Spencer's stay had been thankfully uneventful besides the constant stream of visitors. After the team had left on Christmas Day and Spencer and Derek had woken from their nap, Fran handed Mikayla back to Spencer and the three of them spent some quality time together, Fran taking more pictures than Garcia had earlier that morning. A specialist had come in later on to try and see if Spencer could breastfeed, but after many failed attempts and tests were done, it was concluded that Spencer didn't have enough milk producing to feed Mikayla naturally. He was upset but not heartbroken at this news; he had done his research and found that many males who gave birth couldn't feed their child like that. "It makes it easier in a way," he had told Derek and Fran when the specialist walked away. "This way Derek can get up and feed her as well." After Mikayla had been brought up to the nursery for the night, Spencer's doctor came back and was pleased that his blood pressure was dropping back into the normal range, Spencer and Derek sighing with relief as well.

Spencer started to get antsy sitting in bed, so with Derek and Fran's help he did a couple of slow laps around the maternity floor. Once back in bed Fran left for the night, one of Mikayla's blankets with her, and Derek tried to get Spencer to eat the food the staff had brought him but he refused. Derek ended up leaving for a bit to pick up some subs from their favorite sub shop. The nursing staff weren't happy, but it made Spencer much happier and he actually ate. Both of them fell asleep not long after they finished dinner, many loving endearments shared between the two of them, cuddling next to each other in the way they always slept.

The next morning Derek was up first and he let Spencer sleep, knowing how tired he was. Kissing his forehead he slipped out of bed and went in the search for coffee, hoping it would wake him up more than he was at the moment. Hospital beds were just not comfortable to sleep on, even if he did have his little space heater to share it with. He made two cups, knowing Spencer would be dying for a cup after not having any for nearly 7 months, and walked back to his room. When he walked in, he saw Spencer was still asleep. Instead of going to the bed he went to the window in the room and looked outside. The snow had stopped falling earlier yesterday not long after they had gotten to the hospital. To Derek, who was used to the snow and loved it almost as much as he loved his family, the snow brought a smile to his face. Back when he was a kid he always thought snow made the city of Chicago more pretty, erasing any bad marks people tried to leave on it. Snow just made things prettier somehow.

He looked away from the window when he heard the sound of wheels and footsteps coming into the room. Turning around Derek saw one of the nurses come in with Mikayla, wrapped up in a blanket and a cap on her head. "How did she do last night?" he asks walking towards them, scooping her up from her makeshift bed.

The nurse smiles, saying, "She's the calmest newborn I've seen in a long time. She only cried when she needed to be fed or her diaper changed. We all love her up there, she's an angle. Someone will be by later to help you fill out the birth certificate." She looks away from Derek over to Spencer, who was still sleeping soundly. "Daddy all tuckered out still?"

Taking his eyes off of Mikayla for a second to look at Spencer he nods his head. "He hadn't been sleeping well the last couple of weeks since she was always moving around. Add in the stress of delivering at home and doing a few laps around the floor yesterday he's exhausted. Normally he's up and about by now, but I don't think we'll be seeing that side of him for a little while."

Nodding her head the nurse says, "Probably not. Most that I've seen are usually in pain for a bit longer than females, especially if they didn't have a cesarean. He'll be sore for the next couple of weeks, but he'll be himself in no time if he relaxes when his body tells him too. The more he rests, the faster he'll heal. I'll leave you alone for now; don't hesitate to call if you need anything." Before leaving she takes a look in the fridge. "I'll prepare some more bottles for you guys, she'll be hungry soon."

Derek smiled as the nurse left, surprised at how much help they were receiving from them. Both he and Spencer knew how to prepare her bottles and could easily do it on their own, but for now he would take the help. He looks down at his daughter and noticed her eyes were open. "Well good morning little miss sunshine," he says to her, sitting in the rocking chair. "How are we doing this morning?" He can't help but laugh lightly when Mikayla lets out a little coo. He lifts the cap off of her head and shakes his head. "I can't believe how much hair you have already. It's so soft, just like your Daddy's. You're going to take after him so much, I can see it already." He slips the cap back on just as he hears footsteps coming into the room and the sound of a camera clicking. Looking up he sees his mother and Garcia with a big smile on her face and phone in hand.

