Hello! Finally back with a new and different story of what I usually write. I still don't fully know where I am going with this, though I do have a vague idea about what the plot would be.

WARNINGS!: There will be blood in most of the chapters, as well as slash/sexual content between two male characters(eventually) and a lot of foul language. If any of these do not float your boat, I suggest not reading it at all.


Chapter 1.

"Guys, let me introduce you to someone!" Eren Jaeger grinned, adressing his friends before him. He'd been more hyper than usual today, though maybe it was because of the good weather. No one could really tell, spring can bring unpredicted things into people's lives. It was right after Eren was off work in the afternoon where he unexpectedly called everyone to gather up outside the lounge café he worked in, though what really brought up their curiosity to tag along was his exciting news he impatiently wanted to deliver to them. It was an introduction of a new friend, the mysterious person standing behind Eren.

Connie and Sasha looked up curiously, halting their rather serious conversation of wether they'd cook meat or eat potatoes for dinner. Armin lifted his gaze up from his phone as Mikasa, who stood beside the blond, immediately turned her attention from Eren to the rather suspicious guy behind him.

Taking a step back, Eren pointed.

"Guys, this is Levi." he says, shooting a smile toward the said man.

Everyone greeted him warmly, repeating his name a couple of times as if they were trying to get used to the foreign word that rolled on their tongues. Mikasa didn't even bother to speak, she had kept her distance with a frown. She was too wary over how this guy looked. With his weird haircut and forever scowling eyes-did they flash red for a second? Mikasa clicked her tongue in suspicion, though she said nothing. Silently, she just watched as everyone circled around the new member of their group, asking silly questions and playfully comparing their heights with his(he was oddly pretty short). Levi seemed to be annoyed by just the last statement though.

'So, where do you live?', 'Where'd you meet Eren?' 'I've never seen you around before!', 'How long have you guys known each other?', 'How old are you?'

"Guys! Guys, chill!" Eren said, feeling uneasy for the way his friends crowded around Levi. Even though it didn't seem to mind Levi at all, he just kept silent all this time, frown still on and arms folded over his chest.

"You're gonna creep the guy out," Eren explained, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. He was about to speak again, though he was stopped when he felt someone grabbing his hand. It was Mikasa.

"Hey, where'd this guy come from?" she muttered quietly, giving a light squeeze around Eren's hand.

Eren looked away, "Well.." he paused, "I would gladly explain if it weren't for those idiots swarming allover him like bees."

"Ah?" Connie asked, raising a brow at Eren, "Well then tell us already!" he grinned, "It seems as though Levi's a little too shy to talk!"

Everyone laughed at that, though they finally stopped throwing useless questions at Levi, instead they turned their attention to Eren who took a deep breath and smiled,

"You see. We met online, and he used to live a few cities away from us up until now." he explained, "He moved here just a few weeks ago and we realized we were neighbors, so we decided to meet. He was just a little uneasy to meet you guys at first and so this is why I haven't introduced him to you until now. So.."

"Hooo," Sasha snapped her fingers, "So why'd you move here? Work?" her eyes literally sparkled toward the direction of Levi, and she let out an amused noise when Levi simply nodded as an answer to her quesion. "Cooool!"

Levi was, in many ways, thankful she didn't ask about his job specifically. They didn't need to know.

Mikasa had her hand still clutched over Eren's. She wasn't entirely convinced. Eren wasn't the type of guy who would open up to people through online networks-what made Levi an exception? She could feel something fishy going on here but again, she says nothing.

"Alright, putting aside the introduction, can we go grab something to eat now?" Armin complained.

"Wow, didn't expect that question from you, Armin," Connie smiled, "For a second, I thought Sasha was imitating your voice!" though Sasha immediately agreed with Armin's suggestion, quickly mentioning the hotdog stand just across from them by the park. They could've gone to the café where Eren worked, though he'd likely refuse the offer since he'd been in there for practically too many hours to bare a couple more.

"Heh, wouldn't mind if I do," Eren nodded, though Mikasa tugged at his hand lightly in disagreement.

"Eren! You just got back on your feet from being sick a week ago! Eating junk food now wont make things better!"

Eren chuckled, "I know that, Mikasa. I'm not a kid anymore," he shook his head, "It wont be a problem if it's just this once, yes?"

She fumbled with her red scarf around her neck, looking worried, "But Eren, you've been getting sick so often recently.. I just want to make sure I keep you in good health.."

When Levi heard that, he silently clicked his tongue and looked away with a darkened scowl. Eren saw his reaction, though he still kept a weak smile.

"It's alright, Mikasa!" he said, patting her shoulder lightly, "Just this once wouldn't hurt, 'kay? Besides, I've been feeling better and better everyday! Wouldn't this treat be kind of like a reward?" he joked, causing Mikasa to roll her eyes.

