow in similar to Kuchisake-onna, but it would be better if he could test the theory. If he started a rumor and set certain conditions, would it then become a myth—a legend? And will then a Being or Spirit be born for it following the exact beliefs of the humans? It was a tempting experiment, but Jack held himself back…for such a thing…would be wrong. It would go against everything he is meant to do and be as a Guardian. It would make him no better than Pitch, who can whisper nightmares and fears into children's ears as they sleep.

After learning all he could, Jack felt like his whole body weigh heaver than the gravitation of the Earth. If waited naturally for Elsa's birth as a Being, then there's a good chance that once the Snow Queen is reborn, then the Elsa he knows may not be there…She may start out with a clean slate without any attachment to her true identity and past memories...

Jack didn't want to, but he didn't know what else can be done. So Jack had spent hours every night asking Manny to give him time, make it somehow that she can have immortality like the wizard Ombric, just until he can guide enough believers to believe in the true story of the Snow Queen, so that she'll be reborn as herself. Jack had even boldly asked Manny to have her join the Guardianship, arguing that she would make a good addition to the Guardian.

However, Manny didn't agree to Jack's plan, the Guardian was even slightly angry with Jack's selfish request. Manny had thought better of the Snow Miser, for the spirit knows best to let time take its course, and let Elsa resume living her normal human life. Even Rapunzel and Eugene haven't asked for anything as such, and neither had Hiccup—who is the closes to Jack's position when it came time for him to let his own love interest go. Manny made it very clear to Jack, that if Rapunzel and Hiccup had come asking a similar request, then he would equally deny their wish. Guardianship—or the life of a Being, he does not offer on a whim.

…If there was anything though, Manny couldn't deny the fact that Elsa would make a good addition to their kind, as a Light Being. But Manny has no reason to change Elsa by his own magic if he doesn't require her to be a Guardian. If it is ever truly meant for her to join the likes of Light Beings, then time would tell. So one night, Manny decided to make a deal with Jack. He presented the spirit with a moon ring, in which Manny had made out of moon rocks: crushing them to fine dust and then purifying the grains and fusing them together to become a starlight metal. Manny shaped the ring to his liking but it was left incomplete. Unpolished. That job he left for Jack to do. Once Jack had finished the ring, Manny explained the deal to Jack.

The ring will act as a connecter, allowing Elsa's spirit to move around after she dies, but she will not be in solid form. Elsa will only achieve solidi when enough humans believe in her; and whether they are aware of her true legend or not, it will no longer matter because of the ring. Basically by raising her soul, it is also maintaining her spirit from changing. But until then, the ring must remain on her finger. Otherwise, not only will she disappear, but she will then be vulnerable to changes, and can possibly be reborn as a different Snow Queen. But there were conditions to this deal as well. Other than the ring acting as a connecter, it was in indicator…For the both of them. During her human life, if Elsa no longer feels the way she does towards Jack, then the magic won't work. Once Elsa dies and rise, it will be Jack's turn. If his feelings toward Elsa ever falter before she becomes a Being or spirit, then she will disappear. And lastly, it will be Elsa's task to get people to believe in her and Jack can't help. Just as some spirits and Beings struggle to find believers in their myths, Elsa must also go through the same process.


Brushing her hair back, Jack asked. "So what will you do with the ring once it's off? Will you give it back to Manny?

"Do I have to?"

"He never mentioned any part of that in our deal."

Elsa twists the ring around her finger. "Then I would like to keep it, though it will be a while before I wear it again."

"…Really?" asked Jack, as his cheeks lightly colored and he scratch the back of his neck. "Cause I was hoping to use it for something else."

Elsa eyes widen in surprise. "Use it again? For who?"

Jack chuckled, "For you silly," and he took Elsa's hand with the ring again. "I always thought the ring should go on a different finger," and he touched Elsa's wedding finger, "but it didn't seem like a good idea at the time."

Elsa smiled and pulls away. "Don't tell me you already told Rapunzel about your plan with the ring?"

"Why? Afraid she'll start taking over the wedding plans before we can even get started?"

"I'm not afraid. And I know she would definitely take over."

Rolling over onto his side, Jack then asked, "Would that be such a bad thing? Though then again, she may just go overboard with the flowers."

"Would they even survive surrounded by ice?"

"You want an ice themed wedding?"

Smiling happily, Elsa said. "Well don't you?"

Leaning in, Jack nuzzled her noise with his own. "If there's an ice cream cake involve then sure."

