When I got out of my meeting, I found a text from Sharon.

'My darling, I'm waiting for you at our café. Can't wait to see you! Love & kisses, S.'

Love and kisses. I didn't think I had ever gotten a text with love and kisses from her, but I certainly wasn't about to complain. We had wanted to meet at the station, but obviously she had other plans and seeing as we didn't have a case, well… Love and kisses.

'Be there in 20. Can't wait to hold you & kiss you, sweetheart. Missing you, Andy.'

My heart was beating quickly as I walked through the morning sun to my rental car. I was one lucky bastard. Lucky to be the man Sharon had chosen to love, lucky to still be alive. I had risked it all when I had run off in the middle of the night. That accident could have only too easily killed me. My life might have ended on that mountainside. But it hadn't – and Sharon was still by my side. My wonderful Sharon.

As I was driving through LA traffic, my mind went back to the past few months. We had survived, individually, but also as a couple. We had lived through the grief of loosing our child, I had wrestled with my old demons, Sharon had recovered from depression and against all odds we both were back at work. Most importantly though, we were still together, we still loved each other.

Giving up our dream of parenthood had not been easy, but looking back now, it had certainly been the right thing to do for us. It seemed that it had given us the opportunity to take a good look at what we had. Don't get me wrong, it had hurt like hell. Officially and openly admitting to each other that we would never again have another child had hurt. But we had also found so much once we had really started looking. Our friendship and companionship, this incredible love, the joy of really, truly sharing our lives.

We had flown to New York for a weekend to see Emily perform, Sharon radiant and so proud of her little girl. We babysat my grandchildren whom we now referred to as 'our' grandchildren and who adored their Grandma Sharon. We took Rusty out to his favourite burger place and met his new friends and for Thanksgiving we had had all five our children and their significant others over at Nicole's place because the condo simply wasn't big enough.

As I pulled into a parking space not too far from the café I noticed Sharon's car parked two spaces in front of me. My Sharon. I had put our life, that wonderful life we shared on the line when I had given in to my desire to drink and left the condo – and only God had protected me. God and Sharon with her heart big enough to forgive me.

I saw her through the window of the café. She was wearing the beautiful burgundy dress the same colour as the tie I had picked out this morning. Her new dress. Dammit, she did look hot! I was positive she hadn't worn it when we left the condo, but then we hadn't planned on meeting for breakfast either. Just seeing her increased my heartrate.

A dazzling smile lit up her face when she spotted me and stood up to greet me, wrapping her arms around my neck before pressing her lips to mine. It was an unusual public display of affection and I pulled her close, her body warm and solid in my arms, fitting perfectly against me, my hands buried in her fragrant hair.

"I love you," I whispered and she laughed merrily running her fingers through my hair.

"Good, then you won't mind that I called in for another personal day for us so we can drive up the coast and start our weekend a day early."

I leaned back to take a closer look at her. Her make-up was different from what it had been this morning and her lipstick, albeit slightly smudged from our enthusiastic kiss, matched her dress perfectly bringing out the green in her eyes. She looked stunning. But there was something else about her. At the danger of sounding like a cliché: Sharon was truly glowing.

"Why would I mind an extra day alone in your wonderful company, sweetheart?"

"Oh Andy, you are such a charmer."

"It's the simple truth," I kissed her again, tangling my hands in her hair, delighted when she gave me a throaty moan.

"Are you sure you want to have breakfast or do you want to drive straight home?" I joked and enjoyed the mock- scandalised look on her face as she playfully hit me on the chest before dissolving into uncontrollable giggles. "Andy! I thought we could wait until tonight – you know, that fireplace is really something else."

"God, Sharon, you are killing me."

"You were the one who started kissing me like that…"


Sharon was floating; there was no better word for it. Packing our things hadn't taken long since we'd done most of that the previous weekend already. After a phonecall with Rusty during which his mother assured him she would be available on her mobile and Rusty no doubt rolled his eyes, we were ready to go.

Once she hung up I wrapped my arms around her from behind, burrowing my face into her curls and she took my hands and gently placed them on her abdomen. I suddenly had to think of that beautiful skin underneath the dress, milky white dotted by a few freckles, so soft and sensitive when I kissed it. I tightened my hold on her, pressing her against me and she chuckled quietly.

"Andy, honey, you have no idea how flattered I am by your reaction to me."

"Come to bed and let me show just how excited I am about you."