But then, she finally agreed. "...Okay."

"Yeeesss!" Sasha exclaimed, "Foood, here I come!" and without warning, she hastily grabbed on Connie's arm and proceeded to drag him across the street, reaching the stand in less than literally five seconds. Armin laughed at Connie's protests, though he quickly followed from behind.

"Hey, hey! Be careful when crossing the street!" Eren yelled, though he couldn't help but smile at their childish behaviour over hot dogs. He turned to Levi,

"Are you coming?"

Levi's eyes narrowed, "You mean you want me to eat such filth as well?"

Mikasa frowned at his rude comment but Eren laughed, "You don't have to, Levi. Just hang out with us."

Levi responded with a light 'Hn', before walking past the two and crossing the road to get to the others in silence.

"Friendly, isn't he?" Eren asked Mikasa awkwardly.

"So it seems," she replied, quickly dragging Eren toward the hotdog stand.

"Ah! Levi, would you like one as well?" Sasha asked with a full mouth, pointing down at her hotdog in her hands, her cheeks already stained with ketchup and mustard from her first bite.

He didn't even mean to, but Levi gave a quick sniff in the crispy air and regretted it wholly when the stench of disgusting junkfood hit his nose.

"No." he says in a monotone, and he watched as Sasha gobbled down her food noisily. Ugh, doesn't she know anything about eating manners or, better yet, hygiene? Connie did the same and munched loudly although Armin ate normally even if the blond still looked hungry regardless of the way he ate. But a very amusing sight was how clumsily Eren ate when he was just as hungry as ponytail girl. Bread crumps and sauce stained his cheeks, causing Mikasa to wipe his mouth with a tissue every now and then-it annoyed Levi somehow, although he definitely refused to show it.

"Mikasa! I can wipe myself, damnit!" Eren whined. He couldn't eat properly if Mikasa's hand was always in the way.

"But Eren!"

They bickered a little bit more and Levi watched, eyes concentrated on the boy with deep emerald eyes.


"Ahh! I'm so full!" Connie sighed satisfyingly, slumping against the bench he sat on and lazily patted his belly. Sasha nodded delightfully, though she still had a hotdog in her hands. It was her third one, too. They had all settled in the park where a line of stone benches decorated the inner area and a set of trees and thick bushes surrounded them along with colourful flowerbeds.

"Damn, how come you still weigh a penny even after so much food? I'm jealous," Connie smiled, though he received no response from Sasha; she just gobbled away. Her hunger can be overwhelming sometimes.

On the second bench beside them, Armin sat next to Mikasa, giving a light squeeze on her shoulder, "Are you okay Mikasa? Sure you aren't hungry?"

"I'm fine," she says calmly, still fumbling with the end of her red scarf, "I'm just worried about Eren.."

"Aren't you always worried?" Armin smiled, "I mean look at him-he's fine, isn't he?" he pointed at Eren who had been a little further away and was having a brief conversation with Levi.

Unconsciouly Mikasa nodded, but as much as she meant about worrying over Eren's physical state, she was also reffering to something completely different that involved him. Although she says nothing since she hadn't figured out what it was. Yet, at least...

"So, what do you think of them?" Eren muttered with a smile to Levi, pointing at his friends with his sharp eyes, being discreet.

"They're all brats." Levi simply stated, though it emitted a whine from the other.

"Levi! Don't be so rude."

"But they are," Levi pressed, "They're good brats."

Eren huffed and rolled his eyes though he kept the smile, "I see. Am I a good brat to you as well?"

Levi frowned, unable to properly reply to that. "Where are you going with this, Jaeger?" for a second, it would seem as if his eyes glowed red, though Eren thought nothing of it.

He lifted his hands up in defeat, "It was just a question, no need to feel threatened!" Eren chuckled. "Sorry, I'm just happy you're getting along with them, I shouldn't have asked such a silly q-"

"You are."

Pause. "Eh?"

"You are," Levi repeats, looking away, "A good brat."

Eren snickers, "Glad to hear."


"Alright! See you all tomorrow," Eren grins, "Stay safe, guys, I'd be pissed off if I found out any of you ended up in the Hospital tomorrow morning."

They laughed and joked, Armin felt displeased, "Gee, such a harsh thing to say!" more laughter.

Before anyone could part ways, Mikasa found herself clutching on Eren's hand for the second time, looking at him with wary eyes. She whispered closely, "You're going down the same road with him, aren't you?"

"Mikasa.." Eren muttered, "We're neighbors, of course he's going the same way as I am-our houses are practically just a few blocks away from each other." he tries to explain uneasily, silently wishing her to stop looking at him in such a creepy way. The Mighty Intense Mikasa Stare can stand equally close to Levi's mere frown-in a way, that sounded a little scary.