Laughing, Elsa rolls onto her side. "Jack Frost, haven't you gotten enough of ice cream yet?"

Laughing as well, Jack started floating again. "Heck no! I'll never get tired of it." Jack then lands flat on the bed while laughing again. "Just like how I'll never get tired of you!"

Elsa narrow her eyes at him, and then she started dissolving her shoes so then she can touch Jack's feet with her own. "Comparing me to ice cream…That's certainly nice Jack Frosts."

Returning sarcasm with another, Jack said. "But the both of you taste so sweet, and cold." At that, Elsa kicked him, and he laughed.

"Well if you want ice cream so much, just the cake then. Everything else can't be ice cream."

Rolling over to face Elsa, Jack said, "Hey, if that's the rule, then there can be only one chocolate dish at the wedding."

Elsa took two fingers and jabbed hard into his chest. "Now wait just a minute Jack, chocolate can be used for a verity of dishes other than desert. Meanwhile ice cream is very limited."

Jack grabs her fingers and gently squeeze. "Well over excessive consumption of chocolate is bad for your heath!"

"I believe ice cream has ten times the amount that chocolate has."

It looks as though Jack has more to say, but he stopped himself and grins. Then he surprised Elsa by kissing her on her forehead. "Alright then, fine. We'll compromise. We'll have a chocolate ice cream cake instead. Depending on how big the cake will be, you can get all the chocolate taste you want, and I can get my desire of ice cream."

Elsa kissed Jack back on the chin. "Aren't wedding cakes supposed to be traditionally white though? I don't think brown colored cakes ever look good at weddings."

"Then we'll just have vanilla base on the outside and chocolate inside."

Sighing, Elsa returns flat on her back. "Tooth is going to complain about the sugar isn't she?"

"I would be surprise if she doesn't."

The two of them started laughing at the thought of Tooth lecturing them at their wedding heathy teeths. Once they were finished, Jack cocked his head, and started moving to the center of the bed, Elsa followed Jack's example and once more laying side-by-side with him.

This was a favorite habit of theirs together. For though neither of them requires sleep any longer, Elsa still likes the feeling of lying down in bed. Sometime, she would get the phantom experience of drowsiness and would let her eyes fall though she can't actually fall asleep…Elsa had never thought that out of all her human experiences, she would miss the need for sleep the most.

Elsa turned her head to look at Jack, and saw that his eyes were closed. "Jack?" He hummed in response. "Do Beings really practice marriage?"

"Some do: ceremonies can vary, or some just simply declare themselves mate or partners to their lovers. But so few Beings and Spirits ever get together, so I guess overall the practice of marriage is hardly ever performed."

"Oh…" Hesitatingly, Elsa rolls herself over to rest against Jack, in which he willing adjusted his arm for her to lay on while holding her close. "…What about…What about children?" At that Jack opened his eyes, and turned to face Elsa. Elsa closed her own eyes and cuddles closer to Jack. "Do Beings produce children…?"

"…Do you want children?"

"Possibly…But I know you've dreamed about a family of your own ever since you were human. You didn't get a chance then but now…"

Elsa opens her eyes to meet Jack's. She then moved a hand to rest against his chest and he took it into his free hand. Jack slowly took a deep breath through the nose and released it out the same way. He then closed his eyes and Elsa the same. "Marriage is a rare practice among Beings and Spirits. And the practice of children is even rarer." For a while they stayed where they are, listing to the other one's breathing, and feeling the rise and fall of the other's chest, "…Children…is a very loose definition in a sense to Beings and Spirits…Some Beings I know don't reproduce in the same manner of what you are thinking. Like the fairies from Pixy Hallow, they are born whenever a human baby laughs for the first time. Mother Nature, she refers to all the special plants she personally grows as her children, and everyone knows for certain that the Being will never take on a mate or partner…The only good example perhaps is Tooth. She's is an offspring between a Being and a Human."

That information was familiar to Elsa, and she opens her eyes just slightly. Elsa thinks she remembers seeing it in the Promise Book years ago, but maybe at the time, because she and Anna were scrolling through it for the last possible time that Elsa missed it. "Then there is a chance."

"But they were alive…and we're dead…"

"But we can always try…" Elsa then buries her face into Jack's clothes. "…And we never…actually tried…anything like that before."

Jack blushed hard, and turned his head away, while squeezing Elsa's hand slightly harder. "Nope…No we haven't…"

"Then…It's another possible adventure for us."

