A/N: So guys, I know it's been a while but the past few months have been crazy busy for me. Despite starting uni in the next week, I should have more time on my hands and as I have a big plot planned, I'm hoping to make this fic and another my priority. It's been a while so I'm rusty, please let my guys know what you think of this chapter? It's a filler but it's worth it, promise!

Despite it being a few days since Eden had taken off for Ireland, Penny was still struggling to settle without her mom around. She was always one to enjoy attention off strangers; a trait she had demonstrated at her visit to the precinct however it seemed to be a part of her missing since Eden had left. Although Eden gave her greatest effort to convince Penny she'd be back as soon as she could, Penny was too young to understand that her mom was coming back. The toddler found solace in Jay's arms, but whenever he put her down or when anyone other than him attempted to comfort her, she withdrew again. Erin could get something out of her, but not as much as she'd hoped.

"I can't help but feel useless Jay," Erin told her partner as she watched the little one sit on the sofa from the kitchen, not watching where she was pouring her coffee and splashing some on the countertop. "She looks so sad, all of the time. There's has got to be something we can do."

"We sit it out Erin. She'll come round; she's just been all over the place lately - literally. In the past few weeks she's been staying at her own home, my apartment and now yours. She hasn't seen her mom in days; she's bound to be confused. Penny is withdrawn at the best of times." Jay walks over to P and ruffles her hair before scooping her over his shoulder, causing a high pitched giggle to escape her mouth.

"Now that's what I like to hear!" Jay laughed in response as he spun her around his living room in order to keep her giggling. Erin watched with adoration from the kitchen as he brought something out in Penny that no-one else could seem to do. She watched as Penny's big blue eyes shone with excitement as Jay continued to spin; it almost exactly the same shine Erin had seen in someone else only a few weeks prior. Voight had allowed Jay a few days furlough to allow him to fix up some arrangements for Penny while he was working, as it wasn't known how long Eden would be in Ireland, but so far he'd gotten nowhere. Between wandering Chicago with her on his shoulders and watching Disney movies while she curled up on the sofa, he was too busy cherishing the time he'd had with the little one while he could but time was ticking.

"Well we can't leave her with some strange babysitter while we work Jay, we can't throw her around anymore than she already has been. She needs stability."

"What do you suggest then Erin? Because I know I need to be back at work soon, and I can't leave her alone." The struggle was beginning to frustrate him, but he tried to hold it back. He didn't want to cause an argument with Erin, period, but especially not with Penny around.

"Alternate shifts maybe? I doubt Voight would refuse, and besides you I'm the closest thing she has to stability right now," she said calmly as she walked over to the both of them, planting a kiss on Penny's head. She could tell how highly Jay thought of both Penny and Eden, if he regarded them as family then so did she.

Jay raised his eyebrows at the thought, causing little wrinkles to bury themselves in his forehead. He'd gone from spinning to swaying from side to side, rubbing the palm of his hand down Penny's back in an effort to send her to sleep. "It's worth a shot; she really seems to be warming up to you. Before Erin had a chance to respond, Penny started to squirm her way out of Jay's arms, so he placed her down.

"So you don't wanna go to sleep, huh?" He asked her playfully as she jumped up and down and shook her head. "What do you wanna do then?"

"Mommy! Princess Mommy!" she yelled as skipped over to the TV and pointed at it, repeating herself over. Erin shot Jay a confused glance, not having a clue what she was talking about, however judging by the grin that had covered Jay's face, he clearly did.

"You wanna watch mommy marry daddy? In her princess dress?"

"Princess dress!" Penny squealed in response. Jay looked at Erin to explain.

"She wants to watch the wedding. Eden and James'. Whenever I have her without Eden, I always let her watch it. I know Eden won't watch it anymore, but I think Penny really deserves a living memory of him, y'know?" She nods in agreement before picking up Penny and falling on the sofa with her, as Jay headed over to the TV. He loved watching the wedding, and he could remember it as if it were just yesterday.

"With the way you're going on Jay, you'd think it were you getting married today," James chuckled, watching his best friend, or best man as he was today, pace the floor so fast he may have ended up burning a hole in it.

Jay stops pacing and looks up for a moment to respond. "Funny, real funny. Can you ever imagine me getting married?" he questioned, raising his brow.