Sharon pivoted around in my arms and kissed me. "I have a surprise for you tonight."

"A surprise for me? What is it?"

"Uh, not telling you! It's a surprise, you know."

"A good one?"

"Oh Andy, it's the very best. I promise you … the very, very best. Maybe one of the best you've ever gotten."

That intrigued me. I was thinking about … maybe new lingerie to match the colour of the dress? "You didn't go to the station this morning, Sharon, so where did you go? What did you do?" On second thought it had been too early to go shopping.

"All part of my surprise. Let's go so we can beat the worst of the traffic!"

Down in the parking garage, Sharon nonchalantly tossed me her keys and walked around the car, hips swaying. The dress was shorter than what she usually wore and I was treated to a view of her beautiful legs. She was humming happily and played with her hair for most of the way, sending me the occasional coy look.

"Woman, you are going to drive me insane."

"That's okay, I'll have all weekend to make it up to you."

"Sharon, not helping."

She chuckled and put her hand on my thigh drawing small circles. "I'm looking forward to a few days of just us, Andy, and no obligations, no demons, no guilt. Just us."

As did I. Time for us, time to reconnect and to revel in this new feeling. I didn't crave that drink anymore. It was like the craving had disappeared the moment Sharon had taken me to the living room and walked me through the 'crime scene'. I couldn't have shot Jack without risking her and Rusty. I couldn't have.

"Me too, my love."

I was surprised how quickly she had forgiven me for my stunt. We'd been holding onto each other pretty tightly last night, but her touch had felt different, no longer as desperate as the day before.

"Take a left after this village and then we're almost there," she said, squeezing my leg. "We'll have time for a walk on the beach before dinner."

The cottage Sharon had picked out was part of a resort widespread enough to feel like we were alone, but with a good restaurant comfortably near. We got settled and then she was already pulling me outside and to the beach, taking off her shoes to dip her toes into the water.

"You're different today, sweetheart. It's like you're floating on air. You've been flirting with me all day – and I can see something is up."

"Oh Andy, I just love this place, it holds so many happy memories. You know, I used to bring Emily and Ricky here when they were small. My big brother's Christmas present. … I would have never been able to afford this on my own in the day. The children loved it here. They would spend hours building sandcastles playing in the water until their lips turned blue." She pulled my arm tighter around her waist, her eyes sparkling as she was reminiscing, "we used to play catch and eat ice cream and then at night, they'd both fall asleep in front of the fireplace. I really cherished those weeks of the year."

"Thank you for sharing this special place with me, sweetheart."

"I'd like to come here more often with you, Andy. This … this is all part of my surprise."

"I think I'll like that surprise. A beach, a cottage with a fireplace, time alone with you."

She wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed herself against me. "I promise you, it's going to get better."

"This is already pretty perfect."

"Well, if you think this is perfect, Andy, then you are in for a very, very big surprise."

I just couldn't keep my hands off her and she responded to every touch with a hum and smile, leaning in to kiss me and run her hands over my body, untucking my shirt and scratching my back just enough to make me squirm. We fixed a simple dinner between long kisses and while she sat in my lap eating she was unbuttoning my shirt. Her hands on my body had never felt better than tonight.

Sharon insisted on lighting the fire – and I let her while I made her favourite spiced apple cider. She had been right, the fireplace was perfect. When she had suggested coming here I had had no idea that she actually knew this place, but it made sense now. I could tell that she was completely at ease. The intensity I had noticed in her throughout the day had given way to a calm and serenity as she curled into my side. We were both still tired from the events of the previous days and we slowly undressed each other, savouring every touch and every kiss. She was beautiful, even more so in the flickering light of the fire. I would never get tired of looking at her and touching her, of hearing the little sounds she made and feeling her caresses. She sighed happily when I put my hands around her waist, kissed her stomach and then rested my head on it, soft and warm.

She chuckled, "Not as slim as I used to be, eh?"

I wasn't sure how to respond. I was grateful she was no longer so painfully thin. I much preferred her like this, soft and curvy and womanly.

"You are perfect just the way you are, my love."

"You know, Andy, I'm going to be gaining more weight."

"More for me to love," I said and blew air into her bellybutton make her squirm and giggle. "A softer place for me to rest my head."

"I'm glad you think so."

"I know so."

We both became quiet after that, her regular breathing and gentle movement of her fingers through my hair soothing me into a calm I hadn't known for weeks. This was what I wanted for the rest of our life. Sharon. This love, this tenderness. Her presence.