Jack chucked. "Another possible adventure." he repeated. After a minute, Jack took another deep breath before turning to look back at Elsa again, and he also nudged her to look at him.

"Elsa…Be honest with me…are you happy?"

Elsa blinked in confusion. "Of course I am? Why wouldn't I be?"

Jack was careful in choosing his next words. "You've been amazing Elsa. It didn't take you and Rapunzel long at all to accumulate the number of believers you need in order to sustain yourself and your existence."

"Well Disney helped."

Jack choked back a burst of laugh. "Yeah, Disney helped. Damn, I don't know how those guys ever did it—but they got your story down to a tee…But, really though. you've gotten over several hard hurdles that aren't easy to take as an immortal.

Elsa quickly thought of Anna and Kristoff, but especially Anna. "Not all of them," she said quietly, and Jack nodded in understanding.

"But you're handling them so much better than the rest of us, even Rapunzel."

Elsa reached up with a hand and touched his face. Shen then traced her hand down under the collar of his shirt like hundreds of times, and pulls out his necklace. "Perhaps it's because I always got you by my side. You may not have been able to help me with finding believers, but you were always there to help me with the other stuff."

"And now a new challenge will be upon you in a week's time once the ring comes off." Jack leans in close to Elsa. "Do you think…you will ever grow tired of a Being's life, and wished instead to have stayed as a human…? Do you think…you will ever grow tired of me?

Elsa reached up again to touch his cheek. "I think…there will be days or years were I will be bored as a Being. But you and the others have managed that through the companies of others and through doing your own personal interests. With everyone, and with you, I will never be alone or find a Being's life boring. And since you will always be by my side, how can I grow tired of you, when all I want is to be with you as well?"

Then, with a gentle rub of her fingers, Elsa produces a single snowflake and send it to Jack's noise. In response, Jack did the same. And then together, they nuzzled each other's nose for a few seconds, before Jack reaches behind Elsa's neck to pull her in to a kiss.

They kisses on an on until finally Elsa broke their contact to catch her breath. When Jack try to resume their kissing, Elsa stopped him. "Wait Jack." she said out of breath.

Jack was painting as well, but was able to control his breathing better. "Yes Snow Queen?"

"Will you…make one last Pact with me?"

Smiling, Jack asked, "What sort of Pact Snow Queen?"

Elsa blushed. "Just that..."

Jack lightly lifts up a brow and touched her cheek. "Just what?"

"No—" and Elsa avoided Jack's kiss. Blushing even harder, she then said, "…You hardly ever call me by my name, it's always Snow Queen…You told me a long time ago, that before there was ever a Snow Queen, there was always Elsa…So please…I want to hear you call me Elsa more often…"

Jack's smile widens, and he proceeded in kissing Elsa, preventing her from moving her head with his hands to avoid his kiss. Once she was out of breath again, Jack allowed her to break their contact. Then sweetly, with his lips lightly brushing against hers, he said softly. "And what, will you promise me in return, Elsa?" Smiling, and unable to stop herself, Elsa created a snowflake on her fingertip and touched it against his noise. Jack also mirrored the action. And for a long, long, while, they remained wrapped in each other's arms, with their eyes closed, just listening, and feeling, to the rise and fall of each other's heartbeats: Jack just lightly tracing the ring on Elsa's finger, and Elsa, lightly fiddling with Jack's necklace dew.


References (I'll just mainly be listing the less noticeable references to keep the lists short, and to give credit to the artists):

*All the black sand animals that Pitch used other than the horses, came from the Rise of The Guardian game. His shadow minions like the: Fearlings and Dream Pirates all originally came from the "Guardians of Childhood" and "Rise of the Guardians" book sires. The monster worm thing was my own creation. Plus the iron sand armor came from the books as well.

*Lukas, Grill, and Lipso were modeled after the fan art by .com: Lipso is labeled number 1, Grill at 10, and Lukas 5.

*The little mouse warror that Lukas received from North was a reference from the book and Tv series Red Wall.

*When Lukas was looking through the Promise Book, he came across a strange white little creature called Gurgi: a reference from the movie "The Black Cauldron," it's one of my favorites—couldn't help adding it in.

*The setting and descriptions of Tooth's Palace is based on the illustrated arts of the books and movie of Rise of the Guardian. (However, the location of Tooth's Palace is actually in India as described in the books...I accidentally had it located more like in a Chinese artwork before I actually read into Tooth's background story in full detail.)

*In the chapter The Lost Story, where it talked about how Pitch the King of Nightmares came to be, I biased it off from the original story of the book series.