"So cute, Hot Chocolate, I couldn't resist," she says, walking over and hugging him carefully before grabbing Mikayla out of his hands. "Hello my gorgeous niece," she says, walking slowly around the room.

Derek gets up and walks over to his mother, hugging her tightly. "How did Clooney do with the blanket?" he asks her, taking a sip of his coffee.

Fran smiles as she says, "He did really good. He was curious at first, constantly smelling it, but he wasn't looking to hide it or take it from me. He followed me when I brought it into her room and he stayed right by the crib when I left it in there. His tail never stopping wagging. We have nothing to worry about when we get home." She looked up at her son and before he could say anything she spoke. "The mattress has been replaced and Garcia managed to find the exact same bedding you had. Everything is being picked up today so it will be set when you guys get home in a few days."

Derek sighs in relief, knowing he had to worry about one less thing. "Thanks Mom, you're the best. We greatly appreciate it."

"Anytime son," she says, embracing him in a hug. She looks over and sees Spencer laying in the bed, eyes closed and no signs of stress on his face. "He's still sleeping?" she asks as they let go of one another.

"Yea," he says, facing her once they let go. "He's still exhausted so I'm letting him sleep as much as he wants. I know he's hurting, and all he'll take is Tylenol, which really doesn't do much. I just woke up myself about 45 minutes ago. I might wake him up soon; he hasn't eaten anything since last night and I know he needs the nutrients."

Fran nods her head, looking up at the clock on the wall. "It's 10:30 now. If he's not up by 11, we'll wake him up. I'll go get some food for you guys, he doesn't need this hospital food." Before Derek could warn her about what happened last night she walks out of the room, purse and car keys in hand. He walks over to where Garcia is with his daughter, smiling at watching the two of them interact.

"She's amazing Derek. Congratulations," she says. Derek places a kiss on her forehead and smiles down at some of the most important females in his life.


Having to wake Spencer up was unnecessary. Just as Fran walked in with the food he slowly opened his eyes and shifted in bed, gasping slightly when his abdominal muscles complained. Derek came over to help him sit up and together the four adults ate, Mikayla back in her bed right next to them. Spencer let Derek feed Mikayla when she cried, but he insisted on burping and changing her. By the time that was done JJ, Will and Henry had stopped by for a visit. Fran and Garcia stayed with them while Derek helped Spencer take a quick shower even though Spencer insisted he could do it on his own. "I know you're in pain baby, and I'm not going to let you fall on your pretty face," he told him when he protested the help. Spencer would never admit it, but he was thankful for the help since he couldn't bend down to wash his legs without great pain, even sitting down in the little seat built in to the shower.

Derek helped him walk over to the rocking chair once they were done and they enjoyed the company they had. By then Hotch, Jack, Rossi and Emily were there smiling and laughing at whatever Fran had been telling them. Henry and Jack were sitting in one corner talking about what they had gotten from Santa for Christmas while everyone kept glancing over at Mikayla, laughing whenever she did something cute. Derek and Spencer just smiled and laughed when necessary holding hands and kissing each other. At one point Derek picked up Spencer's left hand and kissed the ring that was on his fourth finger and Spencer couldn't help but feel the love from his husband. They had each other, they had their team, and they had their own little family now. Neither of them could be happier.


Two days later they found themselves getting ready to go home. Spencer's blood pressure had gone back into the normal range meaning he didn't have to take any medication, and Mikayla was perfectly healthy. The nurses were gone for the moment, collecting Mikayla from the nursery and some paperwork, and Derek was with some other nurses who were inspecting the car seat to make sure it was installed properly. Spencer had managed to get changed into a pair of sweatpants and button up shirt with some help from Fran. For the moment he was sitting in his bed waiting for Mikayla to come in the room, her 'going home' outfit all set out next to him.