"Definitely not," the groom replied," but then again, I would've said the same about me two years ago, yet here we are."

There they were, suited and booted in the grooms room in the Ballina Hotel, Mount Falcon in the West of Ireland, waiting for James' parents to arrive. Jay was stood in a dark grey suit which was very well fitted, with matching waistcoat and a burgundy skinny tie hiding underneath, his pocket piece matched his tie. James on the other hand wore an all black suit with a grey tie and pocket piece. James was laid back on the sofa, one arm slung over the back while Jay started to pace again.

"Well, don't you look handsome Mr. Halstead?" came a voice from the doorway. Jay spun on his heels to see who was complimenting him, to be greeted by a small, middle-aged redhead smiling his way.

"Colleen! We thought you guys would never arrive." Jay joked, mentally noting that they were actually a few hours early and the wedding wasn't due to start until 3pm. Colleen walked into the room, followed by her husband Rian who went straight to embrace his son.

"How're you feeling, lad? Ready to give your life away?" He laughed, patting James on the back.

"I'm ready as ever," he replied, confidence filling his voice.

The sun was shining over the Mount Falcon estate, as James and Jay stood at the end of the white aisle, waiting for Eden to make her arrival. The set-up was breathtaking. A wooden altar stood behind the men, in front of two trees whose branches happened to make a near-perfect arch, entwining together, leaving a perfect view of the sun over the pond, glittering all different shades of blue and silver. It was the beginning of October, that stage of autumn where the leaves that are still on the trees are a fiery orange and the ones that have fallen are blood red. Jay took a moment to embrace his surroundings. There were rows and rows of seat ahead of him, either side of the aisle. Shabby chic-esque wooden chairs, with green vines entwined up each leg and white roses cropping up every so often. It wasn't a small affair, but it wasn't overdone either. On one side of the aisle he recognised some of Eden's friends and family who had flown out from Chicago for the occasion, and on the other side were also familiar faces that he'd come to known from spending so much time in Ireland with James. He was so taken away with the scene that he barely noticed the music begin to play, accompanied by the first bridesmaid stepping down the red carpet. Each bridesmaid had the same, subtle makeup with soft browns and nudes around the eyes, centred around a light pink lip with a plaited updo. They wore golden necklaces, a gift from the bride and groom, each with their names on, which complimented the sweetheart neckline of their burgundy dresses - a subtle nod Jay's suit. Neither of the men were prepared when the last bridesmaid had stepped to the side, allowing the entire audience to hold their breath for Eden.

A couple of seconds had felt like forever, but everyone let out a simultaneous gasp as she came into view. Her hair was down, in her signature waves as the sun caught it in all the right places, almost making her look like she was glowing. One side was tucked away behind her ear so her face wasn't hidden. Her face was radiating happiness as she couldn't conceal the smile that was taking over. Her eyes were bold, her cheeks rosy. She wore a crisp white dress with a sweetheart neckline, to match that of her bridesmaids, alongside a pearl necklace which feel a couple of centimetres above it - a gift from Colleen, her something old. The dress hugged her petite frame all from her chest, nipping in her waist, all the way to her shins before flaring out again, offering a train which followed behind her, almost blending into the aisle. Jay turned and looked at James. He watched in awe as his best friend watched the love of his life walk towards him, he'd never seen anything like it. He could recognise how incredibly stunning she looked while heading towards him, so he couldn't begin to imagine the emotion it would be stirring up in James; this was the woman he loved, the woman he wanted to be with forever. A small grin began to grow across Jay's face as he watched James' eyes well up with tears, and a single one fall down his cheeks as his bride reached the altar.

Jay, and the rest of the audience listened intently as James and Eden declared their love for each other through their own vows, both going back to that fateful Christmas night in Dublin where James so smoothly won her over, while the priest followed with the traditional wedding vows.

"Do you, James Callaghan, take Eden Meyers, to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

James took a deep breath in, and a moment to admire his soon-to-be wife, before replying, "I do."

"Do you, Eden Meyers, take James Callaghan, to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

She didn't hesitate, replying, "I do!" Before wrapping her arms around her husband's arms and kissing him.

Closing A/N: So? Let me know what you guys thought in the reviews, and what you'd like to see more of! See you soon with chapter 13!