"Bye, guys!" Armin waved, dragging along the food lover and Connie with him, Eren waved back at them with a childish grin as he watched them take their seperate routes back home.

"Mikasa, don't worry, I'll be fine." he sent her a reassuring smile and squeezed her hand lightly, "I'll call you when I get back home, okay? Promise."

With a sigh of doubt, she lets go of Eren's hand and nods, "Fine. Goodnight then, Eren. Be safe." she stares into her friend's eyes though she shoots a warning glare toward Levi. He does not fret under her gaze, instead he nods at her. He can understand how this woman feels for such a stranger like him. He could feel her mistrust. But still, he understands.

"Have a good night." Levi says lowly to her, he felt no offense when she does not reply. She just turns around and walks away.


It was a rather long walk towards his house, Eren mused. Or maybe it was the pace they were going with, since usually it would take him less than twenty minutes, and now it's been a half hour since they started. But the weirder thing is, Levi had fallen silent this whole time, he hadn't said a word til now. Eren couldn't figure him out at this point, even after sending a few worried glances at him, Levi didn't look back, he just kept walking.

Deciding to break the ice, Eren tried starting a conversation, "So, did you have fun today..?"

No response, though he did get Levi to look at him for a brief second. Must've mean he got his attention.

"Everyone told me they really liked you, though I can't say the same for Mikasa.." he continued, "She's really cold toward people she doesn't know, heh, I hope you weren't offended."

Still no reply.

"But still, I thought it was good idea to gather everyone to have a good time, we all needed it. I know I did." he chuckled, but even so, he still felt a little troubled for having a one-sided conversation. Why wont he just say anything, damnit.

"You know, I think the others might-"

"Eren." finally Levi speaks, interrupting him. And yet, Eren grows worried.


Levi stays silent for a moment and it grew unsatisfyingly longer, playing with Eren's patience. They'd been walking at an even slower pace now, but soon Eren's feet quickly froze on the spot when Levi finally speaks his mind.

"Eren," Levi repeats, looking straight at him with solid eyes. "I am hungry."

"Nh-ah.," Eren gasped, trying so hard to stay quiet.

"Stop squirming, brat." Levi's annoyed reply was as he held the said brat up against the wall in Eren's cramped apartment. When did they get here so fast..?

"I-I'm trying.." Eren huffed. All he remembered was unlocking the door to his apartment and the rest thereafter was a gray blur. When was he sat against the wall in his living room was beyond him as well as when did his body start to tremble under Levi's mercy.

He took a sharp breath in when he felt Levi's hands working on the fabric of his shirt and yelped when he heard his clothing rip apart.

"L-.. Levi! You didn't have to rip my shir-"

"I can't wait any longer." Levi growls heavily next to Eren's flushed ear, fumbling with the remains of his torn shirt and pushing them aside, exposing the young man's neck. He couldn't help but lick his lips.

With an elegant hand, he cups Eren's chin to turn his head aside, granting better access to him. He leans in and gently touches his lips right above Eren's collarbone, breathing in the unique scent of Eren Jaeger. Yes.. He craves none other than this man.

"Do not move too much, and do not disturb my meal." Levi commands.


And with that, Levi dives in. His eyes unnaturally glow red in pure hunger while his teeth grew sharper and when he bites, he tore through Eren's skin like scissors would to a paper. He drinks him in, growling low in his throat like a savage demon at the sweet, sweet taste flooding in his mouth. Red droplets trickle down Eren's skin from where Levi had attached his mouth and the young man gasped heavily for air, feeling light headed and anemic far too quickly than usual. He hadn't fully recovered from Levi's last meal a week ago as of yet, no wonder Eren feels like collapsing completely.

"Nn, L-Levi.." Eren whined weakly after a while, too weak in fact to even push the other away with his trembling hands. He knew he mustn't disturb his meal, but going any further would be dangerous, lethal even.

"T-too much.."

Levi blinks, drawing his teeth back and leaning away, unconsciously licking at his red lips and staring down at Eren's shaking figure. He frowned at the messy sight. Eren was paler than ever, he was reduced to a panting and sweaty mess and as tempting as the view might be, Levi knew his limits. With a frown, he quickly wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and swiftly picked Eren up from where he weakly sat.

"Hold on," he whispers, pacing through Eren's apartment and reaching his room, only to gently lay him on the bed and throw the covers over his frail body. He sat on the edge of the bed and leant down, but when Levi calls his name, Eren doesn't respond. Regret hits him like a silver bullet, but Levi was thankful that, at least, he was still breathing. It was all that mattered. With a heavy sigh, he wipes his mouth a second time as Jaeger's taste still lingers on his tongue, tingling his senses. However, he was no longer hungry.

Eren is fast asleep, and Levi is a blood sucking monster.

Sorry for any mistakes. Reviews are appreciated!