"You ready to get home Spencer?" Fran asks sitting in the chair next to him.

He smiles and nods his head while saying, "More than ready. I can't wait to have her home with us. I know Derek and I are in for a rough couple of months, but I think we're ready."

Fran smiles as she kisses his cheek. "Don't forget you have me with you three for the next couple of days. We don't want you to stress yourself out. Ask for help if you need it even if you think it's a bother. I know how independent you are, but until you're healed up don't be afraid to ask for anything. No matter what you are an amazing parent."

Spencer wipes away some tears, saying, "Thank you," just as a nurse comes in with Mikayla.

"Here we are sweetie. Here's your Daddy," she says excitedly handing Spencer his daughter. "Everything is all set. She was fed recently so she won't need a feeding for a little bit. I passed her Papa on the way in; he has her birth certificate and other papers. Once he comes in with the wheelchair you are all set to go. Oh, I also snuck some ready-made bottles in a bag that I gave to your husband."

Smiling widely Spencer manages to say, "Thank you, thank you so much. Not just for the bottles but for all your help during our stay. You really did help us a lot."

"That's my job. Sadly I have to go now. Take care everyone and best of luck with her. We'll miss her here." With a quick wave she walks out the door.

"She sure loves her job," Fran commented.

Spencer only nods his head, slowly placing Mikayla on the bed. "Time to get you ready to go home Mikayla!" Together Fran and Spencer get her dressed without her letting out a cry. Just as they finish Derek walks in with her carrier and a wheelchair for Spencer. "We all set here?" he asks, leaning down to kiss Spencer and his daughter.

"Yeah. Let's get home," Spencer says. Derek and Spencer get Mikayla settled into her carrier, buckling her in nice and tight with blankets off to the side for now. Fran grabs hold of the carrier while Derek helps Spencer into the wheelchair. Once settled they set off towards the elevator. Reaching the car Derek takes Mikayla and gets her buckled in, then helps Spencer settle in the back with her. Fran gets in the passenger seat while Derek takes the driver's side. With a big smile on his face he drives away from the hospital, ready to start the next chapter in his life.


The drive home was quick and quiet, no radio playing and little talking being done. All three adults were just happy to finally be going home and away from the hospital. Once they reached their home Derek pulled into the driveway and opened the garage with the remote control he had in the car. Confused Spencer gives his husband a questionable look since they never pulled directly into the garage.

"There's a lot of ice on the sidewalk and front step Spence," Derek says in response. "We need salt and since I haven't had the time to run out and get some I figured this was the safest option. The last thing I want to do is have to rush you back to the hospital for a busted knee right after you just got out. The neighbor has Clooney for right now so we can get settled, then I'll go get him."

Spencer gives his husband a nod of approval as Derek parks the car and closes the garage door. He pulls back one of the blankets that covered Mikayla slightly and kisses her forehead. "We're home baby girl," he says in his baby-talk voice as Derek opens the other door. "This is where you get to stay with Daddy and Papa for a long time." He looks up when he feels a hand on his shoulder and can't help but smile when he sees the gleam of joy Derek has all over his face. The two of them kiss quickly.

"Let's get the two of you inside shall we?" Derek asks. When Spencer nods Fran helps him up while Derek takes Mikayla and her carrier. They walk inside together to find the living room decorated with pink everywhere and banners saying 'It's a Girl!' all over the place.

"We should have never given Garcia a key," Spencer mumbles as he directs Fran towards the nursery. He opens the door and can't help but smile when Fran gasps and covers her mouth, happy tears collecting in her eyes. This was the first time Spencer or Derek were showing her the nursery.

"Oh, Derek, just like your room when you were a baby," she cries happily. She embraces Spencer in a hug and looks around the room, seeing the decals for Piglet, Rabbit, Tiger, Christopher Robin and Winnie-The-Pooh all around her room.

Derek smiles as he sets down the carrier to embrace his mom in a hug. "We wanted to keep it gender neutral and figured why not? Spencer wants her to have a love for books and Winnie-The-Pooh is a classic children's story collection. And I…I wanted to honor Dad, too. I remembered you telling me he suggested decorating my room like this so, in a way, she would feel connected with her Grandpa even though she'll never get to meet him."