"Andy," she whispered and ran her fingers through my hair, "I think it's time you said hello to your girls."

I had been half asleep and it took me a while to catch up. I kissed her stomach and then trailed kisses all the way up her body until I reached her lips.

"Hello, my girl." I kissed her.

"Andy, I said girls," she said with a hint of amusement.

"I don't need anyone else but you, sweetheart. You're my favourite girl anyway."

Sharon laughed and kissed me again, "I think I'm going to have some serious competition. Andy, my darling, say hello to your girls."

What was she talking about? I only wanted her and this didn't seem like she was referring to another woman. Sharon wasn't the jealous type anyway. Then I noticed her hand over mine, moving it slowly from her waist to her stomach.

"Our girls, Andy, two tiny little girls."

While her hand held mine in place she looked at me with that wonderful smile.

"They've been curious to meet their daddy."

Their daddy? But that would mean … no, but that couldn't be.

"Andy, darling, you're going to be a dad. I'm pregnant."

"But …"

"Our miracle, Andy. Do you remember how we said we needed a miracle? Well, we've got it. This is our miracle!"

I couldn't speak. I looked at her, into her familiar face with the sparkling eyes and felt the gentle pressure of her hand on mine, her warm stomach under my fingers.


"You … you said … you said girls. Girls", I stuttered.

"Hmm, yes, I'm carrying twins, Andy. Two little girls."

"Twins," I repeated. "Twin girls?"

"Yeah," she beamed and I felt her lips against mine. "Did I manage to surprise you?"

I nodded slowly, overwhelmed, "Oh, Sharon. This … you really are pregnant?"

"I am, Andy! Sixteen weeks already. We are going to be parents."

Only then did it really hit home. Pregnant! I leaned forward to kiss Sharon again, letting it all sink in. Pregnant! She was pregnant and I was holding her in my arms. What an indescribably amazing feeling to hold my family, my three girls right here in my arms. So infinitely precious.


Andy's reaction was adorable. I could literally watch him processing the news until it hit home and he gave me the brightest of smiles before he kissed me so tenderly, I don't even have words to describe it.

"Twins," he whispered into the kiss, "a double miracle."

His lips left mine and he looked deeply into my eyes. I revelled in the way he looked at me, with such love and tenderness and something else: a special care, a special type of protectiveness. I knew there and then that whatever might happen, he would be there for me, and for our children. He would always be by my side. I felt safe, and protected. And it felt good. Not overwhelming, just right and good, just the way it had to. Safe like never before.

"Can I … can I talk to them?"

The hesitancy in his voice took me by surprise. Oh Andy! I had so been looking forward to this exact moment. I could still recall how his lips felt against my stomach from my last, all too short pregnancy.

"Of course you can, Andy. I've been telling them all about you and they're so looking forward to meeting their daddy." I had been imagining this very moment ever since I had found out – but none of my dreams had even come close to the real thing.

Andy kissed me again, "I love you, Mommy. I love all three of you so very much!"

"And I love you, Andy. I love you, and our daughters," my voice faltered with emotion.

I felt his hand on my stomach move as he slid it to the side and the exposed skin suddenly felt cold making me shiver. He smiled and kissed my cheek. "You are a miracle, sweetheart."

I sighed contently, giving myself completely to this feeling of bliss, of total happiness as Andy's warm breath and soft lips were caressing my tummy, his hands strong and solid around my waist. I heard his whispered words of love and welcome to our girls. Our girls!

Suddenly I felt it again and took a quick breath. Fluttering, like a butterfly stretching its delicate wings deep inside of me. Oh yes, this was it! This was exactly what I remembered!

"Sweetheart, are you okay?"

"Oh, very much so! I just felt our girls move, Andy! They already recognise your voice!"

The End.

Author's note:

The story ends here with Sharon's big revelation to Andy. Their miracle has happened when they were least expecting it.

I would like to thank all of you for your reviews and messages, the favourites and follows both here and elsewhere. I am aware that this story has been quite dark at times. Well done of you to have persevered throughout! I want to give a special shoutout to ProfTweety who has reviewed every single chapter and been a great resource on all things AA. Kudos also to Sixty Five Roses for being the first one to call the twin pregnancy!

Sharon and Andy have been on quite a journey over the past 35 chapters and now that they have at last reached a point where they can be truly happy, I would love to know what you think! Would you be interested in reading a sequel?