Author's Note: I got Super Smash Bros. Wii U about a week ago, I've already unlocked all of the characters and I absolutely love to play as Lucina as the Fire Emblem characters are my teammates, especially M!Robin. I'm barely watching some playthroughs of FE: Awakening so I apologize for any incorrect information of Lucina, Robin, Ike, and Marth. This is possibly the first fan-fiction of SSBB I'll write, but be warned that I'll most likely won't update frequently as I write other fan-fictions on other websites that aren't Nintendo related. Also, to my followers, sorry if this isn't the type of story you were looking forward to, I lost motivation to continue to finish my other stories. I will try to finish those next year. I apologize for not updating those fan-fictions over 5 months.

Again, I apologize the long author's note, I haven't wrote a fan-fiction [that's been posted on this website] in a long period of time. Anyways, let's get to the story since no one will read that huge paragraph. Enjoy!


The blue-haired female groans and covers her head with a pillow. She can hear the person groaning at how stubborn she was. "I refuse to get up," Lucina mutters and opens her eyes as the pillow is pulled from her hands. The sunlight blinds her vision before Lucina closes her eyes again. "Give me 5 more min-"

Without warning, Lucina feels a pair of hands onto hers in a tight grip, attempting to pull her off of the comfortable furniture. "I'll get up! I'll get up! Now get your hands off me!" The girl snatches her hands from her friend. "Sorry about that, I didn't know how to get you out of bed."

"Robin! I-I'm sorry about my behavior! I didn't expect you to-" stutters Lucina, who was blushing, but luckily the silver-haired male was not looking at his embarrassed friend. "It's alright, I shouldn't have came here. I mean, I wanted to wake you up so you would not be tardy to breakfast, but.."

Biting his bottom lip, Robin felt uneasy at this moment right now. He didn't think this through; if he were caught leaving out of Lucina's bedroom, the Smashers would mostly likely take this the wrong way. What if Chrom manages to hear this news and think that Robin was possibly taking advantage of his daughter-


Lucina blinks at her friend, who seems like he was deep in thought. "Are you okay?" asks Lucina. She can see that Robin was stressing himself out. Why? Was it because he felt uneasy with the fact that Lucina was in her sleepwear? Or-. Oh.

"I certainly don't think the Smashers would think of us in that way if someone catches you leaving my room. We've been here for a few days Robin, I doubt people will think we are in a relationship just because you entered my room simply to wake me up." Lucina glances at Robin as she was already off of her bed and stretching. A moan escapes from her mouth, which catches Robin's attention. "That's true. I'll go and wait for you in the dining room I suppose. I'll see you then," the silver-haired male tries to remain his cool and exits the room.

Closing the door after him, Robin sighs and clears his throat. That wasn't even a sexual moan Robin! I know you never heard Lucina make that type of noise, but-


The person who was approaching Robin was no other than one of the famous brawlers, Link. "I didn't have sex with Lucina, I swear! We aren't in a relationship either!" blurts out Robin. The Hylian blinks at the tactician, who was blushing furiously. "I-I guess that answers my question?" Link replies in a confused tone. "I know you and Lucina don't have anything special. Plus if you two were doing something special last night, someone might have heard you guys and that wouldn't be good, trust me."

"May I ask what happened?"

"Luigi heard loud moans that was about a few doors away from his, and surprisingly he took matters in his own hands, so he knocks on that door, yelling at them to be quiet. And the next thing you know, the door wasn't locked so the door opens and that's the story how Luigi cannot see his brother and Princess Peach the same ever again."


"Man, you should've seen how petrified the poor guy was, he could hardly be in the same room with his brother and the princess," Link chuckles as he remembers the many times Luigi leaves a room whenever Mario or Peach enters. "At least some people are getting some action, that's good..right?" Robin looks up at Link, smiling for a moment.

Link laughs a bit, before saying, "You know, I like you. You aren't that terrible like Sonic and Diddy Kong once they arrived here." "Uh, thanks?" The tactician replies as he stares at the swordsman.

That was suppose to be a compliment, right? Robin asks himself. "I'll see you around. If you ever need anything, especially any advice, you can come to me. Also, I'll suggest that you wouldn't raise your voice like that because I'm absolutely sure Lucina heard your 'excuse'," Link glances at the door behind Robin before he walks off.


Robin slaps his forehead with his hand, he completely forgot he was near Lucina's room. That's when the tactician remembers his promise with his friend and begins to make his way to the dining room. All Robin could do right now was pray that his friend didn't hear his conversation with the Hylian.

Author's Note: Was it terrible? Sorry it was short, it's 1:30 AM right now. I should get some sleep, and criticism is allowed. I'll try and extend the chapters for this fan-fiction. Please inform me if I changed Lucina's and Robin's attitude since I'm barely watching playthroughs of FE: Awakening. If you'd like, you can tell me if their attitude is fine and that Link's personality is acceptable.