Fran hugs her son tighter, letting the tears fall. "Thank you baby. That means so much to me. He would be so proud of you, of everything you've accomplished. You really are becoming just like him."

More would have been said if they didn't hear Spencer yawn and see him slowly sinking to the floor. Derek rushes over. "Baby, everything ok?" he asks, panic evident in his voice.

Spencer nods his head tiredly. "Yeah," he says before another yawn takes over. "I'm fine. Just tired. Still sore too."

Panic gone Derek loops one of Spencer's arms over his head. "Let's get you to bed then," he whispers in his ear as they start walking. "I'm sure we'll have some company coming over later with gifts and food. You'll need your energy." When they reach the bedroom, Derek pulls back the comforter and sheets and gently lays Spencer down, taking off his shoes and socks and pulling the sheets back up. Derek kisses his forehead and says, "Get some sleep baby. Relax your mind and sleep. You did an amazing job these past few months; now it's my turn to help. I love you Baby Boy," before walking out the door and shutting it. Spencer falls asleep easily; grateful to be back home and in his own bed with the people he loved the most and who loved him back.


Derek walks back towards the nursery and smiles when he sees Fran holding his daughter, her granddaughter, and reading one of the many children's books they had collected. He stands there and just listens to his mother's voice, remembering a time when she had read to him or the times when she would help him read when he was old enough. His daughter may not get to know her grandfather, but at least she'd have an amazing grandmother to look up to. Slipping out his phone from his pocket, he takes a quick picture before walking into the room. "And what are we reading?" he asks quietly, noticing his daughter was sleeping.

His mother smiles as she says, "Oh, just one of the many adventures of Winnie-The-Pooh. I know Spencer probably read most, if not all of them, to her already but I needed my time to do it too." She hands Mikayla to her Papa and he places her in her crib, wrapping the blankets a little closer to her and kissing her forehead.

"Sleep tight my little angle," he whispers before leading his mother out of the room, a baby monitor in hand. "Thank you again for everything Mom," he says to her as they reach the kitchen, grabbing a cup from one of the cabinets and getting himself a drink. "I don't know what I would have done without you, especially when she was born. You've been an amazing nurse, and you'll go back to work with an amazing story to tell your coworkers."

Fran helps herself to an apple. "It's no problem baby," she says before taking a bite. "It was an honor to actually be here for her birth, I thought I was going to miss it. Your sisters' say they'll try to get down here by the end of January but with their work it may not happen. You better send photos to them, and often."

"They already got one from me today," he tells her, taking out his phone and showing her the picture he had taken earlier. She laughs and smacks his arm playfully just as his phone rings. "One of them is it?" she asks, throwing out the apple core.

Derek takes a look and smiles. "No, someone worse than those two." He smiles at the mysterious look on her face as he answers his phone. "Hey Garcia, what's up sweet thing?"

Fran laughs slightly as she leaves the kitchen and heads back to the nursery. She walks in and goes towards the crib, leaning her arms against the railing and looking down at the sleeping infant. She did look so much like Derek did when he was an infant, but she could see specks of Spencer mixed in as well. She was amazed at her skin color, a nice mix of Derek's dark skin and Spencer's lightness, and couldn't stop watching her. The way she would open her hands slowly and then close them, they way her nose would crinkle as if she was smelling something she didn't like, the way her legs would move for no apparent reason. She was adorable and she was in love.

She doesn't turn around when she heard footsteps at the door. "Garcia is bringing dinner over. She insisted the three of us relax while we can and not worry about cooking. She ordered baked ziti along with garlic sticks and mozzarella sticks." He walks in and smiles as he watches his daughter sleep away. "It's crazy to think she's finally here."

"You won't be saying that when you're up at 1am to feed her." The two of them laugh quietly before Derek speaks again. "I'm going to pick up Clooney and walk him around a few times, drain some his energy before he meets her. Can you keep an eye on them for the time being?"