*In the chapter twenty called Day Three, when the sun was blocked by Pitch's minions, they are actually that powerful and did that in the books.

*In the Chapter By Day and Night: Anna noticed a flaming sword design in Hiccup's blacksmith workshop, it's the sword Inferno from How to Train Your Dragons 2. The character Ombric is an original character from the books, and so is Katherine: The Guardian of Storytelling.

*Elisa: Jack's past lover. Her name was take from the 1979 stop-motion Jack Frost movie, but her depiction was based on the fan art by Milady 666 on deviantart.

*From the Chapter Lost Knowledge: The idea for the Golden Army also came from the books. But the Golden Weapons using dream sand was my own idea and how both the weapons and armors were made through dream sands wasn't mention in the book as far as I am aware of.

*From the Chapter 33 Sleep Song: the song that Rapunzel sang was also called Sleepsong (no space) by Secret Garden.

*Jack's layers and Pitch's were based from an artwork posted by someone from painterest.

*In chapter 39 Under the Moon: the song Home Sweet Home, it's melody was composed by Sir Henry Bishop with lyrics by Payne. And the song that Jack sang to Elsa came from a Chinese drama called The Myth 2010; the song is called Myth of Stars and Moon, or "Xin Yue Shen Hua."

*The song from Elsa music box is based from a Japanese music from the anime Special A. It's called Megumi's Song, or "Hoshi No Nagareru Yoru Ni."

*The Snow Queen story that was read to the children follows the Hans Christian Anderson story, but only the description of the garrets and the garden loosely comes from the book, while the rest was taken from the 1957 movie The Snow Queen.


Possible Future Fanfic Stories:

This one is another Rise of The Guardian/Frozen except it takes a bit from she show Once Upon A Time. This fanfic can do two ways: "Anna has gone off to a place call, The Enchanted Forest, in search of the truth to why her parents has gone off to a secret voyage. Meanwhile back at home, Elsa faces a threat of War with Hans and His brothers leading the way. In order to save Arendelle, Elsa and Kristoff must go find and destroy an Urn that Hans plans to use to trap her in. However, they weren't expecting the Urn to already be holding something. Or somethings...

Or Second Verson

Elsa is once again reunited with Anna and Kristoff in Storybrooke, and along with the Heros of Storybrooke, they managed to find Ingrid's magic mirror and break it. However, Ingrid isn't finished yet. She vows she can repair the mirror soon enough, and leaves for the outside to hunt down the pieces needed, but not before freezing the whole town. Elsa and the others manged to escape before the spell hits them and now must go after Ingrid and stop her. Along they way, they gained some powerful allies, but may have also drag their new friends to their doom.


Still another ROTG/Frozen, but think F.R.E.I.N.D version. I've yet to actually find a fanfic of this idea and I want to read one so bad, so I thought I might as well write one. And like the other other two above, Hiccup, Rapunzel, and Merida will also be in it. If anyone knows a good fanfic of this idea, please recommend it to me. :)


This one is molded after the television series Leverage: "Elsa and Anna don't know how, but somehow, they were dragged into the life of a crime crew of modern-day Robin Hoods, pulling elaborate scams targeted against the greedy and the corrupt. Leader/Mastermind: Jackson Overland, nicknamed Jack Frost; Hacker: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock lll; Hitter: Merida; Grifiter: Rapunzel; and thief: Eugene Fitzherbert."


This one is anime from Daily Life With Monster Girls, and I'm leaning towards this one for a change: "The impossible has just happen. From a recreant case, an exchanged monster whom has gotten married to a human, and comes from a race that can only produce females, has given birth to a male! Not only that, but a human male! Emergency actions must be taken. Now that there is a slight chance of monsters giving birth to human children, the Inter-Species Exchange Sect must find ways to be sure that a human baby can be raised with a monster parent, and Miss Smith knows the perfect test subjects to have a trial on..."


Lastly, this one is from the book series Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children: "It's been a year since the battle has been won between the Peculiars and the Hallows, and slowly, Jacob has been teaching his friends how to be normal as they can be, while also teaching them how to live in the current year. As for his parents...they're still slowly learning to accept things...One day while taking a vacation to Colorado, Jacob and his friends encounters a strange Peculiar girl who robs them. And what's more, Jacob knew this girl; she was an old childhood friend...whom he thought had died in a car accident. What has happen to this Girl? And should Jacob and the others stay away from her? For it seems the more they get to know her, the more she seems like a danger to herself and other Peculiars."