She turns to face her son. "Of course, it's no trouble. I know where the bottles are," she says before he can speak again. "Go Derek, I got things under control here." She feels him kiss her on the cheek before he walks away.


About 45 minutes later Derek walked into the garage with Clooney in tow. They had done four laps around the neighborhood until Derek started to get cold and Clooney showed signs of getting tired. Derek kept Clooney on the leash as he took a sip of water, wanting to maintain control god-forbid something happened during the introduction. Derek opened the door leading into the house and he immediately had to tug on the leash to control Clooney. "Mom?" he called as loudly as he dared, not wanting to wake Spencer or Mikayla if she was still asleep.

He hears his mom say, "In the living room," right before he hears Mikayla's little cry.

"Is she ok?" he asks as he walks into the room, doing his best to control Clooney who was trying to run towards the baby.

"Just fine baby. She was just fed and now she just needs to be changed." Fran did a quick diaper change while Derek got Clooney to sit and wait. When Fran walked back in she asked him, "How do you want to do this?"

Looking around he thought to himself before deciding. "Let's place her in her carrier and I'll hold Clooney while you watch over her." Fran walks back into the nursery and grabs the carrier, gently placing Mikayla in it without buckling her. Very slowly Derek walks over with Clooney's leash tightly in his hands. Both adults could see Clooney was curious: his tail was wagging and his eyes were set on the baby in the carrier. Derek stopped him about a foot away from the carrier, Fran right next to it. "Clooney this is Mikayla. I need you to protect her like you protect Spencer and me. Can you do that for me buddy?" He lets his hold on the leash lighten so Clooney can get closer to her. They watch as he sniffs her feet, laugh when Mikayla kicks him in the nose but smile when he doesn't retaliate. Clooney just sits down by the carrier, tail still wagging and looking up at Derek for approval.

"Like I said, we have nothing to worry about," Fran smirks as she keeps watch on both Clooney and Mikayla. Derek smiles as well, scratching Clooney under his chin. "No we don't. Good boy, Clooney."

The sound of his phone vibrating makes him get up off the floor. "Garcia's here," he says walking towards the door. When his mother gives him a weird look he shrugs it off. "I told her to text me when she got here so she didn't wake up Mikayla or Spencer. You have yet to see a cranky Spencer." He opens the door and can't help another smile coming on his face. "Baby Girl, you said you were bringing dinner over. What's all of this?"

Garcia barges her way into the house. "I did bring dinner sugar plum. I also brought some gifts over for all of you. Now where's Spencer? Oh, if you didn't know, your walkway is covered in ice. I nearly slipped three times."

Closing the door he sighs, saying, "I know, I know. I'll take care of it soon. Spencer's still sleeping. Can you get the table set while I wake him up?" When Garcia gives him a thumbs up he walks towards their bedroom. He walks in to find Spencer spread out across the bed, head buried under the pillows, blankets pulled up over his head. He laughs as he sits on the bed placing a hand on his shoulder, shaking it slightly.

"C'mon Spence, time to get up. Garcia came over and brought dinner. Baked ziti, garlic sticks and mozzarella sticks." When that doesn't get a response he adds in, "And coffee is being made as we speak." Laughter gets out of his mouth before he can stop it when Spencer starts moving after the word 'coffee' is out of his mouth. He helps Spencer sit up and rubs his back when Spencer leans his head on his shoulder.

He yawns as he says, "I'm never going to get caught up on sleep, am I?" Derek chuckles and kisses him on the lips. "Probably not for a while, baby boy. I'd let you sleep longer, but you need to get some food into you. And Garcia has gifts."

"Of course she does, when doesn't she?" Spencer asks as he lifts his head off of Derek's shoulder. Derek stands and helps Spencer up as well, and they both made their way slowly to the dinning room.

Right before they join Fran and Garcia, the couple embrace in a hug and kiss again. "I love you," they both say at the same time. Laughing they walk into the room, ready to enjoy their first meal at home with their daughter and extended family.


Revised February 16 to correct spelling errors.